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--------- "功利心"婚姻,毕竟是令人恶心。


------中国暂无宗教来约束你而已。中国人的形象不是一个人,两个人造成的, 也不是白人无知的狂妄, 确实是因许许多多像你这种想法的人。无论你的英文如何流利,观念如何自以为被formated的如何"西方化", 你仍然在别人眼里是中国人。中国的形象只能靠中国的强大和海外的华人一点点树立起来。

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 赠 东北饺子及其老公 一读
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一篇有关 异族婚恋的文章

    The WHIGGIE (White Guy Groupie)

    A brief profile of Asian women afflicted with "white fever"

    ORIGINS: A subset of women of Asian ethnicity, usually found
    residingin major U.S. cities, ,,,,,,
    - Poorly developed self-identity. Pathetically insecure with themselvesand their ethnicity.
    - Resentment of father's traditional, authoritarian
    upbringing(whether real or perceived).
    - Brainwashed into believing that they, as AF's, are more
    desirablethan other women in an exotic lotus blossum kinda
    Willingness to pander to western media sexual
    stereotypes of AF's, which they perceive as a marketing
    - Thoroughly whitewashed. Desperate need to fit into "
    mainstream"(i.e. white) society and to distance themselves
    from their Asianheritage.Racial inferiority complex.

    - Feigned air of superiority when dealing with members of
    own race and any other minority groups. In need of major
    attitude adjustments.
    - Exaggerated, whiny, Encino-esque valley girl accent.

    - Delusions of grandeur..."I want it all...and that begins
    with theright (i.e. white) guy...". Asian-American princess

    - Uncanny ability to determine one's nationality, occupation
    , earnings capacity and make of auto within three minutes of
    commencing aconversation.

    - Exaggerated perception of white males' value in increasing
    AF'ssocial status.

    - Ignorant and narrow-minded, eager to adopt and perpetuate
    fallacious western media stereotypes of Asian men.

    - A compulsion to trash Asians, particularly Asian men, in
    order tojustify their autoracist tendencies, placate their
    guilt andbolster their self esteem.

    - Extremely shallow, self centered, argumentative and boring

    - Disdains ethnic studies; regards it as a major threat to
    hercarefully constructed, self-deceptive whiggie identity

    - Despises all Asian men, with the occasional exception of
    theirbrothers (after all, they share the same genes)

    - Believes that racism does not exist because she, as an AF,
    hasnever experienced it first hand, or is too dense to
    realize it.Besides, thoseasiaphiles are so nice to her (
    while plotting to get into her pants)

    - Gets a warm fuzzy feeling when watching The Joy Luck Club,
    whilesnuggled up to her geeky asiaphile boyfriend.

    - Believes that the only reason an Asian person would
    disrespect heris because they are racist

    - Has lost count of how many WM's she's done this month

    - The wet-dream come true for socially-handicapped caucasian
    nerds whoareunable to attract caucasian women

    - Threatened and insecure in the presence of any culturally-
    perceptive Asian person or any AM not fitting her stereotype
    of thequiet, marginalized, "model minority" geek

    - Fundamentally insecure, utterly confused, lacking in self-

    - Many aging whiggies, after being used and abandoned by WM'
    s infavor of younger, more nubile whiggies and being
    rejected by AM'swho see through their transparency, develop
    a bitterness towardsall men, period.

    - Denial of all of the above

    FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: a) Look of contempt when eyes meet those
    of any non-white male, converting to beaming grin upon
    sighting of WMvictim/target; b) terminal pout or c) bimbo-
    ish expression that defiesdeep thought.

    TYPICAL ATTIRE: Anything trendy, mainstream-looking and
    seductive(especially if it's black and tight). Big hair (
    perhaps their mostvaluable asset) tossed with hand every 15
    seconds. Wonderbra. Fanaticalwhiggies have been known to
    undergo certain procedures such as eyelidsurgery, breast
    augmentation and vaginal tightening operations in orderto
    increase their marketability to WM's. Blue contact lenses
    andbleached-blonde hair have even been sported on occasion.
    Note: attiremay vary depending on the specific type of WM
    being targeted.

    I.Q.: Too low to measure.

