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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛新法一瞥:六年内住满三年方可入籍


联邦政府正式提法案修订入籍法 ﹙渥太华廿五日电﹚联邦政府提出全面修订入籍法, 以取代经已过时的旧例, 新入籍法案收紧在加居留的规定, 入籍誓词亦有变动。

  公民及移民部长卡普兰(Elinor Caplan)称, 加拿大移民必须符合居留规定(即六年内实际上真正在加国居住三年), 始有资格申请入籍。新的入籍誓词声明向加拿大及英女皇效忠, 旧誓词中涉及女皇继承者的字眼则删除。

  此法案与大约一年前前移民部长罗比拉德(Lucienne Robillard)提交的法案内容大致相同, 后来该法案因议会会期届满, 未及通过而告胎死腹中。现行的入籍法例条件模糊, 存在矛盾, 不同的法庭有不同的诠释。例如, 现例规定入籍申请人必须在四年内在加居住三年, 却无明文规定申请人必须亲身居于加国, 有些申请人仅真正在加居住三个月, 却能成功申请入籍。 卡普兰指出, 由于现例无列明「亲身居住」的定义, 以致法庭的裁决差异甚大, 因此当局必须作出明确界定。

  改革党公民事务评论员班诺(Leon Benoit)表示, 去年底移民部提交的入籍法案并非尽善尽美, 新入籍法案改动轻微, 最可取的一点, 是将原先建议的五年期改为六年期, 给予从事国际商贸的移民更多弹性时间达到居留时日的规定。

  前法案备受非议的部分已在新例中悉数被修订或删除, 旧例要求入籍申请者必须通晓英语或法语的规定亦已被搁置。 新例规定, 当局将取缔现时的公民法官, 改而委派部门官员全权处理入籍事宜。

· 父母较前容易为海外领养的子女取得入籍资格;
· 在外国出生的第二代加拿大人必须在二十八岁前提出申请保留其加国公民身分, 并必须符合在加国居住的规定;
· 被拒入籍的申请人较前容易上诉;
· 赋予移民部长更大权力撤销申请人以讹骗途径取得的加籍身分。

  新入籍誓词基本上与四七年沿用至今的誓词相同, 只改动部分字眼, 要求入籍者宣称尊重加国的权益和自由, 并允诺捍卫民主。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 有关移民监和返加纸的新法,详细规则见内
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛关于永久居民居住期限的修改
    ● 朱 军


















      总之,对于加拿大政府此次对于永久居民居住期限方面的修改,我本人认为是非常正确的,是应该肯定的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 那按以上解释即使我在今年六月前登陆,仍可按新"五年住满两年"结束移民监吧?
    • 谢谢你, 贴这篇文章的人.
      • 我很高兴文章对大家有用。我在这里得到过很多的帮助。所以我很愿意回报大家。有关详细的细则请参见英文版。文章很长,见内:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Description
        The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) establishes residency requirements and obligations with respect to each five-year period after the granting of permanent residency status.
        Pursuant to subsection 28(2), a permanent resident complies with the residency obligation provisions if, for at least 730 days in that five-year period, the permanent resident is physically present in Canada or is:
        — outside Canada accompanying a Canadian citizen who is his or her spouse or common-law partner or is a child accompanying a parent;

        — outside Canada employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada or of a province;
        — or— is an accompanying spouse, common-law partner or child of a permanent resident who is outside Canada and is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada or of a province.

        The residency obligation in the IRPA is substantially different from the current provisions wherein retaining residency depends on satisfactory demonstration of intent not to abandon Canada as a person’s place of permanent residence.

        Section 32 of the IRPA authorizes the making of regulations relating to the application of the residency obligation, including rules for calculating applicable days and periods.

        Specifically, the regulations:
        — define “Canadian business” for the purpose of residency obligation considerations.

        The definition applies to both large and small businesses and includes federally or provincially incorporated businesses that have an ongoing operation in Canada; other enterprises that have an ongoing operation in Canada, are capable of generating revenue, are carried out in anticipation of profit and in which a majority of voting or ownership interests are held by Canadian citizens, permanent residents or Canadian businesses; and organizations or enterprises that have been created by the laws of Canada or a province. It does not include businesses that have been created primarily for the purpose of allowing a permanent resident to satisfy his or her residency obligation while residing outside of Canada.

        — describe “employment outside of Canada.”
        The regulations enable permanent residents to comply with the residency obligation while working abroad, provided that they are under contract to, or are full-time employees of, a Canadian business or in the public service, and are assigned on a full-time basis, as a term of their employment or contract, to a position outside Canada with that business, an affiliated enterprise or a client.

