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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 同学们,特别是搞IT的同学们,趁美国现在工作市场比较好,南下找个好舞台



    • 很对,谁愿意一辈子困在冰天雪地里
    • 即使英国来的专业人士如医生、律师也不好过,不被承认。今天广播还有个从london来的记者说,在多伦多开taxi
    • 加拿大就是个跳板,千万不要住旧了有了惰性,怋灭了斗志
      • 斗什么呢?干吗一定是跳板?俺也可以数出南边一千个好, 扁出多伦多一千个不是. 但俺还是喜欢多伦多, 是不是没救了?
        • 你当时出国为什莫?为了better life,现在为甚莫去美国, 同理, 加拿大又不是你的祖国,那好去那贝, 当然要有机会
          • 9494
    • TN visa info =>
    • 美加退休金Totalization Agreement
      means your social security tax paid in States is going to be taken into account with you Canada CPP.

      Thinking that paying States social security is adding up to what you paid to CPP. No lose.
      • it sounds good,but you have to be canadian taxable resident:(
    • Hopefully never happens, but in case you get pink slip in States
      You will launch a better job very soon.

      If it's not the case, and you need any "Money" help =>

      As a Canadian, you are entitled to receive full amount of unemployment benefit, which is around $2000+ per month for 6-10 months (don't know exact number here, also may vary in States).
      • 去美国为什么谈加拿大的失业保险. 美国的失业金怎么领的,应该比加拿大短得多吧.
        • As a Canadian, you are entitled to receive full amount of unemployment benefit, which is around $2000+ per month for 6-10 months #3454649@0
      • I thought, as canadian,if you lose job in stateside,it's time to come back without any EI.
    • Green Card =>
      If your employer is willing to sponsor your green card, 3 steps you need to go through
      1) PERM (Less than a year)
      2) I-140 (couple of weeks)
      3) I-485 (depends, EB2 category: the current priority date is 04/22/2005 for China-born applicants)

      Not proven yet, rough estimation: it takes about 2 years to have the process done for Chinese. (Your Canadian citizenship would not help the speed at all)
      • I think the first step should be TN --> H1.
        • first step wet dream
    • Guys, I show you the entry, the way to deal worst scenario, the future till retirement life here
      哪一天您在美国发达了,请俺到您那里一游! :-)

    • I can tell that maple2000 wants everybody to move to the States so that he can find a better job in Canada and then have a better life. :D
      • how do you know my deeply hidden intention? LOL....
        I am gonna buy a lodge in Canada, enjoy my summer time there
      • 我觉着天凉了是热心人,好事不掖着藏着
        • Hi maple2000,thank you for sharing it with us because it 's really useful for me.Thanks million times.Take care.
          • 很高兴对你有点帮助
    • OK, OK, here comes the jobs (For Seattle Area) =>
      1) 象monster这个大家都知道,不过要想雇主经常注意到你的简历,你的每周更新一下. 简历的出镜率是由你最新update日期决定的.

      2) 试试这个网站,听说工作广告比较实在。

      3) 这个很有名,
      craigslist, 点击不同城市,看当地工作广告,


      4) 西雅图地区报纸:

      5) 秘密武器:加入seajug(Seattle Java User Group) ,这里几乎包揽当地的Java工作:



      • 说的我蠢蠢欲动,有没有SEATTLE ORACLE的行情?
        • 不是俺的领域,不太清楚.有熟悉这个同学请留言.
          • Msg for Maple 2000:
            I envoy you guys can get an IT job in the U.S., that's my dream. But saddly, I haven't got Canadian Citizenship yet and H1-B seems very hard to get - My bigest problem! I've seen a lot of U.S jobs were marked "US Citizen Only". I am just wondering how people would react to this fact?

            Winter 12
            • just skip those openings =>

      • i don't know what happened to me. It seems dice just doesn't work to me. Most of the employers and recruiters found my resume from Monster instead of dice. :((
    • 真是好同学,自己发了也没忘了同学们,大家关心的失业,养老,身份问题都已经给了答案,想南下的还有什么可犹豫的?另外LZ可以考虑成立二次移民接待站了:)
      • 噢扑同学小心你的用词,俺没发,只是谋生而已.
        • 呵呵,用不着谦虚了.
    • 已经都背井离乡了,已经飘洋过海来到了北美,革命已成功了一半,干脆就一不做,二不休,省的老了回首往事的时候后悔,趁着现在还闯的动,干把.
      • 小心你被加拿大列为"最不受欢迎的人"
        俺是豁出去了 :-)

