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如果你在乎她,这个方法会有效果 ...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先不管你什么原因不想再交往下去了,如果你对她还有良心的话,你这时应该不介意把你自己的灵魂(我指的是丑陋的一面)暴露在她面前。象她忏悔你心底是多么的龌龊,多么的卑鄙,你在内心是个小人,根本不配与她生活一生。

你跟她说,在男女交往时谁都愿意表现自己最好的一面。但你在同她交往的过程中,发现她心地善良、对友真诚专一,.... 你现在发现你跟她根本不是一类,心里惭愧,但不想改变自己。你无法在一生中象她心目中的那个人那样生活。(最好在电话里说,避免见面。女子能见你的面,很难下决心断的。你尽量不见面,不是少见。是不见!)


(至于另一位仁兄的主意,我有自己的看法。我对不认识的人,都会先 Assume 她是个善良的人。我会认为她是个感情专一的女人。我会认为她只同你一个人在交往,并无脚踩两支船。所以你一定要好好处理好你和她的善后。否则,如果她是一个水性杨花的女子,你也不会这么费心思免去伤害她,对吧。)

待你完全解决好这件事,在面对下个女孩时,你要好好想想是否要对她负责一辈子,再深入你们的关系。千万别伤害一个好女孩更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 无意中认识一位女生,很喜欢,也交往了一段时间,一直以为她才二十多岁,偶然间发现她其实都三十八了(身份证件上)。其实她也没故意骗过我,因为她的长相非常年轻,没结过婚,且一开始是我追的她,她开始一直拒绝。本人刚三十出头,现在怎么办?放弃吗?有些不舍。
    • 你眼神有问题把, 38 和 二十多岁, 这, 这也差太远了.
      • :) 差10岁
      • 绝无戏言,我的一个老外同事问我她是不是16岁?
        • 不放弃.
          • 同意!找一个喜欢的人不容易,能和你交往,她也是认可你的。缘去易,稍纵即逝。缘再来难啊,可能需要苦觅一生,你试试征个婚就知道了,都是条件相当,结果可能一无所获,缺的就是感觉。
            • 找到有感觉的是在是太难了,坚持就是胜利。
        • 传说中的天山童姥?
          • 我是认真的。找个比我大的,总有一种说不出的感觉。本想有个小些的需要我呵护。
            • 女大三,抱金砖;女大八,抱金瓜。
            • if not 传说中的天山童姥, there is only one explanation, i.e. you are way way way inexperienced. NO offended
              • 教教,该怎么看岁数。
                • 眼角 脖子
                  • I don't think you have a chance to have such a close look at this stage
                    • 别担心,我眼神很好。
                      • 就这眼神,我看不咋地。 - 别生气欧
                  • 高!不过眼角还是看不出,脖子上倒是有一道横纹。老兄高见,小弟受益匪浅。
                    • 眼角要看笑的时候
                      • 8同意,我同学22岁,笑的时候眼角还有几条纹呢。知道看什么吗,应该是鼻子两翼的法令纹
                        • 能不能解释一下,好像这儿高人很多。
                          • z
                • 手。 可以先看看学生MM的手,再比较这个JJ的手。近四十的JJ的手会有血管露出的。 (Be Careful though. After you learn all these technics, your luck might run out for good. you'll probably do not have any MM/JJ who can give you ... Good Luck!
                  手。 可以先看看学生MM的手,再比较这个JJ的手。近四十的JJ的手会有血管露出的。 (Be Careful. After you learn all these technics, your luck might run out for good. you'll probably do not have any MM/JJ who can give you that kind of feeling anymore. So, develop more friendship, loveship with this dear JJ. Do not drop her easily!) Good Luck!
                  • 小弟佩服。
                    • 这些方法都不重要。关键在你们是否能接受对方。如果是我,我一定会娶她!(但我也知道,人生中的路,很多人不会听从旁人的劝慰的。不到某个年龄阶段,多数人是不会悟出人生的道理的。So, Good Luck to you.)
                      • 觉得你的话很中肯,也有道理。能不能教一个法子一点不伤害到她的。
                        • "能不能教一个法子 一点 不伤害到她."? Yes, here is one: leaving her alone, setting her free, and giving her a chance to meet a man who is better than you, and can treasure her like his own heart? You are such a hypocrite.
