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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛说明:

1,所有的 XXX 都需要更换成相应的名字;


Subject: Advertising on the 2007 Rolia Gala

Dear Ms XXX,

This is XXX working in the department of XXX. I am writing to you about an exciting marketing opportunity for our company!

There is a very popular online Chinese community in the greater Toronto area, www.rolia.net. I am proudly a member of this community, and have been participating many online and real world activities organized by Rolia Cultural Association (RCA), the not-for-profit organization behind this web site.

RCA has been organizing new year celebration events, the Rolia Galas, since the new year of 2002. The upcoming event is on January 13, 2007, and they are expecting more than two thousand people to attend. It is open for commercial advertisement in the event. I see this as an excellent opportunity to make our company more well-known in the Chinese community, as well as the very active Chinese-speaking market behind it. If our company provides sponsorship by advertising on the 2007 Rolia Gala, it will bring mutual benefit to both parties.

For your information, the following text were copied from the official web site of the 2007 Rolia Gala.

Please let me know if I can do anything in contacting the RCA team. Thank you for your time and consideration!

Best regards,


Begin of Attachment

What is "rolia"

The Rolia Cultural Association (RCA) is a registered not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the social and cultural interests of Chinese Canadians. The Ontario NPO registration number is 157 2232. Rolia.net is the on-line community used to facilitate communications and share information among Chinese Canadians. It is Canada's most popular online Chinese community! Every month, Rolia.net receives some 25 million hits from more than 90,000 visitors. People use Rolia.net to share job information, life experiences, personal stories, to ask for help and to help others. As Rolia grew in popularity, its users started organizing meetings, so they could meet face to face, and not just in cyberspace.

Rolia users began volunteering their own time and energy to organize social events as early as 2001. In the fall of 2003, the Rolia Cultural Association (RCA) was established. This organization was set up to promote the quality of life and career development of Chinese Canadians. In the last three years, the RCA has successfully implemented more than twenty programs covering various aspects of immigrants' lives.

The Rolia Gala Event

The Rolia Gala, our New Year's celebration event, is one of the most popular events with Canada's Chinese community thanks to its outstanding artistic performances. This annual event is completely volunteer-driven: the organizers, directors, performers and staff members all work on a volunteer basis. The audience consists of Rolia users, along with their families and friends.

The Gala is not just a New Year's celebration. It also serves as a wonderful opportunity to promote community spirit. During six months of program rehearsals and preparations, the volunteers work as team to develop and produce the evening's program.

In 2001, the first Rolia Gala attracted an audience of 150 people. For the second year the number grew to 400. The 2004 and 2005 Rolia Galas attracted more than 1000 people and involved more than 200 volunteers! Last year, the theatre only had 650 seats, which led to a great disappointment for many many people who weren't quick enough to secure their tickets online.

The upcoming 2007 Rolia Gala will be held on January 13, 2007 at Sir John A. McDonald Collegiate Institute (Sheppard and Pharmacy Road in Scarborough). There will be two shows this time, one in the afternoon and one in the evening, each with a potential audience of 1,050 people. Along with more than 200 volunteers, there will be some 2,300 people attending the 2007 Rolia Gala!

Why the 2007 Rolia Gala is open to advertising/sponsorship

Using the Internet as its main communication platform, the RCA is a NPO running at the lowest budget level:

- No paid employees, everyone volunteers their time and effort;

- No dedicated office space, so we save the money on rent;

- No dedicated telephones or fax machines - we use our personal phones to communicate;

- No government grants or subsidies. The RCA's funds come from donations, sponsorships, and event revenues.

Expenditures for the 2007 Rolia Gala mainly include the rental of the theatre and equipment, publishing the Gala programmes, supplies and materials for the performances, etc. Revenues include donation, corporate sponsorship/advertising and ticket sales (also another form of donation). The ticket prices are set at a very affordable level, allowing even those on a tight budget to take part in this wonderful community event. Revenues from sponsorships and advertising will help us to maintain affordable ticket prices, to improve performance quality by renting better equipments, booking more rehearsal time, and using better supplies and materials.

The financial status of the Gala, as well as the RCA, is completely transparent and open to the public. We periodically publish reports of the RCA's status on our web site. As always, any surplus funds from the 2007 Rolia Gala will be used by the RCA to organize additional community-based activities.

