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愚蠢的保守党丧失中国市场 - Canada losing out on trade, China says

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070209.wxchina09/BNStory/International/home

Ottawa's criticism of human-rights record threatens political relations, official warns

From Friday's Globe and Mail

OTTAWA — A senior Chinese official issued a sober warning to the Harper government yesterday over its criticism of his country's human-rights policies, saying Canada's trade and political relationships with China are falling behind.

"The economic relationship goes hand in hand with the political relationship," said He Yafei, the country's assistant minister of foreign affairs for North America.

"We need to have a sound political basis of mutual trust for the economic relationship to flourish. That's why we need to work harder to improve mutual trust."

The remarks came in a rare interview as Canada continued to express deep concern over the fate of a dual Canadian-Chinese citizen, Huseyin Celil, who is jailed in China.

Yesterday, seated on a couch in a small room at an Ottawa hotel, Mr. He issued assurances that Mr. Celil will not be executed, and denied reports that Mr. Celil has been tortured. He added, however, that the Chinese government has no obligation to inform Canadian diplomats of Mr. Celil's next court date because the country does not recognize dual citizenships. Mr. Celil was in court last week accused of terrorist activities, but no Canadian diplomats were present.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper raised the Celil case in a recent meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao while the two leaders were in Vietnam for a meeting of APEC.

It was the latest in a series of irritants that has included a decision by Secretary of State for Multiculturalism Jason Kenney to meet with the Dalai Lama, accusations that China is spying on Canadian corporations and a delay in talks on a strategic partnership the two countries signed two years ago.

In the interview with The Globe and Mail and CTV, Mr. He said that, although he believes the difficulties are temporary, there are clouds on the horizon.

"I cannot say Canada is squandering [the relationship] now, but in practical terms Canada is lagging behind in its relations with China," he said.

"Trade is growing, but not fast enough. Investment is growing, but not fast enough. The overall relationship has room for improvement."

Without a strong political relationship, long-term investments might suffer, he said.

"People need to have confidence in the country they are going to do business with."

The nations need to respect each other while the irritants are discussed, he said.

Mr. He, who conversed easily in English and spoke without a translator, was in Canada for meetings with bureaucratic counterparts. He began his trip in Vancouver this week. He said the two countries have a deep-rooted and close relationship, but both need to do a "better job of PR, letting people know what kind of relationship we have.

"We are determined to move ahead despite some difficulties we are experiencing lately. But it's temporary."

He added that he expected that talks on the Strategic Partnership would be pursued further later this year.

In the House of Commons yesterday, Liberals said the Conservative government's cold war with China is ruining any chance to get Mr. Celil sprung from prison.

Liberal MP Dan McTeague said it is impossible for the government to stand up for Mr. Celil when the Chinese view Mr. Harper as "something of a bumbling cold warrior."

Instead of treating China with respect, Mr. McTeague said, the government "views Canada's second-largest trading partner with such blatant suspicion and contempt."

But Mr. Harper shot back that the Liberals themselves have a poor record of standing up for the rights of Canadians imprisoned abroad, citing the case of Maher Arar.

The Liberals have a say-nothing, do-nothing diplomatic approach toward foreign countries holding Canadian prisoners, Mr. Harper said. The Liberals would "take no action, just like they did with Mr. Arar, and every single Canadian citizen they just forgot about when they were in office."

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Canadian diplomats have been urging the Chinese to forget the dispute about Mr. Celil's citizenship and treat this as a humanitarian case, a senior federal official said.

Mr. Celil was born in China and immigrated to Canada. He was travelling on his Canadian passport when Uzbek authorities arrested him and deported him to China.

Mr. He said China has assured Uzbekistan that Mr. Celil will not be executed. He also refuted allegations that Mr. Celil had been tortured.

"We have given assurances to Uzbekistan. That assurance will stand."

He added that China would inform Canadian authorities after the verdict on Mr. Celil comes down.

"Of course, as a courtesy, we will brief your embassy officials, but as a matter of courtesy, not as a matter of obligation," he said.

Foreign Minister Peter MacKay, who raised the case during a meeting with his Chinese counterpart at the United Nations last year, was assured that the Chinese would not impose the death penalty and would keep Canada abreast of developments in the case as a humanitarian gesture, the senior federal official said. The official spoke anonymously because of the diplomatic and political sensitivity of the case.

"So our people are reminding Chinese [diplomatic] officials of what their foreign minister promised," the official said.

Mr. McTeague and his Liberal colleague, Marlene Jennings, argued that the government would have much more influence with the Chinese if the Conservatives hadn't started on poor political footing with Beijing.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 愚蠢的保守党丧失中国市场 - Canada losing out on trade, China says
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070209.wxchina09/BNStory/International/home

    Ottawa's criticism of human-rights record threatens political relations, official warns

    From Friday's Globe and Mail

    OTTAWA — A senior Chinese official issued a sober warning to the Harper government yesterday over its criticism of his country's human-rights policies, saying Canada's trade and political relationships with China are falling behind.

