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Jobs in the USA is VERY UNSECURE!! VERY UNSTABLE!! They can let you go on any day and at anytime:

Just got news from an IT Guy in the US, another about 20+ IT people were let go from a Big IT Company. More than half of them are from Canada.

This kind of Internal "Under_Table Layoff " has been going on in almost every IT Companies in the US and happens everywhere in the USA!! Very scaring. Some of these people had just been promoted to be "Senior Technical Staff" and even Project Manager position because of their excellent performance. The fact is, you never know what is going to happen to you...... until it comes. Then you have to leave and you have only one hour to pack your belongs......

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / Jobs in the USA is VERY UNSECURE!! VERY UNSTABLE!! They can let you go on any day and at anytime:
    Just got news from an IT Guy in the US, another about 20+ IT people were let go from a Big IT Company. More than half of them are from Canada.

    This kind of Internal "Under_Table Layoff " has been going on in almost every IT Companies in the US and happens everywhere in the USA!! Very scaring. Some of these people had just been promoted to be "Senior Technical Staff" and even Project Manager position because of their excellent performance. The fact is, you never know what is going to happen to you...... until it comes. Then you have to leave and you have only one hour to pack your belongs......
    • So you think it's different in Canada?
      • "IT Sector Layoff " happens everywhere in the North America. But, it is worse in the USA. Because the IT job market in the USA is extremely Competitive.
        • Oh, worst of all, the H1-B visa is automatically invalided on the day they lost their jobs. This is the case of those Canadian PRs. What they can do about it?!
        • It should be put this way: H1-B Jobs in the USA is very UNSECURE! and, very UNSTABLE!.
          As soon as you lost your job --> you lost your Visa immediately --> you lost your residential privilege in the U.S. at that moment --> you have to go back to restart everything all over again! What a life!!!
          • The Chinese are so smart, they doctor everything, they even tell you how to say a language they don’t even speak. Yept, they know everything.
    • 所以我只去小公司。
      • "Dirty Politics" exist in many big U.S. IT companies, especially like Oracle, IBM, HP, Cisco ....
        My school mate's position was stolen by another Chinese guy who is very good at playing those Dirty Politics on people's back. Shame on some of the Chineses
        • 不要说什么Chinese. 到处都有这样的人. 小公司一样有 "Dirty Politics" , 特别是当公司里有一帮原来就有关系的人. 要生存要么把自己变成那张关系网上的一个结, 要么自己识相走人. 还能有什么办法.
      • 小公司有小公司的问题,一般公司寿命比较短。
    • 失业固然不好, 但如果一个人真的有经验有能力, 又自信, 不轻言放弃, 何愁找不到新的工作呢! 常言道: 塞翁失马, 焉知非福, 也许正有一个更好的未来在等着你呢!
      • well said!
    • 这个世界上没有什么是" secure"或"stable"的, 都是相对而言的. 如果对自己有把握, 知道自己真正要的是什么;
      如果有勇气去面对可以克服的挑战; 更有勇气去接受无法改变的事情. 那么任何的烦恼, 痛苦, 挫折又有什么可怕的呢? 它们可能会偶尔让你难过, 让你流泪, 却不能让你退却. 你会是最后的胜利者! 你赢了, 不是赢别人, 而是赢了你自己! 相信自己才是最"secure"的事情!
      • Good point!
      • This is the BEST POSTING. A GREAT statement to encourage anyone who are facing the problem in their career journey. Thank you, bgi!
        • 谢谢! 很少在这发贴的, 一直是看着大家聊, 听着大家说, 同喜也同忧...
          真的很希望每个人都能好好的, 少走弯路, 少点挫折; 也真的很希望大家都有勇气, 乐观积极; 更希望所有的人都能善待自己, 给自己和家人一个快乐的心境!


          有时候, 真的得学会"取舍", 没有"舍", 就不会有"得"!

          工作也好, 爱情也好, 婚姻也好, 都是难以把握的, 你唯一能做的是把握好"自己".
    • 胜利不是永恒的, 失败也不是永远的
    • 你这是个案吧??怎么我几个找到工作去美国的朋友,加上我在美国的亲戚,很多都在IT业,没一个这么说的???
      • Because they have not yet come across this problem. They will see it and face it one day down the road. I know too well about the inside stories of IT companies in the U.S.
        • 几个朋友去美国都在1年半到两年左右,几家亲戚嘛,也不长,15-20年左右,没听他们说工作不稳定,只听他们嘲笑加拿大公司,说"怎么你们加拿大的公司会因为一个合同没拿到就大裁人的,在美国好象没拿到就没拿到了,在搞下一个"
          • I'm afraid to say you are wrong. Don't you see IBM, Cisco, Motorola, Oracle, HP.... Huge Layoffs?????
        • you know nothing about here, couple special cases not mean worse in US. All people around me and include myself have pretty good feeling in US IT industry. don't give bull**** here
          • I have been in the U.S. for 12 years now, I had all my higher education credentials here in the U.S. and I'm work ing for a big IT company as well. I know too well about what behind the scenes.
            Everything has a cycle, it goes up and down especialy IT industry. It might be a little better now than few year ago, but, like I said, it goes up and down. There are sunny days and there are dark / bad days.
    • IT本来就是不稳定的行业,转行吧。。
    • 觉得你很好笑, 难道哪里有资本家仁慈的????!!!! 不见北电从10万人变到不到3万人吗? 建议你提高自己的技术水平或者变成资本家.
    • 幸福的家庭是类似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。世界是残酷的,所以我们更希望听到幸福的故事。稳定的公司曾经的雇员是很少的,不稳定的公司曾经的雇员是很多的。各有各存在的必要。没有不稳定的公司,那里来美国/加拿大经验呢?