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According to "New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 511", you can be arrested and put in jail for up to 24 hours before seeing judge.

According to "New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 511", you can be arrested and put in jail for up to 24 hours before seeing judge if you are charged in "Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree".

Search google for this law and get detail. I think you don't have much problem because your license from Canada should prove that you are not guilty.

"Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third
degree is a misdemeanor. When a person is convicted of this offense, the
sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than two hundred
dollars nor more than five hundred dollars; or (ii) a term of
imprisonment of not more than thirty days; or (iii) both such fine and

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 去签TN, 签回一张美国DMV罚单!!!!
    • To answer a charge of aggravated operation 3rd Degree, 我车是加拿大牌照,我是加拿大驾照,因为他们说我NY驾照被吊销了,就抓我,罚我,我要请律师吗?
      • Offense Type: [1] Traffic Infraction [2] Misdemeanor; which one is more "Heavy"~~~
        • I think the offense type should already be checked on your ticket. You cannot choose.
          • It is "Traffic Infraction"
            • 那应该是不重的,排除了Misdemeanor的可能性。看这个法律,不会坐牢。
              • My God!
      • According to "New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 511", you can be arrested and put in jail for up to 24 hours before seeing judge.
        According to "New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 511", you can be arrested and put in jail for up to 24 hours before seeing judge if you are charged in "Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree".

        Search google for this law and get detail. I think you don't have much problem because your license from Canada should prove that you are not guilty.

        "Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third
        degree is a misdemeanor. When a person is convicted of this offense, the
        sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than two hundred
        dollars nor more than five hundred dollars; or (ii) a term of
        imprisonment of not more than thirty days; or (iii) both such fine and
        • 定罪的话,最多可以罚$500,坐三十天牢,够狠的。
          • 气得我发堵,我这2天后才开始明白是怎么回事,现在才开始看罚单,什么世道
            • 什么时候上庭?
              • 开始让我9月7号,我回来跟法院联系,他们让9月21号,我求他们,弄到最早9月11号。
          • 俺犯了511-1A
            511. Operation while license or privilege is suspended or revoked;
            aggravated unlicensed operation. 1. Aggravated unlicensed operation of a
            motor vehicle in the third degree. (a) A person is guilty of the offense
            of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third
            degree when such person operates a motor vehicle upon a public highway
            while knowing or having reason to know that such person's license or
            privilege of operating such motor vehicle in this state or privilege of
            obtaining a license to operate such motor vehicle issued by the
            commissioner is suspended, revoked or otherwise withdrawn by the
      • 说实话,我对你的经历感到不可思议。就算驾照吊销了,怎么了?走在大马路上还能被抓?好,你说吊销了还开车,OK,可你有加拿大驾照,加拿大牌照,加拿大保险,他们凭什么抓你?!
        • 俺明白了,抓我是因为我得车不许在NY州开
          • why your car can not drive in NY if it is a Canadian liancence
            • 他们查出我的车在美国不知去向,因为他们不知道到了加拿大。俺怀疑现在他们盯车辆去向很认真,怕搞破坏的
              • 那当时你把你的车从美国出口到加拿大的时候,要经过美国海关盖章的,美国那方面怎末可能不知道呢?我觉得很奇怪。
                • 2000的事,那时没叫我去美国海关盖章
                  • 这样的,加拿大边境官员也不管?太危险了,连个证据都没有。那能否出示加拿大那边的记录呢,这总能证明你的车不是“偷渡“的吧。
                    • 美国警察当时就查了加拿大的记录,不然俺就出不来了~~~
                  • 你那破车开了这么久?
                    • 挺好的车,舍不得丢,就是噪音大一点~~~
                      • 什么好车? 你911上庭。这几天美国人好像蛮紧张,我住在Virginia,离五角大楼蛮近的,每天有不少直升飞机低空盘旋。
                        • Lumina,上庭时间已经改成7号了。本来11号开始上班,但俺还是吧上班时间推到18号。11号开始上班?听起来就怪怪的,哈哈~~
    • 没大事,交钱了断,其实你绕过NY州,会好不少.
    • 你几年前从美国去的加拿大? 美国人怎么知道你是谁?你不是换了加拿大护照.
      • 不是有CV吗,他们一看就知道了。我的CV又写得一目了然,雇主喜欢我的CV, 没想到签证官也一眼就找到了我在美国工作过。。。。
        • 我在美国工作的时候是中国护照,5年前过加拿大的。签证是J-1。我知道有人跟你类似情况,也签到TN了。
        • 但CV上并没有说,你在离开美国以后,又将“黑车”开回过NY呀,不明白呢。
          • did they check the VIN on your car?