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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛著名的加拿大乡村女歌手Shania Twain,有句著名的歌词:喔,你以为你是Brad Pitt?(Okay, so you're Brad Pitt )














自己心爱的女友,送了他一件非常非常非常经典的生日礼物,在[Fallingwater House]呆上一天。

美国建筑师Frank Lloyd Wright的建筑设计,在任何一本建筑学的教材上,都要提及的一处建筑,坐落于匹兹堡东南五十英里的山间小溪,建于上个世纪的三十年代,被多个建筑研究机构,票选为[二十世纪代表建筑]。


经典的还有这样安安静静,就惊天动地,就惊世骇俗的爱情礼物:Brad said he had a visual sense of Fallingwater but experiencing it in person, hearing the sound of the waterfall cascading under the house and smelling the wood from the fireplace, was better than anything he could have imagined.

净心倾听潺潺溪水流过房子地板之下的声音,闻着起居室的火炉熊熊燃烧的木柴清香,是多少青春美貌多少名声多少金钱,可以替换的呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 经典/爱情
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛著名的加拿大乡村女歌手Shania Twain,有句著名的歌词:喔,你以为你是Brad Pitt?(Okay, so you're Brad Pitt )














    自己心爱的女友,送了他一件非常非常非常经典的生日礼物,在[Fallingwater House]呆上一天。

    美国建筑师Frank Lloyd Wright的建筑设计,在任何一本建筑学的教材上,都要提及的一处建筑,坐落于匹兹堡东南五十英里的山间小溪,建于上个世纪的三十年代,被多个建筑研究机构,票选为[二十世纪代表建筑]。


    经典的还有这样安安静静,就惊天动地,就惊世骇俗的爱情礼物:Brad said he had a visual sense of Fallingwater but experiencing it in person, hearing the sound of the waterfall cascading under the house and smelling the wood from the fireplace, was better than anything he could have imagined.

    净心倾听潺潺溪水流过房子地板之下的声音,闻着起居室的火炉熊熊燃烧的木柴清香,是多少青春美貌多少名声多少金钱,可以替换的呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • "净心倾听潺潺溪水流过房子地板之下的声音,闻着起居室的火炉熊熊燃烧的木柴清香,是多少青春美貌多少名声多少金钱,可以替换的呢?",哦,这种时光想有就有了,很容易,倒是名声威望,金钱来之不易。不过,你写的很好,顶一下。
      • 多谢顶贴。我相信你也一定是一个好父亲,你女儿,也一定拥有她自己的父爱经典吧。
        • 恩,我是个儿好父亲:)父爱经典就是给女儿一张信用卡,随便刷。不过和彼特的浪漫爱情势没法比的。
    • 我觉得你这个标题起的好哇,去掉中间的slash,或者把两个词颠倒过来,似乎都不妥。若把爱情放在前面,那得等待Brad再过十年不变心才能论断吧。
    • 与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。
      • 要是我嫁个洋人,mmmm....h, 不知道这个坛子上的人,会咋说呢?
        • I would sincerely and honestly say "Congratulations, my dearest sister." :)
        • .
        • 我来说。你要挑个好的。如果你嫁个差的,老的,丑的,要你养活的/或是不养活你的,那又何必呢?嫁个好的,无论洋人/国人。
        • 党国之幸,人民之幸?:P
          • 多谢回贴。BTW,[三个代表]的学说,你学得不错的说。
            • 玩笑了,桌子MM嫁谁我都不会吃惊的,基本上都值得额手称庆.
              • 这次不错,以[我]打头发言,而不是[党国][人民]啥的,言为心声,两个[幸]字,一个[庆]字,总归你还是认为是[喜事儿]的嘛,多谢了。
                • 有意思,我发贴向来信奉"我代表我本人而不代表他人",有没有"我"字基本也都是一个宗旨,不过咱不是那谁谁,帖子不入你的眼而已.结婚当然是喜事,如果不用幸了庆之类的字,倒显得怪异了,你觉得我用这些字你吃惊了,我倒也觉得怪异了.
                  • 玩笑了,dalianmao JJ说什么我都不会吃惊的,基本上都值得多谢了的。 呵呵,我有吃惊么?已经[多谢了]你两次,还要俺再多谢一次?
    • 不知道有多少人, 能够从自己的身边, 从平平淡淡的关爱中感受经典? 别人的再辉煌也只是一副画一道风景,只有自己的, 才是感动。
      • 是啊,你说得太对了,我就是太缺乏现实生活了。好久没有来这儿情爱悠悠心情随笔了,这次写了,也只是一副画一道风景的感动,都感觉自己的文思和感受,都迟钝枯萎了。
        • :))))))) From what I have read, I believe that you will not choose a guy like Pitt as your "Happily Ever After".
    • I love and respect Jolie for her great contribution to humanitarian causes in Africa and Cambodia, but I also fee sorry for her, because she is not a psychologically healthy and happy human being.
      She seems to have a pattern to break others' marriages, and end up with guys who have girlfriends or wives. The conscious or unconscious reason behind this might be that she
      has a father who abandoned her and her mother, so that deepdown, she may perceive all men as her enemies: break their marriages, take them away, and then later on, dump them or cheat on them..

