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现在中国移民到了 TORONTO 想读书的大都申请一下 YORK 试试看。所以申请人数巨多,僧多粥少。所以您即使到了他的录取要求也不一定录取。至于 TOEFL 大多数人都能考到 600 上,所以您的分数不一定帮很大的忙。不知道您还有别的强项可以利用吗。

1 工作经验。如果你要和教授面谈,而您的工作经历(包括大学的实验室工作)与

2 大学成绩。GPA 高很有帮助。好象 UW 也特看重大学成绩。

3 GRE。请注意,很多移民来加的人过去考过 GRE 并申请过美国学校,但大多成绩不高(高的就去美国了),大约在 1900 - 2000 范围内,不是未被美国录取,就是没有签出来。他们到了加拿大也会选择上学,
这时他们手里的 GRE 成绩就有优势了。即使 YORK 不要求 GRE,如果他有一个
2000 的成绩而您没有,学校会录取谁呢?如果您有时间,不妨考一下,2000
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 版主,我不由自主地回到老话题,YORK UNIVERSITY 的计算机研究生和滑铁卢的本科,该选哪个。 我听说YORK的排名在10名之外,因为这,我一直还在犹豫。 想听听你的意见
    • U of W 自然是很好的啦, 我觉得York U 也挺不错,(我没有很好地了解过, 感觉而已。)如果你两个都申请,能拿到奖学金吗? 要换了我就找个能拿奖学金的。
      • 和你们说一句真心话,这两个学校都别去!!!
        • 此话怎讲?
    • 还有,我觉得YorkU不象是你原来说的二流学校哦。
      • 版主,2个都没有奖学金,这个我倒不是太在意,关键在于是选本科还是研究生。我的想法也许不对:WATERLOO听说是排前3名,我看了有关网址:本科生找工作的比例是97%,又是 名校,对我很有吸引力,
        • One more factor for you:
          One more factor for you:
          Living in Waterloo is much cheaper than in Toronto. You may save up to $100 per month.

          Where're you now? Ca or Cn?

          If you're interested in research field, you need a master's degree.

          If you want to earn good money, UofW is a good choice.

          As I know, Master's degree is not a must in IT field.
          • 版主,谢谢回答。 我现在在北京,打算9月登陆。我听说WATERLOO1月、5月都有学期开始,我打算过去再申请。我的TOEFL610分,专业是MIS,你说我能申请上吗?WATERLOO的毕业生真的找工作 这么顺吗?
          • uwaterloo doesn't prefer 2nd degree student much
        • Have you been accepted by both? If not, I suggest you accept both, and make a decision after you are accepted by both. The other element is: Do not think undergrad is easy, especially for UT and UW.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Money is not the most important element. Can PR
          apply for loan for undergraduate study?

          UW's CS undergrad is very hard to graduate. Somebody said that UW is 'Canadian MIT'. Although I do not think it is comparable with MIT, it is somehow like MIT for the difficulties in undergrad study. Quite a few can not complete their study. (They must maintain an average of 65/100 otherwise they are required to withdraw. Even some local students have to study/work for 24 hours in the final stage for their projects and examinations. Typically the average of each course here, based on my TA experience, is only around 70/100 and even 60/100 for some tough courses) Those who can get bachelor degree are mostly among the most talented students in Canada. Do not think you can complete it with ease once you can pay the tuition, as in China. Graduate
          study, although not easy also, is not so tough.

          York is not bad. But remember it is in Toronto. Because most Chinese immi. in Toronto apply for its graduate study, especially for those who do not want to waste time on UT and UW. So it is still not so easy to be accepted due to the tough competition. If you are accepted by it, I will say
          Congrat. It is a good result.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • sorry for my topo above. ... I suggest you >apply< for both ...
      • york的商科大概不坏,难进,出来似乎都不错。
    • 我估计YORK有90%可能不会要你,现在申请上学的人很多
      • 当头一棒! 为啥90%不会要我呢? waterloo的本科怎么个难进法能说说吗?
        • waterloo的本科好进难出,YORK学校不怎么样,但因为在多仑多报名的人很多,你要想进要到学校和教授面谈碰运气
        • 现在中国移民到了 TORONTO 想读书的大都申请一下 YORK 试试看。所以申请人数巨多,僧多粥少。所以您即使到了他的录取要求也不一定录取。至于 TOEFL 大多数人都能考到 600 上,所以您的分数不一定帮很大的忙。不知道您还有别的强项可以利用吗。
          1 工作经验。如果你要和教授面谈,而您的工作经历(包括大学的实验室工作)与

