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[每日一曲] 冬之旅:菩提树---死之慰籍的舒伯特

5. The linden tree

by the well at the gate
there stands a linden tree:
in its shadows i have dreamed
so many sweet dreams.

In its bark I have carved
so manu loving words;
It drew me to it always,
whether in joy or sorrow.

Today,too,I had to pass by
at dead of night,
and even in the darkness
i closed my eyes.
And its branches rustled
as though calling me:
"Come here to me, friend,
here you will find your peace!"

The cold winds blew
straight at my face,
my hat flew from my head,
I did not turn back.

Now I am many hours
from that place,
and still I hear its rustling:
"You would find peace there!"


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / [每日一曲] 冬之旅---孤独疲惫的舒伯特

    这个套曲共有24首歌曲,是作曲家根据米勒的24 首诗写成,它描述一个孤独的失恋者在冬日里旅行的感受

    1. good night

    i arrived a stranger,
    and leave again a stranger.
    May favoured me
    with many a flower bouquet.
    The maid spoke of love,
    the mother even of marriage ---
    now the world is so bleak,
    the path shrouded in snow.

    I cannot choose the time
    of my journey;
    I must find my own way
    in this darkness.
    A moon-shaadow
    is my companion,
    and on the white pastures
    I seek the tracks of deer.

    Why should I linger longer,
    and be driven out?
    Let stray dogs howl
    before their master's house!
    Love loves to wander --
    God made it so --
    from one to another.
    Dearly beloved.good night!

    I will not disturb you in your dreaming,
    if would be a shame to soil your sleeping,
    you shall not hear my footsteps --
    soft,softly close the door!
    As i pass I'll write
    On your gate: " Good night",
    that you may see
    that i thought of you

    • 其中的菩提树,灰常打动人心的说,偶有其童声合唱办。
      • [每日一曲] 冬之旅:菩提树---死之慰籍的舒伯特

        5. The linden tree

        by the well at the gate
        there stands a linden tree:
        in its shadows i have dreamed
        so many sweet dreams.

        In its bark I have carved
        so manu loving words;
        It drew me to it always,
        whether in joy or sorrow.

        Today,too,I had to pass by
        at dead of night,
        and even in the darkness
        i closed my eyes.
        And its branches rustled
        as though calling me:
        "Come here to me, friend,
        here you will find your peace!"

        The cold winds blew
        straight at my face,
        my hat flew from my head,
        I did not turn back.

        Now I am many hours
        from that place,
        and still I hear its rustling:
        "You would find peace there!"

    • 唱的与贴的是同一个歌词吗?俺怎么听不懂?。。。
      • 唱的是德语
        • Haha...
        • 俺又没听懂,完了:((.
          • 年纪轻轻的, 没听懂就对了!
            • 您的女儿比我年轻呢,可是她应该可以听得懂.郁闷:(((
              • 歌词估计她听得懂, 但歌曲她肯定听不懂.
                • 可我不论词和曲都听不懂,怎么补呀?真郁闷
                  • 别郁闷,听这个---舒伯特的野玫瑰(中文馒头版)
                    • 这个是听懂了, 可是怎么感觉没味道了呢, 夏老师? 我是不是太麻烦了?:(((
                      • 不麻烦。面对学生这么的问题,夏老师出神的望着远方,深情地说:等你长大了,就明白了,孩子。。。
                        • 面对夏老师如此的回答, 学生憧憬地托着下巴, 求知的眼神愈加延伸:
                          我的妈呀, 您能不能不以小装老?777777777777
    • 这个我帖过另一版本 #3000714
      • 昨天逛碟店时知道Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau是经典; 但我这个版本封面设计的太酷了,还是忍不住买了。回去一听,发现并没买错,并再次证明了唱片也是一分钱一分货的道理。
        • Goerne算是一个非常不错的学生了, 但我还是喜欢老师唱的. 我帖的这个版本Brendel和Fischer-Discau都很有个性, 你的那个Brendel就真的成为伴奏了, 可能是他老了的原因吧. 晚上我在帖个Moor 伴奏的
        • 果然,听完他再听迪斯考,就象喝白开水。他没有去唱得忧伤,但他的声音就透着忧伤。
          • 我却正是不喜欢他的声音, 不断地喘气, 拖泥带水地. 我觉得这歌不只是忧伤, 应该是绝望才对.
            • 怎么个绝望法?心如止水?
              • 心如止水只是把爱情看穿了, 不是绝望而是超脱. 这歌是对生命的绝忘. 舒伯特冬之旅真的是心血之作.
                • 绝望但不放弃.
            • 不断地喘气?那是录音效果好.我还有很多拉小提琴的还一边拉一边喘气呢.
              • 是吗? 我怎么觉得他是在用李谷一唱<乡恋>的方法?
          • 回来再拿出迪斯考的对比听听,觉得还是Goerne更有血有肉.现场的录音显得更有氛围
    • 不是说要上莫扎特吗,怎么改舒伯特了...
      • 发现这个比莫扎特的室内乐要扇情。
        • 更能帮助你写文档? ;-))
          • 没关系,我写文档比上贴要来得快。现在先磨刀。。。
    • 又一个版本: Fischer-Dieskau 与老搭挡Gerald Moore 的演绎.

      • 简单概括一下: 老师理性--学者气质; 学生感性--诗人气质;
        • 你这一简单的概括把我多年的诗人梦给彻底地粉碎了......难怪我写不出诗来, 原来是根本就没有诗人的情怀. :((((
          • 你这么一说好像学者和诗人是不太兼容;学者要简单明了和严谨,诗人就是要忽悠那些只可意会,不可言传的东西。
            • 哦, 夏老师我懂了. 难怪七十年代末一开放时文学青年们都写朦胧诗
              • 俺一直坚信,如果俺生在唐朝,肯定会是个大诗人,不一定有李白、杜甫那么优秀,至少会与李贺、杜牧齐名。可惜,连俺老婆都不相信,知音难觅啊 ...
                • 换老婆!!
        • 夏老师, 俺似懂非懂. 您是老师, 理性, 学者气质; 俺, 是学生, 感性, 可咋就没有诗人气质呢?连一首诗都没写过, 又郁闷了.:(((
          • 这师生本是指唱歌的两位 #3105824@0 ; 但这理论推广到我这就不对了,到你那儿,还是很恰当的,看, 你一郁闷,就尽显多愁善感的诗人气质来了. :-))