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The ones who are doing something like that are cheap, don't you think so?

恕我直言,也见过很多“国女”,所有生活的艰难都写在脸上,个人猜想她们一定经历了很多。不知道别人怎么样,我自己不是那种很耐劳型的,不能有太多事让我worry,每天要有固定生活程式,工作和家两点一线对我来说最comfortable,要去做facial,要去gym,偶尔party or travel could be exciting,我认为生活的简单一些更happy。也遇到不少男的知道我结婚了也一样追。私下里认为这是他们自己的事,与我无关。这种affair对女方一点好处都没有,想快快变成黄脸婆,then go for it; otherwise, stay away from it. Girls need to be smart. In another word, I am only be responsible for looking good, not responsible for any result that will possibly produce. They need to take care of themselves. A little bit selfish, right? Well, that is me.

Only one exception, if a young girl just want to try it to see what it looks like or feel like, then I think it is ok for her to find a victim. Just don't be hooked up and lose everything.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 有几分姿色又能自己为饭馆,酒店,酒吧买单的女士,就不要在小气的国移青蛙身上浪费时间了,喜欢成熟风韵的年轻sg多的是。
    • Is it? where are they??? :))
    • Hiahiahiahiahia... 乐癫儿癫儿地等着看你挨砖。;)
      • Hiahiahiahiahia... 乐癫儿癫儿地等着看你挨砖。;) -culouzi(醋篓子)
        • 我就看不惯你们这些人,没文化,粗鲁,要文明,一定要文明,碰到害虫,要用科学的方法,坚决的消灭掉。
    • Seriously, I have a hands full of desperate Chinese girlfriends being talk about this every day:)))
      • 把自己收拾打扮的漂亮一点,mall里,cafe,酒吧,朋友的party,有些工作关系又算不上同事的,太多了,10几岁到30岁的都有,一些穷学生虽然没啥钱不过有身材有相貌有体力。那些自以为有个专业工作却连几千快钱和你度个假都舍不得的要远离。
        • who r u ? why u think one should spent thousands of dollars with you?
          • 这应该算是什么关系那?情人?一夜情?卖身?
          • few housand dollars is a fair deal for some people who wants to spent quility time, if you think it's too expensive, it's not for you.
            • 值不值是要验过货才知道,不验货就花钱的那是SB.
              • 那当然要相处一段时间才能去旅行啊,不然半路上性格不合多难受啊。我也要验人啊,象刘銮雄那种的,恐怕得1个million.
                • 1million少了。他有几十个亿啊
                  • 这叫看人下菜碟,坐地起价。农民的孩子嘛,刚出来摆地摊,你得理解。
                  • 老刘人一向大气,不用你提醒,就是路过,也会扔快馒头给她的。
                    • 谢谢你的关心,馒头我自己有钱买。
                  • 你太贪心了。
              • HI, 傻S根B,你会怎样验货吗?
        • 50刀就了不得了,几千块?WK,不是给人包几天玩玩吧?一般的就算已经是一家人了也不是随便花的。
          • This is not for 一般人 like you. please remember I don't put these money into my own pocket. I can pay big bucks too, but if I am willing to pay the money, then I will pay 20 something models, why a middle age junk?
            • cool!
        • 这不就是交际花吗。
    • 除非你是17岁-25岁美女,否则我是不会在你身上花费CAD$50的
      • 人家已经说了不在乎CAD$50了,自己付得起。你真麻烦。
        • 就是,人家愿意找个17-25岁的小帅哥,花它几千块一起去度假呢。拿着$50的也好意思 站着说话,腰不疼吗?
