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各位有正义感的兄弟姐妹请帮帮我吧。 我身遭诬陷,还不能回加拿大辩白,因为警察已经发信息给我朋友,我一到,马上就会被抓进去,除非律师担保。



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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / Urgent help wanted!!! My wife called 911 and cheated to police officer. Currently there are 3 lawyer helping her for the case, please help me...
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am currently in China, and received the summon from the court recently. There are two courts, one is criminal court which charges me sexual assault my wife (really ridiculous), while the other family court asked me to provide $3,500 per month for financail support (why not rob the bank...).

    She is an international student and after we seperated in 2006, I left Canada back China, and provide this information to CIC to update my situation and cancelled my sponsorship. After my wife knew this, she called the police and cheated that during our marriage I sexually assault her and emotionally abuse her, also she contacted women protection organization, which provide her three (3) lawyers on this case.

    The truth is we had a good time together until her mother visited us. It is really my mistake to ask her mother came to visit us, and the day her mother reached Toronto, she disliked me because I am not rich enough to provide the life she wanted. She didn't take my car home but directly took the taxi and lived in the hotel. (I never tried taxi and hotel in Toronto, and all these are charged from my wife's credit card, which I paid back). Additionally, I was expelled from the home and her mother moved in. Only two weeks her mother came, my wife and I are seperated.

    Firstly, I still loved her so much, and would like to give everything I have in Toronto to her and I just back China. However she refused, and signed the seperation agreement without asking any support. At that time, she is so confident that she could receive the financial support if she successfully immigrated, and it will be at least three(3) years!!! But after I cancelled, her dream is failed, she began to malice that called 911 and charged me like this.

    Currently I am not in Toronto, anyone or any organization could help, and any suggestions are highly appreciated. Additionally I definitely would not like to be maligned because of her ill will, since she could not provide any evidence but only her words. Canada is such kind of a country to protect women and children, but how innocient men could be protected. During our marriage, I supported her not only her everyday life, but also with her tuition fee (international student, how much it could be everyone could calculate), the flight ticket and travel insurance fee for her mother, everything I paid, and finally I received this....

    Anyway, everyone please help, and your kind consideration are highly appreciated. My email address is cottee_hua@yahoo.ca, thanks!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 为什么总是好男人碰上恶女人, 好女人碰上无情郎呀. 很同情你的遭遇.
      • 除了同情和责问,是否可以有些帮助啊,我心急如焚啊!!!
        • 我在1月14日就发表了#3431128的文章,要求帮助,但是。。。 现在到了快开庭的日子,我还是没人可以救助,难道我真要受这不白之冤了吗!!!
          • 12点半了,我要去睡了,大家有任何建议能帮助我,请发到我cottee_hua@yahoo.ca的信箱,大家请伸出援手吧。
            • 早上回来,看来看热闹的人多,出主意的少,真的没有人帮助了吗? 如果再有人不相信,我可以把部分我收到的传票发上来看,更请各位能出一份力,可以吗? 我下了,晚上再来,(北京时间),希望还有正义的人能帮我,同时谢谢CHARLES发给我的信,麻烦你了。
    • 同情,但是似乎你有很多问题还没有说清楚。她为什么会这样做?如果你不想毁掉你的名声,你还是回来自己处理,据理相争把你的妻子的一切无理之词和行为都拿到法庭去。
      • 各位有正义感的兄弟姐妹请帮帮我吧。 我身遭诬陷,还不能回加拿大辩白,因为警察已经发信息给我朋友,我一到,马上就会被抓进去,除非律师担保。

