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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

My point of view of MBA rankings.

1. MBA ranking is just 1 critiria when you choose which MBA program is right for you. You should also look at some thing else, like the reputation of the University, the focus of each program, etc.

2. You should look for as many rankings as possible to get a whole picture of it. For example, Financial Times rankning, since it is a MBA ranking conducted by Financial Times magazine of UK, it is not well known in the US. But it is still a good reference, because it is a world wide MBA ranking. The rankings I found available for Canadian MBA programs are Financial Times, Canadian Business and Business Week.

3. Look at the detail ( every catagary ) in the rankings and find out which are important for you. For instance, I think the % of female students and faculty in Canadian Business ranking is not so important to me. If you get rid of this 2 catagary by yourself, the ranking will be a whole new story.

Good luck in your MBA searching.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我想到加拿大后读MBA,有共同志向的朋友请互相交流介绍经验! 我的初步打算是考完雅思后,考TOEFL和GMAT。请教各位,加国哪所大学的MBA最好?入境后就申请入学可以吗?
    • 据报道西安大略大学MBA现在排到了全世界第十九位,应该是加国最好的。之后当数多伦多大学和约克大学。
      • thank you,iamfish! how about UBC?
      • Can you tell me something about the situation of the market for MBA graduates?
        • It all depends on your interests. I am interested in studying MBA, and I am sure it well be useful.
      • 今年的结果是QUEEN,YORK, U OF T ,WESTEN
        • Thanks. Do you know how many scores of TOEFL &GRE are required for applicant as PR to apply the U like you mentioned above?
          • you have to check their web site.No difference between PR and
            • I know the requirement about scores on website. But it seems too high for me. I wonder if there are some exceptions in practice.
              • My experience
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have finished the arduous applicaiton process of this year and waiting for the final result. In my own opinion, if you want to chase a MBA diploma, you'd better take those test(TOEFL, GMAT) in China. Because I prepared them in Canada without any help, I just got an oridnary score( 720, 270). Though it seems much higher than those required scores. Becareful, you are competing with other guys coming from China. And to us (Chinese), 700 is the baseline.

                When I began to consider those BS, I've thought about Queens as my first choice.
                But, after I read the report of Canadian Business, I changed my mind. Definitly, Queen's is an excellent university, and it's famous for its Engineering departments. An important item used by Canadian Businees to evaluate BS is students' revenue after got the degree. Queens' students have the highest revenue. I think it's why Queen's is listed as top one. But the interesting fact is that majority of Queen's students work in abroad. Where is abroad --- America. So it will be a dilemma for an immigrant. Without Candian Citizenship, we can't work in USA. Even some American companies can help you apply H1. But in that condition maybe you have to give up your Canadian immigrant status. And I doubt in one year, whether those students can learn engouth knowledge and have time to find a satisfiable job. Especially, without internship, how to get the most valued North American experience.

                So I prefer Richard Ivey of UWO. I believe the prestige of an university cann't come from one day. UWO emphasizes consulting, general management. York and UOT emphasize Finance and Economy. Richard Ivey is the most expensive one: 40,000 CND.
                Queen's 35,000. York is 20,000 to landed immigrant.

                BTW, I have met many worm heart friends who told me the difficulties to find a job in Canada as a MBA. I appreciate their concern. But "No pain, No gain". I believe the aim of MBAs is to explore new field and create job opportunities to themself. What I want is a career, not a job. Even I have been a programmer for many years and I love anything about computer, I give up the dream to be a IT professinal. I prefer using computer as an assistant.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 谢谢你的经验,以后我可能会经常向你请教。
                • Can I get your help?
                  I received my LP but still working in Singapore.I have a TOEFL of 267,no GMAT,my major is civil engineering,I previously sit for GRE but did not obtain a high score. I hope I can get advices on how to improve writing.Thanks! my email 1000yearssolitude@canada.com
                  • 我的写作也很差
                    • 多谢指教
                • Do you think that the score of GMAT is the unique element for applying a MBA?
                  • 考试只是一部分
                    如题。 考试成绩不是全部,但是不能差得太远了。特别是如果想上好学校的话,很大程度上是中国移民自己之间的竞争。一般中国考生(还有印度考生)的考试成绩都很高,当然人家不可能仅仅凭GMAT的成绩,找一大帮中国人。
                • fully share you the comments "what i want is a career, not simply a job". I want make a friend like your guys. Physically i am in shanghai and will come Toronto this Feb. I have no any Toefl and GMAT score yet but I want get a MBA study at Ivey.
                  Personally i really enjoy a managerial working. I am now a project manager in a reputable european company. Besides the recommendation letter from my employer, can you advise me what other doc i should prepare for the MBA entrence application. Appreciate your response. you can reach me by my e-mail d_a_chen@yahoo.com. thanks
                • David, Any benefits on MBA study for permanent resident in Canada comparing to international students?
                  • depends on the university
                • I have the same idea as yours.Now I am a computer engineer,but it's so boring.I want to change my major though it's very hot.I hope we can exchange our thoughts later.
        • Canadian Business 年年把 QUEEN'S 排第一, 根本是扯蛋. 谁都知道UWO 的 MBA 是全加最好. 这里有金融时报2001年MBA排名

