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True. Moral and technical advices is totally different things.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am not realy sure how human being developes the moral standards. Why we have the feeling of shy or guilty or whatever other kinds of feeling, and wild animals have not. And also i guess the foundation of law of human sociaties is based on the basic moral standards. Acient people think it is not good to kill someone, gradually it is agreed by most people and finally being written into the law book.
Moral is to protect the weak? I think it is right to certain degree. Basically, moral is to let people to judge what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. But moral standards in different cultures and different groups of people are different. And moral standards can be changed from time to time. Even the law can be changed too.
I guess the sequence is like this. Rising Moral issuse--most of people agree certain moral stands--become certain regulations of law-- some regulations of law are out of date, not fit in anymore--rewrite--vote--upon most people's will--new regulations of law.

Using law to regulate people's social behavior is more democratic and scientific, easy and simple. Chinese get use to using moral standards to guide people's behaivor and judge others. Which one is better, different people have different opinions.

This specific case, i also can percieve it in another angle: For an male adult can not enjoy the nomal sex life, it is immoral. He can support his wife and spiritually( or physically) support another man's wife, he is moral. Ha , who knows.

I very much doubt the marriage system. If more than 50% marriages end up with devoices, one male and one female marriage system seems not work very well. We need find a new way to solve this problem.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 和一个女友网络,电话交流了很久,彼此对对方的感觉都非常好。很想见一面,但又怕一见面,那种很美很美的感觉就陡然消失,很恨这种人性的弱点,但是自己又是那种对容貌要求比较高,很细腻的男人。见还是不见?
    • 在夜黑风高时见
      • 我不敢见!多伦多是一个让性格,才华的男人感到很失望的地方。我已经失望了很多次。一次见到我心仪很久的女人时,毫无二念的就彻底的抛弃了她,但我还是在车上痛哭了一场,痛恨自己为什么这样势利,容貌就这样简简单单地把自己的梦给推翻了,那些美好的感觉呀!
        • 你(仅仅)凭相貌取舍?想要结婚过日子白头偕老有很多东西比相貌重要很多。
          • same important
        • Keep going
    • 看你需要的是什么了, 不过要发展relationship, whatever it is(long term or short term)当然要见面了
      , 见了才可以做决定,是继续发展还是结束呀. 如果你需要的只是精神上的安慰,寂寞时说说话什么的, 那就不要破坏这种氛围,继续神秘下去. 网友见面也不都是"见光死" ,说不定比想象的还好呢! 不过, 见之前讨张片片还是需要的, 好有个心里准备
      • like 依依 MM, will never let you down
        • You mean"I let you up" ? hope you can hit the jackpot, then you will never let MMs down again : )
          • Hi MM, how will you let guys UP? We are up when we see you.
            • Hi, you guys are teasing me. alright, I am cool with it!
              • that is not my intention, I was not saying you would keep me "up", but our people are very creative
    • 其实还是性格最重要。 :)
    • Go see her, of course. Or have a look at her photo first, and then decide if you still want to see her in person. Just that sometimes people may look different in photos and reality.
      • Also are you truly confident at your own look or not?
        • even guys are not good looking, they still wants good looking girls, personality is always the 2nd on list. 男人的天性如此.
          • True. :) On the other hand, they may worry about the fact that girls got scared away in reality.
            • Actually, both sides worry about it. they will think " am I good enough for her/him?"
              • Right, that might be why they haven't seen each other even once at this point, except "thinking about it.".
                • .
          • 女的也是,多数都要求男的1。75+。
            • 高的就有用? I don't think so
              • :) Not really, but it depends on how tall the woman is, and how she perceives masculine height. I myself cannot stand a man shorter than I.
            • 高的就有用? I don't think so
              • don't understand, are we still on the same topic?
    • 爱就要死去活来。不过叶公好龙也是很有情调的。
    • 要不....
    • wanna sleep then you have to meet before decision. Or no need to meet.
    • 若对对方满意,越早见越好。若对相貌不满意,拖的越长越痛苦。早早见面。
    • 房子有了,邻居却越来越远;工作有了,拼命的劲头却越来越小了;高速上网了,一切反而来得越来越廉价了;生活丰富而华丽了,精神世界却越来越孤寂了;玩笑声中,死守着小小的一份纯情,这份纯情,像漆黑冰冷山洞中一个小火苗,如被击碎,一切就将归于沉寂了。
      • 太富哲理了!顶!
        • 既知结果,何必再见? 人不伤你,何苦自伤? 或者, 你就当邂逅一场吧, 没了太多的想法, 雅俗共赏, 估计容易许多.
      • 小生, 芳龄十八?
        • so envy you because so many people treat you as a goddess. 不如就今天晚上下班后,咱们去实战演练一下把 :)
      • 年龄大了,保持一些纯情是好的,但太纯情就是有些。。。。。还是要坚强一些。错了又如何?