        The regulations provide that each day a permanent resident is outside of Canada accompanying a permanent resident or Canadian citizen is deemed a day of physical presence in Canada, provided that the person accompanied is a spouse, common-law partner or parent with whom he or she ordinarily resides. In situations where the person being accompanied is also a permanent resident, only the days on which that person is in compliance with residency obligations may be counted as days of physical presence in Canada by the accompanying permanent resident.

        — define “child” for the purpose of satisfying the residency obligation

        For the purpose of subparagraphs 28(2)(a)(ii) and (iv) of the IRPA, “child” is defined as a child of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, including a child adopted in fact, who has not and has never been a spouse or common-law partner and is less than 22 years of age.

        — prescribe rules for calculating applicable days of physical
        presence in Canada.

        The regulations specify the period, after an officer has made a decision that a permanent resident has failed to comply with the residency obligation, that cannot be considered by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) during an appeal as days of physical presence in Canada for the purpose of satisfying the residency obligation. This rule will not apply in cases where the permanent resident is subsequently determined to have complied with the residency obligation.

        What has changed Nature
        These regulations are necessarily different from the current regulations because they support and complement residency obligation provisions that are substantively different from those in the current Immigration Act. The residency obligation in IRPA is based on a period of physical presence in Canada with provisions for prolonged absences from Canada (three years out of every five-year period for any reason). In certain circumstances permanent residents, including accompanying family members, are allowed
        even longer absences when they are employed abroad. Moreover, humanitarian and compassionate considerations, including the best interests of a child, will be taken into account in all residency obligation status determinations and, when justified, will overcome any breach of those obligations occurring prior to the determination.

        By contrast, current legislation is based on a highly subjective principle of intent not to abandon Canada as the place of permanent residence. Currently, if a permanent resident is absent from Canada for more than six months in any 12-month period, he or she is deemed to have abandoned Canada unless he or she is able to satisfy an immigration officer that there was no intention to do so. Criteria for determining residency status are in the regulations. These contain exceptions allowing for longer absences if the person is employed by or representing a Canadian government body, corporation or business organization established in Canada; upgrading professional, academic or vocational qualifications; accompanying a family member who is a Canadian citizen; or has been issued a returning resident permit; or in other circumstances that an officer deems appropriate. The provisions are difficult to administer, create uncertainties about status and the standards that are to be met, and lead to inconsistencies in decision making.

        Alternatives Solutions
        Residency obligation provisions can significantly affect permanent residents and their immediate families when they are outside Canada for lengthy periods of time. It is essential that the criteria describing specific circumstances under which permanent residency status may be retained during prolonged absences are transparent and objective. Although the specific descriptions, definitions and rules concerning residency obligation criteria could be addressed in administrative guidelines, reliance on nonbinding guidelines would be less effective than regulations in ensuring consistency and transparency in decision making.

        Various options were considered in establishing criteria for complying with the residency obligation. The objective was to achieve an appropriate balance between allowing long-term absences, ensuring permanent residents would maintain genuine ties to Canada and limiting the potential for abuse. A more restrictive definition and provision for “Canadian business” and “employment abroad” were considered. This option was rejected as it did not provide sufficient flexibility in the types of employment opportunities a permanent resident could engage in while abroad. Consideration was also given to the option of allowing studying abroad as another means of compliance with the residency obligation. This option was rejected because the IRPA already provides a sufficiently generous time period for absences outside of Canada for any reason, including studying abroad.

        Benefits and Costs
        Permanent residents will have more certainty of the standards to be met for retaining their status. Objective criteria will enable decision-makers to more effectively evaluate residency obligation compliance and achieve consistency in decision making.

        Permanent residents will benefit from the broad criteria and inclusive definitions provided in the regulations. The regulations enhance the circumstances under which permanent residents may participate in long-term employment opportunities outside Canada while continuing to satisfy the residency obligation through their ties to a Canadian business.

        Various Canadian businesses, organizations and the public service will enjoy indirect benefits from expertise, knowledge, and training that permanent residents on assignments abroad will gain and bring back to Canada.

        The costs associated with the residency obligation regulations are expected to be modest and will mainly be related to training in the application of provisions and processing procedures. This training will form part of the overall training package developed for the implementation of the IRPA.

        Changing the criteria for assessing residency obligations is not expected to have a significant impact on operational costs. However, given the transparency and objectivity of the new criteria, some savings are expected in processing times and in litigation expenditures.