        • 你说要是拿了绿卡, 这加那大身分还有用吗?
          • 有用啊,你不是还拿着加拿大护照呢吗.
            • 我正在申请公民, 还是中国护照,我想2月份就南下,也想不清楚还用不用回来考试,宣誓什么的,觉得还有必要回头妈?
              • 拿美国护照时间还是比较长的,要是方便,先拿个加拿大护照用着.
                • thanks
    • 很有用,Mark一下先。多谢。
    • 现在IT市场象不象2000泡沫崩前时那样
      • 不象。现在的泡沫比那时大太多了。
      • 嘿嘿,俺就是那一波赶尾巴南下的. 当时rolia还没这么火,俺的maple2000也是这么取的, 纪念加拿大的三年
        • 借你吉言,叫这个栏目也火起来.
    • I am canadian and graduated with Master degree in ASIC field. I really want to land a job in US.
      However, it seems very hard to me and I feel very frustrated. Does anybody know some entry-level openings in your company. I really really appreciate your kind help!!!!!
    • 好同学,Good job! Thanks so much for sharing. Really hope there are more people like you.
    • 几个技术细节
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛TN的个数:理论上不限。但是每年或每换一个新工作就得换TN。而且可以同时拥有1个以上的TN。也就是说,你可以兼职,只要那份兼职工作在TN job list上。俺原先一个加拿大人同事,白天上班,晚上用另外一个TN在College教课。俺前后拿了5个TN。
      根据你的签证,家属拿 TD或H4。可以上学读书,拿credits或学位。但不能打工,包括校园内的短工,这一点不象F1签证。



      家属一定得办TD或H4签证,这样才能申请TIN(Tax Identification Number) ,据此拿免税额度(能把tax income减低很多) 。比如一个孩子减掉$5000以上,注意这一项加拿大是0; 一个孩子退税$1000, 加拿大也是0。加拿大的牛奶金对有温饱的家庭工资收入就几乎拿不到了。


      多一句,南下如否和你个人具体情况关系很大,比如你有一份政府工,俺看你还是美美地享受你的生活吧,俺愿意和你换。(不过俺也知道有人放弃BC省政府工作到华大的,呵呵)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thank's for sharing.请问税务的优惠只是在孩子上吗,无孩的话配偶还要不要申请TD,有没有税务上的差别?
        • No, Yes, Yes =>
          1) Deductions lower your taxable income
          2) Credits lower your taxes.
          3) An exemption is an amount of money you can subtract from your Adjusted Gross Income, just for being you or having dependents.

          Federal tax numbers for 2006 tax year

          Standard deduction for married taxpayers filing a joint return - $10,300
          Exemption for each dependent: $3300

          So for a married couple without kid, you get total deduction = (10300+3300*2) = $16900
          For a married couple with 2 kids, you get total deduction = (10300+3300*4) = $23500

          Child deduction $5000 in my previous post is wrong, it should be $3300

          Child Tax Credit = $1000.
          For example, if you have 2 kids and you calculate you owe $7000 tax to Uncle Sam, the final tax you need to pay is $7000-$2000 = $5000

          With itemized, if your mortgage interest + property tax + others > Standard deduction ($10300), you should itemize your tax return.

          Guess I’m using tax software too much, forget those exact numbers le.
          • Thanks so much for the detailed info.
          • Hi maple2000,I have a question.
            My husband worked in Canada just two months in 2006 and our family moved to the States last April.As you know,for 183 days rule,I am wondering if we only need to file US tax return for 2006?Should we use 1040 or 1040NR? Should we put our canadian income in it?Thanks million times.
            • Try to use 1040. Otherwise you will lose some tax benefir when using 1040NR, i.e. $1000 child credit (if your child is not us citizen).
            • You will need to file 2 returns, first 2 months to Canada; the left to USA. But for safety, consult an accountant.
              • 好像是你no Canadian ties那天以前所有income报加拿大税. 也就是说有几各月的overlap要报美国和加拿大. 请有经验的大侠指教. 我打过两次电话给CRA但得到不同答案. 正为次烦恼...
                • Thanks everyone.Take care.
      • 给热心人鸡蛋里挑点骨头。“家属一定得办TD或H4签证,这样才能申请TIN“ -- 否。”据此拿免税额度(能把tax income减低很多) 。比如一个孩子减掉$5000以上” -- 应是3000多。
        • You are right, correction => #3457956@0
        • 请问您的答案是”否“, 那么说可以不办TD/H4? 谢谢!
          • yes
      • 俺是政府工,可俺还是想去。为什么没去?1是绿卡能不能拿到心理没底,2是听说孩子上学和当地孩子不一样,要多交钱。
        • 听姓胡的说的?
    • 请问做金融的怎么去美国,以什么title拿TN? 多谢!
    • 想去啊,不过还没拿到加籍,怕去了美国绿卡没弄到两头空啊
    • 去美国工作后想父母可以长期跟自己住在一起,不知道各位大哥有没有这方面的信息?在加拿大父母的探亲签证可以延长两年,不知道美国情况如何?
      • 这是个大问题,由于没有身份,只能给父母办探亲.第一次是半年,好像可以申请延期的.详情请有经验的同学补充.
        • 听说给父母去美国旅游一下,以后办去美国探亲会容易些..另外请问MAPLE2000,要办父母移民美国的联接有吗?老人的福利美国和加拿大比怎样?
          • 你拿到美国公民后办父母移民美国很快,否则非常非常慢或不可能。
          • 老人的福利美国比加拿大要好(美国绿卡及美国公民)。但加拿大比美国安全。
            • Thanks. Do you know how many years 办父母移民US? And how long will it take to become US citizen? In Canada, currently the process 办父母移民 is for sure longer than 3 years.
              • AFTER you have Green Card, You need AT LEAST 5 years to become US citizen from Green card.
                AFTER you have Green Card, You need AT LEAST 5 years to become US citizen from Green card. Without US citizenship, you can not sponsor your parents.
                The benfits for the people with US citizenship is good. But The benfits for the people with Green Card is so so.