        • 同情...你可以在网上好好学习一下各种法律和ACT,查黄页找律师,跟他们联系.一定有律师很不喜欢这种过分强调女性权力而使男性遭不白之冤的做法.你要推翻她的说法,一定要有证据证人.
          • 我所有的朋友都可以为我做证,我也有我们生活时一起花费的凭证(为她付的学费等),还有许多。问题是我不能到多伦多来,我也没有这么多的费用来支费律师费,所以有什么组织可以帮助我,大家请帮着出出主义吧。。。
            • legalaid也许可以提供免费或低费用的律师.你看看.
              • 非常感谢LALA,我发了电子邮件去了,希望能帮助。
    • 她后面有一个很有加拿大经验的同伴在给她出主意,你把她找出来。 这样的女人还是把她搞臭吧。
    • 同情。
    • 又是一个教训。不少留学生被身份问题逼得变了态,和此类人打交道要十分小心。他们胆子很大的。
    • sigh.....不知道怎么帮忙,只好同情一下.......
    • 我看了很心寒那,真的会抓你坐牢吗?仅仅是你妻子的话?警察不要证据抓人吗?
      • 这就是加拿大,看来很多朋友和我一样,不懂这儿的法律。加拿大是保护妇女儿童的,只要她们CALL 911, 那被控的一方没有被证明是否有错,警察都必须把他抓进去,等保释。 可怜的是我们男人啊!!!
        • 考,911是emergency call,你人都不在加拿大了,还call什么911,如果是坑,这是常识错误
          • 我哭都哭不出来,还坑。
            • 不是发生冲突的时候打的911?那警察到你朋友家干什么?要ARREST你?
              • 是啊!拜托楼主把坑填得圆满一些。
                • 这世界“狼来了”确实不少,但我真遇到这样的事,谢谢你们的发言,但不要冷嘲热讽好吗?有无聊的人挖坑,到了我这里就要背黑锅吗?请真心帮帮我,好吗?
              • 问题是警察是不管事情的真伪,只要有人CHARGE另一方,他们的职责就是抓人的。根本就没有冲突,是她得知我取消了对她的SPONSOR,她就直接打电话控告了,并得到妇女保护组织的保护。
                • 就算警察是不管事情的真伪,但我们想知道事情的真伪。请不要回避。请明确说明你的妻子在何时,何地,在什么情况下打911的?多谢!
                  • 我的情况详见篇首的描述,简单说是
                    • 请明确回答我的问题:你的妻子打911了吗?在何时,何地,在什么情况下打的?
                      • 我在下面一起回答你们的问题。
                        • 好!等待你的明确回答。
                      • The answers are as follows:
                        1) She called the police to charge me at late December 2006, which I have left Canada for China;
                        2) I left Toronto at early December 2006, and stayed in china till now
                        3) Currently I received two summon, one is criminal justice which charged me as "sexual assault", while the other is family law court that she asked for financial support as $3,500 per month.

                        The reason she did so is for the ill will, which
                        1) could destroy me since I already abandoned the career and life in Canda and just began new life in CHina, and she wanted to tricked me back Canada and put me into prison,
                        2) ask for the financial support of money
                        3) if could not get money from me, she still could stay in Canada as refugee, and receive society assisstance.