An excellent advertising opportunity for sponsors

The Rolia community consists of relatively "new" Canadians who came from China as independent immigrants. Most of them just arrived within the past several years. They feature high educational level, being in or or actively working towards professional career fields. They are active or will be active soon in the consumer market. In fact, more and more companies become aware of the market in the Mandarin Chinese community.

The upcoming 2007 Rolia Gala is an excellent opportunity for sponsors to advertise in the Chinese community! Here's why:

* We are expecting more than 2,300 people to attend the shows;

* We have various forms of advertising, including:

o Advertising in the programme;

o Video clips, played right before the show starts.

o Desk space at the reception area; (Spaces are limited)

Please check the attached advertisement quotation for detailed prices for the above.

* The 2007 Rolia Gala web site will permanently display the logos or names of all sponsors. Sponsors' corporate image will be recognized in the Chinese community and recognized by all Internet visitors to the web site.

* For every person who actually attends the event, more than 10 are aware of and interested in it! The organization and preparation of the event are discussed regularly on the Rolia.net discussion forums.

How to become a sponsor

1. Potential sponsors submit an online form, providing contact information from the following page:


2. The RCA's Coordinator will call to confirm and discuss sponsorhip details;

3. Sponsors make out cheques payable to Rolia Cultural Association, mail them to the RCA (address will be provided by the RCA's Coordinator). Receipts will be mailed to sponsor upon receipt of cheques.

4. Sponsors submit advertising materials (i.e. graphics files, video clips) to the RCA via email. This step must be completed on or before December 1, 2006.

More information available

Please feel free to visit the web site of 2007 Rolia Gala:

http://www.rolia.net/gala 2007/en/

The complete advertisement quotation can be found online at:


RCA's web site is: (in Chinese language)


End of Attachment
----------------------------------------------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 新年晚会征求赞助,你就能帮上忙!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛征求晚会赞助的工作现在已经正式公开开始了,其实在此之前,我们就进行了一些尝试。

    每个大公司都有专门的预算用于支持象新年晚会这样的社区活动的。开始时我们就是向各大公司的社区支持(Community Support)部门联系,得到的反馈比较让人沮丧:通常这种申请是要提早九个月到一年的时间申请。也就是说,要在头一年的三月份之前就提交申请!

    但是这些通过这些尝试, 我们也长了一些知识. 通常大公司的社区支持是不大注意回报的. 比如, 一个运动员申请让贝尔赞助他的训练和参赛, 对贝尔来说, 花了一大笔钱, 但几乎不会有什么广告效应. 而ROLIA的晚会是完全不同的. 不说参加晚会的两千多号人, 还有之前之后在网上大量的讨论和评论呢. 华人社区的消费市场是任何一个公司都不愿忽视的. 对一个面向消费者市场的公司来说, 通过ROLIA的新年晚会做广告宣传, 固然有良好的社会效益, 但更有实实在在的丰厚的商业收益.

    明白了这一点之后, 我们的联络目标就变了, 决定从原来联系公司的社区支持部门, 改为联系公司的市场部, 也就是什么 Marketing呀, Promotion呀, Sales之类的部门. 在互联网上好一番研究, 面临新的问题了: 几乎没有哪个公司会把Marketing的联系方式公布在网站上的. 也难怪, 市场部都是去敲别人门的呀.

    有的时候, 脑袋就是那么一下就有点子了...... 既然市场部不对外, 那么就从内部入手! 大公司都有内部网, 可以查到每一个部门的经理是谁, 电子邮件是什么之类的信息. 即使自己不在市场部, 也可以通过内部网查到市场部经理的email呀... 我们把英文的征求赞助说明稍作改动, 通过email 发给几个marketing managers, 得到的反馈挺不错! 至少人家就知道这个机会了!

    这个尝试已经在小范围内做了, 现在有几个著名企业表达了他们的兴趣, 希望能有一个好的结果.

    在这里我们想要说的是, 如果愿意的话, 你可以举手之劳, 为晚会帮一个大忙! 请把晚会的信息, 告诉你所在公司的Marketing Manager. 晚会已经有中文英文两个不同语言的网站, 非华人也可以通过英文网站了解具体的信息. 如果你能够根据自己对晚会的了解, 向市场部经理作更多的解释, 那效果就会更好! 今年得到的赞助费, 将会用到明年的活动中来. 如果我们能够得到足够多的赞助, 那下一次的新年晚会免费购票都说不定呢. :) (俺盼望着那一天呀....)

