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Investment Banking Myth 4: I banker 挣的是天文数字。

大家都知道了goldman sachs 去年底,人均奖金是600k/人。但是tricky part是,人均并不代表所有人都挣这么多。 senior bankers 可以挣数百万。而junior banker也就是几万.

I banker,的基本工资属于中上等。真正区分i bankers from other jobs 是在他的bonus payment.

front office employee can expect average 50% of their base pay as bonus on a yearly basis. However, with that said, when it is a bad year, you can expect a 0% bonus or even worse face losing your jobs.


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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Investment Banking Myth 4: I banker 挣的是天文数字。
    大家都知道了goldman sachs 去年底,人均奖金是600k/人。但是tricky part是,人均并不代表所有人都挣这么多。 senior bankers 可以挣数百万。而junior banker也就是几万.

    I banker,的基本工资属于中上等。真正区分i bankers from other jobs 是在他的bonus payment.

    front office employee can expect average 50% of their base pay as bonus on a yearly basis. However, with that said, when it is a bad year, you can expect a 0% bonus or even worse face losing your jobs.

    • :-)
    • 总比没有强吧,我想缴税还没有机会不是?
    • If u still have room for ur RRSP contribution, buy RRSP immediately after getting ur bonus, at least u can delay ur 气也气死了. Unless, u don't.
      • 那是一定要买了,不过还是要交很多税了。我觉得还是比不了做contract的,拿到手的钱不用交税。
        • If only you know how to do that
    • 你不是气死了,你是拽死了。这么有闲,哪天给我讲一课吧,怎么混进银行?
      • that's why he call himself king, but, he is really smart. Person could find job in investment banking along the Bay St. in Toronto, at least I will salute to him. cheers for him.
      • he posted his job search history before, it is kind of great story.
        • I've read his story of job search at Bay Street, and know he is a stunningly smart guy. So that's why I said he deserves to be "拽" here. No offence to u but I'd salute to a real king :-)
          • can you please post the link to that story? Thank you very much.
          • I look you as my brother, at least I think so, I would not say he post on purpose; I like the way he did,人生得意须尽欢,我更喜欢年少轻狂. we need to be respected, also we need to respect others; his story is fucking great and excelllent wonderful!!!!!!
            • I apologize if I gave wrong impression to u, but I am a lady so can't agree with your f-words, in plublic.
    • Hi, Zuluking,告诉我们你是在中国还是在英语语言国家上的高中,本科,这更有意义。
      • 我周围几个朋友作IB的都是在中国上的中学、本科,在这里读的MBA.
        • 你说这话恐怕把investment banking和middle office and back office的工作搞混了。我还真的很认识些加拿大的topMBA毕业生,没听说谁在做IB. Investemnt bank isn't equal to Investment banking.
          • totally agree! that's why LZ called himself king, as far as I know, few of interviewees can get through those tough interviews even the local Canadians.
            • 面试很难是真的,但是不等于中国人拿不到。我们班上最牛的一个中国人,IB 和 Consulting 公司的面试比老外都多。
          • Trading desk 算不算?
            • 我觉得trading desk好像不算吧,IB大多数是做融资上市的事情吧,基本上是个sales的活。
              • 做 M&A 的也有国人啊
                • which bank?
              • 不过我这个做 Trader 的同学也有开发市场的任务。他去猛吹做 Road show 的时候,当地的 Sales Manager 说他们才知道原来在那里有这么多客户。
            • Trading desk is a part of the investment bank, and trading desk's revenue represents 2/3 of the revenue made by a bank's capital market group. Investment Banking makes up about 1/3 of the revenue.
          • Venture Capital 算不算?
            • venture capital is considered as smaller scaled private equity firms, not investment banking.
          • Mutual Fund Manager, Hedge Fund Manager 算不算?
            • mutual funds and hedge funds are all considered as buy side of the business, not the sell side, therefore, I would not categorize them as a part of investment banking
          • 另外再补充一下,我的同学中作Consultant, Marketing 的也不少。这些都是传统上对语言、文化要求比较高的,但是中国人一样能在这样的行业里站住脚。
            • welcome healthy discussion.
              Please share your friend's experience here to benefit everyone who is interested in this profession.
              • 牵涉到具体个人事迹,没有当事人同意,不好多说。我觉得还是以前的工作经历最重要,个人的勤奋、坚持其次,最后还要靠些机遇。我们毕业那年,差不多是就业最差的一年,但是是金子总会发光的。
      • 还是不要了吧,又不是查户口
        • 这个问题很关键。如果你本科是在国内读的,在这边能做investment banking,我真的很很佩服。如果你在这读的高中或本科,你很优秀,但也没什么特别的。你的经历也就对我们大部分人没有什么参考性。
          • make some sense.
            • no need to benchmark me, I am different, that's it and that's all.
      • Seems Zuluking's thread draws some reader' interest in investment banking. I would like to share my story and background here:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Seems Zuluking's thread draws some reader' interest in investment banking. I would like to share my story and background here:

