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Vltava, the Czech name of the great river that we usually call, in German, the Moldau.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It was given a full description by the composer himself in 1879-
...the composition depicts the course of the river from its beginning, where two brooks, one cold the other warm, join in a stream that runs through forests and meadows; and the lovely countryside where merry feasts and gay festivals are being celebrated; by the light of the moon a dance of water nymphs; on the nearby cliffs proud castles, mansions and ruins rise up; the Vltava swirls in the St. John rapids, flows in a broad stream as far as Prague, passes Vysehrad and disappears into the distance where it unite with the Elbe...
In the score, Smetana made some additional notes indicating the course of the river as it winds its way southward from the Sumava Mountains, through central Bohemia and Prague to unite with the Elbe at Melnik. The piece can be divided into eight episodes:

First and second sources flowing into the Vltava itself
Forest and hunting
Rustic village wedding
Moonlight and dance of water sprites or nymphs
Vltava returns
St. John rapids
Vltava flows in broad stream
Vltava salutes Vysehrad and flows by
With exception of the last three which are in the key of E major, the five preceding episodes changes keys from E minor, C major, G major, A major and back to E minor. Cold and warm springs are suggested by flutes in the ever-famous opening bars (1) which is replaced by the clarinets in (2). From this point, section (6) is developed from cellos and double basses, while another idea flows into Vltava itself.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 卡拉扬、斯美塔那、库贝利克、爱国、流放、纳粹、反纳粹、漂泊、肖邦、沃尔塔瓦河、共产党、布拉格、米兰昆德拉、捷克... 音乐让我激动得无法串字成文...
    • 知音难觅???
      • 不远万里大侠呢?
        • 库贝利克也曾思念布拉格
          • “不远万里“是一位网友,以前在这里讨论过斯梅塔纳的“我的祖国“组曲。兴许与你是知音。
          • 俺有Smetana我的祖国的DVD,交响诗配上沃尔塔瓦河沿岸的风光,美致死,是不是库贝利克指挥的忘记了。。。
            • 他有好几个片断,最后一段是他指挥的
          • Rafael KUBELIK (1914-1996) 有脊梁的音乐家
        • 已经是沉到历史区的老贴了, 索性就回顾一下吧。知音并不敢当,只是自觉最近情趣日渐低俗,加之事务繁忙,于是仅当匆匆看客。一不留神都成了生人,想必要是提起荷妹,恐怕只有乐坛元老级人物才能记得其风采
          • 是俗是雅,都是自家人。
          • 無法下載; 請你給我detail, OK ? Thanks.
            • 那贴仅仅是对曲目的简介,引用的音乐片段很短,长度与原曲相去甚远。而且它仅为试听之用,音质又不好。因此不适用于欣赏。更多关于这个曲目的讨论,请参阅另一贴:
              • right; thank you.
          • 文学及音乐上,老哥乃高人也!原因我就不讲了。
            • 提起荷妹,您反应就大。原因我就不讲了。 -culouzi(醋篓子); 11:58 (#3382363@0)
              • Message number not found.
                • 难道来福同学栽脏?
                  • 怀疑啊。。。那家伙有时爱乱搞。。。:D
    • 这里把沃尔塔瓦河称为The Moldau,一次在FM96.3中听到这首熟悉的交响诗,最后播音员播报曲名的时候却说 The Moldau,才知道还有这个名字。。。
      • Vltava, the Czech name of the great river that we usually call, in German, the Moldau.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It was given a full description by the composer himself in 1879-
        ...the composition depicts the course of the river from its beginning, where two brooks, one cold the other warm, join in a stream that runs through forests and meadows; and the lovely countryside where merry feasts and gay festivals are being celebrated; by the light of the moon a dance of water nymphs; on the nearby cliffs proud castles, mansions and ruins rise up; the Vltava swirls in the St. John rapids, flows in a broad stream as far as Prague, passes Vysehrad and disappears into the distance where it unite with the Elbe...
        In the score, Smetana made some additional notes indicating the course of the river as it winds its way southward from the Sumava Mountains, through central Bohemia and Prague to unite with the Elbe at Melnik. The piece can be divided into eight episodes:

        First and second sources flowing into the Vltava itself
        Forest and hunting
        Rustic village wedding
        Moonlight and dance of water sprites or nymphs
        Vltava returns
        St. John rapids
        Vltava flows in broad stream
        Vltava salutes Vysehrad and flows by
        With exception of the last three which are in the key of E major, the five preceding episodes changes keys from E minor, C major, G major, A major and back to E minor. Cold and warm springs are suggested by flutes in the ever-famous opening bars (1) which is replaced by the clarinets in (2). From this point, section (6) is developed from cellos and double basses, while another idea flows into Vltava itself.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 库贝利克和卡拉扬都指挥过我的祖国,他们俩认识吗?卡拉扬曾加入纳粹,库贝利克最不容的是极权,意识形态的差异影响他们在音乐上的交往吗?
    • 你忘了德沃夏克。他的音乐可以感觉到比较捷克。我没有说错吧?
    • \斯美塔那的<我的祖国>是我所爱的。我有一个同事,罗马尼亚来的,曾经跟他提起,竟然不知!
      • 说到罗马尼亚,想起既然挖了老贴, 索性就再挖一个。打开一看,有不少乐坛前辈在贴中雁过留声,他们乃是我特别敬佩的高人,还有荷妹呢
        • 刚来加的时候,有一次去应聘,前台的秘书自称是罗马尼亚来的,我见无人,就跟她多聊几句,说从你们的斯美塔那感觉到你们的祖国的魅力,愿有朝一日去游览,她竟也不知斯美塔那!无言哪!
          • 我以前有一同事是从捷克来的, 还真一块聊了一阵子斯美塔那
          • 我和大可以都有关于此曲的dvd,里面一开始就是采访路人关于此曲,很多人都不知道,不知道好像是正常的。
            • 惭愧,俺为了省几个银两,到处拉关系,委曲求碟,自己都记不清DVD的来源了,多谢屁屁虫提醒,帮我烧了这么好的蝶。。。:-)
      • 把小调演绎得如此淋漓尽致的,使我首先想到的就是斯美塔那的<我的祖国>!小调的内涵被斯美塔那“发掘”到了极至。在下以为,以卡拉扬版本为最佳。