    让我们每人都出一份力, 把晚会做得更好! 先向大家鞠个躬啦!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 鞠躬的不要。什么叫“下一次的新年晚会免费购票都说不定呢”,免费怎么购票?圈套,远离
      • 是啊,完全免费的话就不是“购”票了。如果我们能有足够多的结余,啊啊啊啊啊
    • 想看看,请问在哪儿买票?
      • 主要是在网上购买电子票. 将在近期开始, 你可以先看看这个ROLIA电子票的说明:
        • 谢谢!
    • 收到好一些热心朋友的建议。如果能够提供一份标准版的电子邮件正文供各位朋友可以直接使用,只需要把相应的公司名字和经理名字更换就行。这样可以省去大家好多麻烦。我们试着写了一份,大家看看是不是会比较省事?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛说明:

      1,所有的 XXX 都需要更换成相应的名字;


      Subject: Advertising on the 2007 Rolia Gala

      Dear Ms XXX,

      This is XXX working in the department of XXX. I am writing to you about an exciting marketing opportunity for our company!

      There is a very popular online Chinese community in the greater Toronto area, www.rolia.net. I am proudly a member of this community, and have been participating many online and real world activities organized by Rolia Cultural Association (RCA), the not-for-profit organization behind this web site.

      RCA has been organizing new year celebration events, the Rolia Galas, since the new year of 2002. The upcoming event is on January 13, 2007, and they are expecting more than two thousand people to attend. It is open for commercial advertisement in the event. I see this as an excellent opportunity to make our company more well-known in the Chinese community, as well as the very active Chinese-speaking market behind it. If our company provides sponsorship by advertising on the 2007 Rolia Gala, it will bring mutual benefit to both parties.

      For your information, the following text were copied from the official web site of the 2007 Rolia Gala.

      Please let me know if I can do anything in contacting the RCA team. Thank you for your time and consideration!

      Best regards,


      Begin of Attachment

      What is "rolia"

      The Rolia Cultural Association (RCA) is a registered not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the social and cultural interests of Chinese Canadians. The Ontario NPO registration number is 157 2232. Rolia.net is the on-line community used to facilitate communications and share information among Chinese Canadians. It is Canada's most popular online Chinese community! Every month, Rolia.net receives some 25 million hits from more than 90,000 visitors. People use Rolia.net to share job information, life experiences, personal stories, to ask for help and to help others. As Rolia grew in popularity, its users started organizing meetings, so they could meet face to face, and not just in cyberspace.

      Rolia users began volunteering their own time and energy to organize social events as early as 2001. In the fall of 2003, the Rolia Cultural Association (RCA) was established. This organization was set up to promote the quality of life and career development of Chinese Canadians. In the last three years, the RCA has successfully implemented more than twenty programs covering various aspects of immigrants' lives.

      The Rolia Gala Event

      The Rolia Gala, our New Year's celebration event, is one of the most popular events with Canada's Chinese community thanks to its outstanding artistic performances. This annual event is completely volunteer-driven: the organizers, directors, performers and staff members all work on a volunteer basis. The audience consists of Rolia users, along with their families and friends.

      The Gala is not just a New Year's celebration. It also serves as a wonderful opportunity to promote community spirit. During six months of program rehearsals and preparations, the volunteers work as team to develop and produce the evening's program.

      In 2001, the first Rolia Gala attracted an audience of 150 people. For the second year the number grew to 400. The 2004 and 2005 Rolia Galas attracted more than 1000 people and involved more than 200 volunteers! Last year, the theatre only had 650 seats, which led to a great disappointment for many many people who weren't quick enough to secure their tickets online.

      The upcoming 2007 Rolia Gala will be held on January 13, 2007 at Sir John A. McDonald Collegiate Institute (Sheppard and Pharmacy Road in Scarborough). There will be two shows this time, one in the afternoon and one in the evening, each with a potential audience of 1,050 people. Along with more than 200 volunteers, there will be some 2,300 people attending the 2007 Rolia Gala!

      Why the 2007 Rolia Gala is open to advertising/sponsorship

      Using the Internet as its main communication platform, the RCA is a NPO running at the lowest budget level:

      - No paid employees, everyone volunteers their time and effort;

      - No dedicated office space, so we save the money on rent;

      - No dedicated telephones or fax machines - we use our personal phones to communicate;

      - No government grants or subsidies. The RCA's funds come from donations, sponsorships, and event revenues.

