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she is this amm in the story


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 关于上床和收入: One Rolian asked me "Why you consider 'going to the bed' as the criteria to judge if she loves you or not ?"--欢迎砸砖(砸也没用,我就是这么想的)


    • 话虽然说得很直接,但也很中肯
    • but if u love her , u should respect her
      • so you ladies genrally feel insulted or abused when asked to have sex by the men you are seeing?
    • the guys here why always so selfish. did u think about whether u love her or not but just think about the opposite way ?
      • If I do not love her, I would not go to bed with her. Too much trouble. Does this answer your question. BTW, I would not marry a woman who has no interest in sex.
        • You are still a PURE boy. I go to bed with a lady just because I want sex with her, not necessarily concerning LOVE.
          • What that lady feel? Do you think what you did is fair to her?
            • why not? as well as she can enjoy sexual pleasure that I gave to her.
              • how about yourself? you go to bed with sb, because you think you two going to have future or simply for going to bed? LZ said sth like two people love each other.
                • for me?
                  Mostly I had sex with a lady after seeing her less than 5 times. Got it?
                  And they don't feel regretful when later we broke up.
                  • Why? Because you're not good at that?
                    • bcoz
                      We both feel bored after a while. We both need fresh feeling, got it? Unlike those poor ppls who stick to one partner.
                      • Why bored? Must be all your fault. You know only doggy style.
                        • haha,it is better than your chicken or duck style
                          Playing with one body for long makes it boring no matter how good it is. So changing a partner in a few months is normal. Got it, young boy?
                          • Why are you so stupid ?
                            A good looking and wise animal like you should f*ck many bitches at the same time.
                            • haha, a poor creature
                              and bastard like you can't fuccccccckkk a female creature during a long period, so you feel unfair and jealous?
                              • You should be the one who feel unfair and jealous.
                                Bcoz those people who had sex with you, they don't love you. They're just wanted to f*ck you.
                                • so I say you are an adult creature with a shit brain
                                  men, or women, no matter who fuccck whom, both get pleasure.
                                  why do you just have an advantage of speaking, instead of doing.
                                  why do we need fictional "love" when we can sex any time we want?
                                  Only those idots as you want to have a wife as a free postitute to fuccck!
                                  • How many times should I tell you. Don't guess too much, you're not a doctor.
                                    You're just a do........g.
                                  • It's a good point though. The difference between human and animal.
                                    • absolutely
                                      Only those idots as you want to have a wife as a free postitute to fuccck!
                                      • That's not true.
                                        If I have a wife, I sex with her because I love her. You don't f*ck a postitute becouse you love her. That's totally different.
                                        • you are still so young that you want to combine love with sex.
                                          so you should chase that asker girl who prefers to have sex after marriage. Then you two can have sex just because you "love" each other.
                                          We adults just simply enjoy sex even though we know we will separate in a few days.
                              • Actually,........
                                I've never f*ck "female creature" like you !
                                • so we see, you are just
                                  a son of bitch.
                                  You can say anything reasonable except spraying shit out of your month, as I do from my asshole.
                                  • Not as lucky as you.
                                    Following me, you won't be starve. Dog eat shit.
                                  • A dog never can talk like human.
                                    Since when your mouth switch with your asshold. Even a three year old kid knows mouth can't shit.
                                    • of course
                                      you can shit from month, imagine your vormitting.
              • but most girls will think about relationship or future together, but you just want to go to bed. You don't want sb to have future together with you?
                • I just follow the natural process, no need to think of marriage or relationship too early. Just trust your feeling.
                  • Agree ! Living thing like animal is doing the same thing.
                    • Human is still animal, though the most advanced one. While some of them are not as wise as normal animals becoz they don't know how to enjoy sex during limited lives. And like you? Just accusing those loving sex.
                      • Human is not animal like you. Human don't like bitch. You're lucky. You didn't see me, when you're having sex. I usually pour hot water to saperate whoever f*ucking a bitch on the street.
                        • you can only do that bastard-like things
                          because you can't find a female thing to hold, so you become a psychopath.
                          • Don't guess too much. You don't know me that well.
            • It doesn't matter. The other way to call that kind of lady is... bitch.
              • so are you
                a bitch or sucker, or shit.
                • Bitch is femle, little puppy !
                  Every body is a sucker, when they are born as a baby. And I shit everyday.
                  • what a miracle that
                    you can type while shitting!
                    • Why not ?