        • Actually LZ does not know what 纯情 is, and is not 纯情 at all, but imagining what 纯情 "is supposed to be like". The question he came up with is the solid evidence that he is far away from 纯情.
          • Perhaps that woman is the same.
          • What is 纯情, then? Have a look at Forest Gump, who is a truly 纯情 human being.
            • AGREE!!!
      • 其实那种感觉非常假,不要也罢。再心动再浪漫也是昙花一现没有根基的,没有了就没有了,过一阵又会来,自己的亲人朋友身体家庭才是最值得关注和付出的。如果你不是个无趣的人,你就总会在生活中发现一些有趣的事情来做的。
    • think opposite, if u don't see TA, r u guys will keep talking? r u going to feel u miss sth, or lost the chance to meet with TA. If unfortunately, TA is not pretty, talk to another one... new hope again
    • 试着把她往丑了想,多丑你才能接受。如果真到了那一天,你想,就算她长得很一般,也无所谓了,才去见。容貌的美丽不能永存,心灵的美丽却可以。
      • 丑她 is not likely to own 美丽的心灵
    • Who don't change photos first?
    • 我们在电话里交谈,就像棋逢对手的,又互相照顾的老朋友,细细体味对方的每一句话,体会者甜蜜,善意,顽皮,加上一点点的挑逗。我们都互相猜测对方的容貌和条件,都感觉来自另一端的强烈的自信,“跟你聊天的感觉真好”,她说,“这样神交也不错”
      • 这叫做互相YY,快点见面吧~~~~
        • 严重同意中, 快见面吧, wake up, come back to dream
          • 就是。见见面就好了。要不,老是双方自我陶醉,说得就是天生一对的知音似的,其实所有的一切甜言蜜语,最终还是不如一张脸更实在,更真实,更可靠。说白了,要是对方这张脸漂亮,用不着前面那么多什么就像"互相照顾的老朋友"。你也会OK的,反之亦然。
            • 就是这么回事. 男人女人其实都在乎外表,什么心灵美不美,全是假的, 我看大家心灵都很美. If I don't like your looking, I am not interested in finding out your beauty inside. 当然外表不是最重要的, 看得顺眼就可以了, 关键要有点气质.
      • 精神层面的东西终究是需要一定的物质基础的,人性使然,无所谓对错。如果你有着一份还算现实的生活,建议别见了,有些东西就把它当作不错的点缀好了,由着它神秘,美好,暧昧。。。可以让生活多些情绪。
        • 这种感觉最美好!要珍惜!
    • 真累,多培养几个就不这么婆婆妈妈的了
    • 后来到底见了没有?
      • I guess there might be only 20% possiblity that LZ would see her in person.
    • 我们昨天交流了照片,但约定只交流风景照。爱憧憬着性,性可能会毁灭了爱,既然现实如此不完美,不如就守住完美的梦吧。
      • God bless. Platonic love like that between Russian musician Tchaikovsky and the lady who refused to see him in person always brings me emotional sorrow.
        • why are you so emotional? You are not LZ if I remember correctly
          • Yeah, but still I feel sad that some people have to stay in darkness to keep their "love" alive. Sad, indeed.
      • 我看了只想笑:)哈哈。为什么只是风景照?有人的风景照吧?:)太自欺欺人了,强烈建议见面,是你的就是,不是你的就不是,老做梦不好。:)
        • you are a man, unlike LZ
          • Agree.
      • 你要写长篇小说呀,这么磨磨蹭蹭的。照片也看过了,她给你的一定是一张带墨镜的,风景占十分之九的照片吧?真是隔靴搔痒。要见就见真人,要么就别见。
    • 顾头顾尾,前怕后怕,男子汉大豆腐还是别折腾了。
      • another man is emerging
        • :))))))))))))
          • Rolia is full of hope because of many men out there
            • Or Canada is full of hope, cause lots of men, true men are out there. :)
            • 没看懂。加拿大是女多男少吧。
              • oh, my bad, should be "Rolia is full of hope for women ...". Asker starts to regret now by claiming she is not available at this point
                • My Goodness. :)
              • Right, but not the case in Chinese community, though. :)
    • 還是繼續柏拉圖的好呀
    • 刚约好了周末见面,有人能推荐个好地方吗?显然Shopping Mall 不会是个理想的地方,挑选电影院也太xx年代了。
      • to pub. But if you don't feel comfortable, Time Horton is a good choice.
        • i would definitely refuse if a guy asked me to meet at tim hortons(not even starbucks or 2nd cup)...theres really nothing to drink there.
          • agree...:))
            I don't like cofee...:))
          • so you pick a place
            • for what
              • for meeting
                • 夏天喜欢在有patio的casual bar, or irish pub,冬天在cozy 一点的小pub.
                  • why not just go home? you can decorate whole thing as you wish
                    • going home? thats another story...
                      • same story, and can potentially lead to more stories
      • Restaurant..... Do not forget your $50....:)))
        • too noisy, too much distraction
          • En...Westen food ...:)))or ..go to CN tower restaurant...
            • what if they have no idea about the table manner, which will be so embarrassing
              • 偶觉得吃东西不发出声音,说话时降低音量,不要让对方看见口中的食物残渣,咀嚼的时候下颚运动幅度不要过大,频率不要过高,对waiter/waitree有礼貌,不要东张西望,身体挺直一点,手腕处接触桌边,不要整只胳膊上桌,就差不多了,不用太多礼节8,咱们都不是皇室贵族不是?
                • you need to know how to order first
                  • 这个算礼节么?一般就先叫喝的呗,喝的上了再点吃的。还有啥?
                • agree....:))
                • 要是有人..请你吃...酱猪手呢...:)))
                  • 阿。。我不吃猪肉的,但是猪皮是好东西,拿进厨房把皮剥下来切成小块给我,嘿嘿:)
                    • 是做猪皮胨吗? 都说猪皮美容.....
            • 。。。
              • just for...景...:)))
                The girl.... is a kind of ....景...^o^
          • Go to Hilton hotel in niagarafalls
            you can see...fire works...drink wine..SPA...:)))
            Breakfast and Dinner included...
            a box Truffles.....