          • 50怎么拉,那时我兄弟,说话客气点!他的帐,我付!
            • 就算你想付,也得人家肯让你付才行哪!那么点钱,不够麻烦的!
              • 我只是不想你们攻击”腰疼“,挺幽默的一个人,我喜欢他这个性。
                • He is so mean.
                • Well, it 's your taste.
                  • 你呀,能不能大气幽默点啊大姐姐?
                    • who is your 大姐姐? don't be silly!
                      • 我的错,大妈
                        • you are disgusting, man
                        • and embarrassing! You should find a solution for yourself.
                        • LOL
                      • 哎,哎,哎,说实话,好男不和女斗,漫骂会伤了声带。我其实一直很平静,没想到把你惹成这样,说实话,和女人只要是有纠纷,我过后都认为是我的错。我道歉了。真的。你别生气了,我错了好吗?
                        • Don't get me wrong. I was not upset or angry or whatsoever.Men are just like women, they all like to be young and pretty/handsome. I don't mind to be a 100 years old and I am going to be 1000 years old.
                          • 好,那就叫您“牛奶千岁”拉,哎,千岁,等您到“万岁”的时候,别忘了请我这老乌龟给您祝寿啊。哈哈。。。
                            • 我赌你今晚12点之前,又会发一帖说没劲要离开这里鬼地方。MARK IT。
                              • This is a game we all can play. Why should I leave? After all, 幸有ROLIA我未孤, right?
                                • 1。 我是赌bologg(情深海岸)。 2。赌的是他的心理活动,不是行动。
                                  • sorry, misunderstood ya!
                                  • 你还123的,没跳够啊,赌什么,说话。
                            • 既然赌,就把注摆好,赌什么的?MARK AGAIN !
                        • 我赌你今晚8点以前一定怒容变笑脸,心里还直嘀咕“他可别走啊”,哈哈。。。
                          • Haha...他可别走啊 right before 8:00pm
                          • happy now?
                          • 你还带这么拍马屁的,没有意思了。
                            • 你应该知道“鲁迅”吧,朋友?冷冷指着鼻子的,是有势力,有枪炮的“千夫”,甘愿为其做“牲口”的,是弱小的”孺子“,你找个硬点的带把的来试试,别混了。
                  • 怪不得马季不想活了,现在懂幽默的人太少了
              • 对了,他今天晚上见人妖去了,还没回来,应该还活着吧,听说今天老萨要被秘密处决拉,那人妖不会想不开,让“腰疼”不疼了吧。。。
      • 有个性,够幽默。
    • 就是嘛。如果只是小气也就罢了,咱自己掏腰包行了吧?可那股子霸气简直让人莫名其妙。
      • LOL
    • Go to Veravedo, cuba. You will find handsome and sexy SG in each hotels,better than Hollywood stars.
      • 几千块钱能包一个年轻漂亮的女留学生半年,要是回国,能包好几个美女,有钱也不能这样乱花吧?
        • The writer likes young men!
        • 年轻漂亮的女留学生 are so cheap? Is that true or you are just dreaming it?
          • 这么给你说,如果是在国内,只要你长的还周正,聊天水平高,能到3星以上宾馆开房,找女人(良家女子)基本不用花钱
            • 你说的对,但对了一半。这里的好多女同胞不是只想玩,她们想有个家。所以,难免要看一看经济状况,以免站错队。大多数这里的女国移没办法有国内那种“闲情”,环境不饶人嘛。所以只要不是太过分,应该理解。
              • 你说的也不完全对。我知道有很多人认为移民生活很艰辛,但我在现实生活中的朋友都过得很好呀!我自己是其中很典型的一个,来了快六年了,在中国在外企拿比较高的工资,做技术工作,在这里还一样。虽然我算是很爱花钱,但年薪十万也勉强够了。

