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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今天TORONTO STAR,刊登了家长呼吁信,说教育委员TRUSTEES候选人中有22人接受教师工会支持。


下面是接受工会支持候选人的名单, 和家长呼吁信。


Toronto District School Board Candidates:
1. Etobicoke North: Stan Nemiroff
2. Etobicoke Centre: Christina Buczek
3. Etobicoke Lakeshore: Bruce Davis
4. York West: Stephnie Payne
5. York Centre: Mitchell Worsoff
6. York South Weston: Elizabeth Hill
7. Parkdale High Park: Irene Atkinson
8. Eglinton Lawrence: Mark Riczu
9. Davenport: Maria Rodrigues
10. Trinity Spadina: Chris Bolton
11. St. Paul’s: Josh Matlow
12. Willodale: Rolland Kacsoh
13. Don Valley West: Jim McQueen
14. TO Centre Rosedale: Joel Dick
15. Toronto Danforth: Cathy Dandy
16. Beaches East York: Sheila Cary-Meagher
17. Don Valley East: Michael Coteau
18. Scarborough Southwest: Bob Spencer
19. Scarborough Centre: David Smith
20. Scarborough Agincourt: Appoline Aldea
21. Scarborough Rough River: Shaun Chen
22. Scarborough East: Nadia Bello

Toronto Catholic Board Candidates:
North York: Maria Rizzo
Downtown: Catherine LeBlanck Miller
Downtown: Mario Pileggi
Southwest: Cindy Beman

Open letter opposing union involvement
Dear Parents and Voters in Toronto:
There is a new development in the history of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). We are writing to alert parents and residents across Toronto that CUPE and the teacher unions are trying to take control of TDSB’s board and its $2.2 billion budget of public money.

They are running a slate of 21 candidates for the 22 Trustee positions. If even 12 of these candidates win, CUPE and the teachers unions will effectively control TDSB.

And you can bet that their primary concern isn’t the well-being of students or taxpayers – it is to protect their jobs.

In fact, to get an union endorsement in the last election candidates were asked to sign a pledge that, regardless of the circumstances, would force them to vote against any proposal that: closed a school, contracted out a service, or educed the number of union jobs.

CUPE and the teachers unions have done this under cover of the so-called “Campaign for Public Education” (CPE). The union leadership is using their members’ dues to defeat trustees that many of their members strongly support.

CUPE and the teachers unions are providing money and “volunteers” to help their candidates. And CPE has run misleading US-style attack ads against the nine independent-minded Trustees running for re-election (we urge you to support them – their names and ridings are listed below.)

Even if you don’t have children in public schools, we suspect that this alarms you as much as it alarms us.

We believe that no union should control, or unduly influence, its employer’s Board. we urge you to join with us to defeat this effort by TDSB unions to dominate the elected board of an important public body. This issue is not just a Toronto issue; we are also seeing similar attempts in other Boards更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 为了孩子我们选谁?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今天TORONTO STAR,刊登了家长呼吁信,说教育委员TRUSTEES候选人中有22人接受教师工会支持。


    下面是接受工会支持候选人的名单, 和家长呼吁信。


    Toronto District School Board Candidates:
    1. Etobicoke North: Stan Nemiroff
    2. Etobicoke Centre: Christina Buczek
    3. Etobicoke Lakeshore: Bruce Davis
    4. York West: Stephnie Payne
    5. York Centre: Mitchell Worsoff
    6. York South Weston: Elizabeth Hill
    7. Parkdale High Park: Irene Atkinson
    8. Eglinton Lawrence: Mark Riczu
    9. Davenport: Maria Rodrigues
    10. Trinity Spadina: Chris Bolton
    11. St. Paul’s: Josh Matlow
    12. Willodale: Rolland Kacsoh
    13. Don Valley West: Jim McQueen
    14. TO Centre Rosedale: Joel Dick
    15. Toronto Danforth: Cathy Dandy
    16. Beaches East York: Sheila Cary-Meagher
    17. Don Valley East: Michael Coteau
    18. Scarborough Southwest: Bob Spencer
    19. Scarborough Centre: David Smith
    20. Scarborough Agincourt: Appoline Aldea
    21. Scarborough Rough River: Shaun Chen
    22. Scarborough East: Nadia Bello

    Toronto Catholic Board Candidates:
    North York: Maria Rizzo
    Downtown: Catherine LeBlanck Miller
    Downtown: Mario Pileggi
    Southwest: Cindy Beman

    Open letter opposing union involvement
    Dear Parents and Voters in Toronto:
    There is a new development in the history of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). We are writing to alert parents and residents across Toronto that CUPE and the teacher unions are trying to take control of TDSB’s board and its $2.2 billion budget of public money.

    They are running a slate of 21 candidates for the 22 Trustee positions. If even 12 of these candidates win, CUPE and the teachers unions will effectively control TDSB.

    And you can bet that their primary concern isn’t the well-being of students or taxpayers – it is to protect their jobs.

    In fact, to get an union endorsement in the last election candidates were asked to sign a pledge that, regardless of the circumstances, would force them to vote against any proposal that: closed a school, contracted out a service, or educed the number of union jobs.

