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normally use largest map. So, AI is very powerful Another policy is if you are destroied by AI in 2 weeks, new game, no one lose. But after 2 weeks, you must defense yourself.

The random map must be reviewed by 3rd person because some maps cannot play such as two castles are located together,
There are a lot of tricks.

an example:
when his main hero appear close to castle, if you have enough money, you can lighting him or ice-hit him then retreat or surround until kills all units he bring. Then, kill him, get all artifical from him! And he loses a important main hero which he took time and money to train. :)

Other trick like flying, build another castle, learning magic from AI's castle and so on.

One game takes 2-3 hours.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 诶老友,看了The lod of the ring没有,怎么看怎么不过瘾,怎么看怎么感觉像从我们英雄中抄出来的一点点情节。为了一个什么ring,真他妈的穷折腾,你有这感觉吗?
    • 还不如三代的片头精彩,把我们的英雄随便改编一下就比它好看。
      • 就是就是,把任何一个英雄的关卡剧情改编成电影都比它过瘾,起码宝物多多,怎么想也想不出来一个ring能抵得上我在英雄里面收集的顶级宝物有用。我现在对英雄4是望眼欲穿啊!
        • 知音.一个ring最多加几点魔法,顶级宝物可以使平庸的武士变成战无不胜的英雄。不过英雄一代比一代难了,\"死亡的阴影\"就花了我不少时间。
          • 嘿嘿,不好意思,我一般为了省时间都用修改器,不过还算有点原则,只该Gold,别的就不改了,免得心里太过不去了。那些破ring,一般没什么用,就给最跛的英雄戴着。
            • 你到讲效率,我只是不忿给扣一CHEATER的帽子强行创关。一,二代还老选专家模式,三代给闸刀闸了几回就再没那野心了。
              • Cheater倒是不好听,不过没问题,如果你用fpe等工具,没人说你是cheater。嘿嘿
    • 你们两个唧唧歪歪半天,哪天连网爽一把?
      • 英雄连网玩?我们在局域网内试过2代的,faint,网速不是问题,只是回合制的游戏,等不s你啊!嘿嘿
        • 2 heroes max!!!!!! no 晃版!
          • 你的意思是每次游戏就两个人玩?是啊,我们就是这么试的,但是越往后面,你拥有的英雄越多,拥有的城市越多,效果是一样的。
            • 为了节省时间,我们原来的解决方案是,两个人到了某一规定的时间让最厉害的英雄带上最厉害的兵种找一平地单挑,输者认负。不然就没完没了。
              • 这倒也是个办法,不过怎么看也觉得这个办法是从红警中学过来的,好多红警疯子就是定好时间、定好地点开片。也有定好数量的,比如我生产多少坦克,你建多少电夹子一类的。
                • 没错,是借鉴红警的。单挑黑龙可不是TITAN的对手。TITAN可是宙斯他爹,哈哈。
                  • dragon is a mistake in heroII; if you have dragon, bararian+dragon, no magic is necessary ... which is stupid!
                    • I think it support to have some creature that would not be affected by magic, so it made everything possible.
                      • But dragon's attack and defense and point are tooooo high ... if dragon is magic-free, ok, make it same as phoxie! And Dragon city have extra 500/day, unfair! Dragon is the strongest in heroes.
                        • Your think so? I think the Titan is the most powerful creature.
                          Actually, magic is a double side sword to dragon, you can not image it. But you can image Titans, the fakes can cause huge damage although their defence ability is really low.
                          • My black dragons conquered titans, sometimes, the number of titans is more than black dragon, but the key is Do you have the enough migic power? So, The Black dragon is the most powerful creature in HEROS!
                            • 之所以龙牛就是因为磨法!你去看看所有的法术,攻击绝对比防御厉害。什么复活/治疗/景象都是持蛋....连乱石和火球这种垃圾都可以把titan打趴下!
                              • 老大,这就是为什么她叫Might and Magic乐!嘿嘿,说Titan是最强的绝对是违心的,除了黑龙,我还喜欢大天使,不错的兵种。
                                • In III, I like the big angel most ... then ... devil :) ... III is greater but takes too much time ... :)
                        • 哈哈,原来有这么多玩heroes的。大地图资源丰富的一般来说龙城更好一些,但小地图不如野蛮人族发展的快,尤其在刚开始就可以迅速集结一些狼+流氓非常管用
                  • Black dragon加上一个高级双电的魔法师,差不多数量级的Titan不一定是对手,你要记住Black dragon的最大优点是只害怕杀龙术这一个魔法。
                    • 谈到魔法,别望了TITAN是可以复制的,虽然复制的TITAN不经打,但它的攻击力却很强大。控制的好相当于两对TITAN的打击力。
                      • 复制需要时间,我一般都是用双电,复制出来的根本不是问题,只需要用电尾轻轻电一下,“稀里哗啦”没了!嘿嘿(实际上我也喜欢用Titan,不过黑龙还是最好。)
                      • 一个回合只能用一次魔法!你复制出来的Titan永远只能打我一下,同时,你的复制术能保证将你的Titan 100%数量的复制吗?而且,记住了,如果站位得当,黑龙一下可以攻击两个部队。
                        • 经典战役1: 2+3 Titan(ATTACK) kill 3+4 dragon titan's hero: 2x 2x 16 18 has magic: 复活 Dragon's hero 2x 1x 14 12 magic: lightingLink .... 经典战役2: 1+1+1 dragon(ATTACK) kill 9+8 titan! Dragon's hero: 世界末日!
                          • Dragon+ 世界末日确实是一种可怕的战法,但培养魔法师也是要付出代价的,攻击力简直不能和野蛮人比。如果最后没有获得好的攻击魔法,怎么打
                            • 老大,玩了这么久的Hero难道还不知道好的魔法在什么地方?你Titan的老窝,绝对是我第一时间要占有的城堡。追踪、尾随、探路、反正水货英雄只需要2500Gold,死了只当是用了返城术,哈哈!
                              • 哈哈,我的老窝你占了也没用。开始我就不怎么修魔法塔。先拿野蛮人开路,占领了敌人的城就原地修,免得还要跑回来学魔法。
                                • ....你们真的得和人打...这些基本知识和电脑玩还差不多....
                                  • 有机会切磋切磋。
                      • kidding, 2 dragon > 3 titan. you can try. (dragon attack first) 4 dragon>5 titan (titan attack first). IF magic there, 5 dragon > 15 titan!
                        • Your sure? I admit that dragon is more powerful than titan when magic is there, but without the magic, the evaluation of titan is higher than dragon.
                          In your examination, Maybe the hero in each group is not on balance. In other words, one hero may have more attact point than the other.
            • NO!!! 2 players for sure. Each player can hire 2 heroes maximum. That means, when a round end, you must fire the extra heroes!
              And, we play titan city only. So, magic is very very important! e.g, If you know "fly"(时空门), you can fly to another player's castle suddently.