                          BE A MAN, and leave her alone.
                        • 如果你在乎她,这个方法会有效果 ...
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先不管你什么原因不想再交往下去了,如果你对她还有良心的话,你这时应该不介意把你自己的灵魂(我指的是丑陋的一面)暴露在她面前。象她忏悔你心底是多么的龌龊,多么的卑鄙,你在内心是个小人,根本不配与她生活一生。

                          你跟她说,在男女交往时谁都愿意表现自己最好的一面。但你在同她交往的过程中,发现她心地善良、对友真诚专一,.... 你现在发现你跟她根本不是一类,心里惭愧,但不想改变自己。你无法在一生中象她心目中的那个人那样生活。(最好在电话里说,避免见面。女子能见你的面,很难下决心断的。你尽量不见面,不是少见。是不见!)


                          (至于另一位仁兄的主意,我有自己的看法。我对不认识的人,都会先 Assume 她是个善良的人。我会认为她是个感情专一的女人。我会认为她只同你一个人在交往,并无脚踩两支船。所以你一定要好好处理好你和她的善后。否则,如果她是一个水性杨花的女子,你也不会这么费心思免去伤害她,对吧。)

                          待你完全解决好这件事,在面对下个女孩时,你要好好想想是否要对她负责一辈子,再深入你们的关系。千万别伤害一个好女孩更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • "如果你决定不跟她婚定,她一定会受一个人生中最大的打击"? Are you sure? I bet LZ isn't the only guy that she (at the age of 38) ever met, and broke up with or was broken up with, is he? She will meet a better one who deserves her emotion and heart.
                        Come on, do NOT drag two non-matchable people together, if you truly want the woman happily ever after instead of getting divorced later on.
        • 老外看亚洲人是啥眼神?您看亚洲人是啥眼神?不过,男国移,都已经没有眼神可谈了。没办法……
        • 是发育的不好吧。。。
      • 我眼神也有问题。我见过一个45的,我还以为是25。
    • 难道就兴老牛啃嫩草?
      • 嫩牛啃老草
    • 我本来是认真的,否则也不会来这里请教大家。只怕家里老母通不过吧。
      • 差几岁呀?我有朋友38岁嫁了小4岁的丈夫,过得很幸福啊。她LG对她很呵护的。两 人都是中国人
    • 你放弃了吧。然后介绍给我,先谢了!
    • 放弃.
      • why???
    • 放弃!
      • 给个原因罢。我也很矛盾。
        • 你现在只是有些不舍,不要等陷的深了,再想转身就难了!
    • 跟着感觉走. 先同居一年
    • 跟我们家那个有一拼。我们家那个,都生完孩子了,次次剪发人家还给半价。
      • 没看明白:给的是 senior 价?
        • 7. 儿童价
          • 我们这儿通价8折,高级公民半价,有道理啊,儿童毛少,可是乱动不好剃;高级公民,毛又少又合作。。。
            • 那时我们还在新加坡
        • 你这是以38之道,还38之身
          • 你这是以38之道,还83之身
            • 唉,这个故事告诉我们,在论坛上,不要提家人。唉,伤心ing。
              • 是嫉妒呢.
      • 他不是在说你吧?38
    • I suggest you give up or give yourself more time to figure it out. If you were really in love, you would not have come up with this question at all. Obviously liking someone is different from loving someone.
    • if you want your own child, give up. Otherwise, you will be very happy to have one elder wife. It is very true.
      • 38应该还有生育能力吧!
        • yes, but she has more chance to get a "problematic" baby. Wang Fei is an example.
          • 王菲也有自身的原因,她的酗酒抽烟是很有名的,只是为维护形象不宣传罢了。就像布什夫人,口不离烟,常常忍受。
          • 真的,谢提醒。看来还是早断早好,唉
            • Exactly.
            • 鄙视你!原来还有点同情你,以为你动了真感情,闹了半天还是要找人传宗接代。趁早断了,免得害了人家一辈子。
              • 真爱一个人,才会和她想生孩子。
                • Absolutley true, with unusual exception that some people only use children as a tool to revenge.