            • 300 $ buddy, can buy 6 50刀郎
              • come on...Do not too ...Su......:)))
              • ....$500...not $300
            • One night stand or what?
              • I can not answer this question...:))) I just gave an idea(Dian zi)
              • 300$ for O.N.S. not bad at all
        • :)))))))))))))))
      • 可以去sturbucks或者tim hutons. 要么就干脆做个50刀郎,但是别去中餐馆。多花点时间彻底了解了解对方。找个安静雅致的地方坐坐,千万别去人多吵杂的地方。听我的没错。
        • I remember I was arguing with sb. on 50刀郎. but I don't really understand what 50刀郎 is. Could you kindly explain to me?
          • google 一下 www.google.ca 中输入: 50刀郎 site:rolia.net。或者在rolia上 advance search一下
            • wow, 50刀郎 is so well-known.---googlable
      • 别忘记回来汇报心得啊....:)))
    • 可能各自以前都有过期望被现实击碎的经历,所以见面反而成为很难决定的一件事情。如果不是网上,电话里聊了那么多,像Soulmate一样,也许见面不过是个普通的决定。我们约定明天在Yorkdale Mall门口见面,看能不能互相认出来,不打电话。。。
      • 别追求这种最高境界拉,还是要个电话吧。不然大家谁都找不到谁,更令人失望。准备带她去哪里聊天啊?
        • Yorkdale Mall吗?然后,去FOOD COURT吃饭....
          • mall里面吃饭?绝对没劲。估计LZ被拒没得商量。好了,也别去见那个女的了,结局我都已经看到了。
            • 乐观点吗.....哎...
          • 没谈过恋爱么?心有灵犀的话,什么都不做,就两个人往那一坐都不会觉得没劲的。。呵呵。
            • 还真是这磨回事.....

