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You can have multiple TN, and you can work for multiple employer at the same time.

You do not need to quit your current job to obtain a new TN visa. You can keep multiple active TN visas. You can go back to your original employer to work as long as the TN is not expired. This is the benefit of holding TN visas. You can also go to university for a degree while you are working using a TN. I had the same concern when I went to get my 3rd TN for the 3rd employer. The boarder officer ensured me that I could obtain my new visa, and then went to my old employer to work for 2 more weeks after I handed in the resignation letter. Don't worry!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请问已持TN签证,现在芝加哥附近工作,如果换工作在哪个靠近加拿大的美国陆路边境口岸办理新的TN签证比较好?新的工作地点是华盛顿州。如不出境美国,在美国国内办理TN签证转换,是否很慢?多谢指教。
    • 另外,有没有可能在辞去现有工作之前就拿到新的TN签证?
      • 第一个TN还有效,又要办第二个,能行吗? 我几天前交回一个TN, 准备马上办新的。
      • 我签过,不建议这么作,有风险。我是通过与签证官斗志斗勇后得到的。
        • 到底有什么风险?能详细谈一谈吗?多谢了。我正是怕有风险才想这样做的。
          • up
            • 理论上可以有多个TN并存,只要一个是full-time其它是part-time或都是part-time。风险是不少签证管认为TN是旧的不去新的不来,当时我碰到的就是这么一个签证管。
      • I think it makes perfect sense. After getting offer from new employer, temrinate current employment and then expire current TN and apply a new one at same time.
    • 如果我有美国住址和加拿大住址,在美国换工作的TN Letter和Offer Letter,是用美国住址好还是用加拿大住址好?
      • up
        • 关系不太大。如你现在的TN结束以加拿大住址似乎好些,否则美国住址。
          • 我还没有递交辞职申请。
          • 请问应该先递交辞职申请还是应该先接受Offer Letter?
            • 我的情况是先接收Offer,HR经过漫长的两个月的各种操作,开出TN Letter,我拿到后当夜签TN ,第二天给公司二个星期的notice。
              • 请问如果签不下新TN, 老的TN会被收回作废吗?非常关心这样的情况.
                • 所以见面要主动说明情况,现在的TN还没结束。不能锅里的没捞着,碗里的也丢了。
                  • 说明情况就没问题了?如果新的不给你老的也说不行怎么办?是否影响来年的renew ?
                    • 我的意思是你要说“现在的TN还没结束”,这样老的TN应该不会被收回。来年的renew 应该不影响。
    • You can have multiple TN, and you can work for multiple employer at the same time.
      You do not need to quit your current job to obtain a new TN visa. You can keep multiple active TN visas. You can go back to your original employer to work as long as the TN is not expired. This is the benefit of holding TN visas. You can also go to university for a degree while you are working using a TN. I had the same concern when I went to get my 3rd TN for the 3rd employer. The boarder officer ensured me that I could obtain my new visa, and then went to my old employer to work for 2 more weeks after I handed in the resignation letter. Don't worry!
      • 理论上是这样,实际中case by case,特别是两个full-time TN的转换。
      • TN的特点是:签种小,历史短(十年出点头),技术要求高(要审查学历是否附合要求及job duties是否match job title),签证管缺乏培训但拥有唯一决定权。任何非常规(包扩常规)的申请取决与签证管的经验和当时的mode。
    • 美国话题/ 我老公要换工作了,TN也要换。请问,能不能先拿到新公司的TN,然后辞去旧工作,还是不得不在辞去旧工作后才能申请新的TN?万分感谢各位达人! -ylanylan(&伊兰香&); 9.21 15:23 (#3220052@0)