    "The economic relationship goes hand in hand with the political relationship," said He Yafei, the country's assistant minister of foreign affairs for North America.

    "We need to have a sound political basis of mutual trust for the economic relationship to flourish. That's why we need to work harder to improve mutual trust."

    The remarks came in a rare interview as Canada continued to express deep concern over the fate of a dual Canadian-Chinese citizen, Huseyin Celil, who is jailed in China.

    Yesterday, seated on a couch in a small room at an Ottawa hotel, Mr. He issued assurances that Mr. Celil will not be executed, and denied reports that Mr. Celil has been tortured. He added, however, that the Chinese government has no obligation to inform Canadian diplomats of Mr. Celil's next court date because the country does not recognize dual citizenships. Mr. Celil was in court last week accused of terrorist activities, but no Canadian diplomats were present.

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper raised the Celil case in a recent meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao while the two leaders were in Vietnam for a meeting of APEC.

    It was the latest in a series of irritants that has included a decision by Secretary of State for Multiculturalism Jason Kenney to meet with the Dalai Lama, accusations that China is spying on Canadian corporations and a delay in talks on a strategic partnership the two countries signed two years ago.

    In the interview with The Globe and Mail and CTV, Mr. He said that, although he believes the difficulties are temporary, there are clouds on the horizon.

    "I cannot say Canada is squandering [the relationship] now, but in practical terms Canada is lagging behind in its relations with China," he said.

    "Trade is growing, but not fast enough. Investment is growing, but not fast enough. The overall relationship has room for improvement."

    Without a strong political relationship, long-term investments might suffer, he said.

    "People need to have confidence in the country they are going to do business with."

    The nations need to respect each other while the irritants are discussed, he said.

    Mr. He, who conversed easily in English and spoke without a translator, was in Canada for meetings with bureaucratic counterparts. He began his trip in Vancouver this week. He said the two countries have a deep-rooted and close relationship, but both need to do a "better job of PR, letting people know what kind of relationship we have.

    "We are determined to move ahead despite some difficulties we are experiencing lately. But it's temporary."

    He added that he expected that talks on the Strategic Partnership would be pursued further later this year.

    In the House of Commons yesterday, Liberals said the Conservative government's cold war with China is ruining any chance to get Mr. Celil sprung from prison.

    Liberal MP Dan McTeague said it is impossible for the government to stand up for Mr. Celil when the Chinese view Mr. Harper as "something of a bumbling cold warrior."

    Instead of treating China with respect, Mr. McTeague said, the government "views Canada's second-largest trading partner with such blatant suspicion and contempt."

    But Mr. Harper shot back that the Liberals themselves have a poor record of standing up for the rights of Canadians imprisoned abroad, citing the case of Maher Arar.

    The Liberals have a say-nothing, do-nothing diplomatic approach toward foreign countries holding Canadian prisoners, Mr. Harper said. The Liberals would "take no action, just like they did with Mr. Arar, and every single Canadian citizen they just forgot about when they were in office."

    Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Canadian diplomats have been urging the Chinese to forget the dispute about Mr. Celil's citizenship and treat this as a humanitarian case, a senior federal official said.

    Mr. Celil was born in China and immigrated to Canada. He was travelling on his Canadian passport when Uzbek authorities arrested him and deported him to China.

    Mr. He said China has assured Uzbekistan that Mr. Celil will not be executed. He also refuted allegations that Mr. Celil had been tortured.

    "We have given assurances to Uzbekistan. That assurance will stand."

    He added that China would inform Canadian authorities after the verdict on Mr. Celil comes down.

    "Of course, as a courtesy, we will brief your embassy officials, but as a matter of courtesy, not as a matter of obligation," he said.

    Foreign Minister Peter MacKay, who raised the case during a meeting with his Chinese counterpart at the United Nations last year, was assured that the Chinese would not impose the death penalty and would keep Canada abreast of developments in the case as a humanitarian gesture, the senior federal official said. The official spoke anonymously because of the diplomatic and political sensitivity of the case.

    "So our people are reminding Chinese [diplomatic] officials of what their foreign minister promised," the official said.

    Mr. McTeague and his Liberal colleague, Marlene Jennings, argued that the government would have much more influence with the Chinese if the Conservatives hadn't started on poor political footing with Beijing.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 哈帕连基本事实都不顾,为国际刑警通缉的恐怖主义嫌犯Huseyin Celil 张目
      R. Carriere from Canada writes: Can someone please tell me why we are putting Canada's reputation on the line and souring our relationship with an important trading partner for an individual, who the Chinese claim the following: 1) This fella, Huseyin Celil actually has a Chinese last name and dropped it for some reason. 2) China recognizes him as a Chinese citizen. 2) There was an international Interpol warrant for his arrest. 3) He is wanted in other countries. 4) The group he professes to be a part of is on a United Nations RECOGNIZED terrorist group-the UN LIST, not only the China list. Maybe, just maybe, this fella isn't the poor misunderstood person he is being painted to be.

