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成不成最后再说, 先讲讲我的想法吧.

最好有2-4个人, 我认为四个人比较理想, 还可以打扑克 : ) . 男女不限, 本人女, 所以如果有男有女的话最好不要出现男多女少的局面, 平均或女多都OK.
我们可以先去看电影或者唱歌, 然后一起吃饭, 互祝生日快乐. 吃完饭如果还想聊天的话可以去喝茶/咖啡+打扑克或者月光下散步, 这些都无所谓, 就是一起热闹一下. 费用大家平摊吧.
如果买礼物的话各人的喜好不确定, 我初步想法是每人带一张生日卡, 里面除了祝福的话, 可以加一个智力题, 然后大家抽签看拿到谁的卡. 抽到卡的人如果答对了那个智力题, 可以要求送卡人一个额外的礼物, 以下是选择: 1. 唱一首歌 2. 一个BIRTHDAY KISS (ON FACE) 3. 讲一个笑话
其它的我暂时还没想, 如果吃饭的话最好去可以穿牛仔裤的地方, 嘿嘿, 我穿着随意惯了, 没有很正式的衣服 : P, 智力题呢也不要太朝着奥林匹克的标准了啊.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 打听一下: 有想在最近过生日的吗?
    • 语法错误.
      • 嘿嘿, 其实也没错啊. 我过的是假生日, 真的生日忙得忘了过, 弥补一下.
      • 语法没错。是逻辑错误。
    • 最近是多近?
      • 在新年前吧, 要不快开学又得忙了.
    • 成不成最后再说, 先讲讲我的想法吧.
      最好有2-4个人, 我认为四个人比较理想, 还可以打扑克 : ) . 男女不限, 本人女, 所以如果有男有女的话最好不要出现男多女少的局面, 平均或女多都OK.
      我们可以先去看电影或者唱歌, 然后一起吃饭, 互祝生日快乐. 吃完饭如果还想聊天的话可以去喝茶/咖啡+打扑克或者月光下散步, 这些都无所谓, 就是一起热闹一下. 费用大家平摊吧.
      如果买礼物的话各人的喜好不确定, 我初步想法是每人带一张生日卡, 里面除了祝福的话, 可以加一个智力题, 然后大家抽签看拿到谁的卡. 抽到卡的人如果答对了那个智力题, 可以要求送卡人一个额外的礼物, 以下是选择: 1. 唱一首歌 2. 一个BIRTHDAY KISS (ON FACE) 3. 讲一个笑话
      其它的我暂时还没想, 如果吃饭的话最好去可以穿牛仔裤的地方, 嘿嘿, 我穿着随意惯了, 没有很正式的衣服 : P, 智力题呢也不要太朝着奥林匹克的标准了啊.
      • Today is my birthday ...
        When are you planning to do that? this weekend is Christmas and I guess most people already have plan for that
        • happy birthday 2 u
          • Thanks!
        • hey, happy birthday
        • The date hasn't been scheduled yet, depending on the people who shows interests. I am not a good organizer, but I guess you are right that people will not be available by this weekend. Maybe after Christmas. Any suggestion is welcomed.
          • Thanks for the greetings!
            Well, since you started with the posting you'll be the organizer just for this time and get somebody else to do it next time. I could help as well and I think your plan is great then the only thing left to do is to gather a group of people and pick a place and time.
            • haha, thanks. Next time, I will try not to miss my birthday : )
              I seriously am not the leader type. Perhaps, in the end, only two of us are interested. Well, then we can have a much simpler and faster arrangement.
              Where do you live?
              • Sure .. why not!
                I live close to McCowan and Steeles, which is close to Pacific Mall ... how about you? Do you drive? Otherwise we can meet somewhere close to where you live, as for the date, how about tomorrow? and it seems we got one more person: serenade123(橘子红了).
                • I live in downtown and don't drive : (
                  Sorry, see your reply late. I will go out with my friend today. Wanna go see a movie Friday afternoon, Happy Feet? It must be a fun one. Considering my location, I will probably choose Rainbow cinema on Front street. Or maybe someday after Christmas. No rush.
                  Nice day!
                  • It's ok
                    I cant make it this Friday afternoon because of work and as for the movie, I love cartoons so lets go to see the movie ... how about Sat night? Enjoy with your friend tonite!!
                    • hehe, 我放假了, 属白天出没型
                      Saturday night is Christmas Eve's Eve, I guess I should be in my friend's house and pretending I am helping : )
                      Are you only off on weekends and Christmas? Maybe we can see the movie after Christmas.
                      You know what, I am a little back out of the birthday thing, hehe, three minutes' passion :O
                      I will try to carry on if I still have supporters.
                      Happy holidays!
                      • Movie
                        Well, Im actually off the entire next week ... so if you have that off as well, we could go any day except Wed and Friday nite cuz I have soccer games on those days. As for the birthday thing, it's ok as we dont have enough people this time
      • .........
    • 想在最近过生日,但是最近好像不是生日。多近才能算是最近,一周?
      • 一年
      • .........
    • me....:))
      • Happy Birthday!
        • .........
      • 祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!
        • .........
          • you know:))))
      • 生日快乐呀小橘子~我明天去北边儿,你在那边么?
        • ??
          • ????
        • .........
      • Happy Birthday
        • .........
          • 谢谢! 嘿嘿, 不怎么样. 我不擅组织活动 :P
            • Just because....
              I didn't attend.....:)))
      • Hey, Happy Birthday to you, 橘子!!!
        • .........
      • Happy Birthday, and many more to come!
        • hey, have not seen you in 外语学习 for a while. 哈哈, 跑来这里啦?
          • 你跟踪我!
            • no no, just so impressed by your postings in 外语学习. If you said 你跟踪我, yes, I track each and every signle person down
              • 放在外语学习里可以用stalking这词。
        • .........
      • Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
        橘子 橘子 橘子
        • .........
      • Thanks everybody...I will reply you(one by one) when I get home...:))
        Thanks again...:)))
      • 猪你生日快乐