        • 如果我们的确有缘,就一定能互相认出来,那就一同去CN Tower。如果都迷失于人流中,我们没有现实缘,就重回到虚幻的世界中去吧。我们有一点共识是:性不是初衷(都有些怕乱性导致病, 所以都很谨慎),完美为最终。如不想再次失望,就什么也没看见,各自回家。
          • 听起来好恐怖,看来你俩今晚都无眠。。明天就找熊猫眼就行了。
            • “……找俩熊猫眼就行了!”——哎呀,乐死我了!
          • 你们就这么商量的啊?如果我,就干脆不去赴约了,也别网上聊天了。因为那只能浪费2个人更多的时间。结局已经注定了。
            • 你是成熟理智的女人。他们已经昏了头...傻傻的...不过很可爱
          • 晕...到到...谈性说爱的地步了...:)))
          • #3414673@0 人总有失误的时候
          • I bet LZ does NOT have the guts to CC his wife such a "纯情" "masterpiece. :)
    • 开个盘:1见了,搞了,成了;2见了,搞了,散了;3见了,没搞直接散了;4没见,散了;5没见,没搞,成了long term soul mate;6没见,online 搞了。 你选哪个?
      • My choice is "5, 没见,没搞,成了SHORT TERM soul mate". I wonder why all of a sudden both of them agree to meet each other in person right after the message was posted at Rolia. .
        • 倒也不是因为“the message was posted at Rolia". 按LZ的性格,是无论如何一定会见的。
          • He won't, otherwise, he would never have posted such a message at Rolia. Men who do stuff just do it, not say it, or discuss it. The end.
            • you are wrong this time. Meeting up the lady must be pro-occupied and no body has the ability to change LZ's mind
              • I believe nobody wants to change his mind, which is kind of a mess. :) (Sorry to say so.) Perhaps I shouldn't trust my instinct this time, but at this point, I believe LZ will chicken out., even though he desperately wanna see her.
                • "trust my instinct "---well said. for situation like this, you can only count on instinct. logics and reasoning are certainly not reliable.
            • This is a character with conflicting personalities, and cannot be understood with common sense.
              • Sounds reasonable.
      • my guess is 见了,没搞this time and leave for next time
    • 你怎么感情这摸不专一啊....#3414911
    • LZ回来啦?感觉很不错吧?
      • 大家都比两位主人公还急啊。有多少人几天点击这个帖子超过10次的?举手!
        • 我猜2个人压根就没有碰到,因为没有电话可以联系。yorkdale mall 向来是人山人海的。
          • 我比较赞同你的观点。不过如果他们都对yorkdale mall比较熟悉的话,约好了地点估计还是可能见了的。说不定他们现在还在外面玩...
          • 错...错...错...!!!!