                我想我的朋友跟你认识的人不一样的地方是她们都已结婚,生活稳定,整天想的是party, travel, kids' education。不过有时候看她们营营禄禄,也觉得挺boring的。

                我知道你是有钱人,好象男版“财务自由”,不用工作也生活得很好。很奇怪的是你交往的人又属于比较poor的一类的。大概中层阶级只跟中产阶级交往吧?Just one word for you - please don't take advantage of these girls because you have moeny. Most of them will become middle class eventually someday. Don't let them to hate you in their life time.

                Forgive me if I made the wrong guess :-)
                • 好好好,你过的好,我不行,我层次低,交往的更底,还沾人便宜,井底之蛙。混的连乌龟都做不了,真心痛那。。。。
                  • Please don't. I was not saying that you are not good. I am out of here. Got a bunch of friends in China to call and say happy new year! Happy New Year to you too!
                    • 多谢,新年快乐。
                  • 海龟去吧,国内有大把的花花姑娘等着你.还有带着妹妹和嫁妆的富家女
                • don't you think you are too arrogant? it is rude to disclose your income again and again in a public forum. $100K seems to be a lot of money but it is boring if you try to repeat it over and over.
                  it does not matter how much you are making. all that matters is how much you can dispose and how much you are willing to dispose. a miser with 100 millions in his pocket is still a miser. whether you are having a good life is not only measured with your income, but also with the quality of your life. such as how many times you get laid in one week and if you get laid with the one you love -- no offense, just an example.
                  • I thought I was talking to Polo. And he is rich, you know. 100K I don't think is a big amount to him, and I actually have to earn it through a full year of hard work. You really can not tell the difference? If 100K is offensing you, how about some guy
                    who never worries about money, never works for it and it just comes to him? And you are so angry to me, isn't that funny? As to whether one's life is a good one. It depends on what is the expectation. I am not so ambitious, like dreaming to be laid more than 3 times a week and with the most handsome and most rich cuttie etc. etc. I am just not that kind of person. Your women probably is, but you need to understand we are totally different type of people. So sorry!
                    • you missed my point totally. why should I be angry with you? because you are making 100K through hard working? I have great respect for people who makes a good living through
                      hard working, although I do envy those born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I was not offensed by your money, or anyone else's money, big or small amount alike. I just felt it is boring to see someone mentioning his/her income again and again. and, if "get laid more than three times a week" can be considered as a grand dream then something is seriously wrong -- even more wrong than 100K showing up all over the place. happy new year and keep up with good working. In all honesty, 100K is good money in Toronto. and it is a proof of your intelligence and skill.
                      • well, i really think happy life is kinda boring because they are all similiar. i don't have too many friends in real life and have no idea how good or bad 100k is actually is. still apologies for boring you like that.
                        as to your getting laid theory, i've got a lot of chances to do that, including doing it with who i really love, but i am not really interested. i don't really believe the sayings that women need it to be happy or pretty or whatsoever, it is kinda ridiculous to me. life is much more than that. i am so proud of myself, not on 100k, but on this. Happy New Year! ^-^
              • 同意,这边有闲情的女国移的确很少,也许有人说身边就有好几个,一是你不具备代表性,二是和国内比,比得了吗?
            • I guess some girls do have something wrong with their minds. Guess you can only get those cheap ones.
              • 谁的想法都不能替代他人,重要的是站在多角度思考问题。还有,小妹,来玩的都是朋友,别动真的,好吗?
                • 我没有冒犯的意思,我是说他说的这样的人只是一小部分。
                  • 可你说人家”ONLY GET CHEAP ONES “,难免有些漫骂吧。
                    • The ones who are doing something like that are cheap, don't you think so?
                      恕我直言,也见过很多“国女”,所有生活的艰难都写在脸上,个人猜想她们一定经历了很多。不知道别人怎么样,我自己不是那种很耐劳型的,不能有太多事让我worry,每天要有固定生活程式,工作和家两点一线对我来说最comfortable,要去做facial,要去gym,偶尔party or travel could be exciting,我认为生活的简单一些更happy。也遇到不少男的知道我结婚了也一样追。私下里认为这是他们自己的事,与我无关。这种affair对女方一点好处都没有,想快快变成黄脸婆,then go for it; otherwise, stay away from it. Girls need to be smart. In another word, I am only be responsible for looking good, not responsible for any result that will possibly produce. They need to take care of themselves. A little bit selfish, right? Well, that is me.

                      Only one exception, if a young girl just want to try it to see what it looks like or feel like, then I think it is ok for her to find a victim. Just don't be hooked up and lose everything.
            • 女人大了,多数要家,事业都稳定了,才考虑情人,但女人比较容易满足。小女孩,玩心重,有资本等。男人,很难满足,所以一生都有压力,毕竟进步无止境。但一生都在玩,反正玩不玩都是驴的命拉。哈哈。。。
            • 一点也不错,那些倒贴的才是最实惠的.傍个富婆才叫本事.反正这年头能吃软饭就是能力.
              • 有钱回国去爽, 质量都比这边好
                • 在找个最多人捧的娶回来才叫本事.参加婚宴的90%都是关系户.红!!
            • 靠,说的真 实在~