        Under the current legislation, permanent residents are able to apply for a Returning Resident Permit to serve as a means of proving their intent not to abandon Canada if they plan to be away from Canada for more than six months in a one-year period. A cost-recovery fee of $75 is assessed for processing these applications. Returning Resident Permits will no longer be issued under the IRPA. Compliance with residency obligation provisions will be assessed when applications for status documents are received. Accordingly, the financial impact, specifically associated with changes in the criteria for assessing residency obligation compliance, is expected to be low.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Very helpful. Thank you. Where was it adopted from?
          • the policy is here.
    • 好消息,谢谢
    • Can anyone give us some advise?
      My boy friend is now studying at Queen's for Electronic Engineering. He has been in Canada for half a year now and plan to immigrant. We will get married this May. So his marriage status will change during the applying process. While what makes it more complex is that I am a teacher in a military academy, that is, I am in the service. Even though I will try my best to retire from the army, I still have to study in it for some time. What we want to know is whether it is lawful not telling the immigrant agency that he has get married with a person in the army during the process and whether it will have bad influence on me in the future if I want to immigrant too. My e-mail address is cyesheng@public.wh.hb.cn.
    • 已有回加证,本年5月到期.请问需要再申请新的回加证吗?5年中的3年算RRP的时间吗?谢谢.
    • 新的移民法作出了重大调整: “从过去的4年住满3年改为5年之中住满2年”。 请问,如果不入国籍,是每隔5年之中都要住满2年吗?
      • yes, each five years.
        • 我将于2002年2月底登陆,但新法是在2002年6月份才实行,请问象我这种情况能适用于新法吗(5年中住满2年即可)?
          • 我也想问同样的问题。
            • “新法将于今年6月28日起开始全面实施。从文字上看,可以理解为从那一天起,所有案子都按照此法执行,也就是说不管你是先来的还是后来的,一律按照新法执行。
              • 我觉得你的理解完全正确。新移民法的实施,事实上是有利于投资移民的。看原文,更改的目的是便于新移民处理在原居住国的生意的正常进行。
        • 还是不太清楚,这样问巴,如果有人2001年六月登陆,一个月后回去,这个月到期六个月之前准时回到加国,那么,他是不是现在就不需要申请返加证就直接可以回国呆两年再回来?是不是太宽松了一点,到底追溯期可以到什么时候那?
          • 我想写文章的人应该是认真读过新法。我只是看过一部分,没有看到如何追溯。哪位有时间认真读一下,给我们大家一个解释。新法:December 17, 2001 THE NEW IMMIGRATION PROTECTION ACT: PRE-PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED REGULATIONS:
            • 我的朋友现在正苦等返加证,如果你的说法正确那就太好了,起码他可以回去过春节了,你不知道,在这里每天花钱,找不到工作,而国内的事业又要硬性放弃,很不人道阿。 请你能够尽快把这个答案告知就最好了!:)
          • 差不多的情况,来信讨论?
    • 我们关心的移民法有两部分,一部分是如何移民到加拿大,另一部分是来了后如何入籍和保留身份。限制技术移民,是因为英语差技术移民多数都在基本生活线上下。加拿大需要的是钱,投资移民才有利于加拿大。
    • 那按你这样说,假如有个人在国内呆到6月28号刚好180天,还有3天就过期了,那他6月28以后还可以回加拿大吗??新移民法是确实执行吗?如果能回来的话,那其实今年2月开始,大家都可以回国了。好象有漏洞吧?
      • 这个法是有追溯权的。好象大家都可以回国了。但是问题是有多少人会选择回国?(尽管我会选择回国)是否大家在没有入籍的时候回国都能找到好的工作?
        • 对,我也选择回国,尤其目前这里的经济环境。至少我可以今年在中国过春节了。但你确定了这个移民法是允许这样的吗?能否咨询一下做个确认?谢谢您的帮助!
    • 这是个假专家,而且在非常重要的问题上犯了严重的错误。每一年中在境外最多不超过183天,就足可以保留永久居民身份。至于在4年内在加拿大住满3年是入籍条件之一。假专家把它也当成保留永久居民身份条件了。

      • 我觉得你的看法有误。他谈的是保留身份,并没有谈入籍的事。所谈的都是如何保留身份。5年内住满2年就可以保住身份。至于入籍,好象是变成6年住满3年,而不是现在的4年住满3年。但是我没有看到这个法律规定。
        • 那按你这样说,假如有个人在国内呆到6月28号刚好180天,还有3天就过期了,那他6月28以后还可以回加拿大吗??新移民法是确实执行吗?如果能回来的话,那其实今年2月开始,大家都可以回国了。好象有漏洞吧?
        • 关于人籍,我也听说是6年住满3年,但没见到有关文件。见到的请举手。
          • 我说的就是他把入籍的条件搞成保住身份的条件了。6年住满3年的入籍条件只是有这么个意见,这次C-11中没有。
            • 旧移民法中只需要每一年中在境外最多不超过183天,就可以保留永久居民身,不需要4年住3年。假专家说必须两个条件都要满足。
          • 我这有原件!
            • 国会通过了吗,还没有吧。
              • C-11已经aprove了! 6月28日开始执行。但是其中的移民申请具有追溯性。这是引起社会很大不满的原因之一。已经申请的人中如果不是硕士学位而且已婚(LP还要是学士以上),根本没什么希望。C-11里没有6年住3年入籍.
                • 有没有关于6年住3年入籍的方案何时能通过或实施的消息呢?
                  • 新法一瞥:六年内住满三年方可入籍
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛新法一瞥:六年内住满三年方可入籍


