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WOW! I have to clarify this and help you to improve your English. I think you should really "Test your English" as what the Web Site says. Furthermore, more errors in your post this time --

1. Did you "read" my posts?
2. I just discussed the proper way in "speaking English".
3. "english" should not be followed with "your". ??? Who follows who?

Let's see how much progress you will make in your next response. :-P

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / i am a new guy who arrived in vancouver just dec19,i wonder which telephone company or telephone card is better? thank to all!i miss my mama so much.
    • nobody help me? please!
      • I know your felling,No friends or relative here? Tlephone is TELUS,you have no choice,for the phone card,you can choose the OMC or K,you can try it first
    • try to improve english. should be "arrive at" instead of "in" "on dec 19th", " I am wondering" "thanks a lot"
      • 我就不明白怎么就总有一些人喜欢嘲笑别人呢?自己一定就那么出色?
        • 你怎么就知道是嘲笑,难道看者他一直错下去不管?
          • 也许不是嘲笑,那就是炫耀。当雷锋?反正我不信。
          • 你肯指出别人的不足之处,我理解为你具有热情和爱心。我尊敬你的做法。 至于有某些人说你‘嘲笑’或‘炫耀’,请你不必介意。我们见过比这些更无理的说话,不是吗?
        • If I were cdangel, I will say "thanks" to null!
          • Thanks? If whenever you open your mouth in public, somebody says "try to improve English". What will happen? You will lose confidence and close your mouth next time. The real help is to send the guy an Email privately.
      • "arrive in" cannot be considered wrong in the view of grammar, only less frequently used than "arrive at". "I wonder" is correct in every aspect.
        • I don't care about grammer. Actually, "I wonder" is right on grammer, but native speakers never speak like that. I 've never heard "arrive in".
          • You have to say "arrive in Canada", "arrive in Asia", etc. You even have to use "arrive on earth" when you metion an alien. Anyway, it's meaningless for non-native to tell each other how to speak English,
            if not for test preparation (ie grammar) purpose.
            • totally disagree
      • actually i really want to improve my language, i feel the importance of language after 3 day's job-hunting. i am so tired and so disappoint.anyway, thank u 2 guys a lot! i will improve myself.
      • "T"ry to improve "your" "E"nglish. If you are so picky about grammar, be sure you are writing something 100% correct.
        • did you see my posts? I just discussed the proper way in english speaking. I don't care about details. anyway, "english" should not be followed with "your". ask your teacher to clarify.
          • Very strictly speaking, all your recommendations are correct. But loose speaking, "Arrive In" and "I Wonder" are correct.
            • I would say: speak in proper way, in canadian way. for example, canadians never use the tense "had done" in general situation. They only use it in complex sentenses.
          • WOW! I have to clarify this and help you to improve your English. I think you should really "Test your English" as what the Web Site says. Furthermore, more errors in your post this time --
            1. Did you "read" my posts?
            2. I just discussed the proper way in "speaking English".
            3. "english" should not be followed with "your". ??? Who follows who?

            Let's see how much progress you will make in your next response. :-P
            • Hi,buddy. whose errors were fatal?
              see your errors:
              Furthermore, more errors in your post this time
              where is the verb?
              Let's see how much progress you will make in your next response
              "how much progress"? Oh my god, I fu le you!
              the third one is so funny!
              "as what the Web Site says".
              two coordinators for one clause? "as the website says" is enough! anyway, website is a world. please do not separate it!
              • Do you always use "verb" in everything you speak? What does "fu le" mean? Have to use Chinese pingyin because you run out of English?
                • Hi, buddy, you misunderstood me.
                  On roila, who knows you? As you said, send a email secretly. Ok, that should be a good way. But on BBS, you have a lot of opportunities to get you mistakes corrected from other people's comments. This is not a real world. even people laugh at you, but who knows? "face" is not important
                  • 一人少一句,不就得了。何必伤和气?
                    • 大家切磋一下吗,这么多板转
                • 还有,在口语中,你可以说一个短语,中间没有VERB。但是象刚才的情况,你用了句号,是一个句子,就必须用VERB,如果你不想用,可以去掉标点,THAT IS OK。
                  • 好了,休战。其实你的英语是不错,要找点毛病还费了我不少劲。其实只想让你亲身感受被人当众说英语不好的味道。毕竟,你没有哪个回帖说了THANKS吧。
                    • 咱们中国有句古话,叫“良药苦口利于病”,何况在网上,大家彼此都不认识,怕什么!我的E文要考试是很差的,但是我致力于追求地道的英语,而不是中国式的英语,我并不关心语法。实际上,我的第一贴并不是针对语法。
                      • 为什么非要说地道的英语呢?语言只是一种工具,能交流,面试时提薪水要求时不要把THOUSAND和HUNDRED搞错就行了。
                        • 因为那是一种乐趣。当你可以用俚语或笑话和洋人闲聊使,那感觉“COOL”
                          • 如果你要胆敢说第一句俚语,下面的交谈保管有70%听不懂,因为他们把你当本地人了。开始总是痛苦的,可能慢慢会有乐趣。
                            • 怎么会,你有口音的。通常学会用一个新词的感觉也很HIGH的。
        • As well, shoul be "your wrote something 100% correctly" I am just telling two obvoius mistakes. I am not picky.
          • Actually should be "you were writing ...". I am not major in English and I always make mistakes. But it is funny to find out the mistakes created by the "always right" mister.
            • I disagree! past tense is right in this situation.
      • 到达Vancouver或Toronto (大城市),最恰当的用法是arrive in,二到达机场、车站或某小村镇才用arrive at,这是标准的英语。当然在北美也许arrive at 更常用吧。

        • 在ROILA,谁认识你呢?“面子”就这么重要?
      • 早知不说了,惹这么大祸。主要是我的一次经历让我很难忘掉,我Landing的转天去办Sin卡,那个government的女人对我很嘲笑的说:“I don't know what you say. I cannot understand your English.”
        很大声,全屋子的人都看着我。我一字一字的对她很大声的说:“I will repeat. Your job is to listen what I say.”然后她立刻很友好了。
        • 你应该说“ PLEASE GET A TRANSLATOR!” 对洋人没什么好客气的。这帮丫净是欺软怕硬的。
        • May I talk to your manager? Maybe he would like to listen to me. 这里的人谁都不怕,就怕manager.
          • 大部分的政府官员还是好的,比中国起码强多了。就是少数几个害群只马
          • Good job. I hope every new immigrant can have the courage to do this.
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      • 以前的帖子有人说过AIC的老断线。便宜的可不一定好。我以前用过中国出的“捷连电话卡”,效果非常好,在最繁忙的周末时段都表现不错。到SPADINA和DUNDAS买还有75折。