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[Just for Fun] Haute Couture and Hollywood 奥斯卡季节, 免不了有人要关注红地毯, 看看纽约时报是如何评论红地毯上的fasion的

Actually, the couture collections are tailor-made for about 500 people in the world who have the means or the connections to get an $80,000 dress, and the rest is just ballyhoo to sell the cheaper commercial stuff.

True, one or two houses will specially make dresses for the Oscars, as Chanel did for Penelope Cruz for the Golden Globes.

But the red carpet is really a concession to middle American tastes; if you stopped to analyze it long enough, if you added up the number of ruched or beaded dresses trucking down the carpet, you wouldn’t have Paris or even Hollywood. You’d have the suburbs of Detroit on a good night.

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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / [Just for Fun] Haute Couture and Hollywood 奥斯卡季节, 免不了有人要关注红地毯, 看看纽约时报是如何评论红地毯上的fasion的
    Actually, the couture collections are tailor-made for about 500 people in the world who have the means or the connections to get an $80,000 dress, and the rest is just ballyhoo to sell the cheaper commercial stuff.

    True, one or two houses will specially make dresses for the Oscars, as Chanel did for Penelope Cruz for the Golden Globes.

    But the red carpet is really a concession to middle American tastes; if you stopped to analyze it long enough, if you added up the number of ruched or beaded dresses trucking down the carpet, you wouldn’t have Paris or even Hollywood. You’d have the suburbs of Detroit on a good night.
    • For me, it's not the carpet, nor the $80,000 dresses; it's what in those dresses ... ;-)))
      No kidding
      • lol, i know you are dead serious :)
      • BTW, wanna bet on the super bowl? how about we go watch the game in a sportsbar? anyone else interested?
        • Goodl idea !
          but I've never been into a sportsbar. Is it similar to a cub?
          • deal!
            yes, it is similar to a pub. I know there is one at St.Claire and Young. It has a giant screen, has several baksets for anyone interested to practice shooting skills, and a small TV on every dinning table.
    • 不错. 相比之下的中国只能翻出古老的唐装创造新意.
      • 米兰与巴黎比如何?
      • 我倒是觉得魏晋风范很美, 之与我, 那是真正真正中国的东西, 在受到佛教影响之前中国人真正的潇洒和无羁, 真的只有大国才出得来的神态.
        • 大国风范一点都不好, 古罗马帝国够大吧? 比希腊城邦可是土多了. 我一直为春秋战国没能象西欧列国那样延续下去而惋惜.
    • 我觉得每年这个时候的大赢家是保险公司,那些价值连城的首饰,时装等,要交多少保险费啊!要卖保险,也要混入主流卖保险。。。
      • 读帖不认真. 说的是大部分服装都是大路货
        你到detroit去卖保险吧. :))
        • 我没有读帖,只是凭印象觉得那些珠光宝气很高雅,俺的品位又有问题啦?。。。:P
          • 就是
            几个老头子讨论时装问题, 品位还能没问题? :)))))
          • 以大师的品位以前没有问题
            自从融入主流社会后,开始有问题了... ;-))
        • 对了,作者为啥要扁 Detroit ?
          而不是 Chicago ?
          • 我申明, 不是我写的 :)
        • 有趣! 我也插一句, 这都是衣服在穿人, 不是人在穿衣服, 所有人本身的生动和个性, 都在那一句"喔, 我穿的是XXX" 和那回头拉一拉睬脚下的裙裾和紧张的对镜头的瞬间消失. 要STYLE, 不要FASHION. 真正清丽佳人, 哪怕穿大路货, 也照样好看有趣.
          • 我看过一张Audrey Hepburn没有涂口红的照片, 那是一张所有她的粉丝都不愿看到的照片. :)
            • AH到很老的时候, 为UN工作, 拍的照片都没涂口红, 我觉得挺好看的呀!
              • 那是不同的美了.
    • Myself I share adore! 这首亨德尔写的咏叹调比较适合那些走红地毯的人的心情. Kathleen Battle 演唱. English Chamber Orchestra 演奏, John Nelson 指挥.
      • Love it! She obviously touched the spirit of baroque...
        • 这么好的歌手把自己的career 给毁了, 可惜啊!
          • 怎么悔了啊? 多说几句嘛.
            • 啊? 不会吧, 这么重要的八卦罗大侠没听说过? 我给你翻出来----->(#2161322)
              • 哎呀! 不配在这儿混了. 掩面羞愧离去.....
                可惜呀可惜! 她的花腔真的好漂亮, 晶莹剔透, 节奏还那么脆.
                • XB 一下, 91年我还在大都会看了她和老帕合演的<爱的甘醇>
              • 你们俩打架,对我们都有好处,哈哈,老迷终于扳回一分。Kathleen Battle 还唱《十面埋伏》,把老迷气的吐血。
                • #3457822
                  • 撒娇风终于吹进乐韵书香了, 世界大同的梦想快要实现了。
                    • 错了, 这风本来就是从这吹出去的......
                  • 老迷你的ID把整个乐坛都弄得象一张考卷, 我都不敢进来了, 头晕。
                    • 我自己也晕了, 不知道那儿究竟该填什么, 只好留做空白了.
                      • 填空: