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Somehow Love has to related with occupying which mean: if someone love you, she/he (r u a guy? ^o^ ) will hope (or ask, or suggest whatever word u use) you wouldn't love another person....

I am not talking about you can't love your parents etc ok? . :-) That's very natural and understanding......

Also, different people may have different understanding about occupying......A, U will always be with her/him...B: always know where u r, what u r doing, what u r thinking......C. (which is the terrible type, :-) ) want to know what u r thinking.....and change your mind to his/hers all the time.....
D, when somebody(A) feel she/he owes somebody(B), A would lost her/his respect on B,even with his/her own attention.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 我越来越糊涂了! 什么是成熟?成熟有哪些标志? 哪位DX可以给个CHECK LIST?
    • 不单单用自己的角度考虑问题。
      • 这么多意见里面,我最喜欢这个。:-)
        • 不同意.这叫事故,圆滑.
          • 怎么会?做什么事不单单用自己的角度,多从几方面想想,多为别人想想,处理起问题会比较理智。应该是成熟的表现。
            • 同意! ------- 我非常喜欢的这篇"成熟女人"(转帖) , 希望正是你在寻找的CHECKLIST。 :) ------- “ 成熟的女人最有魅力。大街上让人眼睛一亮的女人到处都是,但可求而难遇的是端庄大方,修养成熟的女性”
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛成熟的女人最有魅力。大街上让人眼睛一亮的女人到处都是,但可求而难遇的是端庄大方,修养成熟的女性。

              成熟的女人真正的知道美丽,并能正确的使自己美丽.她们的成熟风韵, 是那些看来美丽的少女所不能拥有的! 这时候的女人出现在男人面前, 粗描淡画也比那些小女孩仿潮流的浓妆艳抹更具美丽的分量!

              和成熟的女人在一起, 男人们会少了许多的顾虑,少了几许的操心,不用去担心,不用去操劳.他们会感受到来自对方的关怀








              男士们, 别让这样的女人从身边溜走。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • oooops, sounds like a Bible for girls! 不累吗?be yourself, girl!
                • BIBLE累?对,那只是一个理想境界罢了.作用就是, 有了目标,才不会迷茫. 但成熟了, 就意味着努力去提高,不会觉得累; 做不到, 也不会不能释怀. :) 另, 小声问一句, 听你的昵名, 你的肚子会不会太累啦? :)
                  • 其实本人最擅长的是“吃喝拉睡”,“酒囊饭袋”好象比较文雅一点
                    • 我记得是五样来着,到你这里怎么少了一样?你没有那样舒服吗?
                • Hey, This's nice that there is someone cares about your stomach........There is a saying.......U know...:-)
                  • 不说不觉得,一说才知道,真饿了!you know, in many ways....
                    • ho ho ho....ok ok...:-))))))
                • 这个标准应该是有了这种人而归纳出来的,如果为了想作淑女而去学奥代丽赫本,难免会有做作和东施效频的感觉。
              • 惨了,路还长着呢。
                • 别担心, 小妹妹 :) 真成熟, 就是既要会激励自己, 有要会开解自己!所以,慢慢来! 不要担心啦!
              • Typical Mid-class women?? Don't feel charactor...
            • 还有这一篇 ------ 让我不由揽镜自问, 我是不是正有此发展苗头?! -------- “每个女人都会变成主妇?”(转)
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不知不觉中,结婚已五年了。虽然我也明白,多么伟大的爱情,到了最后,都不外乎好好过日子。可在这漫长的日子里,我所排斥但却正在滋长的平庸正落到自己身上。不知是不是每个女人最终都会如此?













