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What kind of men attract what kind of women.

Men are rich, decorate themself with big houses, fancy cars, yatchs etc, they will attract women who are gold diggers. Men have other kinds of talents will attract women who love these kinds of talents. Men have qualities and personalities will attract ladies who like such kind of things. Men have all kinds of weapons to kill ladies. Just use them at right place and right time. You drive a fancy car to date a woman, then blame a woman who is only interested in your income. Not fair enough. If you drive a broken car, the lady still want to get into your car with you, what is your conclusion then? Don't judge too fast and too simple. Check youself first.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 真的很怀念年轻时候的恋爱。没有铜臭,没有杂念。只有关心,爱恋,诗歌。夜幕下的一个眼神,书本中的一个纸条。真的很失望,现在的人都这么功利。这样的婚姻能走多远?这样的感情能持续多久?还不如花钱买笑,永远都是年轻的美貌
    • 这样的爱是存在的,只是伤过的心需要时间治愈,重拾爱的能力,对生活的热情因爱而高低起伏,但最终,付出真心的人,无悔人生
      • 尽管我的收入还可以。当我感觉对方很在意我的收入的时候,我就马上被turnoff了。钱真的就很重要嘛?一个月多赚七百少拿一千的就真的决定女人付出的多少嘛?我也很俗,开部好车就是在说:你别问。但是还有女人问。我说的是我生活中的一个朋友。不是4W葡萄。
        • 男人和女人的故事就像是游戏,当有个女人什么都不要求你,只是一段真情的时候,也许你也会退却的
          • 我就不在乎她有几个小孩,我就不在乎她的工作不好,我就不在乎她还比我大半岁。 我只在乎她这个人。真是失望。哎,不说了,我去CNE买滑雪用具了。真的是浪费了 玩得时间。花钱买笑没烦恼。
            • You say so.
              You work so damn hard is for what? For better life. Without a better woman, there is not a better life. How to attract a better woman? Your confident and healthy attitude to life. Then I want to ask you: where does the man's confidence come from? Most ordinary men's confidence come from money. Just like the male peacocks confidence come form their fancy leather. So don't blame ladies. Most ladies need money and the security feeling brought from money. Except few special and excellent ladies. But remember, there are only few such kind of women in real life.
              • So you are saying there are few chance to find a woman with true love.
                • True love?
                  I realy don't know how to definite "true love". If you mean soul mate, i understand it is not easy to find. For example, almost all my soul mates are dead more than 100 years ago. I always wondering if i am a rich guy , try to find a real lady who is not gold digger, just act as you are a not very rich guy. Is this a very difficult thing to do?
                  • I am not a rich guy indeed.
                    I just have a good job,that is it. Lot of things are not controled by myself. Job is a job. You have it, then you live what you can live. You loss it, you need to find another one. Rich means you do not need to work any more or work for fun. I work for living.
                    • I agree most of your points.
                      Just feel your ideal love is too simple and pure. Not fit in big modern cities which love is totally polluted by money. You cann't change it, only can live with it and try to become more "sophisticated".
            • 你现在说的只是理想主义,难道你就不在乎女人的容貌;
              • 容貌这东西跟个人有关。我自己长得就不差当然女的不能丑了。不然她也没信心跟我在一起。我不在乎女的收入。我认为收入到一定程度后,女方去上班,交完税后空怕还包不住上班的费用。除非女的也可以拿个IT高薪。否则意义不大!
    • 是呀,那时候的人单纯,所以我呕歌那时候的女人,呕吐这个时代的势力女人!
      • 有真情的女人还是存在,只是你们没有碰到,不要一枪毙了所有的人,并且问问自己,对于女人想要的感情,你们又付出多少呢
        • 难道你不知道多伦多男人的特点:
          • What kind of men attract what kind of women.
            Men are rich, decorate themself with big houses, fancy cars, yatchs etc, they will attract women who are gold diggers. Men have other kinds of talents will attract women who love these kinds of talents. Men have qualities and personalities will attract ladies who like such kind of things. Men have all kinds of weapons to kill ladies. Just use them at right place and right time. You drive a fancy car to date a woman, then blame a woman who is only interested in your income. Not fair enough. If you drive a broken car, the lady still want to get into your car with you, what is your conclusion then? Don't judge too fast and too simple. Check youself first.
            • The reason for a fancy car is showing I have the ability to secure a family life. Not to attract money digger. I think most Chinese ladies are too into money. Maybe I should try some CBCs?
              • Have you ever tried CBC? If you have tried you would have disappointed.
                • I tried a Russian. She was so desperate for money. Alas.........
                  • I believe so. 她们同有些中国的崇洋媚外的女孩一样,都有以肉体交换物质的“婊子情结”。
              • The reason
                chinese ladys are too materialism is becouse they including me are coming form a poor country. To avoid it, find your partner from good family background. It is funny, the white males complain their ladies are too greedy. They are crazy about asian ladies. You know the real reason? Economic factor. Like the ladies with ph.D can only find a husband in middle school. White ladies have to go to Africa to find their husbands.