    CUPE and the teachers unions have done this under cover of the so-called “Campaign for Public Education” (CPE). The union leadership is using their members’ dues to defeat trustees that many of their members strongly support.

    CUPE and the teachers unions are providing money and “volunteers” to help their candidates. And CPE has run misleading US-style attack ads against the nine independent-minded Trustees running for re-election (we urge you to support them – their names and ridings are listed below.)

    Even if you don’t have children in public schools, we suspect that this alarms you as much as it alarms us.

    We believe that no union should control, or unduly influence, its employer’s Board. we urge you to join with us to defeat this effort by TDSB unions to dominate the elected board of an important public body. This issue is not just a Toronto issue; we are also seeing similar attempts in other Boards更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谢谢, 贴得及时. 11月13日选举日投上一票, 表达你对教师工会的态度.
      • 教师工会反对原省保守党政府要求安省教师保持知识更新每五年对教师进行知识考核的要求; 教师工会认为提高教育水平==降低师生比例. 你认为教师工会对吗?
        • 1。TRUSTEE BOARD 被工会控制,反仆为主,至少我不感觉舒服。
          1。TRUSTEE BOARD 被工会控制,反仆为主,至少我不感觉舒服
          • "=="念作"恒等于". "教师工会认为提高教育水平==降低师生比例"是不对的, "提高教育水平"要做的事比"降低师生比例"多得多, 远远不止"降低师生比例".

    • 强烈支持!!
    • 啊呀,我要选的也在里面. 坚决不选他了.
      • 朋友接到加拿大公共雇员工会和教师工会 的信-------呼吁投票支持David Miller
        • 苗大伟那厮上次我就没选他, 当时看着电视上票数的跳跃, 他超过了John Tory, 气得我直跳. 可惜没有办法. 今年就看在他把纳税人的钱在买TTC时送给庞八碟,就不能选他.
    • 他们的网站呼吁抵制Gary Crawford , Mari Rutka ,Scott Harrison , Gerri Gershon ,David Shory ,Sheila Ward ,Noah Ng , John Campbell ,Howard Goodman
      • 你是说工会的网站?
        • 是为他们说话的网站, 此网站还在报上登广告呼吁抵制顾及纳税人利益的上面这9个教育理事候选人。 有一个是我选区的.我会选他
        • 家長憂工會介入選舉 恐教委受支配損學生利益, 並呼籲選民認清工會「支持公共教育運動」(Campaign for Public Education)的真面目
          2006年11月11日 【明報專訊】多倫多公校教育局及天主教教育局的教育委員競選中﹐傳來一片不安的聲音﹐有家長組織擔心﹐工會對教委選舉的介入以及可能出現有利工會的結果﹐有可能損害學生利益﹐並呼籲選民認清工會「支持公共教育運動」(Campaign for Public Education)的真面目﹐不要支持那些與工會簽訂協議後得到工會支持的候選人。

          家長支持兒童組織發言人蘭(Dan Lang)表示﹐很擔心由工會支持的候選人最終會控制多倫多的學校。因為那些得到工會支持的候選人被要求簽名同意﹐不論在什麼情況下﹐都要反對任何關閉學校﹑外判服務及削減工作職位的建議。這是嚴重的利益衝突。

          加拿大公共僱員工會安省總裁瑞安(Sid Ryan)承認﹐如果哪個選區的候選人不合適的話﹐工會就積極出動﹐招募自己支持的候選人。我們不僅在名義上支持他們﹐而且還派出義工去幫助他們競選。
    • 记住了,一定去投票,不选他就是了!
      • 我要选Mari Rutka, 她碰巧和我见过面,要求在我家挂牌,我还不知她不支持工会.市长选谁?我觉得David肯定能赢,不在乎我这一票,但我这一票能增加点华人的力量,我决定不论是哪个华人,碰上谁是谁了.(不是华人女婿)
        • Mari Rutka是顾及纳税人利益的教育理事候选人。选她,还要选一个市长和一个市议员
          • 恕我直言. 多數政客選前求選票, 選后要鈔票, 你如何guarantee你的權利 (選前選后) ?!
            • 这就需要大家每次都投票,这次不行,没效果。下次自我调整,离自己的期望值就更近些(重要的是这几年你都在留意你的候选人的动向。)。
              • 你們會對所支持的候選人作 "配票" 嗎 ?!
                • 什么是配票?
                  • SORRY, 應該是你支持的政黨作配票, ..
                    for example, 這次你家裡有六個人有投票權, 而A政黨有3個人(ex: 甲,乙,丙), 出來競選, 為了讓A政黨順利連任或選上, 你會把家裡的票作一個分配, said, 你爸你媽投給甲, 你弟你哥你姐投給乙, 你投給丙. 這樣的情況也會擴及到某個社群, ...
                    • 不好意思,我们家实行民主集中制--也就是说媳妇在社会呈现一派和谐的大好形势下,满怀喜悦的心情,由本人全权代表相关事宜.(连铅笔道都是我划的)
    • 还是Ward 20 Scarborough-Agincourt的厉害, 让工会支持的候选人坐了底.