                时间仍似箭一样飞逝,而我仍一天天忘却,一天天老去。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 严重反对!
                • me too.
              • see #329641
                • sorry my mistake, it should be #329614 一种不再需要对别人察颜观色的从容
              • :-((((((( Don't like.
    • 谁要能在你这个帖子下跟帖,说自己已经如何如何成熟了,这就是不成熟的表现。(是不是有点道可道非常道的味道?)
      • 嘿嘿,本来想说,你一说,我就不能说了...咳咳...(装大尾巴狼中....)
    • 忍,仁,韧
      • :-)))
        Related your last post. Haa haa!
      • Your answer is EXCELLENT!...........Think about it over again...:-) Remember those people I considered unmature are just reverse of your answer!
      • 好! 不过请允许我加个"能"字! "忍,仁,韧,能"!
      • 等练成忍者神龟时可能都达不到要求。
    • An independent thinker...and....polite, with a good manner
    • 没有什么标准,一般都是批评和自我批评,过关了后就一致认为谁谁谁成熟了。:-)
    • 能问这种问题的人。
      • what a great MP!
    • 豁达
    • 只要追求真善美,成熟不成熟都很好。不成熟-蠢蠢欲动,挑战一切,活力四射,不成熟本身就是一个未知的世界,充满可怕的力量。成熟-不以物喜,不以己悲,有目标,有力量,有经验。
      • WOW!
      • Would you mind if I don't agree with you? :) 蠢蠢欲动,挑战一切,活力四射doesn't always mean 不成熟, and 不以物喜,不以己悲,有目标,有力量,有经验 doesn't always mean 成熟. what do you think? I think 成熟 is #326380
        • 不介意. 成熟也没有统一标准,百花齐放,百家争鸣。个人的追求也不尽相同。
          • you are right. :) I really want to encourage people to have some basic attributes of being an adult, which are ....
            "politeness, good manner, respect to the other people and treating the others the way you want to be treated.. *_*
            • 成熟… 我说的是严于律己,你强调的是宽以待人。一个是内在修养,一个是外在表现,不矛盾。
        • 成熟 IS 酒囊饭袋? :-)
          • haha...I am sure "酒囊饭袋" will be very happy to hear that.:)
            • you can be pretty sure about that! ;-)
          • 从某种程度上,yes! ; )
            • I know i am that.....
              • 成熟就是酒囊和饭袋嘛!
          • Well, to be totally honest to you, 酒囊饭袋最不想要的,就是成熟!
            • Coz if u r mature, then u will not be free to do crazy things right? :-)
              • crazy things like what?
                • u tell me, naughty!
        • 看了#326380之后,我觉得身边冷风阵阵,手脚冰冷。如果那才算成熟,我一辈子也不要成熟。
        • I am here.
      • 听着象真善忍
        • 呵呵. 一字千金。
      • 说的太好了!
      • 我也赞同,各有各的优点和长处!
    • How about Sexual Mature? .....Since nobody mentioned it yet. :-)
      • good point. What is it? I am still young and naive. Could you tell me a little more?
        • 这个话题比较有趣!
        • up up.
        • up again.
          • 瞧你up的怪难受的,为何不先来几句?
      • Would you make a movement at first?
        • well, 1st, it doesn't related with age.......sometime.... 2nd. somehow it's a perons's selfconfidence with his/her own sexual attraction.....
          • here we go, 有点“引蛇出洞”的意思嘛。。。
            • Where is snake? U?
            • :-( regret......
              • why? there is nothing to regret for. something about snake got to be very lovely somehow. Hmmmm, it's a creature setting off other creature's beauty, not bad!
          • 3, One knows it is regardless of size, length, styles, and times....
            • about this point.
              not sure!
              • well, quote a phrase from a movie
                "What band is your favourite?"

                "hard and wet"
                • I thought it's: Rock and Roll???? No?
                • Well, just kidding! my point is that cooperation of two and unfading discovery on each other matter the most
                  • I am kidding also......and I know your point.
            • 4. and knows it is a given-gift for celerbrate being alive as human
              • How many Chinese people think this way? even in young generation? 20%? or less?
                • don't know, at least there are many topies about sex and life are raising on the Chinese web site nowadays
                • 5. and knows there is nothing that one can't talk about with his/her partner
                  • 6. and knows there is nothing one can't do about it if they both are comfortable.
                    • 没有响应,蛇该归洞了。
                      • Feel lonely now? Coz u r TOO right! :-))
                        • How do you think about
                          爱 与 霸占 ?
                          • Haaaa......Well, It could be funny to have both feelings.....but if u r confident about someone's love about yourself, Where is 霸占 anyway?
                            seriously answer here.......If I am joking,.I may answer different way. :-))))))))
                            • how I think about it
                              occupying is the absolute killer of love
                              • Can u tell more? We may have different points here.
                                • go ahead please
                                  • Somehow Love has to related with occupying which mean: if someone love you, she/he (r u a guy? ^o^ ) will hope (or ask, or suggest whatever word u use) you wouldn't love another person....
                                    I am not talking about you can't love your parents etc ok? . :-) That's very natural and understanding......

