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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 从mainland of China来的移民中有百分之几是极度变态,加极度愚蠢的?怎么这里有些人看起来很恐怖似的?而且这里其它的人似乎也很能容忍,到了极致的程度.
    天生不喜欢粗俗鄙陋的人,在这里看这些贴子真是浪费时间和生命.以后都不再上中文移民网站了.见到所谓'男国移',快快绕道走.God bless all good people, not the evil ones.
    • 好人总是以人为善, 而粗俗鄙陋的人总是以为别人跟他/她一样变态.
      • 谁会关心你变不变态啊,别太自恋啦
    • 建议跳桥!天那!那里有象我这样的正派,善良。。。。的好人啊!我孤独!。。。。
      • 你到想得挺美,自己去跳吧.这世界有不少你一个.我现在比你活的好,以后也一样,go to punish yourself, loser
        • 在你眼里,别人都变态,愚蠢,恐怖,难道这不是真正的变态?你都不知道在和谁说话,就吹须自己比别人过得好,难道这不是自恋?一个成功人士这么会靠贬低别人来抬高自己?难道你不是一个这样的LOSER?
          • 我没说别人都变态呀,我从来不会说人何人变态的.我觉得变不变态是个很personal的问题,如果别人不提,我绝不会问的.你是不是把我和其它人的观点搅到一起去了
            • 说说你是哪里人?让我们看看有百分之几是极度变态,加极度愚蠢?我们一定会很能容忍,而且到了极致的程度的!都说好了不来往,为啥还来了呢?多没骨气呀!
              • 我不会在网上泄露personal信息的,I am not so naive. This will be my last posting. Not only because I was scared by the talking, I am not the kind of person as well.
                I would rather go to the gym, or gong shopping, those things are my favorite. Take care, buddy.
                • Good luck!
          • 生活中的我,还比较好啦,没见过几个混得比我更好的.我从来不会变态的.您就别关心我的事啦.我又不付您钱,省省心吧.
            • 你说你是赖唱星,我也不介意,你到这来,就是需要别人关心的!不过,我对你这样的,确实没兴趣,如你说,"天生不喜欢粗俗鄙陋的人,在这里看你贴子真是浪费时间和生命."
              • 我对您的性趣不关心啦.您别再吓我啦.Go ahead to vanish, get lost. You are not invited after all.
            • this statement is a little too arrogant. the one with wisdom is always humble, whereas excessive arrogance often leads to stupidity.
          • 没有贬低您的意思,我只是不喜欢讲话粗鲁的人吧了,其实我现在也觉得不妥,也许别人也只是发泄一下,平常还是个斯文的读书人的.我只看到一面,and being so judgemental,也是有问题的,so sorry
    • 这个妹妹我认识,大美女,年薪十万,单身,硕士,的确是成功移民.
      • 美女,单身,硕士,十万,不等于成功,怎么文人浅薄了呢?
        • 那怎么样才算成功?你这样的混子?
          • 你经常自诩有才,用混子来形容别人,好象是自毁形象吧?是不是不小心露出袍子后面的"小脚"啦
            • 看你热衷讨论的那些问题,一看就知道是失败的混子.
              • 你这样的看客,是如何的不"混子"呢?
                • get lost, get lost, you monster, sorry mister
                  • why don't u vanish first?u little shrimp!
                    • I am not a shrimp, mister. I am a lady. I guess you are a man, right. You should know shrimps don't talk, or type. I am so sorry for you.
              • 那我现在热钟于你,你又是什么角色呢?你不会说,你恶心自己吧.
                • oh, my god, can you just stop like what you promised?
                  • i never promise to nobody!
                    • but I remember you said you're gonna to treasure your time. Am I right? I already said sorry to you, and I didn't said it is you to be the mean and ... one in the begining. I really don't want you to be upset.
                      God, how can you don't understand?
                      • i don't need you to sorry to me at all,i am here to kill some time; that is all i wanna do,now you push me out of here,that makes me upset,just give me some air,
                        and let me talk with you like some kind of stranger with friendly smile.is that ok?
                        • Sure, it is pefectly ok. I do value everyone I met here. Actually I am kind of naive in life, I was well protected by my family. I was so shocked by the talking in the begining.