                • 我也穷过,朋友
                  • Then congratulations.
                    Your life is doubled. I think the only treasure is your experience in this world.
                    • 我的生活是寻找梦想,却没有梦想,老话,记忆只属于记忆
                      • You need "tools "to reach your dreams. I mean the winges.
                • Hotmoon姐姐说得对,要找一个家庭背景好的,防止这种“婊子情结”的“爱情”发生。
                  • Where can I find it?
                    • 所以,你也不能对女孩子有没有工作无所谓啊,要找税后4W的MM啊~~
                    • Everywhere except here.
        • 如何定义感情,是风花雪月的浪漫,还是相濡以沫的依偎?这两者都有些彼此不屑。
          • I am looking for
            相濡以沫的依偎 plus some 风花雪月的浪漫. As we are young, we need 风花雪月的浪漫. But when we are old or ill, we need 相濡以沫的依偎. 

            This is true love whenever whatever happens, she wants to be with me.
            • 这个不矛盾的,看你年纪比我大,爱情观蛮幼稚的嘛~~
              • Winter is coming.. It is time for small animals to go to beds. waite for another spring.
                • Small animal always follow hotmoon JJ's words, going to bed now:)
                  • Ok. I forgive you. Just behave youself. Something is only for specific case. Enough is enough. Overdoing is not fun anymore.
        • 严重同意
    • 年龄超过20,就别指望有这种爱情了
      • 一定要与时俱进, 爱情也不例外。
    • 钱重不重要! 要看生于哪个年代, 有时没有钱真的会饿死的, 但这个年代饿死的人不多, 人的要求就可以高一点, 找一个性格相近, 志趣相投的人过一生.
      要快乐的过一生, 也不需要很多钱, 反正再大的屋, 一个人只能睡半边床, 再多的食物一个人每次只能吞两磅. 多出来的只不过是要满足个人的虛荣吧.
      • You are so right on paper.
        But we are not tigers who live alone. We are a bunch of monkeys who live in groups. If you live in groups, you need to be stronger, smarter and faster, otherwise , you cann't survive. Also life is not still, changing is always and forever. You don't move forward, how about your partner? And how about other people? If you realy want to settle down, wait after 45 years old. Men after money and social status, and woman after men. Money and social status are men's peacock tail. This is nature rule of human sociaty. Fair enough.
        I am talking about most of people , not include some special people.
        • I am thinking maybe I should wait till 45 years old.
          • Ya. Don't marry too early.
            Try different things before your marriage. After marriage, then don't dream too much. Life is too short, and everything is only a process and feeling. I am old, right now money and fame to me is not as important as before. Everything is empty, your existance only can be proved by your feeling to this world.
            • I used to be married. The reason the marriage failed was not because of money. It was because there was no love.
              • 没有责任心啊,让女孩子知道了觉得你没有安全感。
              • That is a decent reason. And you are a decent guy, you will find your soul mate in you life. Good luck.
            • Honey姐姐这么有悟性?but your heart is still so young, I can feel it :)
              • My heart is full of wrinkles. My body is much younger than my heart ! Want to see my nude pictures. wait.
                • Really? PM me your nude.
                  • Ha, ha. You do believe it? You are new here. You don't know what happened here before. It is very interesting.
                    • 热月亮的裸照?我天天看,
                    • Ha,ha. Did you scream to death? or want to become a gay from that moment on?
                  • 做梦~honey姐姐的裸照怎么会被你看到!!!真是幼稚!
    • 尽力保留自己的纯真就行了,何必为他人烦恼
    • 如果花钱买笑可以买来connection,我也愿意呀,只是千帆过后皆不是的失望让人觉得生命太长,何时才是尽头。
    • 秋水伊人各一方,天南地北恨偏长,相思试问凭谁寄,不尽凄凉枉断肠.
    • 简单: "花钱买笑,永远都是年轻的美貌". 恋爱...不必了. 何必? 劳心费神. 生活在怀念之中. 呵何
      • 花钱买笑也不错啊
        • 是啊是啊.
    • 真牛!
    • 就算遇到这样的女人,也不一定有感觉,毕竟你也不是当时的你了
    • ZT f/r <简.爱>你以为我贫穷、相貌平平就没有感情吗?我向你发誓,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你无法离开我,就像我现在无法离开你一样。虽然上帝没有这么做,可我们在精神上依然是平等的
      • That was a fake story.
      • Ding!爱不是施舍,婚姻也不是!
    • So long. I have something important to do. I have to finish a report tonight. Thanks for your opinions. Wish you all good luck.
    • 我和我老公就是年轻时候的爱恋,没有杂念,只有关心,欣赏,尊重,忠诚。也许那个时候小,爱了也就爱了,延续下来
      • you are lucy