            • 其實出來說說也未嘗不可呀,大家都很好奇結局呢
              • Here....#3418256
    • 见面感觉如何????????
      你这个性, 网上找GF难啊. 同我一样!!!
    • 我等了1个多小时,没有见到她,但见到一个自称是她朋友的女士,先核对了我的MSN ID,说专程递个话,说她发现了我在Rolia的帖子,感到压力,不敢来了。。。她到现在也不上网,哎。。。
      • 昏倒!
      • 号称她朋友的那个人就是她自己!可能她对你不是很满意,但又不想让你太伤心,只好那么做了。
        • 我的第一反应也是如此。
          • 好像这次你的反应有点正确的说。
            • :))
      • 浪费我们大家这么多感情和神经给你建议和意见,强烈抗议, crying loudly !! 她必须见你, coward.
    • 好细腻,还是不见的好,只是不见不死心哪
    • 她上网了,责怪我为什么写贴在Rolia。被人知道,会被评论为婚外恋的压力可像而知,但我们确实只想做最好最好的朋友。可能吗?
      • 婚外恋?
      • 你真是的,要弄清自己想要什么,性,爱和友谊? 你说的东西太虚幻了,长久不了的. 不是18岁了,玩暧昧会玩死人的.
        • 依依
          • what happen?
            • 没啥,感探词而已。你的比较含蓄,我的比较直接,都一个意思,K
        • too profound will 玩死人的. agree
          • They are profound? Are you kidding or what? In my eyes, both of them are one of those shallowest human beings.
            • sounds like 细腻的 man is not your cup of tea
              • Not that 细腻的 man is my cup of tea, but that men, 细腻的 or not, are all not my cup of tea for sure, if they are spiritually/emotionally/physically cheating their wives or girlfriends. LZ is one of this type of guys.
                truely 细腻的 men are considerate and caring without conscious, subconscious or unconscious intention to hurt thier beloved.
                • I appreciate the fact that LZ feels guilty and has SOME sense of shamefulness and responsiblity, so that he has not YET physically or sexually cheated on his wife, but spiritually and emotional, he has turned himself into a cheater from the first moment
                  that he starts flirting with that woman who is equally married with a husband.
      • 妈的!恶心!
        • 请不要这样说,我们的的确确把对方视为很好的朋友,没有做什么特殊的事情,以人格为证。世界太小,旧人,旧事,世界太窄,心无法放飞。
          • 拉倒吧你!以为大伙都是三岁小孩子?纯真的感情?她敢把你领到她老公面前介绍:“这是我前些日子在网上认识的最好最好的男。。 的朋友!”????
            • hahaha
          • I feel sorry for you, even though you do not deserve our sympathy.
      • 请问你有几个"最好最好"的朋友?请问你是不是都想和TA们上床? #3414705@0
      • 那你是不是也在婚外恋?
      • Ha, I know you both must be married, and my instinct got it right again. :)
    • 7,差点还真以为是什么伟大爱情呢!
    • all of a suddent, I have a feelin that we were all manipulated
      • Not all of us, though. :) Some of us knew something fishy was out there, but we gave LZ time to play his role. Unfortunately, he is not a good actor. :)
    • 我一直认为,在这个坛子里,不应该责怪真实,和真情,每个人都不是圣人,每时每刻,我们都在与真与丑,理性和感觉,各种人性做斗争。我只是平铺直叙我的感觉:我喜欢她,困惑于我们能否作真正的朋友。如果你还是要扔砖头,就扔吧。
      • 别描了!找朋友不是你这种找法!
      • 你所谓的真实就是用你的几个马甲在工作与事业板自吹自擂?
      • 你妈的!恶心!
      • 算了吧,你真的是在找好朋友?如果是,你会担心她的容貌会让“那种很美很美的感觉就陡然消失"?你反正是够傻的,那么大人了还像个纯情小男生一样上来发帖子问?你也相信她说“会被评论为婚外恋" 而有压力?
        大家都不知道她是否有ID, 何来压力? 更何况你不说的时候,广大群众还不知道你在玩婚外恋。 当然了,明眼人是有的,前几天就有人在水缸揭发过你到处找女友偷腥了。

        婚外找女友没什么大错了。错就错在你还出来恶心人, 哈哈!
    • 错错措,这事不能跟着感觉走。谢谢大家!
      • 你妈的!恶心! -sammy(46 days);
      • 见面了吧,SB了吧。
    • 我们都是留守人士,而且我们都反对婚外恋,事实上什么也没有发生,原则从一开始就有,而且坚持到现在。谢谢朋友们的讨论,有些比较偏激,但可以理解。我们今天一同吃了午饭,好奇都没有了,仍旧是朋友。再次谢谢,拍砖时请宽容些。
      • 送你一句精确无比的评论,一对狗男女。。。。哈哈
      • "我们都是留守人士,而且我们都反对婚外恋"? - you sure??? 又一个寂寞的良家妇女给骗了。真为你太太觉得不值。不过看你也挺可怜滴。她们每人各打25大板,你打50板。
        • 我想呢,怎么见一个面就那么邪门,还要跟着感觉走,互相不留电话号码,只在网上聊。原来是怕打电话的时候被自己的配偶和朋友们听到啊。什么地方不去,偏偏去mall里面碰头,yorkdale中国人少,还可以省下这50刀。
    • have to meet finally. So earlier is better.
    • Too "细腻" to be a man. BS!
      • some men are 细腻, good or bad, women have the final say
        • 带引号的,真怕他糟踏了细腻这个好词
          • 他是说JJ.
    • 不太懂为什么有些人对此贴如此“义愤填膺”?朋友聊天,见面,心里有些感觉不是很正常的事吗?看看有些回答的贴,玩笑不是更过分吗?在这里标榜道德专家,除了觉得比较爽快以外,还有什么?认真的问一句:你仅仅是在这里发泄,是吗?
      • 这事你就不该拿到网上来。
      • 不是的,你们俩除了没见过彼此外,明明好的快融为一体了,却不肯承认是婚外恋,非说是好朋友。。大家是气这个吧,呵呵
      • 你用错词了,估计不少人不是义愤填膺,倒是觉得恶心反胃.
      • 其实那,你的感觉很多人都有就是不说出来而已。很多人和你的想法一模一样,就是如果见面了,还有感觉,有条件的话,就上床,如果长相不对胃口,就会象你一样,口口声声就做朋友,还和过去一样。