                          Then I realized that probably the world is like that from its origin, just it was not part of my life, and that's all. Actually, I should say thank you, because through this faked real internet, I knew a lot. People are not disguising, they are more than real. At least I knew a lot which by no means, I can tell from my well mannered, always-looked-so-appropriate colleagues
                          • ok,now,i think u r kinda smart lady!
              • 你既然恶心这里的问题,你以后就不要到这里来啦,
                • 我看见你,就和我上厕所时候,恶心的感觉一样,没办法.谁让你和那些东西一样.
                  • 我看见你时,也有同感!谢谢你的描述,就是文采差点儿!
                    • You need to get more sleep, sir.
      • 大美女,年薪十万,单身,硕士--〉有没有可能正在走向不成功?
        • 你这低级变态,生活里和她说话的资格都没有!
        • 回你的河南乡下,看有有没有爱子处女,给你配种
        • 首先闻作家并不了解我,他说的不对,我不会告诉人何人我的真实情况的,另外,没可能啦,别想啦
      • Thank you, Mr. Writer. I don't think I know you though.
        • 我听我一个网友介绍的你,也是耳闻,不敢拜见
          • 原来你就这样认识人?以后还是别写什么文章了,有辱斯文!
            • OK,ok, I said sorry. And you said you would disapper to treasure your time. Why don't stop and just go.
              • if u can stay,surely i can too.
                • I mean stop posting any mean stuffs under this thread. Anyway, your time is precious. I am feeling so guilty to waste your time. No hard feeling, OK
              • u are nobody over here,how come you talk like some "directeur"? who do u think u are?
                • I am just myself, Mister. I didn't intend to offend you. At least this is not my intention in the begining. Even my unthoughtful thoughts only represent my opinion.
                  It semms that there are a lot of misunderstanding around here.
                  • ok,i just wanna say,you show a smile,and u will see a smile .
                    • You misunderstood a lot. My writing was not accurate though, maybe it sounds harsh even, I was just expressing what I was feeling at the time. And I basically meant politeness, nothing else.
                      Maybe it is not the most important thing in this world, because a lot of our human beings are struggling for their lives. I don't know what else to say.
                      • it is nice to hear some explanation from you,and it is also rare to hear these words even in real life.you say ppl should show politeness ,i totally agree with your opinion
                        i wanna tell you that that so called writer really doesn't have any manners to the immigrants here,you can read his words,he think himself some big nose who can give some sarcastic comments on the tragic lives of new immigrants.that is so mean,and so bad!he doesn't know you at all,and just wanna flatter to you when saying you are single,master,beauty
                        ,annual 100 grands,that is bullshits; he come here to enjoy himself by insulting people!
                      • anyway i amnot the one who remember those unhappiness.i am not supposed to collect the dust in the wind,just let them go,there is a shit collector somewhere in the world,and those
                        evils will be fragmented by the power!i am here to enjoy every second of my life.
          • 不认识说认识,够变态,够恶心,够低级
      • 怎么没跟进上次的大热话题呢?#3077657@0
        • 这里的变态实在倒了我胃口,现在我都开始恨自己是中国人了,部分井底忿青般的国人无耻无聊变态得让我也快跳了!!!
          • 要化羞耻为动力,继续致力对"移民导致变态"伟大论题进行研究,我做为多伦多华人的一员支持你!
            • 该小说已经结束,正在上海和我其他小说一起三审中,广大国内读者就要知道,为何移民会让人更加变态!
            • 困境中的移民是可怜的,你们应该想办法去帮助他们,不是写文章揭露他们,嘲笑他们,如果象那个喜欢女人味道的写手靠这个揽财,那会遭报应的!
          • 你这种所谓文人,在大陆,一分钱,听7段儿,你是不配做中国人,因为你恨自己的民族!
            • can not agree more.
              • 谢谢,我就知道这里有正义!
            • Srrongly support.... applauding....
          • True. But i don't hate i am a chinese. I just personally don't like the chinese cultural environment. That is the reason i moved to here. That culture has a lot of problems.
      • 大美女,年薪十万,单身,硕士,....了不起...
        • Thanks a lot, but it is not true except the salary part.
