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what is your reference point to make such a general conclusion.

I worked in Toronto first, and transfer to Vancouver, I got my change to Calgary also. I worked with the guys from Nortel , Telus, Cisco, Alcatel,Microcell, Maxlink.... in Canada.

I am not sure what is your reference point to make this comparing on salary.

but I know all this it depend on market, How much is your value to the market. for the company , it won't be a big deal to pay you $1000 more or less, the question is if you are worth on it, and they have the budget.

I am sorry if any word make you uncomfortable, but it is truth and a fundamental principle here, we all have to learn it, it works on me exactly same on you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问IT行业在VANCOUER真的很难找工作吗? 很怕多伦多漫长的冬季.
    • 有VANCOUVER的朋友吗?因为身体原因,及怕寒冷。故虽然将近面试,仍下不了移民决心,实在不想去一年1/2是冬季的Torato。从网上看到VANCOUVER又不适合IT人士,不知如何是好。请各位前辈指点方向,不胜感激!
      • I want to know either. I really want to sun rise form the sea. But worry about the money.
    • 多伦多的冬天没有想象的那么冷。室内温度20度,冬天我只盖毯子。室外如果风不大,步行的时候连手套和帽子也不用戴。如果买了车,就更没有什么可怕的了。
      • 多谢David.但是我从网上看到多伦多从9月开始供应暖气,直到来年4月.那岂不是比哈尔滨的冬季还长?和北京比呢?只因有点老毛病,在哈尔滨时整天跑医院,北京的寒风也受不了,直到去了南方才摆脱了药罐子.所以实在是怕....
        • 这里不是统一供暖,而是要求冬天雇主必须保持室温在21度以上。9月就开暖气可能有些夸张,不过也有可能,因为房东的暖气炉都是感温自动控制。如果你的病是呼吸系统方面的,很可能与污染有关,说不定吸点干净空气就好了。据说温哥华的冬天又阴又冷,反不如多伦多。
          • 多谢roller大哥.我的病主要是免疫系统方面,怕冷怕潮.倒不需要经常去医院,只是要常吃药.是不是VANCOUVER还要更潮湿?不过我也是想,没准过去了环境好心情好,病也没有了.另外LANGDING时多带点药有没有关系?
            • 多带些药肯定没问题。据说温哥华的冬天又潮又冷,看来不适合你。多伦多虽然冷,但通常比较干燥。如果你仔细选择住址,比如住在地铁站附近,你就不需在冷风中等车,完全可以把冷留在窗外。可惜,地铁里没有滑雪场。
              • I was relocated from my company from Toronto to Vancouver in Nov.last year. Vancouver is evergreen in Winter, Colourful in spring.wonderful place, English Bay and Grouse Mountain, always in your eyes, if I live there.
                Nortel guys would rather stay here instead of Brampton.
              • 谢谢rollor大哥设身处地地着想.我在国内从事IT行业7年,目前年薪15万,且享受公费医疗.只是干的没那么开心.我是个淡泊的人,只想安心做技术,可是却常被卷入领导的勾心斗角,争名夺利之中.而且在国内做技术即使做得再好,地位也还不如一个七品芝麻官.所以移民对我来说是一种逃避.
                • 领导?七品芝麻官? 国营单位现在可以pay到15万?
                • 谁不是在逃避?说是为了追求幸福生活,可谁不知道“在家千般好,出门万事难”的道理?可那么多人还是要出来,谁能说自己不是在逃避?
                  • 旧的问题逃避了,新的问题可能会接踵而来---孤单,寂寞,思乡之情. 尤其是已过而立之年,还有天天盼着能早点报上孙子的花甲父母. 理智上讲真不该出去,可又不甘心放弃.所以趁年轻早点出去实在是上策.
    • IT业工作机会在Vancouver 肯定比在Toronto机会少,但比别的行业还是好太多了。
      只要英语过关,又有在国内的IT业的工作经验,应该不难。 但关键是英语。很多做IT的找不到工作,不是技术不行,都是因为语言不过关。
      • thank you.不知坛子里有没有在VANCOUVER做ORACLE DBA的,或做C,JAVA程序员的.想交流一下.另外VANCOUVER的医疗保险可以一落地就买吗?
        • 加拿大看病不要钱,但是看病必登天难。普通一个胸透,预约到照片您得等2个月;急诊急吧,您急他不急。有看急诊不用等3个钟头以上的人么?您这个样子,请三思而后来。
          • 您这么一说我还真有些犹豫.
          • 温哥华肯定有好工作,关键是工作少竞争大,薪水也低,我的建议是先去渥太华或多伦多,等有工作经验后再回温哥华,那里是个养老的好地方,不过it行业的收入很低
            • what is your reference point to make such a general conclusion.
              I worked in Toronto first, and transfer to Vancouver, I got my change to Calgary also. I worked with the guys from Nortel , Telus, Cisco, Alcatel,Microcell, Maxlink.... in Canada.

              I am not sure what is your reference point to make this comparing on salary.

              but I know all this it depend on market, How much is your value to the market. for the company , it won't be a big deal to pay you $1000 more or less, the question is if you are worth on it, and they have the budget.

              I am sorry if any word make you uncomfortable, but it is truth and a fundamental principle here, we all have to learn it, it works on me exactly same on you.
              • I think what you said is right, but it is not suitable for new immigrant
                What you said is what I want to say. If you land on Vancouver first, it is difficult for you to find a high salary job.But if you land on Ottawa and Toronto, you can find a good job not so difficult, and then you can transfer anywhere ,because you have experiences now. I don't think a new immigrant can find a 80K job in Vancouver. But I did it in Ottawa without 1 month. I think I
                will transfer to Vancouver sooner of later with higher salary.
                My conclusion is true and have enought practical supporting. There are many IT
                company in Ottawa NT,alcatel,cisco,ibm,nokia,almost famous global company can be found.In vancouver,there are only small branch of the aboving company.They hire less new immigrant.Even in the same company of different location,you will
                get different salary.
                So,for a new immigrant, to achieve a good start, forget about landing in Vancouver first.
    • 温哥华的IT工作还是不少。

      • where I can find some IT job infomation in Vancouver.
        • Here.
          • Thank you,
      • how about the price for buying a house? Same as Toronto or Ottawa?
        I hear the house in Vanconver is more expensive, right?