                                    Also, different people may have different understanding about occupying......A, U will always be with her/him...B: always know where u r, what u r doing, what u r thinking......C. (which is the terrible type, :-) ) want to know what u r thinking.....and change your mind to his/hers all the time.....
                                    D, when somebody(A) feel she/he owes somebody(B), A would lost her/his respect on B,even with his/her own attention.
                                    • Sorry last sentense: WITHOUT! :-)
                                  • And one more thing: It's women's nature to seek protect and company and caring etc more than men!
                                    That's how u may say: Man is man! Woman is woman!
                                    • Yiiiiiiiiii???
                                      • Ops, sorry, I got a call just now.... Talking about ownership and love, I would say
                                        your "D" would be the factor causing love to die.

                                        When love is there, spontaneously it is exclusive. This unique feeling somehow raises up till one sets it as a trademark - If you love me, don't you dare loving anyone else - which, u know, intends to control the other.

                                        but none can control other's feeling, neither oneself's.

                                        To love, is to appreciate how the other's existence riches one's life. One certainly has love, this passpart, to share something more about the other more than anyone else. But again, love doesn't give one rights stopping the other's growing and changing.

                                        as you mentioned ealier, "even without her/his attention", it reaches an absolute opposite intention, respection has lost, love has been killed.

                                        有言道:“情深不寿,强极则辱。谦谦君子,温润如玉。” I don't mean it can apply to every single case. However, it is really important to leave some space for each other to breathe.

                                        Don't you think so?
                                        • See, when I am answering you, I feel I am not so sure about my current answers. coz I know maybe later, I will learn more from like and people also, then I may change.
                                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I like to keep myself space: that I may learn more! for many things. Well, I disagree with you. at least u r too negative, or maybe U have been acting as a ESCAPER? :-) ......I would not choose "trademark" and "dare" , but more like something both side agree and enjoy, but maybe don't need to say it on mouth even.

                                          If both sides are mature, and confident to themselves and each other. why they have to ask another side not escape?
                                          or one side take controlling? Love or relationship is more about sharing......

                                          Talking about control feelings, I have been there. It could be so unhappy and not real me.

                                          Talking about growing and changing, yes, it happen all the time, to almost everybody. I prefer the way like two grow up and learn together (not exactly, but somehow,). That would be great! :-)

                                          Yes, respection is very important in a love. otherwise, it could be so exciting, but doesn't last long, like a big short file.

                                          Sounds u r majored in Chinese? r u? u have good literature background do u? well, I read more foreign novels than chinese. :-)

                                          Space is important. but there is one thing I am not sure about myself even: to be nice and slow is good. but how about tempture?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                                    • well, company? yes. protection? I doubt it.
                                      especially for you.

                                      We all know, nothing is secure, particularly for love.

                                      Speaking of a relationship, I lean to focus on building trust and respection. Love, I leave it for nature to take care of.
                                      • :-) Sounds like u have even more confidence on me than myself. That's interesting, and nice to hear.
                                        But leave it for nature? oh really? I mean I give up sometimes when I know I should....but don't u think, u should fight with life somehow also........