          • 不客气,光这点也已经很了不起了
      • Sigh, Programmer will never rise to 100k
    • 呵呵,要区分论坛, 悠悠坛盛产变态,乐韵满地阳春白雪,心情随笔出古妆小资
      • Hi, 诸葛, 闻香, 都忙什么呢? 好久不见。
        • 你怎么不写科大神童的爱情往事了,你不写,小心以后这构思被我所写.
          • 嘻嘻, 那感情好。
            • 反正你不写,我写,我也好几个神童好友同学,本人十六岁上大学,结果,多读了一年还不及格,也是一个伪劣前神童
              • 那非吾就等着看了。
                • 不过我下一个小说计划是写家族百年故事,看来还是先写神童爱情卖座.好,要写,以第三人称,以你为主角,倒叙,为纪念在这里遇见你,名字就叫非吾.
                  • 不过,非吾声明在先:非吾可不是什么神童。就用非吾作冒牌神童吧。
      • I remember it was quite nice here before. How can it look so different now. People have changed. I am geting old. So good and nice old days!
    • Speaking brid language people are worse, according to my experience.
      Today, a new CCCA drew a curve when it slided into a disable spot. After the door opened, three people slowly walked out, speaking lod bird language.

      It is hard to see those "disabled" walking so healthy.
      • This is so sad, so sorry for them. Sorry for myself not knowing too much about the real world. so embarrassing...
    • 1%,俺就是这个1%。其他的都是好男人。 俺倒觉得中国人比外国人见面亲。你老人家肯定没变态(也说不定,脾气这么大!),到看着像变异。
      • 别关心我变不变态了,I was just scared by the talking. Don't have too much chance to hear it in life. Anyway, thanks for your comments.
        • 建议您这位JJ 去<<心情随笔>>吧。
          • 那里更变态
        • Everyone is looking for something.
          It doesn't matter whether they come from Taiwan, China or HK.
          • 说的很对,只是不明白您在说什么?
    • Thank you all, gentlemen, for your comments, good or bad or just plain comments. I'll be the one to vanish from this amazing cyber world.
      Wish you guys have your every little dream come true, and hope to meet you in real life someday - although nobody knows that will be you and me from this little fighting. Have a great night.
      • 老九,不能走!看来是个不错的姑娘,呵呵。其实没必要害怕这里的男人。这里99%是好人,就是爱胡说八道。1%坏蛋(包括我)。
        • 谢谢您.让我为自己乱写东西而内疚的很,在这里到歉一下
    • 真的是:林子大了,什么鸟都有! 既然你是圣人,你就去银河系畅游翱翔吧,别跑到我们地球上来指手画脚、妄自尊大!
      • 也请您别记仇,其实我的意思是,您的理论不是很有说服力,要I.Q低点才能相信,至于能不能守身如玉等到自己的真名天子多少跟E.Q有些关系.您看来是想找个E.Q高的,
        不太关心I.Q.像中国人说的女子无才便是德,我可能来这里时间久了点,有太响应Multi-culture, fit-in之类的,比较western,觉得为什么不是有I.Q又有E.Q的呢,为什么不追求最好,而要其次.另外,其实女孩子最重要的品质的确是善良,你以后会知道的.当然最好能保护好自己不受无谓的伤害
    • 自己浅薄还怪人家太宽容,真是见识了。
      • 我是浅薄啊,不过我承认错误很快呀
    • 看来是个成功女人,不过呢这啥叫变态呀?
      • 开始的时候,说BT不是这里人说的BT的意思,后来把我自己也搞糊涂了.您就别盯着这两个字了,I said sorry already.不过今天才蹦出来的'婊子男生'我想应该是了,
        即便用这里的BT定义.希望这次没弄错,免得以后又要say sorry.再说动不动骂人婊子也太恶.相信不管这样骂谁,都给人恨死了
    • 呵呵,再愚蠢BT的人也有说话的权利啊,憋坏了,就会更愚蠢BT的。上帝还是保佑所有的人吧;)
      • 一句话,就分出高下了."估计"一下,LZ认识上帝不?