        • 对。你说得在理。我没觉得这里很多骂人的人比楼主高尚。
    • 谢谢。我实际上是个很正常不过的人,我所描述的情绪,相信很多人都有过。每天的生活有许多喜怒哀乐,在这里大家交交心,得到些儆戒,或宽慰,使压力得到些舒缓。别每天铁着脸,像斗地主,资本家似的。注意这里的标题是:情爱悠悠,呵呵。
      • 既然是精神交友,为何又要见面,为何又要对对方的容貌有很高要求,为何对方害怕见一个朋友被老公知道,知道事情上了rolia, 又不愿意出来了,为何2个人都不愿意事先交换电话?
        PS: 没有人说你们2个是不正常人。其实大家都觉得你们2个是太正常不过的人,因为双方都有需求。只是现在有1方觉得需求被rolian们知道了,害怕劳工知道,就毅然退缩了。太正常不过的反应了。
      • 都贴在这个版了,还说什么不是婚外恋,别扯了
        • 偷情没有什么丢人的,怕老婆知道更可以理解,让人恶心的是偷情还要打着纯洁的旗号,记要做婊子,又要立贞洁牌坊,确实让人倒胃口。
          • 按照你的意思偷情象动物一样需要才有意思。
      • Do you have the guts to let your wife read whatever you have written? Are you worried that your wife or the woman's husband might have the similar story as you two? You guys deserve each other, but please do not send yourself or people like you
        to 情爱 Hall of Fame, cause you guys don't know what love is, and you guys have nothing but lust and desire which is far away from noble love.
        • I wonder what kind of abnormal human beings you guys are. Cheating on each other ( I bet your wife or the woman's husband can sense what's going on there.), while still calling each other wives and husbands. Discusting.
          • ....
            • Go with whatever answer you can come up with.
      • 你还别说,资本家这儿的道德标准比社会主义中国要高那么一点点,你的这点事要在中国还真算纯洁的了.
    • 非此即彼的价值取向,浮躁浅薄的心态:男女双方网上聊天,无话不谈,就是婚外恋;作一约会游戏,看能否互相认出来,就说我们要背叛家庭,上床偷情;那些蹩脚,猥琐的帖子,没人说恶心反胃,认真,纯情,珍惜这个世界,被斥责不该说出来。猪们,只能拱粪便。
      • 请解释一下"纯情"先.
        • 纯情:无论你是呀呀学语的少年,是风烛残年的老人,还是油盐酱醋,儿呼女娇的中年,无论你是在沙尘暴的国内,是在机器轰鸣的累伯车间,还是在逍遥自在的办公室,内心深处,始终有一处小河弯弯,绿荫环绕的山水。你,劳顿之余,膜拜于生命的富饶,喜泣于人性的美丽。
          • Under the circumstances that your wife or that woman's husband doesn't know or what? :) You make me laugh.
      • 顶一下你。我希望你这个回帖让这帮人闭嘴。
      • "珍惜这个世界"? Come on, without you or your "纯情" (Jesus Christ :)))))))))))))), the world will be much better. You know what, instead of "珍惜这个世界", how about starting with somethign small like 珍惜 your WIFE first by Not playing 约会游戏?
    • 别提猪,猪比你这伪君子高尚多了。
    • 人有了家庭,当然能继续有自己的朋友圈,包括异性,这用不着征求谁同意,全靠自己的把握和责任心,憧憬对方的容貌,仪态,风度,谈吐,自然界的优胜劣汰,坦坦然然,人之常情。有些国移,心态萎靡,形势猥琐,没有情商,记住,这里不是性爱悠悠。情和性,天壤之别!
      • 美好的感情就留在心里回味,在网上以这种方式公告是不是有亵渎之嫌?怨不得人家不愿见你.
        • 我们最终还是见了,欣赏了共同喜欢的交响乐,我曾告诉她:男人有泪不轻弹,但我听音乐就流泪,希望他不会介意。在壮丽鼎盛的乐曲中,我们的泪水流到了一起。“美好的感情就留在心里回味,”不错,但美丽的愿望从来不会忌讳让别人分享。
          • I bet this happened in your dream, didn't it?
          • we want to know what happened next, scumbag?
            • 还让我忽悠那!脑袋都砸破了。
      • 话说有一嫖客嫖了妓女,为了满足自己无红颜知己的愿望,于是只给妓女金首饰,而不给代表嫖与被嫖关系的钱,从此后,该嫖客就向别人炫耀,自己找了一个红颜知己。
        • 可怜之人必有可恨之处:满脑子男盗女娼。
      • #3414705@0 如果没LZ您这个帖子,我还真差点儿要被你感动了.
        • 这么大了,第一次见网友(还是已婚的),就幸福成这个样子,好象一辈子没有见过女人一样。真象叫花子捡半个馒头,就以为天下就老子吃的最好一样。 还有脸说别人没有情商,这样的老男人真让人感觉有点可怜。
          • 老男人?呵呵,30出头,可能比你大几岁?您还在街头打地铺吗?对不起,听您的腔调。。。就不和您玩儿了。
            • 如果你30刚出头,那我就比你大几岁,在你这个岁数的时候我已经见了超过40位网友,上过一次床的有七八个,上过很多次的也有好几个,没有上床最后成为朋友的也有3,2个。
              • 你这是骂static的一帮人中的典型。
              • 呵呵,大实话。我没认为我有多崇高,我也从不缺女人,生活中要想让自己真正的感动一次 ,很难,但一定要做。你的战绩让你感动了吗?
                • 就你这种烂货以后还是不要到工作与事业那边去叫卖你自己了
                  • Tell you the the truth, man, I helped many friends locating the job and getting offers, no kidding. I modified tens of resume every week for just fun, valuntarily fun.
                    • It's good that you have a heart to help people, but still it won't justify the fact that you are a cheater, and dishonour your family.
              • You are just a piece of jerk.
                You are the lowest of low. You like the fast food, go and enjoy it. Other people like french dinner, what is wrong with them? You want simple, others want complicated relationship, and what is wrong with them again. Being your animal, let some others dress up to do something in their own way.
        • #3420236