                        Now understand what my meaning is,..
                        • 你的回答里没有提到911。
                          • she called the 911 at Dec 2006
                            • 多谢!
                              • 我刚打过电话给LEGAL AID,但他们说我人不在多伦多,不能帮助,还有什么可以帮忙的吗,谢谢了!
                                • 请问你是加拿大公民吗?
                                  • 我只是个移民,虽然已经呆个公民的时间了。 我可以不回来,但不白之冤就这样受着了,我要一辈子没法做人,还让这样的她得逞,你们说可以吗???
                                    • 好像法律是有个什么期来着,过了这个期法律就不追究了。 不然你那时再回加拿大来吧!
                        • 如果你不在加拿大 abuse还能成立吗?by email, phone calls or by sending a bomb by mail? Did you do any of above?
                          • what she mentioned is during our marriage i ALWAYS abuse her, and it is so ridiculous that why she never called, but after she knew that her immigration sponsorship was cancelled, this is my evidence to support!!!
                • 估计LZ在上ESL writing课,写了一篇作文,顺便贴这里给大家消遣,谢谢。记住,911是紧急情况下打的,你LP这种情况下打,我们一般会批评教育甚至罚款起诉。
          • 不算奇怪。有的人就是当911为万能电话。可能LZ的LP打了以后,911根据情况再把她转到有关组织,完全有可能。
            • 多谢!不过还是希望楼主能够自己圆坑。
              • 这位是LZ的LP或LP的G友把。嘿。
                • 嘿嘿,要是就好了,真相不就大白了?
                  • 知道你不是恶意,但请帮我而不要岔开话题好吗,谢谢了!
            • 为什么总有人以为这是玩笑呢,一切皆为真实。911是紧急时打的,但真的打了以后,一切就不是随打的人决定,特别被以为是家庭暴力,中国人总认为家里的事自己解决,老外是一切以法为主的。
              • 请明确回答我的问题:你的妻子打911了吗?在何时,何地,在什么情况下打的? -tulipwa68(tulip); 11:01 (#3480678@0)
              • 你老婆打911的时候, 你还在中国? 凭这一点, 你也可以回告她吧? 问题是你在平时有没有真的abuse her? 她有证据吗?如果没有, 你大可回来面对.
                • 这就是加拿大的“好处”,告人的时候不用证据的,是法官决定是否真的,而不是警察。
                  同时,如果我拿不出证据说明她在说谎,就认为她是真的。比如说”SEXUAL ASSAULT“,我只能通过朋友来证明在她母亲来之前,我们很好,是她母亲的到来,2周的时间导致我们的分手,只能间接的。许多没法直接证明啊。。。
    • 如果在国内还是隐姓埋名别回来了,不然整死你。
      • 人是可以不回来,但我要我的清白,不能让这样的人得逞。。。
        • 问题在于你是清白的吗?现在是加拿大警方和妇女保护组织不想让你得逞。
          • 我不能就这样让她得逞,她申请了难民,还有社会救济,也就算了。但怎么能这样诬陷呢,这正义何在啊,难道没有大侠可以挺身而出,为我出出主意吗?苦等中。。。。
            • 你怎么能证明不是你诬陷?
              • the evidence are as follows:
                1) she charged me that during our marriage I emotionally and physically abuse her, which I have all the friends that could demonstrate we have a good life;
                2) I fully support her for her study in Canada, and sponsored her mother visit us(write the invitation letter, buy the ticket and travel insurance), and it happened just within 2 weeks her mother came,
                3) Her mother and she has the plan, and can you imagine that the day we go to the airport, her mother refused to talk with me and took a taxi and stayed in the hotel, is it make sense???
              • 你拿出证明来证明不是LZ的LP或G友来。没法帮人家就绕过去算了,请别无事生非。
                • 谢谢你的帮助IMA,说了句公道话。
    • some questions:1. she called police that you abused her before you left canada or after? 2. how long have you been outside canada? 3. when the abuse/sexually assault case expire between it happend and call?
      4. if the abuse/sexually assault happened long time ago without proof, will the police 抓人?

      Laywer may answer 3,4
    • I admire your spirit that keep using english even under such circumstance. You donot have chinese on your machine or what?
      • So, I said it was a writing homework of ESL :)
      • 因为我在准备反驳的词,写的都是英语,你再让我翻译成中文吗?
    • I think you were wrong first. Why you left, she married you and even cannot get a green card finally? You are a tough guy! ?
      • You aren't a man. What a shame.
        • 说的有道理。
          • 如果是你,她为了身份而结婚,并且要三年的FINANCIAL SUPPORT, 你怎么做呢???
    • 哥们儿,你现在要决定的是要不要回加来和她打.要的话,就要到庭.来不及请律师就向法官要求延期(continuance). 不过如果公诉人(crown attorney)对你提出criminal charges的话,就说明他们有些证据.你可以要求看对你起诉的文件,了解起诉的根据.知己知彼.
      • 不过对加拿大的法庭系统不要期望过高,清白的人被整得很惨的不少. 你回来以后, 搞不好就会被抓进去. 另外,对律师也不要完全相信,你如果在加拿大是人微言轻, 律师对你可能是刮钱为主.所以要打就全力以赴,作长期艰苦的准备.要跑就干脆不理.
        • 谢谢你,朋友,你的回答很有启示。原因还是我们不懂加拿大的法律,让人钻了空子了。想问一句,如果最终到底,如果我不来,当没收到过这个信,什么都不知道,最多再也不回加拿大,会有其他什么麻烦吗,比如追到中国来。
          • I am no lawyer, nor know much about CDN law. So I do not have answers for specific questions. In theory, a foreign court verdict can be registered in other country, maybe China, and becomes enforceable there. But in reality, it is a different story.
          • If your friend confesses that he passed the summons to you, you cannot play ignorant. If you or your representative does not show up in court, the cases against you can be preceded as “default”. That means they pretty much can get everything they ask.
      • 最长可以延期多少,我咨询了律师,说这样的案子打上1年也有可能。
        • Continuance is to put a pause in proceeding if you have good reasons, i.e. need time to find a lawyer or coming back to Canada. You can ask and the judge will decide how long. The length of the case depends on various factors.
    • 声援一下搂主,同时蔑视一下tulipwa68(tulip),她不会就是搂主的老婆吧