                                        For eg: there is difficulties in a relationship in a special stage, let's say financial problem. Will u just walk away? or u will stay with her to fight it over? I will.
      • i think it can't be included in mature, how do you define sexual mature and immature?
        • 性成熟与否是一个人成熟与否的重要标致。
        • Of coz it should be included.......Like u can saperated soul and fresh. :-)
          • sorry Can NOT! :-)
            • see? that's why I was wondering......doesn't sound like you
              • ^o^, Hey, sounds u really know me! :-)))))
                • 有点红颜知己的味道。。。。
                  • ooooops....never consider myself or been considered as 红颜.......^o^
          • on the contrary, it should be a union of soul and flesh
            • Correct.
              Not surprised to see your similiar opinions. :-)
        • 奇怪,这贴不是我发的呀?sailor,这是怎么回事呀?
      • drunker(酒囊饭袋) : That's ok.
      • How about this: a person who understand that his/her partner needs to feel to be needed? (a sentense said by a old friend long time ago. )
    • 成熟从某种意义上讲就是默然,在也不会为明天见到那个她该如何搭话而整夜不眠,再也不会为中国队的球赛而激动,再也不会有得到压岁钱的惊喜.
      • 不同意.那叫迟钝,麻木,冷漠,自闭,脑白质切除患者.....不是成熟.
      • 那叫哀莫大过于心死。
        • 也即是说
          成熟从某种意义上讲就是只要活着,就不会默然---无论拥有多少苍桑经历,仍会为明天见到那个她而兴奋, 仍会为中国队的球赛而激动, 仍会有得到压岁钱的惊喜。
    • 余秋雨:并不陡峭的高度。
    • 成熟就是不会参加这种不成熟得讨论,:-)
      • 那叫麻木不仁。
    • 抢着付钱
      • 那叫假充大头。
    • 成熟是一种明亮而不刺眼的光辉,一种圆润而不腻耳的音响,一种不再需要对别人察颜观色的从容,一种终于停止向周围申诉求告的大气,一种不理会哄闹的微笑,一种洗刷了偏激的淡漠,一种无须声张的厚实,一种并不陡峭的高度。
      • 颇有点道家的味道, 清风拂山岗,明月照大江.
        • 摘自余秋雨的苏东坡突围
        • 禅宗曰:饥来吃饭倦来眠。诗旨曰:眼前景致口头语。盖极高寓于极平,至难出于至易;有意者反远,无心者自近也。
      • I LOVE IT!
    • 晕晕晕!! 这个问题20多年前就开始问自己....答案是:
    • 1. 和女朋友/老婆出门可以对其他貌美女子视而不见。2. 和女朋友/老婆出门注视其他貌美女子良久而不被女朋友/老婆发现。
      • 当爱和婚姻成为霸占的代名词时,MD男的女的都不能望!
    • 成熟是一个过程,永远不会是结果。
      • 成熟,嘻嘻,是知道什么都可以是玩笑 - 只要你愿意。。。
        • as long as you know 只要你愿意
        • Heavy as Mountain......Light as feather.
    • 成熟的标志就是抛出一个讨论的话题,在引来一片口水后得到一堆人的一致意见:你成熟了。
    • Add one point - respect, respect yourself and others.
      • true!
    • 熟透的果子容易烂掉;保持一点青涩,也不坏。纯真比成熟更可贵。
      • You got it!
      • 成熟后的天真更可贵。
        • 你这样岂不成了不嫩装嫩或者老顽童了?;)
          • 嫩是不懂世事,成熟后的天真是饱经风霜后仍对生活充满着渴望,受经挫折后仍然不灭的那种热情,你说可贵不?
            • 你的逻辑少一环定义,就是你需要定义:不成熟=对生活充满渴望和不灭的热情。你的话是对的,只是在这里讨论的逻辑衔接有问题!
    • 成熟的人从不问:什么是成熟?成熟的标志是什么?hohoooooo
    • 那人成熟的几个阶段性标志:(严肃的加搞笑的)
      1 不怕比自己大的孩子欺负了,能反打他了。
      2 哥们儿第一位。
      3 开始注意女孩子了。
      4 有了第一次性纪录。
      5 工作了。
      6 开始注意女人了。
      7 开始注意成家的女人了。
      8 有固定女友了。
      9 和女友同居了。
      10 想向女友求婚了。
      11 结婚了。(不一定和女友)
      (另:11 永远不想结婚了。12 创业了。 13 偶尔想结婚。彻底成熟了。)
      12 开始想养家的事了。
      ---- 继续1:13 计划要小孩了。
      14 有小孩了。
      15 想孝敬老人了。
      16 小孩工作了。彻底成熟了。
      ---- 继续2:13 开始想其他女人了。
      14 想离婚了
      15 离婚了
      ------- 转另:11
      ------- 转9(循环,break 是到 另:11)
      16 创业了。
      17 和前妻再婚。
      18 转继续1之13-16。

      • 对不起,题目是“男人的。。。”。 部分适用于女人。:-)