          • 兔唇与遗传因素有密切关系
    • 西人男的找比自己年纪大的多的是。管那么远干什么。黛米摩尔那个比自己小20左右吧?还有sex&the city里的那个加拿大演员,找的也是比自己小10几吧,是多伦多一厨师?只要幸福,10年都很难得。8岁的差距还好。
      • 能过一起也长不了.
    • Go to bed first and then give up ...
      • you are 外地人, don't try to ruin local people's reputation
        • local people is changing
          • changing due to 外地人. like people say "I was born to be good but the emergence of 外地人changes everything"
            • that's what's changing
      • 倒不是我标榜自己,这样的事我是不会做的。要么现在放弃,要么就坚持。
    • 38对你来说太老了. 即使她的心理年龄还很年轻. 生理年龄摆在那里. 当你还很需要SEX的时候, 她已经不需要了.
      • 好像女人的性欲更持久吧。况且女人没有性欲也能使男人满足。
        • Do not worry about sex. You will feel More Comfortable when you have it with her. If it does not matter not to have your own baby, she will be a perfect wife, I believe. Pure Love does not have any accessary conditions.
          • you got the point. 可我当然想要个自己的孩子。
            • 38女的当然可以生孩子,还可以生好几个。
              • no problem to have babies, I agree with you. But she will take more risks.
                • Right, the down syndrome is more likely to happen to babies of women over 35.
    • 女人的急剧衰变出现在四十以上更年期前后,那时青春已释,心理的变化比生理的变化还要大。你们现在还OK,如果过十年你四十她近五十,到时你娱乐就基本靠手了。当然你如果你没打算那么长,就算我什么都没说。
    • 女人的变化是在40岁以后。激素水平下降后。马上就跟老了。男人到了50才会有巨大 的变化。别傻了
    • 不要勉强自己,也不要勉强别人哈。
    • 偶觉得38像20几岁有两种可能性。第一是杨采妮和周惠敏那种,天生丽质+后天保养,这个厉害!第二种是身材娇小,皮肤白,素面朝天,剪短发,续刘海儿,整天穿junior的衣服,我学校就有一个,不仔细看以为15岁,呵呵,可是一开口,有点恐怖。。。呵呵
    • 傻樣,考驗你呢,買了一個假証,看是要人還是要証
      • 上片片!奔一个看看!!!
    • 代表广大女性网友提个要求:
      • 代表俺一个男人的观点~~~~
        • 好像是。在我看来她基本不用什么化妆品。当然也可能是我眼神差,如这儿一些前辈们所说。
        • 有一点,个人觉得有孩子的妇女老的快,是不是?好比我有个同事一下子就老了。
          • 生孩子完的妇女老的快。
    • Rolia是不是有专业挖坑的,怎么什么怪事都有!
    • 得! Now most of people suggest you giving up.
    • 说真的,如果我认识你那位女朋友,我会劝她give up 你。你都已经30多了,一个大男人对自己个人的感情问题犹犹豫豫,瞻前顾后,拿不定主意,她要是跟了你,也不见得快乐。不是她不适合你,而是你不适合她。
      • 如不想负责任就不会犹豫了。你更本不懂男人。
        • 切,那你更不懂女人了。如果她知道了你心里的犹豫,一定会放弃你!
        • 就冲着你说的这句:“你更本不懂男人”,就能看出你的幼稚来。还有,这么私人的感情问题拿到论坛上,听别人人云亦云,别人的看法是别人的看法,难道你的感情生活还要靠别人来指手画脚,你自己一点都不能作主吗?
          • 哈哈!听了您的意见我就是有主见了,是吗?这儿这么多建议,我当然要自己决定。不过兼听则明,你小女孩子不懂。
        • 你放弃吧, 如果你认定年龄自己吃亏了,心理就是个届.以后即便结婚了,有些磕磕碰碰的,也会心理不平, 不要白白辜负了一个好女人.没意思.
    • 强烈要求一下:请问你女朋友到底用什么护肤品啊?????
      • 往贵里说呢那叫坑人,往低里说呢是蒙人,(因为说她天生丽质呢,好多JJMM 还不信, 哈哈)
        • #3411806 我信
          • 我信 youger looking people don't need that much cosmetics (only a little), because my mom only use Xuehuagao, nothing else, but she looked like absolutely 15-20 years younger.
