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古典吉它: <阿斯图里亚斯的回忆>John Williams - Asturias


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。。。。乐韵书香今天终于轮到我做庄了。大家喜欢听民族的,通俗的,戏曲,曲艺,看书的。。。全来吧。今天是咱们的舞台。
    • 哈,真的 没砖头哇。
    • 民曲: <莲>Lotus - Secret Garden
      • 你看,这个就比命运啊什么的容易懂。直接就捅泪腺上了。
      • This is a nice one.
    • 古典吉它: <阿斯图里亚斯的回忆>John Williams - Asturias
      • My favorite!! I could play it 10 year back.
        • 那也是highhand了
          • hehe,not high. Just got second grade prize in university.
            • high, 就是high. 希望你目前还在弹。 ;-)
            • 是在这里大学得的奖?
      • 我很自豪地说,他照expertune还差一截儿。
        • very thankful for your thread. I never searched music clips on YOUTUBE. These exciting music reminded me the past of youth.
          • 不用谢了。趁他们乐韵书香的人不在,咱赶快玩儿些俗的。不过,俺可得走了。砖头瓦片随时就到了。
        • how do you guys put the pic of link into the page?
          • 我从来没有这么干过,我不会。问7UP吧。
        • 11,你可不能这样啊,他是我偶像,手把手指点过我我老师,他好像还曾经到我母校演出过,可惜我毕业太早。他老人家是当今classicalguitar活着的第一人了。我家里他的CD,起码有10多张,大部分还是正版的,嘿嘿
          • 什么?你是说老威廉去过你母校?厉害啊.俺这可是头一次看他老人家演奏啊.
            • 我一哥们还专门跑去给我录了盘video,呵呵。他和谢家齐(华人,好像是英籍,弹得也很好)有一年在中国巡回演出。
    • 通俗: <加州旅馆>Eagles - Hotel of California
    • 器乐: 马友友 Libertango (Piazzolla) - Yo-Yo Ma
    • 电影音乐: Mel Gibson's <Braveheart>
    • 通俗: 'O-Zone - Dragostea din tei'
    • 来,听听巴里奥斯的'大教堂'.当年啃了一半,放弃了.
      • This guy is really something. very high hand! LOL....
        • 总是梗着脖子张着嘴的福田进一, 呵呵. 还有个疯子, 山下和仁
          • 唉,俺也有弹奏张着嘴的习惯,可惜天份不够,没成"大湿"! 这小子的细指头是块弹琴的好料子.终于找到自己没成大湿的原因了.lol...
    • 电影音乐: <The Secret Garden>
      • 听了这首<神秘园>,就真正懂得了什么叫"如泣如诉".
      • So beautiful.
      • 醉。谢:)
    • 流行: Shakira - <Whenever>
      • 7爷,你这玩意跟他们忽悠的有异曲同工之妙,都是俺们俗人不懂的。你能不能忽悠点儿超女啊,京剧啊,京韵大鼓啊什么的。
        • si ah. si ah...lol...
        • 为你这句话忙忽我半夜啊....去#3403097@0听吧
          • 我下了81%就不动了。唉。
      • 喜欢。谢:)
    • 电影歌曲: Enya - <Book of days>
    • 诵唱: <Slumber My Darling>, 伴奏: YO YO MA
      MV下载较慢,请耐心... beautiful song, don't miss

      Slumber, my darling, thy mother is near,
      Guarding thy dreams from all terror and fear,
      Sunlight has pass'd and the twilight has gone,
      Slumber, my darling, the night's coming on.
      Sweet visions attend thy sleep,
      Fondest, dearest to me,
      While others their revels keep,
      I will watch over thee.

      Slumber, my darling, the birds are at rest,
      The wandering dews by the flow'rs are caressed,
      Slumber, my darling, I'll wrap thee up warm,
      And pray that the angels will shield thee from harm.

      Slumber, my darling, till morn's blushing ray
      Brings to the world the glad tidings of day;
      Fill the dark void with thy dreamy delight--
      Slumber, thy mother will guard thee tonight,
      Thy pillow shall sacred be
      From all outward alarms;
      Thou, thou are the world to me
      In thine innocent charms.

      Slumber, my darling, the birds are at rest,
      The wandering dews by the flow'rs are caressed,
      Slumber, my darling, I'll wrap thee up warm,
      And pray that the angels will shield thee from harm

    • 钢琴独奏: S.E.N.S - Wish
    • 民乐: 京韵悠悠Long Rhyme of Beijing Opera
      • 2006最后一砖,不砸了,累死了,俺还要过年呢
        • 你继续砸,俺撤了。他们都回来了,得跑快点儿。