      Expenditures for the 2007 Rolia Gala mainly include the rental of the theatre and equipment, publishing the Gala programmes, supplies and materials for the performances, etc. Revenues include donation, corporate sponsorship/advertising and ticket sales (also another form of donation). The ticket prices are set at a very affordable level, allowing even those on a tight budget to take part in this wonderful community event. Revenues from sponsorships and advertising will help us to maintain affordable ticket prices, to improve performance quality by renting better equipments, booking more rehearsal time, and using better supplies and materials.

      The financial status of the Gala, as well as the RCA, is completely transparent and open to the public. We periodically publish reports of the RCA's status on our web site. As always, any surplus funds from the 2007 Rolia Gala will be used by the RCA to organize additional community-based activities.

      An excellent advertising opportunity for sponsors

      The Rolia community consists of relatively "new" Canadians who came from China as independent immigrants. Most of them just arrived within the past several years. They feature high educational level, being in or or actively working towards professional career fields. They are active or will be active soon in the consumer market. In fact, more and more companies become aware of the market in the Mandarin Chinese community.

      The upcoming 2007 Rolia Gala is an excellent opportunity for sponsors to advertise in the Chinese community! Here's why:

      * We are expecting more than 2,300 people to attend the shows;

      * We have various forms of advertising, including:

      o Advertising in the programme;

      o Video clips, played right before the show starts.

      o Desk space at the reception area; (Spaces are limited)

      Please check the attached advertisement quotation for detailed prices for the above.

      * The 2007 Rolia Gala web site will permanently display the logos or names of all sponsors. Sponsors' corporate image will be recognized in the Chinese community and recognized by all Internet visitors to the web site.

      * For every person who actually attends the event, more than 10 are aware of and interested in it! The organization and preparation of the event are discussed regularly on the Rolia.net discussion forums.

      How to become a sponsor

      1. Potential sponsors submit an online form, providing contact information from the following page:


      2. The RCA's Coordinator will call to confirm and discuss sponsorhip details;

      3. Sponsors make out cheques payable to Rolia Cultural Association, mail them to the RCA (address will be provided by the RCA's Coordinator). Receipts will be mailed to sponsor upon receipt of cheques.

      4. Sponsors submit advertising materials (i.e. graphics files, video clips) to the RCA via email. This step must be completed on or before December 1, 2006.

      More information available

      Please feel free to visit the web site of 2007 Rolia Gala:

      http://www.rolia.net/gala 2007/en/

      The complete advertisement quotation can be found online at:


      RCA's web site is: (in Chinese language)


      End of Attachment
      ----------------------------------------------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 加拿大就是好, 随便立个山头就能圈钱, 还没有非法集资的嫌疑.
        • 谢谢您的关注. 晚会的财政状况是完全公开透明的. 我们定期在互联网上公布RCA的财务报告. 和往年一样, 如果新年晚会在最后结算之后能够有财政盈余, 盈余的资金将作为RCA的运作经费, 用于组织面向社区的更多的非营利性活动.
          • 知道这是本坛老板的事, 不是没有一丁点儿怀疑, 说坏话的意思嘛. 就是夸加拿大自由来着.
            • 所有的赞助商都会收到RCA提供的正式收据, 并且RCA每个税务年度都向CRA汇报完整的财务税表. 作为注册的NPO, RCA的每一个步骤都是依照法律规定进行的.
      • 帮不上忙, 挑两个英语小错:
        1. There is a very popular online Chinese community in the greater Toronto area, "which"name is www.rolia.net - "whose" name, 或者干脆不要"which name is"

        2. "muture" benefit to both parties. - "mutual"
        • Thank you! I made the change.
    • 我帮,我帮,我帮帮帮。
    • 其实,赞助商,RCA和观众是‘全赢’的。比方那个西联汇款,我想要汇款的话,首先想到它(要是它做中加之外的生意就更好了)。说到我自己,其实我还想买台录音功能强劲的电脑,家具,小到电话卡。如果在Rolia看到一个供应商,应该会去逛的。
    • 夜场几点开时?
      • 夜场晚上8点开始, 观众7点20开始入场.
        • Thanks, i couldn't find it out anywhere,
    • I can give you the marketing director's email address of my company