      If I am missing supposed facts or, mistating them, please point me in the right direction.
      • 承认加拿大政府有权要人和这个人是否有罪不是一回事. 这么难理解么?
        • 有权要人?什么时候加拿大可以向中国索要嫌犯?即使你有加拿大护照,在中国犯事也得接受中国法律制裁,谁能把你要走?何况是骗来的护照,根本不必承认。
      • 哈帕否认他是恐怖主义嫌犯了么?
        • 哈帕知道他的护照是骗来的吗?如果知道,应该先吊销这哥们的护照再说,天下太平!
    • 那是因为有更多的愚蠢的国家为了经济利益不惜放弃自己的价值观. 一切向钱看.
      • 就象一个人一样, 为了钱什么都可以出卖. 不想出卖的人反而不入流.
        • 所以阿,“不识时务”的人就要遭谴责。当初皇军要搞大东亚共荣,“识时务”的人多些,东南亚的市场早就赏给中国了。
      • 赞成,我赞赏他的气节就象欣赏他的英俊那样
        • 哈伯最有男子气的是他不羞于表达对妻子的深情。竞选时有记者问道“当你的妻子病重时而加拿大的全民医疗又不能及时治疗时,你是否会尽你所能为她治?”尽管知道左派会攻击他反全民医疗,哈伯还是清楚地说“我将尽我一切所能为她减轻病痛”.
          • 而马丁和林顿则为了表示政治正确,表示他们的妻子病得再重也要排队等,而绝不去私人医院或美国治疗。哈伯英俊勇敢都不是主要的,对妻子的情义才是比他二位强的地方。
        • 开个玩笑,我估计下一步可以到牛郎夜店去挑领导人了
          • 既然是公众人物,至少要对得起大家的审美水平.这是基础.然后我们在看看他脑袋里的东西
      • The truth is: country economic benefit is higher than any others! First of all, That man is not a real canadian, he's a chinese with canadian passport! And to help him, canada will lose....
        • Wrong, economic benefit is never the hightest in any country for all the time. "real canadian" ?????, ha ha. we are all fake Canadians. I F le u.
      • 经济利益是一定的,这就是为什么哈帕不敢向美国人提出Khadr的人权问题,不是吗?和中国贸易量少,所以敢拿中国说事。连主流媒体都看不下去了,你们还颠倒黑白有什么意思?
    • 你知道什么叫有所不为,有所比为吗?
      • 咱两的答案肯定不一样.
      • 那时没有血性的弱者哲学,加拿大绝不应该是弱者.
        • 有人认同什么时候都要圆滑, 可以放弃原则可人格.
          • 看过宴子使楚吗?去狗国要进狗洞.就是这个道理
        • 是啊,千万别当弱者,向美国强烈要求Khadr的人权问题!关塔纳莫连美国法庭都裁定违宪,哈帕有什么好怕的?
    • 这里的保守党腿子可真不少阿,不过就是这样也帮不了他们什么忙
      • 说别人的时候也把自己给带上了. BTW, 不送了, 后会无期.
      • 一看,您又把RCMP的电脑自动回文中的例行公文吹成正式调查了。您以前是说相声的吧。不过,您这一走,如"I don't give a dime"等妙句就少了,遗憾!
        • Don't make a fool of yourself. how about "this has been forwarded for investigation" - does this sound like auto reply to you??
          Don't make yourself a fool. I talked with Mr. Jeff Sallot of the Globe and Mail about this matter on the phone, do you even know who he is??? I had phone conversation several times with MP office as well. Why don't you just admit you know nothing. People like you are pathetic, because you don't even know what the fundamental values are, and all you have is just a big mouth.
          • You are so dumb. That is a typical routine reply. Talking to reporter and MP office is such a trivial thing, hardly worth bragging. BTW, saying”give a dime” suggests you have a big problem in phonetics, might want to go back to ESL again.
            I betcha that if you send in message “my dog is a Martian”, you will get the same message.
    • 奉劝保守党的腿子不要把加拿大政治搞到台湾民进党的水平,干点实事吧!
      卡塔被捕当年的自由党外交部长格雷厄尔(Bill Graham)说,加方多次向美国提出要与卡塔见面的要求 - 不要把所有的责任都推给自由党,要不保守党干脆下台当反对党算了。
      • 你腿子不离口我看倒像是某党的水平. 再说你我都是看客, 难道非要和你的观点一致才行?
        • 对你的要求不高,只要不是凡事都拿政党划线,只有政党,没有是非,就可以脱离腿子的水平了。做得到吗?
          • "只要能干掉保守党,投给谁都没有问题", "只有政党,没有是非." 原话奉送. Funny eh!