            • I definitely agree. One of my Japanese interpreters didn't wear any makeup, and I purely believed that she was only 21 or 24 at the maximum, till the day I was about to leave Japan, and
              she said she was 35 and got divorced more than 10 years ago.

              I know that the best indicator of a woman's age is her neck or hands not face, but I ailed to see her age, cause her skin was just like an angel's: flawless, smooth and shining. I believe that came from gene.
              • I totally agree. One of my Japanese friends also looks 10 more years younger than the true age she is now. Except gene, usually Japanese women has the "know-how" to keep skin younger.
                • Yeah, perhaps it also has something to do with the fact that they eat more fish, and have almost no oil in most of their dishes.
                  • So des neh, another example is: Italian girls/women eat olive oil in the beginning of the day to keep skin younger - this is the way works to them.
                    • Yeah, well, have you seen Italian women when they are older? They seem not able to compete with Japanese women, lots of whom at the age of 70 or 80 look like 50 or even 45 something like that.
                      • Yes. I have actually got a photo of an Italian woman who is now 70s but stil looks very sexy as 40 something. Ha.
                        • Perhaps you are right. Sophia Lauren is a good example, whose skin is not smooth but whose figure and look are sexy and vigorous.
                          • Right. Italian women look sexy and pretty as I haven't seen any ugly Italian woman.
                            • 可是她们老了以后会长胡子的耶~
                              • 哈哈, 我還沒看过有长胡子的,
                              • Actually they have 胡子, older or younger, but they shave themselves regulary, so that you can rarely see.
                                • ohh..so as they get older, they sort of give up, and let it grow, rite? just like some guys are too old to take care of their 鼻毛。。
                                  • I know who you are
                                    • someone who always reminds u to cut ur 鼻毛?not me!
                                      • but the tune does ring the bell
                                        • errrr...am sure i dunno u la, but u might know me, who knows
    • 您是不是该去换眼镜了?
    • 知道个真实故事,
      • Another true story that I know is that a doctor has been married to his wife more than 10 years, with her 15 years older than him.
      • it is true for now, but thing will change soon. aging is an irreversible process. No exception
    • In my opinion, you really should think twice before she really gets under your skin.
      It's widely accepted that an old man chooses a young woman, but not another way round you know. I had a friend who married to an old lady whose age was almost twice as his, of course, without parents' blessing, the marriage ended a few years later invovled a poor little girl. I am not trying to scare you away from her, but make up mind carefully and treat her discreetly in case she gets hurt.
    • 这儿高手这么多,有谁能给个建议:怎样分手又不会伤害到她?毕竟是我坚持追的她,不想让她受伤害。
      • 准備抽身退步啦?
      • How about telling her the truth? Women hate men who say something like "It's not your fault, I am not good enough for you."
      • Agree, just tell her truth, 她会很快忘记你这个。。。。
        • Perhaps not 很快, but she will understand and appreciate LZ's honesty.
      • PM her information to everyone here,it 's full of alternative!!! LOL!!!!
        • you are too old for her
          • :((((((((((((((
        • I think it's good idea. This way, you are out, and some other guy will spend time with her. Both you are happy, nobody get hurt. She is young looking, a lot of guys must like her
      • 你整个一猪脑!你爱上人家了。现在因为她38分手?好好珍惜这份情。别听别人忽有。在你眼里,她就16
        • "你爱上人家"? I don't think so. If LZ truly 爱上人家, he would not have posted such a question at Rolia. He might LIKE that woman, not 爱上. He had better stop right now, otherwise, they may end up in divorce.
          • exactly!
        • 白虎姐是说人家以前爱上了人家。
          • I doubt, though. :) Love is blind in some sense, and obviously LZ is not blind at all. He even found out the woman's age without being told.
            • You are right, Love is sometimes blind. But you can not say unblind is not love.:)
            • So LZ is not blind, but he might still really love her before. Obviously he is hesitating now.
      • 这种情况最好的分手方式应该是立刻淡出。不建议直接讲出真实原因。因为有些情况可以直说,比如性格不和等,但是有关生理,比如年龄,疾病,肥胖等,是先天的,当事人没办法改变的,说出来还蛮伤人的,its like saying , ur too old for me...