    • 好了,就不忽悠了,借此机会测测此坛来客的情商。记得头一回看《围城》,惊讶于作者怎么写的是7-80年以前的故事,。。。我倒是欣赏有几位网友的评论,不苍白,不低俗卑猥,他(她)们宽容,理解,客观,身边这样的朋友多了,不用去偷情。:-)
    • 测试结果:rolia 虚拟游戏里最好玩最容易最有成就感所以最受欢迎的角色 - "卫道士"!
      • I don't think he is a faker at all. At least he told all of us his real thoughts.
        Choose whom to meet, to date or sleep is all personal issue. Developing a relationship with a married person , it is all personal matters. It is not necessary to judge other people's moral according only to that. Life is too short and too complicated. Chrish the chance and enjoy it.
        The way he tried to arrange to meet this lady is a little bit over-thinking or man-made for me. But if both of them enjoy the process and the mystery, so what?
        Somebody prefer stick to one person, somebody prefer to sleep around. We are all animals and we are different. But we are all tax payers. Nobody is better than any others.
        • sounds pertinent. just curiosity, are you the significant other of LZ? sounds like that but never mind, I am just kidding.
          • Not fully understand your points. Too much attack to LZ. He only need technical support, not moral support.
            • Isn't moral support based on technical support? If you support him technically, how come you won't morally?
              • My dear little friend, moral is the foundation, technich is based on personal moral value.
                It is too complicated to discuss the personal moral intendency. The LZ is an adult. He got his own moral judgement. His choice may not yours and mine. But he absolutely has his free will and right to make his choice and decision. I can only draw a conclusion: In this specific case, it is a non-victim personal behavior.
                The moral standards are always changing from time to time. We have basic moral value shared by all human sociaties. but there are still varieties among different cultures, different countries and different people. What do you think about same sex marriage? It is against my belief. But it is legal now. So talking about moral issues is not that easy. For me, the bottom line is the regulation of law. For me, if you didn't break law, do whatever you want. It will make things easy and simple. If you disagree with certain parts of the law. Try to change the law.
                • Moral and technique are, or can be treated as, totally separate issues. From the nature, there is no correlation in between. We have moral standards because we need to protect those weak, and make life stable.
                  • True. Moral and technical advices is totally different things.
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am not realy sure how human being developes the moral standards. Why we have the feeling of shy or guilty or whatever other kinds of feeling, and wild animals have not. And also i guess the foundation of law of human sociaties is based on the basic moral standards. Acient people think it is not good to kill someone, gradually it is agreed by most people and finally being written into the law book.
                    Moral is to protect the weak? I think it is right to certain degree. Basically, moral is to let people to judge what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. But moral standards in different cultures and different groups of people are different. And moral standards can be changed from time to time. Even the law can be changed too.
                    I guess the sequence is like this. Rising Moral issuse--most of people agree certain moral stands--become certain regulations of law-- some regulations of law are out of date, not fit in anymore--rewrite--vote--upon most people's will--new regulations of law.