              • and how about that they view you
                as a pile of shit? You think you are respectable? You sucker
                • You are great ! I've never seen a dog type so well like you. Although it looks a little bite uncivilized.
                  • what the fuc
                    what the fuccccccccking shit you are? And improve your English before debating, boy!
                    • Thank you for you advise. btw, next time when you're talking to a human, you should learn how to make it more civilize.
                      • eh? watch the words, it is you,
                        the bastard who initiated the bad-word war.
                        So I follow your rule to fight!
                        • Please excuse me. I don't usually talk like this. I have no choice to use doggy style talking to communicate with you.
                          • guess what? Doggy style is one of the most favorable way
                            women want during having sex.
                            no kidding!
                            • Do you bark, while you're having sex. I was talking about " doggy style talking " .
    • Some women love their men very much, but still wait till they get married, and then they have sexual relationships, so that you cannot use getting to bed or not as the important element to define women's love.
      • If I were a man, I would choose a woman who prefers to have sexual relationship after the wedding. Our grandparents and parents can wait, why nowadays men and women cannot wait any more?
        • Because they didn't know what's contraception by that time.
          • IF you find your wife is sex-inability or sex-coldness after wedding, your life is almost finished. These kinds of traditional WIVES actually CHEAT their poor husbands.
            • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈..............................................
              • Don't venerate me TOO MUCH to say a word.
                • I was laughing because you answer the wrong person.
                  • but I did answer to the right duck
                    • I don't think you're answering to the right person. I was talking about people they don't know what's contraception in our grandparent's generation.
                      • Look up some medicine history, they really knew it hundreds of years ago
                        let you aMM, an expert in this field, give a lesson to you.
                    • On the other hand, you're answering something like sex-inability. That's totally different. That's why you thought that you're answering to a duck.
          • I don't think this so-called Dr. aMM could keep
            herself from having sex with her boyfriend before marriage, if there will be one for her.
      • 很好奇地问问asker MM,你是读什么专业的?
        • Anything to do with this topic? I don't think so. :))))))))))
        • Let me answer your question on her behalf:
          "Linguistics and Sexual Orientation"
          • Marriage or Relationship conselling, I think. She behaves likes a PH.D in these subjects.
      • A suggestion is that women should let their men know whether they want sex before or after marriage to reach a mutual agreement in this regard.
        • 谢谢你的回答。没什么好说的。显然人分很多种。适合我的是什么人我清楚。道不同不相谋。
          • Exactly. :)
        • 这个问题是一个试金石 – 丈夫还是情人.
          如果男人愿意等的话, 他是真心爱你的,他是一个quality man, 是可以托付终身的对象; 如果男人的回答是否定的, 他爱的可能只是你的身体.
          • "他爱的可能只是你的身体. " -- 这有什么不好?你得身体是你的谁也抢不走。你怕什么?我还希望她能爱我的身体呢。不然我还有什么可爱的了?不要告诉我男女之间不爱对方的身体就可以相爱的。幼稚
            • "只是你的身体" = sex only
              • 你的眼睛是雪亮的。早点发现比晚发现好。如果如你所说,结婚后你得麻烦更大。
                • This kind of women don't really need sex-lives in a family. So even if their future husbands are impotent or early-ejaculated, they don't care as well as there is no money concern.
                  Even if they have sex with their husbands, they are absolutely passive characters.
              • You do not believe in yourself. That is all I can see. If he loves your body, then make him can not leave your body.
      • one question for you, are you such kind of woman?
      • If you love a man very much, why would you like to wait until marry? Marriage certificate is just only a paper. It's not a guaranty for a happy life ever after.
        • sexual life is very important part of relationship..kids are benefit from marriage,not the couple..if after 6 months relationship, nothing happen, you should doubt the ability..
          • That's what I was asking. If you love a man very much, why would you want to wait? That's not necessary.
    • 你真以为这年头处女那么多啊,还作为一种情况讨论?其实可以忽略这种小概率事件的。
    • "在和你上床前她问你得收入" – 至少有这么一种情况.
      "在和你上床前她问你得收入" – 至少有这么一种情况. 如果她未婚先孕的话, 你是不是有能力1) 你和她结婚的话, 养她和孩子. 2) 你不和她结婚的话, 帮助她一个单身母亲抚养孩子.


      • 我看你收入一定很低,有的女孩是有能力养孩子的。
        • 这么说, 你是不是指望女孩自己抚养孩子啊? 不结婚只同居是不想make commitment, 否则想不出啥理由.