        • 是啊,再怎么說,25歲以上的mm都會care年齡的啦,如果直說是年齡問題,肯定是很傷人的
        • 这个听着有道理。能不能给些指导?
          • 很简单。不主动联系,不见面,她打过来10个电话接1个,语气平静客气,说最近很忙,不提别的,3,4句就找借口挂电话。相信有理智和自尊的女人应该知难而退的。
            • This might be one of the most cruel methods to end relationship. A respectable gentleman would never behave like this. Silence hurts people much more than words sometimes.
              • in the long run, its the most effective and harmless way. and its for lz's good as well.
                • In the long run, the woman will think of LZ as a mannerless man, a coward, and an escaper without the guts to tell the truth in a good manner.
                  • for breaking up, truth doesnt matter, a break up is a break up, no matter how u dress it up, 结果永远还是u buying me a nice dinner and telling me that am too old for u
                    • At least, you end up the story by being honest and responsible not dumping her like an object without communication.
              • asker, asker, I am curious that you are a girl or guy. but it doesn't matter. I really appreciate your point.
          • I wonder why you didn't tell her your age in the first place, or why she never asked you about your age.
            • obviously she is trying avoid the age topic.
              • Perhaps both of them are trying to avoid age issue.
            • 我一直以为她很年轻的,我想这可能是她一开始拒绝我的一个原因吧。所以我现在觉得有些对不起她。
              • I understand. Actually I feel you are a very nice person, and do have some sincere feelings for her, so that I hope you can end up this relationship in a gentle and respectful manner.
              • Try to tell her as early as possible.
              • Did she know your age at the very beginning?
                • I think the woman might know or feel LZ is younger, which is why she refused him in the first place. She might not care about the age difference.
                  • Well, did she know that LZ thought she was yonger?
                    • Unfortunately she might not. Or she knew, but thought LZ didn't care about the fact that she was older.
                      • If she knew, that's a problem! She is lying intentionly. LZ can break up her using this.
                        • No, I don't think she is lying, but that LZ gave her a wrong message by insisting on the pursuit and relationship that LZ didn't care about she was older or younger.
                          • No, not right. LZ's actions are based on wrong assumption, and she knew this. and she knew LZ did not know he was wrong. So she should correct it.
                            • She was wrong by thinking that LZ didn't care about age stuff, and I think both of them were wrong, and both of them did not speak up their minds in the first place.
                              • Yes. So both have sth. to blamed for. LZ can use this as an excuse?
                                • Who said LZ could use this as an excuse? He couldn't, but he also should NOT continue the relationship, cause his mind was changed,and his heart was not there any more.
                                  • Yes. That's my suggestion to LZ. LZ needs a way to end this relationship.
                                    • LZ has decided to end this relationship, just that he wonders which way is better and less hurtful.
                                      • Yes, my way is less harmful. Because she will blame herself.
                                        • :)))))))) Your way? Sorry that I got lost. :)
                                          • Not clear? The way I suggested.
                                            • So return lies to liars. Can't help laughing.:)
                                        • Geez, make the other party feel guilty is what you call the best way to end up a relationship?! cannot believe it...
                • 大概知道的吧。
                  • Yeah, I think so as well.
        • It's not about what you say, but about how you say it. If I were LZ, I would invite the woman to dinner, and gently let her know my thoughts about what age plays in relationship
          instead of saying something like "OK, we got to break up, cause you are too old for me."

          At dinner, you don't talk about your age or her age, but about age in general indirectly letting her know that you care about age, and you wish to have a younger friend.
          • The key is being polite and being gentle.
          • 如果这位女士先示爱,这样婉转表达还ok.但楼主先追的她,又有一些发展,现在又拿年龄作唯一的分手原因,也太肤浅了8。而且在意年龄就是在意别人怎么看,等于自己说自己软弱和虚荣,虽然是正常的,大多数人都世俗,但是我想楼主应该不想为此而对着她忏悔吧,呵呵。
            • What's wrong with telling your friend that you are 太肤浅, and you are not a saint? You can be 太肤浅 and you can make a mistake, but you cannot be dishonest. Set her and yourself free.
              • Believe it or not, women respect men who have the guts to 说自己软弱和虚荣, not those who are 软弱和虚荣, but do not have the guts to admit it.
