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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 用实际行动支持拉威尔作品系列,我手上的:
    • 茨冈狂想曲 帕尔曼
      • 吉普賽人(Tzigane)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

        Tzigane (Ravel)

        Tzigane is a rhapsody type of composition by the French composer Maurice Ravel. It was originally written for violin with Luthéal accompaniment in 1924, and dedicated to the Hungarian violinist Jelly d'Aranyi.

        Later versions replaced the original accompanying instrument by piano, or orchestra.

        The name of the piece was derived from the generic European term for gypsy (in French: gitan, tsigane or tzigane), reflecting the powerful gypsy tunes which are found in this lively work. Note that in Ravel's days in Paris gypsy/gitan/tsigane/tzigane did not so much refer to Roma people in strict sense: the "gypsy-esque" features of the work were rather a kind of musical exoticism, comparable to the Spanish exoticism in Ravel's day (compare Chabrier's España), or the Janissary exotism in Mozart's day (Alla Turca).

        The Luthéal was, in Ravel's day, a comparatively new piano-like instrument that had several tone-colour (not exclusively "pitch") registers that could be engaged by pulling stops above the keyboard. One of these registers had a cimbalon-like sound, which fitted well with the gypsyesk idea of the composition. The printed version of the original score of the Tzigane piece contained instructions for these register-changes during execution. The Luthéal, however, never really made it as a fashionable music instrument: by the end of the 20th century the first print of the "Luthéal" version of the accompaniment was still available at the publishers... by that time the chamber music version of the piece relied on the piano as accompanying instrument. In this sense Tzigane is comparable to Schubert's "arpeggione" sonata: that piece was also written in order to promote a new uncommon instrument, and when the composition proved more popular than the instrument a few years later, execution shifted to a more common instrument (cello in Schubert's case).

        Tzigane is often performed as an arrangement (by Ravel himself) for solo violin and orchestra. Though the composer is almost universally regarded as following a mainly Impressionist idiom, 'Tzigane' clearly demonstrates Ravel's ability to imitate the (late) Romantic style of violin showmanship promoted by such composer-virtuosi as Paganini and Sarasate. In fact, the musical format and structure of 'Tzigane' bears a striking similarity to Sarasate's 'Zigeunerweisen'.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 有趣。听出“帕格尼尼”了吗?哪个有Sarasate's 'Zigeunerweisen'?
    • G大调钢琴协奏曲第二乐章 米凯兰杰利
      • 拉威尔称《G大调钢琴协奏曲》“是一首按莫扎特或圣-桑斯的精神写成的协奏曲”。并说:“我认为一首协奏曲可以是明快辉煌的,没有必要以表现深刻内容或戏剧性效果为目的。……”而德彪西根据马拉美诗篇谱写的《牧神的午后》,
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛犹如一场极其遥远的流动着的梦,原诗作者认为此曲是在召唤一个已经失去的天真烂漫的传奇世界。流动着的梦,原诗作者认为此曲是在召唤一个已经失去的天真烂漫的传奇世界。






          拉威尔总共作有两首钢琴协奏曲,另一首即《左手钢琴协奏曲》,为在战争中失去右臂的奥地利钢琴家鲍尔•维特根什坦创作。作品为单乐章,却长达近二十分钟。引子以乐队对黑暗的描绘而著称,钢琴独奏的华彩乐段如雷鸣般响亮,还有独奏钢琴那透明的织体与悲凉的抒情性之间的鲜明对比,以及爵士乐因素的引入,都成为作品最突出的特色。 (文/李峥)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 有德彪西的《牧神的午后》吗?
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    • 11! 等了一上午,竟然没有人座沙发?怀念过去抢沙发的时光。。。
      • 报告大师, 我想抢,是皮会长自己不给我们留沙发,一下子已经到第六排了。。。
    • “有条件要上,没有条件创造条件也要上”之新时代版本:有老迷要砸,没有老迷创造目标也要砸:你的忽悠呢?
      • 别忽悠, 说真话, 这拉威尔和德标西比不过音阶和和弦,剩下织体和配器,还比不过杜卡和雷斯庇基,只有音色的深浅无人能及,就是波莱罗舞曲而已
        • 你怎么不忽悠下茨冈。。。给你立个靶子。。。我很喜欢它。。。。
        • 好一个"而已"! 你把人家几个加起来和拉威尔一个人比.
          • 说得好!那天聚会上,他对俺们德高望重的老柴司机也干过同样的事...
            • 砸归砸,老魔头开口就上升到理论高度“音阶和和弦...织体和配器...音色...”什么的,不服不行。唉,这摊里最没文化的就是俺啦...
              比俺更土的是瞎起哄 ...;-)))
              • 俞氏的梁祝都有。。。还没文化。。。谁信呀。
                • 别提了... 这张碟是俺迷信版本最惨痛的教训
                  • Post it here mah, please!
                    • Ok if you insist, I'll post it tonight.
                      Disclaimer: you asked for it !
                      • OK, we can swap the version. I have the version of Takako Nishizaki.
                        • I have hers by Naxos, not very impressed either.
                      • Sorry, too busy tonight. Maybe tomorrow night.
                        I'm not motivated to share this version anyway ...;-))
            • 错过了这次进修, 我特意弄来了老柴钢琴三重奏来补习. 那个主题与变奏确实美的让人落泪, 令我感到这么多年太不对不住他老人家. 打算加入你们烧柴队看看. :)
              • 俺代表村支书--以大师表示热烈欢迎!
                • 我发现美致死的慢乐章尽是些变奏曲, 是这样吗? If yes, why?
                  • 要有起伏才能调动,慢才能抒情,看抒什么情,现在年轻的都喜欢快的,比如我们以大师发过的巴比伦河
                    • 这话题充满了暗坑,一不留神,就会掉下去。。。
                  • Yes, why? 变奏曲就像是肉麻的车轱辘话来回说,把听者说晕了,也就“美致死”了。。。
                    • 这话悠味甚浓!
              • Post & share please ...
                • One theme plus 13 variations, that's 14 tracks.
                  I'm not gonna post 14 files here. You can download from roro123.dreamhosters.com/theme_and_variations/ by yourself.
                  • Who are the players ?
                    will download after work, thanks!
                    • Argerich, Kremer, Maisky
                      Do you want the 1st mvmt as well?
                      • the one with Shostakovich's too, right? 我更喜欢老萧的阴冷.
                      • sure, this is what I want
                        I was thinking about ordering it, but hesitated because of conflicting comments from Amazon listeners. You provide a good opportunity for me to decide with my own ears. Thanks!
    • 今天忙多了,都是你们忽的悠。。。鼎鼎顶~~! -maer(马儿); 17:20
    • 你们兄弟share一个account呀。