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When you love somebody, he/she doesn't has to be good.

If you can say "I love him/her because of this and that " , may be you don't really love him/her. All you love is just his/her something else.

If you ask yourself " Why do I love him/her ? ", and your answere is " I don't know why. I just love him/her. " . That means you really in love with him/her. If it's you, you are lucky. Not everybody in the world can get this feeling in their whole life, even if they are married with kid.

That's kind of sad, but the truth is the one that you marry may not be the one that you love.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 怎样才能让自己不再喜欢一个人呢?
    • Keep certain distance from him / her. Try to forget him / her. The feelings will fade away by time.
      • 怎样让自己不去想呢?
        知道喜欢他是一个错误的时候已经让自己沉溺太多了, 现在终于明白了他的闪躲,他的不明不白的理由,想彻底走出误区,可是心真的好痛。
        • 就是别想了啊. 如果狠下决心决定分手, 可以试着找新的男朋友. I will be very loyal to him if he is my boyfriend. But if we break up, I have the freedom to initiate new boyfriend.
          • it has nothing to do with loyalty...she can't let it go...she definitely needs some distractions though..hehe
            • 有尽力出去玩,也想找新的朋友来麻木心痛。 可是他是那么优秀,我的心难以对别人起涟漪。
              • 真到这个程度就告诉他吧
                • 他知道的。
                  他知道我喜欢他,他也说过喜欢我。 可是我们的彼此喜欢不能无所顾忌,如果如果, 如果我更叛逆一点,更坏一点,我现在会偶而得到他的陪伴和呵护,因为不想伤害任何人,所以只能偶尔,嗨,其实偶尔也是错,我知道我知道,但是但是。。。放弃似乎是我唯一的选择。
              • There are more excellent guys around. Don't worry about that. Forget about it thoroughly; otherwise, you will live in his shadow. Be yourself , and make new friends.
                • agree with you
                • Are you currently married?
                  • So, tell us why you can't let it go?
                    • 因为他给我心动的感觉。我喜欢他。
                • When you love somebody, he/she doesn't has to be good.
                  If you can say "I love him/her because of this and that " , may be you don't really love him/her. All you love is just his/her something else.

                  If you ask yourself " Why do I love him/her ? ", and your answere is " I don't know why. I just love him/her. " . That means you really in love with him/her. If it's you, you are lucky. Not everybody in the world can get this feeling in their whole life, even if they are married with kid.

                  That's kind of sad, but the truth is the one that you marry may not be the one that you love.
    • poor girl, I want to hug you
      • 自己抱抱自己,终于明白了那句话:一个人并不寂寞,思念一个人才是彻骨的寂寞。
        • 中文没学好, 一个人不理别人叫孤独,没人理叫寂寞
    • 多出去走走, 多和朋友谈谈心事.
      • 谈的越多,心越离不开。
    • 没办法。爱这东西。。。
      • 有办法 -- 时间
    • 理想,宗教,麻醉药
    • 说说看你喜欢他什么。
      • 厉害!
      • 釜底抽薪
    • 别人的老公总是最好的.得不到的是最好的.Prohibited love is the best of all. Good luck.
    • 到底是什么样的坏男人弄得你那么伤心啊?
      • 他不坏。 如果他坏,他不会闪躲。 虽然他也不拒绝,但他真的不是坏男人。
        • How do you know. Maybe he has a another girl friend, a wife and both.
          • 不要把人想得那么坏,我相信我的感觉。 如果连这点感觉也不相信,我觉得那就太悲哀了。
            • if you are pathetic, don't be afraid to admit it.
        • 闪躲就有问题,说明他有别的女人,或者对你没有多大意思,男人从来不会拒绝女人去爱他,但他也不拒绝你, 那不能说明他是个坏人,但他肯定不是好人.
    • "比不见面更难受的是,你在他面前,他对你视而不见"。一旦伤心了,就对着自己念, 总有一天你会走出来。不然你和他一起,他只会把你当成一个backup.
      • 问题是他没有对我视而不见,他对我很好。
        • 但是他对你的好不是你想要的好对吗?你想要他爱你。他对你的爱慕没有响应,在情感的世界里,和视而不见有和分别?
        • How good? did he promise to marry you, did he introduce you to his parents, did he take you on vacation?
          • 哪有人一谈恋爱就要这么样的? 那不是太恐怖了吗?
    • 试着离开他一段时间,专心去做别的事情。
      • 正在努力这么做,就是觉得很难过, 到网上发泄发泄免得自己找他。
        • 让自己忙得没时间想他。
    • 你要的爱多,他给的爱少,最初你还心怀幻想,以为一切会变好.但时间长了,你会失望,但你还是挣扎,可是你的失望会越来越大,失望到了极点你才能逐渐清醒,摆脱.
      • 是,我还要更伤心才会彻底放弃吧。
        • 伤心至极也不会彻底放弃,只是渐渐削弱你对他的念头,但是只有直到另一个人打动了你的心,你才不回再去想他..
    • 找一个比他更好的。你不会认为ROLIA上没有比他更好的人吧?
      • 找个好人容易,找心动的难。
        • 不要小看我们广大ROLIA男网友啊,肯定有让你心动的。我有个主意,我招集一下, 长周末搞个“众星捧月聚会”。就你一个女网友,其他都是男的,如何?各位网友, 骡子还是马的,报名了。
          • 呵呵,谢谢,谢谢你的美意。可是感觉蛮别扭地, 我还是用学习和工作分散精力吧。呵呵。
      • 如果你要忘記他
        No offence, just joking. ; )~~
    • 有办法了...

    • 如果到最後,什麼方法都試過無效,可以找我.
      我有毒藥......... ; )~~~~
    • 多想想他的缺点;多挖掘心的目标;