        I graduated from a third-tier university in China, worked a few years in China for a state-owned foreign trade company and later was dispatched to work in Hong Kong.

        In year 2001 I came to Canada to do my MBA program. Immediately after graduation I got a job in risk management supporting (considered as back office job) in one of the Canadian banks. Over 3 years, I got my CFA charter in 2004 and worked my way through middle office (risk manager in the trading floor) and finally transitioned to the front office as an associate. Now I am a director in debt capital market department of the same bank (director is just a title, I don't have anyone to direct).

        For those who are saying new immigrants cannot do ibanking in West, I disagree with you. You might be misled by the fictions or movies that all ibankers are talkative and sale people, but I tell ya it's not true. To serve the institutional clients, you need to deliver "products" to them, or in other words, being able to act as pimps to bring together the money borrowers and lenders. Being able to talk is just one part of the job -- it may be very important, but certainly not the dominating factor. ibank needs people with different skill sets to make the deal happen.

        I work around 55 hours a week (not too bad comparing with 100+ hours for guys in wall st.) and I love my job. It's fast pace and challenging with a steep learning curve. The skill set and work experience are highly recognized across the financial world, making myself very mobile if I want to live in another financial centre. The pay is good too (often I am feeling I am grossly overpaid for my contribution to this society).

        I agree with David Diao that many times it's just luck or the career path you chose. For those who are interested in this field, personally I think, as an immigrant, you will need the following items before you knock on the door of Canadian iBanking:

        * Be driven and persistent
        * MBA + CFA
        * Good people skill
        * Good communication skill in English, both oral and writting

        It might not be as tough as you thought...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 这个帖子实在。zuluking只是大秀investment banking如何赚钱, 他如何优秀,却不肯告诉大家他的background. 离开他的background, 他的优秀就没有意义。还有investemnt banking 不等于investment bank. IB中国人多了,但没见做investment banking的。
          • come on, u gotta respect others' privacy.
            • 只是问他在英语国家还是在中国读的高中和本科,又没问他是哪个学校毕业的,没问他学什么专业,这是不尊重他人隐私吗?真心帮助大家就说一下,这么藏着掖着, 说的话也就没有可信度了。
              • 可信不可信,因人而异。我不想说,又何必如此咄咄逼人? 网上有人知道我的背景。公益活动的时候也遇到过几位网友。信则有,不信则无。很简单。
                • 这是咄咄逼人吗?你光描绘你的achievements, 却不提背景,谁知道这条路是否适合我们大家?如果你是研究生才来这读的,我们应该向你学习,我们也应该有可能做到。如果你是高中都在这读的,那我们要更优秀过你才行的通。
                  谁让我们老大不小读完本科才来的。真心帮大家就说出来,如果只是show off, 那我再不问了。
                  • I am stunned and speechless, if your way of asking question is not "咄咄逼人", then what is "咄咄逼人"? haha. You are not being assertive, but being aggressive.
                  • Reasonable question. Cautiously support.
                  • 老兄,别追那么紧了,在加拿大大家都憋得荒,就让别人发泄一下,在这儿找点感觉吧。
                    • 明白了,半个CBC,也就只有在我们这些老大不小出来的移民面前show off一下。俺就此打住了。:)
                  • 你是准备和别人比啊?有比较的意义吗?你难道没有比你混的好的同学朋友?这山比那山高的道理都知道吧。人家是不是CBC又如何?
            • Thanks for defending me.:) Appreciate it.
        • 久仰little5的大名了
        • Very interesting, thanks for sharing! We may bump into each other, it is a small world after all!
        • 赞一个
        • Great story! I am not a big fan of Chinese university admission system. You just prove it again. I'm sure you will be very successful in the future.