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No offense, but full score on TOEFL grammar is nothing to brag about. An average Joe, like me, got that easily as well. And you laugh at average Canadian's English? I honestly doubt if you go to a comedy club, how much can you really understand ?

I know I'd be struggling for sure.

Well, you may argue that their English is not standard ( I found that statement of yours quite amusing though), but honestly who would care about your own definition of "standard" ? Specially when the supposedly non-standard English (in your opinion anyway) IS actually the standard in the mainstream of the society.

And, judging on your background (assume you grew up in mainland China, didn't speak English in a native English environment since you were a kid, took a TOEFL test), to say that after 5 years in Canada, "如果不是来这里偶尔聊聊,连中文也快忘光了", that's a bit over-exaggerating to me. Coz no matter how hard you try, you can't forget your mother tongue. Actually if your English can be half as good as your Chinese, you can consider yourself lucky.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 今天有点无聊, 所以发个无聊帖. 想知道大家都过的如何? 我们的朋友大多是来加拿大的移民, 昨天和朋友聊天说起了在这里的生活, 最后的感觉就是家家有本难念的经, 都不容易, 关键是要自己坚韧一些...朋友们, 你们过的如何?
    • 挺好。BTW,怎么贴到情爱悠悠来了
      • 呵呵, 以前常来, 可是最近这里好象有点压抑, 所以冒个泡, 给大家打点儿气.
        • 主要是主要是没有什么收获,慢慢大家就没劲了
          • 异国他乡, 人生地疏, 谈情说爱, 确实是挺累的事儿, 顺起自然, 无欲则刚, 祝大家轻装上阵, 都过的开开心心的.
            • 见过不少这里的女国移,大都感情受过伤害,性情冷淡。没治,别冒泡了。
              • 真的都不容易, 理解万岁吧, 祝大家有情人, 终成眷属. : )
          • 忍不住想给您一点建议。这里女孩相对少,她们的选择会多一些,也注定有些人必须回中国找另一半。其实有很多很好的中国的女孩很值得浪漫的加国情缘,为什么不考虑她们呢?
            • 缘分这东西, 你努力了, 就踏踏实实的等吧, 会来的.
            • 这里女孩相对少,她们的选择会多一些,也注定有些人必须回中国找另一半。Come on. As far as I know, lot of husbands or ex-husbands went back to China. And lot of men went back after got degree or citizenship. LOL.
              • 其实这里的女孩挺多的,而且很多都很贤惠体贴。只是大家没有个很好的渠道去认识,也很难彼此信任,容易产生误解。我行单影孤,没有什么发言权,只能祝大家有个好的缘分快点儿来。:)
    • 7年了,别提........它..............了..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • 相信这7年也是酸甜苦辣很精彩的
    • 越来越好啦,只是控制不住越来越西化,中国的东西都忘得差不多了。如果不是来这里偶尔聊聊,连中文也快忘光了。现在经常要把英文想法先翻译成中文,才能说出来。
      • 西化没有什么不好呀, 很多人移民的目的就是要过不同的生活, 换个角度看, 说明您在这方面更进一步了, 只要这种生活是自己想要的, 就无可厚非.
      • 我咋总是将中文的想法翻译成英文.还总翻译不好呢.请问怎样才能忘了中文?
        • 尽量生活在英文的环境中.
          • 难啦.有颗中国心,有个中国胃,还有个中国家庭.习惯了中文的嘴,耳和眼.
            • 海纳百川, 有容乃大. 何必执着一物呢.
      • 不至于吧,您多大离开中国的呀?另外,看您当时跟那个‘independence' catfight的时候,偶尔还见语法错误的呀。^_-
        • 呵呵, 你又挑事儿, 对人宽容一点儿呀.
          • ^_- 闲得没事就总想找点事
        • I've been here for 5 years. I don't think I understand what you mean. Average Canadian don't speak standard English from my understanding. I got full score on TOEFL Grammer section years ago when I was in China.
          • good for you then, but seems that average chinese always get full score onTOEFL grammar.
            • Good for you then
            • 要让老外去考那些托福语法,就只能scratch their heads 了, 由此得出一个结论: 中国人的英语普遍比老外好. yeah!
              • That's funny. Make me laugh in the office.
          • No offense, but full score on TOEFL grammar is nothing to brag about. An average Joe, like me, got that easily as well. And you laugh at average Canadian's English? I honestly doubt if you go to a comedy club, how much can you really understand ?
            I know I'd be struggling for sure.

            Well, you may argue that their English is not standard ( I found that statement of yours quite amusing though), but honestly who would care about your own definition of "standard" ? Specially when the supposedly non-standard English (in your opinion anyway) IS actually the standard in the mainstream of the society.

            And, judging on your background (assume you grew up in mainland China, didn't speak English in a native English environment since you were a kid, took a TOEFL test), to say that after 5 years in Canada, "如果不是来这里偶尔聊聊,连中文也快忘光了", that's a bit over-exaggerating to me. Coz no matter how hard you try, you can't forget your mother tongue. Actually if your English can be half as good as your Chinese, you can consider yourself lucky.
            • 严重同意,顶你一个, btw,改天跟你学学英文.
              • woodhead(Happy wood-head) is the best at English on rolia, as far as I know. Please learn from him :-) As for myself, the girl I"m seeing has been constantly teasing me, saying she has problems understanding my English:-(
                • 算了,以后跟老外也说中文得了
                  • 你是从北京来的吗?说话很幽默吗,很喜欢。
                    • 你没看他说同学去北方上大学然后不讲家乡话的事?他是蓝方人
                • Oh, no...mymagdalna, to be honest, your english is much much better than mine...i only wish i could have the opportunity to learn from you :)))
                • Maybe you can teach me some during the intermissions/halftime of your busy dating schedule?
            • Comedy series are one of my favorite. I am one of the average Canadian. I have no intention to brag or something. Sorry to make you upset.
          • I guess that I misunderstood your words about "average Canadian don't speak standard English". By that you mean they don't follow grammar very strictly, right? Sorry for my misunderstanding and some of my comments.
            • it's OK :-)
      • 只是想用英语和来自不同文化的人比较感性地交流时,才想起学英语,也才发现说英语的乐趣。
      • 这个坛子里就有很多人跟你一样。
    • 和在中国没有什么区别.还是一拍脑袋想做什么做什么.
      • 看来我无聊是因为没拍脑袋, 所以想不出来该做什么. 呵, 脑袋里都是水, 不敢乱拍.
        • 我这里可都是智慧和知识.:P
          • 和你一比, 我就看出差距了 : ) 革命尚未成功, 我还需努力呀.
            • 一起努力吧.
    • 国内是不是容易一些呢? 难说.......
    • 耐心,勇气和清醒的头脑,相信所有的付出都会有回报的一天。