    NATURAL HABITAT:Personal ad columns ("exotic, slim, SAF
    seeks successful, generousSWM"), cheerleading squads,
    sorority houses (role: token "orientalsisters"), T.V.
    newsdesks, B-grade Kung-Fu flicks, trendy nightclubs(usually
    found necking with aging WM's), Chinese restaurants (
    slummingwith the WM and demonstrating that she's "in touch
    with her heritage"),anywhere else frequented by white males.

    age 10: "Mom, why do we have to be (Chinese/Japanese/Korean)
    ?Do you have to dress like that? And what's with dad and his

    age 12: "Mom, I want an eyelid job for Christmas, okay?
    Later on...

    "I've always only dated white guys. I don't know why, I just
    "Race doesn't matter. I just happen to like white guys. It’
    s just apreference."
    "We are the world, we are the children...We....."
    "I've gone out with all kinds of guys...Dutch, English,
    French, German,you name it. Even went out with a Jewish guy
    once! After all, love iscolor blind."

    "Eeeew, Jennifer, how could you go out with that (insert
    minority grouphere) guy!? Totally gross!

    "Ooh, Roger, you're like, soooo strong and intelligent. Did
    you say youdrive a beemer? Kewl! (giggle)"
    "I want learn English better...you maybe teach, handsome man
    ? Are youU.S. citizen?" (yes FOB's can be whiggies too!)
    "Like why would I want to go out with an Asian guy? They don
    't own meor anything. Uhh, and besides, they're all male
    chauvinists..anddomineering too...yeah, that's it! Didn't
    you see The Joy Luck Club?"
    Like, I'm dating *out* of my race, so how can I be racist?!!
    CLOSELY RELATED TO: Racists, bigots, wannabes, ho's,
    chameleons, whitesupremecists, a fish out of water
    Lisa Ling,Margaret Cho, Sheryl Wu Dunn, any of The Joy Luck
    Club protagonists(except the one who married an Asian dude).
    NATURAL COUNTERPARTS: Asiaphiles...who else?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谢谢, 有空读读.
      • 东北的饺子, are you housewife or you are working ?
        • 当然是后者,上班那有时间写那么长的文章。
          • That is too sad
            • 有病啊,这种生活多好,我也想呢。我现在最大的愿望就是退休,尽情享受加拿大自由的生活。但前提是要有钱。
      • 给东北的饺子:走自己的路,让别人说去吧!
      • 其实那篇文章我压根没有看,嘿嘿,看英文头痛,草草看一下下面的议论,就知道又是有人在对饺子说三道四了,我真是不明白,有人凭什么对别人的生活指手划脚,为什么不能多一些宽容理解的心态,希望饺子不要难过,开心过你自己的生活。
    • 你 们 无 聊 吗? 饺 子 愿 意 跟 什 么 样 的 人 结 婚, 愿 意 过 什 么 样 的 生 活, 是 她 自 己 的 事. 你 们 干 吗 在 这 评 头 品 足, 小 人 一 样 的.
      • you can earn you living by making money yourself , not by marrage
        • //faint. 不懂,饺子哪里碍着你了??? 凭什么对人家的婚姻指手画脚的?
        • objection! people can earn money by any way they want in this free country, except infringe laws and regulations. so, that is a very easy and smart way to reach prople's purpose.
          • oh sorry. I agree with what you said. but different people have different opinion. I perfer other ways.
            • In my opinion, they are the winers, they have stronger thought to explore the unkonown world and discover the treasure that can not be reached by many common people who are not willing to change.
              • cool I like what you said. I hope I have a chance toooooooooo.
                • if you were male, i would say you won't have a lot opportunities. have you seen the movie "lover" starring by liangjiahui? you will understand the oriental male being appreciated by white is almost impossible
                  • never have a chance to see Chinese movie. I will
                    • that is a hongkong movie. after i saw that movie, i undertood blonds would not fall in love with yellow skin people except they were ugly.
                      • You are wrong, this is not the point of the movie!
                      • They need sex first, then money(not too much sometimes, above 50K ). If you are well-built, solid, long-lasting, tough and a job, you could get one blond.
                        • ha,分析的听透彻呀,可惜咱们东方人先天不足
        • 今天才知道饺子原来有这么个背景,我不认识她,这个问题也不是第一次听到,不过我的感觉是:这是个很个人的问题,大家的见解都对也都不对,因为你们都不是饺子,别替别人操心了好吗?对于这个问题,我还想谈一点想法,很久了的想法……
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛随便说说,希望不会引来一堆烂西红柿!