                • if i were her, i definitely wouldnt wanna hear these old stories about age issues. coz i already concerned about it. otherwise i wouldnt be hesitated to go out w/him at the beginning.dun waste time.a breakup is a breakup, the easier the better
                  • So giving her no response is an easier way? Put yourself in her shoes, how would you feel, if the one you cared about suddenly disappeared without meeting you or taking your phone calls.
                    • 那你觉得一个比自己年轻的男人突如其来的追你,你小心翼翼的保护自己,但是后来被真情打动,也付出投入,憧憬未来,一切都那么美好。。而这个男人都因为无意中发现自己年长几岁而突然提出分手,就好受了吗??
                      • If he spoke up his mind in an honest manner right in front of me, I would understand , even though I was hurt.
                        • And I would know why my relationship failed, and I would learn a precious lesson from the case, and would not have relationship with men younger than I.
                          • Wrong again. Next time, you may meet a man who really does not care the age difference, and you learning lesson will make miss the chance.
                            • In that case, I would not go for him as easily and quickly as before, until I am 100% sure that he REALLY DOES NOT care about the age difference.
                              • Wrong again. If you tell him too early, he might refuse to be with you and fail to see your other good things that might change his mind. You miss another chance again.
                                • :)))))))))))) So I would hide the issue and go with him as quickly and easily as possible, and then after 7 or 8 years, I suddenly found out he was not 100% sure of the age issue, and broke up?
                                  • So my point of all above, is, what ever you do, it is wrong in certain cases. You can only prey for luck.
                                    • OK, I will start to learn how to gamble. :)
                        • 不是任何时候都要telling truth的。举个例子,比如一对男女,交往一段时间了,男的才发现女的有先天性心脏病,于是请她吃饭,告诉她对不起,你有心脏病,我不想以后要照顾你一辈子。。你愿意听这样残忍的事实吗? 这些先天生理的东西真的不好拿来说的。
                          • Not DIRECTLY say something like "You got a heart problem, and I can't stand it." but "I might not be as strong as you think, and I might not be the best person to take care of you."
                            • thats same la...
                              • That's not the same. The end will be the same, but the way to express the end is not. How you say matters more than, much more than what you say. I have made my point, best wishes to LZ.
                          • 于是你借口说,对不起,我们两性格不合,于是她先天性心脏病一发,就死了。
                            • :)))))))))
                              • 你还笑得出来。。
                                • Why not? Life is cruel yet cheerful.
                                  • Thank you for your lovely laugh.
                                    • You are welcome. Nice talking to you. :)
                                      • Me too.
                            • a,你好残忍阿,居然这样写结局。。
                              • 是你这样暗示的呀。
                                • 绝没有。我意思是这姑娘化悲痛为力量,一鼓作气战胜病魔,这男人后悔的砸坑子!
                                  • 哦,我才知道先天性心脏病还有得治。您是学医的吧。
                                    • 医学奇迹
                                      • 哦,不是学医。是学神学的。
      • 完全不受伤害是不可能的, 最好的方式就是实话告诉她你想分手的真实原因, 虽然会难过一时, 但是应该会很快恢复的. 唉, 所以啊, 对普通人来讲, 找男朋友, 基本原则是不能比自己小, 小一天也不行
        • 小一天都不行?为什么啊?
          • Cause what matters is not how many days or years younger he is, but the fact that he is younger.
            • my wife is several days older than me. it's not a problem.
              • Great. :) Just that people are different, and problem in my eyes might be no problem in yours.
              • Sorry, 是老哥啊。
          • 小一天就不能叫哥哥了呀!请问你哪儿起伏啊?
            • see my nickname? life has its ups and downs. 人生有起有伏,简之:起伏
              • 哦,我以为你说的是你胸前。
                • good imagination
                  • Imagenation only? That means it is not right! ?
        • 如果真的爱,就不要因为年龄而放手。现在才30, 还有50-60年的路要走,感觉才是最重要的。
        • 想问问 happygirl2002 mm, 男的大 mm 多少天 (或 多少年) 就不行了?
    • 就说姐弟恋行不通!怕结婚后受姐姐欺负~~~~白白~~~
    • 有点奇怪啊, 通常交往初期不都问问你多大了啊这样的事情吗,
      • Yeah, that's why I wonder how come they didn't do it in the first place, which was kind of unusual.
