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Well, since Canadian society has been shifted to so far left. Anyone who refuses to be a “political correct” brainless follower is now labeled as right winger. In that sense, someone does call me a right winger.

As a conservative person, I can say I do not know the solution, even not very clear about the cause to the problem. However, I do not by the lefties’ cliché: racism and poverty. The bombers in London are from middle class families and they did that not to fight racial injustices.

It is important to conduct research to find out the cause to the alienation and hatred to the nation they were born and raised. The work should be conducted without the affect of “Political Correctness”. If the result is that it is impossible to simulate certain group of people, the immigration policy shall be adjusted.

It has proven that the lefties try to blame the problem on racism and poverty in order to bring work for them, and that has failed embarrassingly.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 2001 发生在英国Bradford的种族冲突. -- 你认为在加拿大是否会发生类似的种族冲突?

    今年5月以来,断断续续发生的种族骚乱主要是在印度次大陆移民后代和白人青年之间。 Local people say up to 1,000 youths were involved 布拉德福德上千名青年参与暴乱








    亚裔青年也学会了报复 暴乱还反映出亚裔青年希望从自己的对手那里赢得尊重。

    • 有趣的是,对于在今年在法国发生的种族冲突,真正卷入冲突的是以第2,3代移民为主。冲突的另一方则主要是国家机器。
    • Very meaningful news report, thanks for sharing. I also think about the second or the third generation for the immigrant families, their belongness, the ownship to the country, it is an issue to talk about.
      • (#3114143@0)
    • 首先,这是极左的BBC的文章,其分析值得讨论.左派在欧洲搞得”多元文化”几十年,其社会不但没有像他们所鼓吹的”种族和偕的天堂”.反之 ,种族和宗教的矛盾日趋激烈.这些冲突决不会是最后的.加拿大如果跟着极左走,也不会例外.
      • interesting comments, I am waiting urgently for any GOOD idea or solution from the right wing. if you consider yourself as Right Wing, could you please give us a little bit idea about this issue?
        • Well, since Canadian society has been shifted to so far left. Anyone who refuses to be a “political correct” brainless follower is now labeled as right winger. In that sense, someone does call me a right winger.
          As a conservative person, I can say I do not know the solution, even not very clear about the cause to the problem. However, I do not by the lefties’ cliché: racism and poverty. The bombers in London are from middle class families and they did that not to fight racial injustices.

          It is important to conduct research to find out the cause to the alienation and hatred to the nation they were born and raised. The work should be conducted without the affect of “Political Correctness”. If the result is that it is impossible to simulate certain group of people, the immigration policy shall be adjusted.

          It has proven that the lefties try to blame the problem on racism and poverty in order to bring work for them, and that has failed embarrassingly.
          • I think the racism is the core cause resulting in alination and hatred towards the one's natruralized nation. 这是社会学的问题,不是左派右派的政治问题。
            • It is first a political issue because the Lefties do not allow an objective investigation into the root cause. They call anyone does not agree with them “intolerant” and “anti-immigration”.
              That only makes the problem worse.
              • This is not ture. Both parties know exactly what the root cause of current nasty situation. Those white-people-dorminated parties just don't care. 他们目光短浅,急功近利,想的只是大选.......移民只有团结起来才有希望。
                • 如果有哪个MP敢讲你(#3119275@0)的话,左派就会说他是”种族主义者”,正常的讨论无法开展.所以是一个政治问题.
      • 我認為種族宗教的議題會越來越嚴重, 第三次世界大戰大概就是宗教戰爭吧
        • 绝对是
        • 很有可能, 如果极端Islamism 占了上风的话.可悲的是战争可能就会从西方各国的内部开始.
    • 肯定会有
    • 只要种族歧视存在,既有可能发生。只要那些垃圾们存在,种族歧视就不可避免。我讲的有点直,可事实就是如此。
      • 说得好,估计那些人深受歧视之苦,所以反而变得比父辈更激进了
    • 应该会,加拿大的情况有可能更糟,因为加拿大吸纳更多的移民,它实际上没有能力消化。在安省发现的年轻恐怖分子就是移民第二代,是种族冲突的极端例子。加国政府应该调整移民策略。
      • 你以為該朝哪個方向調整呢
        • 很简单哪,放慢吸纳移民的脚步,踏踏实实解决现存的社会问题,完了再考虑吸纳更多的移民。加拿大现在的做法简直象白痴,人口短缺/老龄化,就想一口吃成个大胖子,一口吃成大胖子的后果是撑死。中国古云:欲速则不达.......
        • 多收难民,少收移民。难民还存点感恩的心,不至于在加拿大搞事。搞坏加拿大他也没地方可去。比如说老赖他家孩子就不恐怖。
    • BTW, thanks for sharing, :) informative......