          也许我说的也是废话,但是希望能引起大家的共鸣,多多少少,有一点是一点。附:本人是刚来加拿大2个多月,至今没工作,正在准备Toefl,嘿嘿,也是一个闲人,才能写这么多!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 你说得有思想,且很细致。但我不同意把这种事和民族的文化联系起来。只是个人之幸福而已,其他因素不必干涉。
          • AGREE! U have good atitude and opinion already....believe u will be happy here!
          • 功利心的婚姻,毕竟是令人恶心。
            --------- "功利心"婚姻,毕竟是令人恶心。


            ------中国暂无宗教来约束你而已。中国人的形象不是一个人,两个人造成的, 也不是白人无知的狂妄, 确实是因许许多多像你这种想法的人。无论你的英文如何流利,观念如何自以为被formated的如何"西方化", 你仍然在别人眼里是中国人。中国的形象只能靠中国的强大和海外的华人一点点树立起来。
            • 谢谢上面三位的回帖,我的确希望未来的日子里,我能够坚定不移的按照我的信念生活着。
          • 我朋友的太太是跟白人跑了的,那有能说明什么?别对别人指手划脚,异族通婚很正常,什么目的的都正常,本来结婚就是一种目的的选择
            • 94
            • 漏看了“朋友”两字,吓了一跳。
              • 配个显微镜带一带吧。:P:P
                • 我的感觉是太太跟别人跑掉了还这么心平气和,非常人所能。没割到自己的肉,有谁知道多疼呢?
            • 不同意“什么目的的都正常”,我觉得应该是“什么目的都可以”,可以不等于正常。中国是中国人的中国,中国人是中国的中国人!如果把个人行为和中国人和中国联系起来就不会说什么都正常了。
            • "别对别人指手划脚,异族通婚很正常,什么目的的都正常,本来结婚就是一种目的的选择"(??????????) --
              I think nobody here mean to condemn interrace marriage first. It's true that people should live with maximum freedom of life choice. But we live in a society framed by various laws and seemingly hidden ethics. There should have mainstream culture or moral standards. I do not know or do not try to talk about the situations that Jiao-Zhi involved, but I look down the immoral behavior or appeal that we should condemn some kinds of evil belief. It is also true that our moral standards in China(mainland) becomes worse and wose, manifested in loss of Good-Bad criteria, we all should do something to foster or rebuild our fundamental traditional value. When you delve into your personal interest-whatever you want, do not harm or spoil our racial reputation! Please.
      • 不能就说人家都是小人!人家也是关心饺子呀!
    • 中 国 的 优 秀 男 人 不 少, 但 也 有 个 别 嫉 妒 狭 隘 的, 从 这 些 答 复 中 就 可 以 看 出 来. 饺 子 是
      我 欣 赏 的 那 类 女 孩, 积 极, 关 怀, 和 有 一 种 对 生 活 的 热 爱, 她 所 得 到 的 幸 福 是 她 应 得 的, 不 论 她 嫁 给 哪 个 种 族 的 人, 以 她 的 个 性 都 会 使 婚 姻 幸 福.
      • 你说得对。有些中国*腩*人心理很阴暗:小气,忌妒,自以为是。其中尤甚的是那种小人之心。我们公司里就有这么几个公认的。有男也有女。
        • you are one of them
          • 愿闻其祥?
            • 看看里面的“第一”点,你就明白他的意思了。
    • 有人嫁给老外并不等于中国男人都是坏东西,有人愿意嫁给中国男人也并不等于中国男人就都是好东西。哪的人都有好坏,再说结婚之后是否幸福外人又怎么知道呢。
    • 这是我见过的最让人心寒的国人们了,我开始有点能理解为什么中国总会有那么多的问题,连小日本都看不起中国人了。建议大家把这页好好保存,
      • do not understand what you mean. Why you said Japanese? is there anything related to Japanese?
    • I totally agree with the description of the whiggies. However, I can't imagine that 饺子 is a totally whiggie. She's a nice, knowledgeable, mature and thoughtful lady...
      Although she usually ignores my post... :(
      • 这马屁拍得真是铛铛铛。
    • 静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非。真不明白有些人怎么那么无聊喜欢对别人说三道四。
      • If that's true, 功利心的婚姻,毕竟是令人恶心。
        • “功利心的婚姻”,没那么严重吧。看起来饺子也不过是嫁了个普通的白人,又不是百万富翁。在中国比这个有钱的都多得是,为了钱的话,不至于找这样的人吧。
          • I means" If that's true.." I do not know what it really it and do not want to talk about 饺子 here.... just a common topics: 功利心的婚姻.
            BTW, delve into getting Green Card through the marriage is kind of 功利心的婚姻.