                    联邦政府正式提法案修订入籍法 ﹙渥太华廿五日电﹚联邦政府提出全面修订入籍法, 以取代经已过时的旧例, 新入籍法案收紧在加居留的规定, 入籍誓词亦有变动。

                      公民及移民部长卡普兰(Elinor Caplan)称, 加拿大移民必须符合居留规定(即六年内实际上真正在加国居住三年), 始有资格申请入籍。新的入籍誓词声明向加拿大及英女皇效忠, 旧誓词中涉及女皇继承者的字眼则删除。

                      此法案与大约一年前前移民部长罗比拉德(Lucienne Robillard)提交的法案内容大致相同, 后来该法案因议会会期届满, 未及通过而告胎死腹中。现行的入籍法例条件模糊, 存在矛盾, 不同的法庭有不同的诠释。例如, 现例规定入籍申请人必须在四年内在加居住三年, 却无明文规定申请人必须亲身居于加国, 有些申请人仅真正在加居住三个月, 却能成功申请入籍。 卡普兰指出, 由于现例无列明「亲身居住」的定义, 以致法庭的裁决差异甚大, 因此当局必须作出明确界定。

                      改革党公民事务评论员班诺(Leon Benoit)表示, 去年底移民部提交的入籍法案并非尽善尽美, 新入籍法案改动轻微, 最可取的一点, 是将原先建议的五年期改为六年期, 给予从事国际商贸的移民更多弹性时间达到居留时日的规定。

                      前法案备受非议的部分已在新例中悉数被修订或删除, 旧例要求入籍申请者必须通晓英语或法语的规定亦已被搁置。 新例规定, 当局将取缔现时的公民法官, 改而委派部门官员全权处理入籍事宜。

                    · 父母较前容易为海外领养的子女取得入籍资格;
                    · 在外国出生的第二代加拿大人必须在二十八岁前提出申请保留其加国公民身分, 并必须符合在加国居住的规定;
                    · 被拒入籍的申请人较前容易上诉;
                    · 赋予移民部长更大权力撤销申请人以讹骗途径取得的加籍身分。

                      新入籍誓词基本上与四七年沿用至今的誓词相同, 只改动部分字眼, 要求入籍者宣称尊重加国的权益和自由, 并允诺捍卫民主。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • “什么都爱的”,好好看看有关追溯法律条文。给我们大家解释解释。条文实在是太长了。看的我的头都疼了。
        • 就是说某人2001年6月landing后立马回去,没办返加证,今年6月27号要回来,将被拒;但今年6月29日回来则OK。那许多被撕LP的人6月28后都可回来了?
          • 对次有确定的答复吗?
      • 你说的对。这次只是修改移民法,入籍属于公民法,并没改,4年住满3年是入籍的事,与保留永久居民身份无关。
        • 不过他说的那三种情况,好象入籍法种也是这样规定。有谁见过入籍法?或者谁推荐个有名的律师可以解答的,律师费怎么付?
      • 有同感.保住PR身份,由移民法决定,不需要每四年住满3年.而入籍是由公民法决定的,公民法没改.
        • 是不是也要改了才能与之相对应?
      • 我是去年十月三日回国的, 马上就满半年了. 请问我是不是必须在到期前回去? 还有如回去, 要呆多久才能回来?
        • 必须在4月2日前登陆.按老法律,你必须呆6个月至10月3日离开.新法预计6月28日实行,你可以在那以后,仔细看新法细则,再走不迟.也就3个月.当然,你也
          • 谢谢你的答复. 不过我在这儿刚涨了工资, 公司又要发房贴, 现在辞职很不划算的, 北美经济那么不好. 上个月申请返加证被拒, 真不知如何是好. 离新法实施就差这么几个月. 各位大侠请帮我出出主意. 小妹先谢了!
    • 有关返加证的问题?
      我是刚拿到移民签证, 打算新法实施前登陆. 我有一个机会到澳大利亚一年学习,但不想放弃加拿大的PR身份. 象我这样的情况,新法对我有影响吗?

      还需要申请返加证吗? 我该这么办? 需要到移民局申请吗?