        • 有可能先见面,再感兴趣的。所以一开始就没有怀疑过对方的年纪。
      • 是啊,我也觉得有点奇怪!我也被年轻的男孩子追过,我当时就告诉他我比他大,如果没有心理准备就放弃,因为生活不是儿戏!……感觉那个女的做事扭扭捏捏,难道告诉他岁数会死吗?或者有意这么吊着?
    • 这有什么好稀罕的?如果"好事"兄弟常在江湖走走,就见怪不怪了.38看起来像二十几,用什么化妆品吃什么大补丸都达不到如此境界,如此驻颜由术
      定是采阳补阴大法练到了一定的境界. 好事兄弟最好自己摸一摸斤两, 够分量的话,就接着上,两人可以阴阳双修, 练到金身不坏天仙配的高层境界.
      不过吗, 如果不行的话硬撑,多则 仨俩月少则三五天工夫, 你就成画皮了.
      • 38看起来象二十多没什么奇怪的。我认识一个女人50了,两个小孩都二十多了。她看起来也象二十多岁,和她女儿出去别人认为是姐俩。走到哪里都有男人追求。说保养,她从没有过,反而生活得很辛苦,一周工作七天,为生活奔波。
    • 让给我算啦。
      • 对亚,嫌弃年纪太大了,就推荐给坛子里的别的兄弟们吧,这里没得娘子讨的,多得很呢。对方年纪也很大了,你就当作一件好事,成全了别的兄弟们,就当作件好事。
      • she's not a playgirl.
        • 怎么样???
        • 我又没有让她做playgirl。我想,反正你嫌弃她比你大,她也犹犹豫豫不太愿意。干脆让她另找一个相得中的,你就当成全了她,做了件好事情。要么,我来帮她介绍介绍,直到她相中为止,如何?
          • 你手头那么多资源啊~~
            • 真讨厌,你跳出来干嘛?我看他舍不得试试他。
              • sorry...^_^
    • 放弃吧,其实放弃的决定应该已经有了,来寻求心理上的一些支持也是合理的。不是你的错,人性使然,文化使然。苦痛和伤害是难免的,注意点儿方式吧。。。
    • 为什么要放弃,你认为她多大就多大,管驾照上是多大年令,真一个犹柔GUA断的男人,这样私人的问题还要问人。现在值得珍惜的东西已经不多了,珍惜你目前所有吧。新年好运!
    • 眼神也太差了吧。
    • 不可能永远做出最正确有利的决定,只是尽力把那个重要的决定做到不至于今后一想起就后悔心痛就很对的起自己了
    • 建议你看一下seinfeld的一个episode叫the truth的, 你就知道说真话的后果了
    • 三十岁的男人,说大不大,说小不小,还想浪荡几年而已。也就三五年吧。我打赌三五年后LZ 要后悔。这里本来就不太好找,要找个这样素质的只怕更难。我倒觉得她年纪大,是haoshi。这种女人一般都难侍候。年纪大,有矛盾时她会比较容易妥协。真找个完美无缺的,你等着受罪吧。
    • 楼主的意思,是倾向于结束这段感情。也许更好的选项是,稍稍疏远一下,让她知道你的犹豫。再看她的反应。她会自己明白的。如果她困惑不解,你再告诉她也不晚。太突然是一种伤害。
      • 你以为他是你啊,知情知性?LZ 是定了分的念头了,早就俗得让人无法忍受了.
    • 就别耽误她的时间了, 直接告诉她原因. 你开始不是以结婚为目的交往, 否则你不会现在有问题. 40岁左右看起来象20多岁的有很多, 而且她们有很好的工作. 下次目的明确点.
      • Exactly. LZ is such a hypocrite,who pretends to be what he can't be , that is, a gentleman. He cares more about his own feelings and future than hers, and he is like "Honey, I care about you not myself (of course, not true),
        and don't want to hurt you, but I have to." Come on, give us men and women a break.
    • 年龄差别不是问题,问题是你也不年轻了。
      • 如果是68岁的老太太和60出头的老头恋爱,大家会不会觉得2个人应该断交?楼主如果就是那个老头,是否应该回头去找50出头的老太太?
    • 她姓周?