        • 惭愧惭愧,又学一课
    • 高级婊子也是很优雅,每年赚10万两银子以上,也看不上土了巴机的土鳖,也是号称不和泥腿杆子来往的。那也不代表她不是婊子。不需要这种婊子在这里无病呻吟,你不想来这里看文章,也没有人拉你过来。
      • 终于见识了什么叫苦大仇深.我只是在Bay街金融机构作电脑分析师罢了.在这个行业,做电脑的并不是赚的最多的,金融分析员才是.因为是女性,
      • You should know, wish others to be unlucky like you is no use. You are still you. I am still me. Being jealous hurt you, not me. Being anti-society will finally destroyed you.
        • 就这么几句话,好几处语法错误,嘿嘿。还是认真点啊。
          • 谢谢指点,我是有粗心的毛病
          • “天生不喜欢粗俗鄙陋的人,在这里看这些贴子真是浪费时间和生命.以后都不再上中文移民网站了.见到所谓'男国移“, 说话就和放屁一样,对这样的人,我不应该称之为“婊子“,太抬举她了,应该是“具有婊子特性的垃圾“,
            • I don't know your world of all these bad things. It belongs to you, enjoy your nasty life. You know what, you are poisionous, even talk to you will bring bad luck. Continue to be crazy and mad.
              You are doomed to failures full of your life time.
              • 别自以为是了SB,这里没有人欣赏自恋狂。想自恋可以脱光了在街上裸奔。
                • 你才是自恋狂,天天在街上裸奔的疯子
                • 你是最大的一个SB,SOB
                • 每个人都可以欣赏你的丑态,变态狂
      • 一路走好,婊子大哥(因为你先骂我,请允许我也粗鲁一次,不过愿望到是真心的)
    • 真是不公平,每个人都是自己跳出来认,最后还要我跟每个人say sorry. 不玩不玩了,以后都不贴了.Bye-bye
      • 海纳百川,有容乃大。如果你有什么不愉快的经历,不如直接说出来,要不然大家会误会。
        • 没有什么不愉快的经历,可能是经历太浅,不习惯Guy's talk 的缘故.这里人都想得很多啊
    • 真是好贴,总算搞明白了什么叫"极度变态,加极度愚蠢".谢谢楼主. 以后不来了,是大家的损失,请三思.
      • 倒是引起我有个建议,以后我们还是不回这种主题吧? 这么打来打去的, 论坛气氛差的。 要不然就另建一个“抱怨谩骂”。呵呵,情爱悠悠,还是谈情说爱吧。。。
        • 那好啊,以后您们就别跟了,搞到我自己也觉的无聊
      • 不用谢,怎么这样小器的,说了sorry都不行吗?何况确实也有这样的人的.虽然很少
    • You are itchy, aren't you? Looking for comfort? I think my dog can help you!
      • 你试试看啦,无论是你的狗,还是你.我可是持有枪牌的,射击俱乐部的常客.不是传统的柔弱中国lady
        • so you think you are chinese. Ha, I thought you would have forgoten that and looked yourself a fXXking SOMETHING i don't know. You know how to shoot, very good. Aim ONE target, take a clearer shot. :)
        • You don't have to put yourself in a situation to fight everyone here. Think twice before letting word come out of your lips.
        • And once you have said something. You should back it up and stay firm!
    • 这是“成功人士”说的话吗?我看不像。
      • 从来没说过我是成功人士呀.只是个很普通很普通的人,在街上看见,您决不会想看第二眼的.不可救药的是根本就对成功不感兴趣.前边讲的是吵架的话罢了.
        • 这么没自信,回头率=0,这是美女的定义吗,?!
        • 成功不光在美丽外表,高薪工作。最重要的是平和的心态和成熟的性格。碰到一些恶心人物不要让他影响心情才好。
          • Thanks, I liked it.
      • 非常同意hotmoon的观点,我也是很怕中国人的一些习惯的,最怕的一个就是比较.最最怕的就是别人拉着你比,不比也要比.我最看重的始终都是家庭.如果需要,明天就可以开始呆在家里
      • 最欣赏的是有情饮水饱的生活
    • 这里太热闹了。不过感觉这么多人攻击一个,有点不仗义。
    • I agree with you, just leave those losers alone.