          WESTERN ONTARIO 全球第十九
          YORK 全球第三十五
          McGILL 全球第三十七
          TORONTO 全球第四十六
          UBC 全球第五十九
          McMASTER 全球第八十
          QUEEN'S 全球第八十七
          ALBERTA 全球第八十五
          CONCORDIA 全球第九十八
        • Canadian Business 年年把 QUEEN'S 排第一, 根本是扯蛋. 谁都知道UWO 的 MBA 是全加最好. 这里有金融时报2001年MBA排名 (更正)

          WESTERN ONTARIO 全球第十九
          YORK 全球第三十五
          McGILL 全球第三十七
          TORONTO 全球第四十六
          UBC 全球第五十九
          McMASTER 全球第八十
          QUEEN'S 全球第八十七
          ALBERTA 全球第九十五
          CONCORDIA 全球第九十八
          • 我不觉得评Queen's MBA 第一是瞎扯蛋,Queen's 绝对是加拿大第一流的MBA。
            • 是的,本来各个商校就是各有所长,非要把 Queen's 和 Ivey 在一起比,有点关公战秦琼的味道。如果说科学技术管理方面,Queen's 应该比 Ivey 强。
      • My point of view of MBA rankings.
        1. MBA ranking is just 1 critiria when you choose which MBA program is right for you. You should also look at some thing else, like the reputation of the University, the focus of each program, etc.

        2. You should look for as many rankings as possible to get a whole picture of it. For example, Financial Times rankning, since it is a MBA ranking conducted by Financial Times magazine of UK, it is not well known in the US. But it is still a good reference, because it is a world wide MBA ranking. The rankings I found available for Canadian MBA programs are Financial Times, Canadian Business and Business Week.

        3. Look at the detail ( every catagary ) in the rankings and find out which are important for you. For instance, I think the % of female students and faculty in Canadian Business ranking is not so important to me. If you get rid of this 2 catagary by yourself, the ranking will be a whole new story.

        Good luck in your MBA searching.
        • Rankings are based on statistics data for the majority of MBA population. In other words, if you have great education background and solid working experience, both in North America, those rankings work for you.
          If you are educated and working in non-English speaking country, it would largely depending on your own characteristics and adaptibility to North American corporate culture (I assume you are attacking major N.A. firms by taking an MBA program).
    • 我的想法和你一样,能保持联系吗?我现在在广州,准备2001年递表,并考完Y,T,G。争取能够在2002年出去。bruno_lp@163.net
      • 你现在递表了吗?
    • business week online: mba ranking: western and u of t are among top30(first tier), then mcgill, queens, and york after 50+(3rd tier). URL: http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/00/index.htm
      • thanks a lot!
    • Hi, Annie: 我也想读MBA, 只是为GMAT发愁. 现在再开始准备考G申请今年9月份的来得及吗? 要多少分?我现在在加拿大. 希望和有志于MBA的朋友们共勉!
      • 前段时间特别忙,一直没有时间到rolia来,今天进来发现有这么多志同道合的朋友,真是高兴!可Email至rating99@21cn.com与我联系。
        • 苦行僧 OF MBA
          在这里能遇到志同道合者很是高兴, 吾现在沈阳, 正潜心致力于MBA申请, 希望吾辈中人能携手共进,互通信息。可E-MAIL至zyzedward@china.com, 吾定将吾所知信息悉数奉上与君共享!
        • in the same road and for the same target. olivwb@yahoo.com
      • 关于MBA
    • This year's MBA ranking by Financial Times, (World Wide) Uniersity of Western Ontario ranks 19, is still the best Business school in Canada
      19 University of Western Ontario
      35 York University
      37 McGill University
      46 University of Toronto
      Queens, UBC all after 50

      According to all resources, UWO is definitely the best Business school in Canada. UOT used to be the second, but now seems not as good as before. And McGill used to be the third, now seems still at its position.
      • No one mentioned U of Ottawa, is it so poor?
    • 我只想读PART-TIME MBA, 什么都不考行吗?在哪?几年?多少钱?谢谢。
    • 最好的当然是西安(Western Otario)了,其他的如U of T, York都不错。