          2 大学成绩。GPA 高很有帮助。好象 UW 也特看重大学成绩。

          3 GRE。请注意,很多移民来加的人过去考过 GRE 并申请过美国学校,但大多成绩不高(高的就去美国了),大约在 1900 - 2000 范围内,不是未被美国录取,就是没有签出来。他们到了加拿大也会选择上学,
          这时他们手里的 GRE 成绩就有优势了。即使 YORK 不要求 GRE,如果他有一个
          2000 的成绩而您没有,学校会录取谁呢?如果您有时间,不妨考一下,2000
          • 请问多大的Master of Management&professional怎么样,难进么?
            • 多大的综合水平是加拿大第一,master
          • 你说的对.我以前的GRE是1980,但过期了,我9月打算再考,争取2000吧.如果T\G的成绩是这样,工作经历一般(用过 VB/foxpro)编程,入取希望如何? 谢谢你的回答
            • 主要是专业背景,VB/FOXPRO
            • VB / Foxpro itself is not useful. But ... you can polish your background.
              That is, do not limit to VB / Foxpro but introduce your creative idea behind it in your project, for instance, algorithm and software architecture. Introduce your good personality, such as leadership, motivation in your statement of purpose and your self-introduction to professor.
              Just let them know you have something special
              which others do not have.

              The first sentence in my letter of acceptance from
              Univ. of Waterloo is:

              In evaluating your application, our admission commitee and I are very impressed by your excellent record and POTENTIAL for research.

              If your record is not so strong, show them your
              aggressiveness and potential.

              For GRE, if it does not waster you too much time,
              you might take. If you have no time to do it, just show the expired one as a reference to the professor. GRE, although not a must, shows your ability as well as your seriousness to continue
              to study.
              • 谢谢你的回答.我会尽力争取个高分,然后准备申请资料. 反正硕士读不成,就读本科.尽快读完书找工作. 另外我想打听一下,打工的机会多吗?比如:waitress 反正明年9月才可能上学,这一年我打算一边申请,一边提高语言能力,一边赚点生活费.
                • 你如果VB/FOXPRO熟的话可以直接找工作,女性比较好找
                • 一样的想法!同路噢!
          • york的curriculum 编得不合理,没法加快进度,不晓得现在有无改善。
      • 竟然这样难!??听说YORK有一个什么容易读的计算机学位,不过竞争如此激烈.....还有戏吗??都是中国人在一个系里,还有什么意思?不如在国内了!真沮丧.
        • 加拿大的计算机行业远不如美国,就业机会差多了,你必须和大量的新移民和本地高手竞争,我的一些朋友为了找个稳定的工作本科读完又去念研究生。
          • 好象每次都有不同的说法,不过美国的计算机就业机会比加拿大好这到是统一的。谢谢!
            • 有的事要靠悟性,有的和你自身条件有关自好来了再说!比如本科毕业能找到工作,但进好的公司难,老了怕没保障所以再念研究生。最终还是看市场
    • 一样的想法了啦,我们可以多联系,我的电子邮件在内容里……
      不过听说U OF T和U OF W的确很难入学,学习也很累,但是绝大多数都去了美国,年薪7万美金起,还有搬家费等等,这些是从www.sina.com.cn上看到的。另外,U OF W每年都有大批的毕业生被要到微软工作。
    • Waterloo\'s CS is the NO.1 in Canada, but it\'s really a tough job to finish. York\'s reputation is not that good. Go for Waterloo and you can have 2 years\' Co-op (intern) and earn money and experience from then.
      • waterloo\'s undergraduates in cs/ee, co-op, 5 years.
    • unv rank
      it makes little sense to talk about "comprehensive " rank of auniv.

      in my view it is better to rank by programs. UW is good at technical side, its social science and arts program r not thant good.

      when i choose univ, i always rely on how easy/hard for the grads to get offer, how good is the program itself .

      so if u want CS, go UW, i was from UW engr.
      • you are right. but many people also consider the extent of difficulty to get something such as a degree based on the ability, hehe.
      • 请问guest,我原读计算机,想移民登陆后改学会计,加哪个学校会计较好?可不可以直接申请会计master?