                    Using law to regulate people's social behavior is more democratic and scientific, easy and simple. Chinese get use to using moral standards to guide people's behaivor and judge others. Which one is better, different people have different opinions.

                    This specific case, i also can percieve it in another angle: For an male adult can not enjoy the nomal sex life, it is immoral. He can support his wife and spiritually( or physically) support another man's wife, he is moral. Ha , who knows.

                    I very much doubt the marriage system. If more than 50% marriages end up with devoices, one male and one female marriage system seems not work very well. We need find a new way to solve this problem.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Dump her if you are good, fuck her and then dump her if you are evil. hahahahaha~~~~~~
      • Does "fuck" have anything to do with "evil"?
    • 见面的事情是瞎掰,不过我们在电话里和网上一直聊得不错。最近我们在聊一本书:《狼图腾》。一下是她的见解。哈哈,头一次和一个女孩聊这些。忘记情与色,男女的友谊会持久些。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛i skimmed the summary chapter which i sent u. here is my post-reading notes.

      in brief, the author attributed the driving force of chinese social progress to the worship of wolf.

      i interpret it to the spririt of ambition, conquer, and fighting.

      combing through the thread of the chinese history, the author verified his theory by mapping the controlling peoples personality to 'wolf' or 'lamb'. their winning or losing of the power are largely dependent on the percentage of the 'wolf' personality.

      in large, he rooted the spirit of 'wolf' or 'lamb' to the primary production format. lamb is based upon micro agriculture economy while wolf is derived from the nomadic life style. with a heart of patriotism, he proposed to 'wolferlize' the chinese people in order to build up the competitive advantage over other nations in the modern world.

      i agree with him that spiritual strength plays a big deal during the course of social progress. fundamentally, it is the human nature of innovation and risk taking that drives the transformation of society.

      the unanswered question raised by the author, therefore, remains 'how'. how to wolferlize a nation, a people who lack the experiences of fighting and intruding on the prairie and have been used to be raised up without questioning the authority.

      my view about this book - he is a great thinker. a good story teller, a good history lover. in terms of history, i prefer historians like Huang Ren Yu who examines and analyzes the society with more structured and scientific way.

      my two cents worth.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 服了你,还真的自己跟自己玩儿上了...
        • 我很忙最近,她好像有时很闲,需要聊天。是个很懂得照相,旅游,交流,爱看书的女孩。