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Your Judgmental Stereotypes!!!

Stereotypes seem to be everywhere. It makes people comfortable in knowing something that they really don't know.

Everything can be judged on where a person comes from or who they hang out with. While this may have an impact on a person, it should not be used to judge people entirely. It is sad to see how people are judged on such little things. It really is not fair. While they might be ture in some cases it is not always ture for others.

These stereotypes only limit yourself. Without looking beyond the surface, you missed opportunities to learn to judge people for who they truly are.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 其实,多伦多有很多女孩很想找个老公。“我人长得又不丑,又不是没有工作,为什么找个男朋友这么难?”这样的话不止一次地听到。让我来从我的角度分析一下为什么。
    2。自视过高,素质平平。十几块钱一小时的啊康庭工作也算是什么工作,某些做General office的英语也说不利落,更不要谈才华。某些MBA毕业的竟然财务和会计的区别也说不清楚。某些学国际贸易的连LC是怎么回事都不明白。终于明白,素质女的素质大多不怎么样。
    • Agree on the third point.
    • 哈哈。。。
      2。自视过高,素质平平。十几块钱一小时的啊康庭工作也算是什么工作,某些做General office的英语也说不利落,更不要谈才华。某些MBA毕业的竟然财务和会计的区别也说不清楚。某些学国际贸易的连LC是怎么回事都不明白。终于明白,素质女的素质大多不怎么样。
      • 存在,存在...
        • 美在我身外
          • I see......
            Can't find it on your 身上.
      • 你天天有人陪,还要跳出来砸我的砖,你说我还能有激情吗?
        • 我也想默默笑红尘,可红尘却笑我。。。
    • Long time no see. Nice to see you again. :)
      • amour is love in French...you know French style love...that's something I dream of~~
        • What's French style love like? Do you feel like French kiss ?
          • That's what I wanna know as well.:)
            • just follow your feeling and don't ask my name, believe that you are not in dream~~
              • Oh, brother, what kind of answer is this? :)))))))))))))))))
                • imagination~~what to happen next? oh..yeah~~
                  • In my imagination.....
                    The girl run away, after you take off everything.
    • 不公平! 要不你见见我, 评价一下. 我自认中等.
      • 怎么不PM电话or MSN id?
    • 路见不平,拿砖一砸。Accountant为什么不算一分工作呢。素质在于思想,不在于工资。明白吗?
      • 同意。另外,没见过美女人生经历很幼稚的平平男人往往把外表美看得很重,其实被他们鄙视的素质才是最重要的。
        • 有道理。
        • 就是有很多MM外表平常,素质更平常我才发调调的。没说真正有素质的不喜欢啊。
      • 没说不算,就是一般的工作,不要自视过高。
    • sounds like me
      • 如有雷同,纯属巧合,呵呵不要对号入座~~
    • 大家找朋友都像超市买菜似的挑呀..........
      • 说白了还就是一个道理. 同样价钱买萝卜你当然要挑粗大点的
    • 井底之蛙之叹啊.
      • 生活在社会底层,就是这样的啊
    • 让我来从我的角度分析一下, 好女人都独身了,好男人都已婚了
      • 好像是独身的女人的观点
      • 好女人被迫独身,好男人被抢结婚
        • Ding
          • so grab your man ASAP~~
    • 有了Profession就寻得着好男人啦? 要晓得, 好男不上班, 好女嫁老板, 傻男傻女倒三班!
      • 在多伦多,小老板还不如上班的呢,生意难做呀
    • 各花入各眼。
      • 对不起,我挑剔啊
        • 不算了,picky的标准不同了,很多人都这样,我觉得挺好。 如果大家都无条件的接受,不成了标准零件?还是人吗?
        • 你这是愚蠢,不是挑剔.
        • 挑剔 is all right, continue to 挑剔 . Support
          • Cristina, I feel you're my favorite style, how about PM me your contact;)?
            • Thx. 曾经沧海难为水
              • 笑喷!!!
                • very glad to provide beautiful littlegirl a laugh.
    • 很有道理.从mainland of China来的女孩,smart girls居多,sexy girls较少.相信很多只是不太会打扮.如果不是从小要一心一意考好学校,读名牌大学,应付更多的竞争压力,也会像本地的girls一样,更女性化,也更漂亮一点.
    • Your Judgmental Stereotypes!!!
      Stereotypes seem to be everywhere. It makes people comfortable in knowing something that they really don't know.

      Everything can be judged on where a person comes from or who they hang out with. While this may have an impact on a person, it should not be used to judge people entirely. It is sad to see how people are judged on such little things. It really is not fair. While they might be ture in some cases it is not always ture for others.

      These stereotypes only limit yourself. Without looking beyond the surface, you missed opportunities to learn to judge people for who they truly are.
      • "learn to judge people for who they truly are", no offence, I'd rather just accept (not judge)who they truly are
        • 真性情,我喜欢!
      • 你老公的妹妹很不错,结婚了吗?
        • ?
          • 不愿意说就算了
    • 把你那个曾经的沧海照片贴出来让我们看看,不是说不定连水都谈不上
      • 肤浅
    • 你自己是不是亮点呢?
      • 绝对的亮点啊
        • (#3147545@0
    • 同意,见到的相貌平平的女子太多。让男人都没有冲动怎么可能在一起啊。
      • 同意,见到相貌惨淡的国男太多,国女被迫转抱洋腿.