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Behavioural questions万变不离其宗

no matter what question the HR mgr asks, these are the aspects they want to know about you. So for each aspect listed below, prepare for some good examples. Tell the story in the formate of " this is what happens"--->" this is how I handled it"---> conclusion : "from this experience, i learned that... /I developed my skills in @@@ further."

1. your management style and you team work style

2. your time management skills

3. your conflict resolution skills

4. you skills to convince or influence people (make sure you give a well balanced response)

5. your strengs and weakness

7. you career orientation

8. you communication and presentation skills (how do you convey a difficult idea? how to you coach people? how do you make your point across clearly and effectively?)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 第二轮面试,会考些啥? 谢谢.
    第一次,就一QC主管聊了半小时,技术问题. 被要求第二次MEETING,不知如何准备,请教. 是一QC/QA ENGINEER.
    • 给些建议吧, 这是来CANADA5年来,第一次INTERVIEW,很重要啊,大侠们帮助啊.
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      • 第一次呀?那就抱着学习的态度去吧,别期望值太高就行了。
    • there is no universal format. prepare as much as you can. good luck
      • 谈谈你的经厉吧,谢谢
        • if it is the "lunch interview", you have to prepare some topics like your hobby...more about your personality because you will be their engineer
          • 可能
    • Only two jobs I was interviewed had second interviews. One was a written test. The other one I got to meet more team members, did case studies, and had a site visit.
      • As I knew, there is no other team members in this company. case studies were doing in the first interview.
    • 第二次参加面试的都是公司的什么人?负责哪方面的?一般按此准备吧.
    • you can prepare some behaviour questions besides technical questions. good luck.
      • Behavioural questions万变不离其宗
        no matter what question the HR mgr asks, these are the aspects they want to know about you. So for each aspect listed below, prepare for some good examples. Tell the story in the formate of " this is what happens"--->" this is how I handled it"---> conclusion : "from this experience, i learned that... /I developed my skills in @@@ further."

        1. your management style and you team work style

        2. your time management skills

        3. your conflict resolution skills

        4. you skills to convince or influence people (make sure you give a well balanced response)

        5. your strengs and weakness

        7. you career orientation

        8. you communication and presentation skills (how do you convey a difficult idea? how to you coach people? how do you make your point across clearly and effectively?)
        • 谢谢大伙, 非常重要.
    • 我也找到一些:
    • 最新消息
      • They might have different opinions about your qualifications. So they want to bring you in for some tougher technical questions. This is my experience.
        • 我想是这样, 还有面试官只有一人.
      • 和我当时的经历一样. 2次都是同样2个人. 本想第一次已经够细的了, 1个半小时. 第二次他们又针对第一次我含糊的地方再次问, 而且比第一次更加深入和注重细节.
        第2次是1小时45分种. 回忆一下你第一次的所有问题和提问方向, 不排除他们问同一个或类似问题, 但这一次他们是要得到更深入的答案.
        GOOD LUCK.
        • 谢谢, 第一次是很模糊,才半小时
          • I dont know what area you are specializing. If it is not IT, it should not be so many technical questions. Traditional profession interview should be more like personality.
            • QC/QA ENGINEER
              • as far as I know, QA can be applied in any professsion, like material/chemical/mechanical and even IT
        • 真如你所说,谢谢
    • 好消息
      拿到了, 第一次面试, 就拿下.
      • 恭喜!
        • 谢谢
      • Congra! welcome to Engineer community
        • 谢谢,我愿意回答有关QC/QA的问题,如果有人感兴趣.
          • you will not be that happy if you see the salary list of IT, but anyway, it is good news that more and more Chinese are recogized by Engineer Society
            • 有汤喝就行,就行.
    • 感谢所有在这帮助我的朋友们.
      • 恭喜恭喜
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