      Similarly, Kate Moss from an abusive and unhappy family tends to end up with guys who abuse drugs like Peter Doherty.
      • I cannot forgive Brad Pitt for whatever he has done to Jennifer, who is such a decent and well-behaved lady after having been involved in Hollywood-a dirt melting pot-for such a long time.
      • I believe your ideas about single mother/divorced families are not by youreself, it is from somewhere else. to be honest, all these ideas family are very old fashioned assumption, out of age. There is no research evidence to support this assumption.
        • I agree that I am conservative, but I don't mean Jolie is not a good mother or wife, just that I think someone else might be a better role model to children than she is. I think the foundalmental value of family will NEVER change
          or get OUT OF DATE, and the value is actually still very in and will last forever.

          Breaking others' families, dating others' boyfriends, husbands or fathers might be a temporary fashion, but deepdown, it will not become a solid trend.

          Even till today, Pitt's mother still does NOT accept Jolie as her daughter-in-law, no matter how hard Jolie has been trying. Why? I guess the answer is obvious, isn't it?
          • I understand what you said, I partly agree with u. the core value in human will never be changed and never be out of date. the point is, whenever whoever did anything 'unusual', the stereotype and stigma will pop up.
            • At this point, I cannot agree that I or some of us are stereotyping Jolie, though. History can repeat itself. Perhaps we need to wait and see what will go on in this Jolie-Pitt relationship instead of jumping to conclusion too soon. :)
              • even if they broken up in the future, we still could not jump to any conclusion, stereotype is everywhere.
                • I agree with this statement of yours. But here I am not very sure of your definition of stereotyping, though. What did I or some of us stereotype about Jolie? Like to give us a hint? :)
                  • you man-made one link between Jolie's emotional life with her family background, very similar to the link between a black young male with criminal, or the link between an Asian male with a book-worm like short slim body type.
                    • Oh, got you, sister. :) No, that is not stereotyping. Even Jolie and kate Moss themselves said that their unhappy families had enormously negatvie impact on their choice of partners. Kate even seeked professional help to
                      find out why she tended to end up with bad guys who abuse drugs.

                      No, that is absolutely NOT stereotyping. Have you ever read that even though not every single abusive man has an abusive father, the majority of abusive men have fathers who abuse their mothers or beat their mothers right in front of them when they were little?

                      Those analyses have scientific and statistic foundation. Tracking one's family background, and getting to know if the family is abusive or not is one of the most important methods to uncover the root causes of one's emotional well-being.
                      • Till today, Jolie still does not forgive her father for abandoning her mother and herself when she was little. Many people have post traumatic syndrom after they got abandoned, and have difficulty in buidling up healthy and steady relationship
                        in their later life.
                        • In a magazine interview, Jolie said she had difficulty in trusting men, any men, due to her childhood abandonment experiences, so that she had difficulty in feeling secure with any men.
                          • And as we know, trust is the foundation that happy family and healthy relationship can be built upon.
                            • since we all got the huge impact from mass media, I know it is hard to avoid this solid/fixed way to think, Anyway, even we heard too many single CASEs, still, we's better to be more careful to jump to any conclusion about a certain GROUP of people.
                              • Thanks, but I don't think of that as the influence of the media, actually that is based on scientific study and research which has nothing to do with the media. As long as one refuses to admit the root cause of their emotional turmoil,
                                they won't be as happy and healthy as they should be.

                                I admire Jolie and kate for their courage to speak up their mind in public, which is the first essential step to make themselves happier and healthier.
                              • Also, you may need to seperate stereotyping from scientific stats.
    • I am actually not very sure that it is 爱情 or DESIRE is really behind the Jolie-Pitt relationship. I am extremely saddened by the fact that men are still so attracted by women like Jolie not Jennifer, even though Jennifer
      much more deserves the title of mother and wife.
      • well, this is the point, love, or whatever you called it, desire or any kind of emotional connection, has nothing to do with rationalization. If you could point out 1, 2,3, 4 reasons for love, certainly you are not in love.
        • I agree that love is emotional which may not have much to do with rationality, but we can fall in love without breaking others' familes, and we can fall in love without stealing others' boyfriends, husbands or fathers, can't we?
          Only those who broke others' marriages can be honoured as so-called "true lovers"? I don't think so.
          • I can not agree more about your comments. Never be aware that you are very knowledgeable in these area. Jolie is brave and sexy, but she does have problem in her relationships.
            And I am pretty sure she is not a good role model for yound girls. Not everyone can be as luck as her. Others could end up in very miserable status. This is more like chemical instead of love.
    • Jolie's love story
      • the chinese version of the same love story
        • 粉喜欢茱丽,因为她伟大的爱心;粉喜欢他们两个人,因为他们浪漫的爱情。爱情是会变化的,并不会因为茱丽的出现而有所不同。也许皮特终于意识到他真正需要的是什么。Nothing wrong with that.