        • 收入低, 才更要考虑后果哦~
      • 你不是开奔驰车她还问收入, 真是近视! 难道她以为你的车是借来的或者是别人送的? 跟银行贷款一定要看收入证明似滴.:))
        • Yes. 别人送的.
    • 個人看法你可能是個大男人主義者,
    • 我估计收入和表现是成正比的,所以人家要问清楚
      • 你指的是工作收入V.S.那個表現 ? 這有什麼linkage嗎 ?
        • 这又是一个有待研究的课题
    • Money, Sex, Compaints, Feel bad.. whatever
      just suit yourself.
      But the most important is, in your heart, believe in true love, and patiently wait for it to come.
      • Bingo, 你這是找到最大公約數,
    • 她爱你又不想和你上床的原因, simple, do you love her? she does not want you think she is cheap. she loves you, but she loves herself more. you are too self centered.
      • Who defined ML before marriage is CHEAP? This is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. How old are you and did you come from 1000 years ago.
        • no, i am much younger. you misunderstand me.
        • Jesus, it seems a lot of ladies here view sex as those living half century ago in mainland China
          • Jesus, it seems a lot of guys here are still self centered as those living half century ago in mainland China
            • Say your idea to anybody who grown up here. My motherland, what a self centered girl you are. Love is about to make the other party happy. I make you happy, you make me happy.
              Otherwise, what is the point of being together. Conversation is over, I have no more interest in this topic.
            • Jesus, the ladies like you STILL think having sex with men is giving them favors and advantages(haochu or tiantou)! You don't enjoy sex yourselves! Poor creatures!
              • Shall we teach her about this?
                • Fortunately, almost all the ladies I dated are not her type. Am I a lucky man? 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
                  • no, u r not. u r a bad guy. U ML with woman when you do not love her. U ruined men's reputition. That is why they r afraid of man.
                    • good point!
                      • so finally you both find somthing in common and you can exchange msn and chat privately.
                    • the truth concerning my cases is
                      these ladies want to have sex with me too, even if they know they have no futre with me.
                      so men's reputation has nothing to do with me, got it? Pure boy!
                      • The reason you are not lucky is that you were dating with sluts (because those ladies had sex without double checking if you love them or not). They are buses and you are just a bus driver.
                        How many they had slept without love? Got it?
                        • No,no,no, I think you are too young to know these issues. They are good ladies.
                          You must be younger than 35, or even 30.
                          • GET OUT PLEASE. 别在我的帖子里显示你性的能力。我不是同性恋,你在这里说这些让我恶心。你另起炉灶讨论你得话题吧,我没兴趣与你为伍。就这样, 不送了。
                            • you are a
                              stupidly young boy. What is a gay? How can you say this word after reading my words.
                              You think you are mature? But in my eyes, you are younger than 20, just a teenage.
                      • 不幸的是,她们既然知道同你没有未来还要同你发生关系, 这表明她们不爱你,你不过只一个性工具, 用完就扔而已.
                        • We both get much pleasure from having sex. Only those idots like you always talk about love but end without sex in a few years.
                          And I don't need to keep the contact with them, too much burden. You are really simple, only knowing 1 +1 =2!
                          • you are unhappy with your sex life , even your family. poor guy. you deserved it
                            • I am happily enjoying
                              my pleasure. Why do you need a family if you can live yourself comfortably? Look at those posters in "Happy Family", are they really happy?
                              poor dude, you still want to go into a trap?
                  • If u don't love ladies, and still go to be with them, r u at least like them or think u guys may have a future together?
                    • do you know the difference between love and like? between having sex and having marriage?
                      • Shut up. Please get out of my topic. We are here discussing love and sex. You jumped into a wrong pool. Please do not bullshxt my serious discussion here. You can raise another topic if you want. But not in mine please.
                        • it is not your space here. If you want privacy, go to chat with sb on msn or chatting room.
                          be polite,boy,OK? I can say worse words than shut up. I warn you!
                          • 我恶心的吐了。我闪。
                            • then get
                              out of here, boy, no matter you open the topic or not.
    • Girls don't have as much strong sex appeal as guys do. Their desires are easy to be fulfilled. Some time, maybe just a hug
      • Then you haven't expenced any hot girl yet.
        • haha,I do and did. Some ladies' enthusiam almost scared me a little at first, though I finally overcame them as expected. :):