              Another rule is: if your main castle is occupied by another player for a week and you cannot get it back, you lose the game!
              • It sounds a great sulotion. The hero can fight each other from the begining?
                • normally use largest map. So, AI is very powerful Another policy is if you are destroied by AI in 2 weeks, new game, no one lose. But after 2 weeks, you must defense yourself.
                  The random map must be reviewed by 3rd person because some maps cannot play such as two castles are located together,
                  There are a lot of tricks.

                  an example:
                  when his main hero appear close to castle, if you have enough money, you can lighting him or ice-hit him then retreat or surround until kills all units he bring. Then, kill him, get all artifical from him! And he loses a important main hero which he took time and money to train. :)

                  Other trick like flying, build another castle, learning magic from AI's castle and so on.

                  One game takes 2-3 hours.
                  • Fair enough. But trick one should not work well beacuse wether retreat or surround, your loss will greater than them. Flying is really a good one, since only some castles have this magic, luck is also important.
                    • haha, see inside!
                      you bring a wolf or boar, then go to attack him, lighting him with lighting stick, magic = 8(very slow :)

                      then hurt = 8 * 25 * 1.5 = 300.
                      So, you kill him a titan. Then, retreat

                      each round = 2500 + boar (20?) = 2520 .... he lose a titan,

                      The most important is he will lose his main heroes and all artifics he collected!!!!!

                      Lighting needs no wisdom. magic 8 = 3 magic ring ...

                      understand now?!
                      • It make sense. The question is:
                        if he got some creature had higher priority of movement than you, you would never get the chance to attact him.
                        • Only if he brings phonix (will he?) or upgraded Knight(ji2bing1) ... if so ... this trick fails... it is the only way to defense this trick. ... or you can bring black dragon ....
                          • 条件太苛刻,对方有凤凰的话,你就歇了,对方带黑龙,你的魔法不丁了,结果肯定是你被挂在笼子里。而且打一下跑一下的方法,我觉得不可能,如果你的实力只有带几只野猪的情况下,你的英雄怎么能保证有足够的移动能力呢。
                            • 1.打精灵包;电脑随机 2。对手到你的城附近 3。你要跟人打!在国内,问你会玩XXXXXXgame,问的是你有没在游戏屋玩,其他不算!
                              • 不好意思,本人一向是自娱自乐,游戏屋没去过,最都就是下班了通过公司的局域网偷偷的斗斗。
                            • 经典回顾:后期:A:有钱有兵(征了近20+黑龙和大批金甲和凤凰) B:钱少兵少主战役失败逃回 磨法:飞+群加速 -->有近200个阿拉丁->飞越半版打A,靠群加和半数!BTW:路上的水井和碰权 can add points. Normally 3-4本书即可.
                              • 最可怕的经历,一家伙搜墓地,激战后竟然得了若干鬼,加上农民DOUBLE,他一路下来,鬼成几何数增长。真邪,当晚怎么看怎么觉得这小子象鬼。
                                • 类似经历我有,2代中有一关,用亡灵巫师,骷髅产生术练到最高级,满世界追杀农民(那一关农民很多),最后,带着5队成n K的高级骷髅挑黑龙,剁10几条黑龙象玩一样!最后得出结论,战场控制的好,鬼多也力量大。
                                  • useless ...鬼族的致命问题是机动力差,太慢!