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Message For All of You who has the Similar Experience - Please come in. Many Thanks!

I have the following questions would like to consult all of you who has the similar experience -: Please help!

(A) How would you Fill Out the Gap on your Resume? if you were not lucky enough finding an IT jobs in a period of time, let's say 1-2 years due to the bad Economic Environment in Canada?

(B) Then, after 18 months or so, you eventually find an IT job in your profession, how would you explain the BLANK spot on your resume?


2000 - 2004
ABC Company
Networking Engineer

2004 - 2006
-Here is BLANK - since you wasn't able to find IT professional jobs during this time period and you did other survival jobs instead.

Question: What would you fill out this 2 years' spot on your resume? and how would you explain to your potential employer about the GAP? Many thanks to your advices!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 我想去美国,加拿大实在呆不下去了,我快疯了
    • 我想去加拿大,美国实在呆不下去了,我快疯了
      • 西雅图开车到温哥华只需两个多小时。
    • 疯不疯不取决于居住地.
      • What do you mean by "Place of Residence" ? Please let me know. Thanks!
        • 二地都有疯子,不同的疯法罢了.
    • 在这里郁闷得快疯了。
      美国工作机会多,雇主不像加拿大的那样挑剔。我住的这个城市中国人少,附近没有大商店,更别提中国店。满眼的白鬼子黑鬼子,一星期也找不到人说中国话,只能自己和自己说,郁闷 得要疯了。
    • 来美国你要耐得主寂寞, 美国的绝大部分地方很少有中国人..
      来美国你要耐得主寂寞, 美国的绝大部分地方很少有中国人. If you like to go to church every Sunday, if you like to adopt the local life style and eat sandwiches evreyday, if you enjoy watching American tv programms.... then you can come over there. But bear in mind, You'll be rarely seeing a place like Toronto, which is so diversified. It has so many Chinese restaurants, newspapers, even schools and people who you really can get along with.
      LA is a good place, unfortunately that's a place threatened by the forseeable earthquakes.
      • 三明治不反感,但中餐配葡萄酒绝对是美味。现在在家后院里面搞个温室捣鼓些蔬菜,和别人交换种苗。搬到美国去的时候再把种子非法偷运过去。
    • 我就是在美国呆得快疯掉了,然后来了加拿大
      • did you apply GC in US? got refused?
        • 不是,我那时只是个穷留学生.
    • me too
    • 我们是实在厌烦了美国的身份不稳定困扰,所以才办了加拿大移民。其实我还是很怀念美国的生活环境,那里的人要更为和善。但是在加拿大,我们要是愿意,可以每年都回国探亲访友,这是我们在美国一直不敢做的,怕回不去。
      去Atlanta吧,那里中国人数刚刚好,有很好的超市,餐馆还可以,就业机会也不少, 民风淳朴,而且气候宜人,没有雪暴、风暴等各种天灾. 可能不是一个好的旅游去处,但是绝对是一个适合居住的城市(我到现在都不明白全球最适合居住的城市竟然是温哥华,它怎么跟Atlanta比)。天啊,越说越想回去了。
      • Guess you like black people a lot.
        • Be honest, the black guys I met in the South are not as bad as I expected. Actually, the black people helped me out when I was in few times trouble which changed my attitude to them.
          Of course I stayed away from the downtown Atlanta (not many American downtown cities are welcome to everybody) but lived in the north suburban where people (no matter where are from) were nice to each other.
      • 呵呵,你也在那里呆过啊.altanta,是好地方,原来一个人在那里读书,周末一个人对着房间发呆,就是无穷无尽的孤独.
        • Really? 你在哪个学校读书?周末发呆?怎么不去教会?我们参加了几个团契就好多了。
          • atlanta就3所学校,你随便猜一个就是了:) 我也参加过教会的几次活动,感于实在难以入教,因此就不太好意思再参加了.
            • 有没有在uof g的135号宿舍住过?
              • hehe, U of G 不在atlanta, 在athens
                • 如果在U of G 读书, 人住在亚特兰大现实吗? 两边交通方便吗? 谢谢啦!
                  • 你还真别说,以前油价便宜的时候(about US$1.1/Gal),就有老美愿意这样子每天来回,或者说一星期两三回,少不了了,我先生的一个同学就这样。但是现在恐怕成本太高了吧,而且再怎么说每天花两三个小时在路上,太烦了吧。
                    Athens 我不是太清楚,就Atlanta本身交通我个人觉得其实是很不错的,可能因为城市比较新,交通设计比较合理,基本去那里都有高速可以去到。如果不在上下班高峰期,那是很畅快的。至于两个城市之间就要走两条高速(I-285, 可以非常非常堵车;hwy78,基本上通畅)。听说UGA比较classic,但是走之前一直没去成,有点可惜。
                    • 两个多小时其实也不是太可怕, 现在我很多同事每天也要花这么多时间,问题是值不值. 请问U of G 在亚特兰大地区名气如何? 特别是MBA毕业生的情况. 请分享,如果了解的话, 谢谢!!!
                      • MBA program @UGA is pretty good. I have a friend just graduated from there.
      • 上次去ATLANTA,地铁站黑压压的全是黑人,至少80%以上吧。城市看上去也蛮破旧的。真的有你说的那么好吗?还是我看到的太片面?
        • 其实我对Atlanta的第一印象也是不好的,那时我还只是取道去Florida,在飞机上往下看,感觉一点也不好,因为我看到的只是南部。后来老公转校去了Atlanta才真正了解她,
          而且我们一直只住北边(南部黑人很多而且听说不好),发觉她是越来越好。我们那么喜欢那里主要是气候, 人也比较淳朴(加拿大人一直说美国人没礼貌,其实我觉得是因为他们只认识北部的美国人,而南部的真的不一样)。我已经说过那是一个更适合居住的地方而不是旅游点,只有住在那里,你才可以感受她的好。还有一个支持我的论点就是那里的房价非常合理,所以是一个适合raise family的地方。
          • 加拿大人比美国人nice多了
            • and much more stupid
      • 你说了很多的实话。你们那个时候在美国的身份不同,所以对美国有你们的理解。但是对于我们已经入籍加拿大的人来说,又是另外一种理解。不同背景的人有不同的观念和理解方式。。
        • 入了籍美国的大门就敞开了。
          • Msg for Cadilliac, please.
            Re: Your message #3011292

            You mentioned about "Citizenship", do you mean "American Citizenship" or "Canadian Citizenship" ? My question sounds may be silly but I just didn't get it, please let me know. Thank you.

            • 我指的是加拿大籍。加拿大籍比美国籍容易入。在美国混个绿卡通常在加拿大已经入籍了;而且美国经常诟病加拿大入籍审查不严。入籍以后的限制条件也少,如海外公民的纳税问题。
              • Cadillac, Thank you very much for your reply to my posting!
      • 亚特兰大什么鬼地方。太差了,城市也差,环境也差,只有85好点。
    • 去吧,加拿大不是技术移民生存的地方。如果没有现在的加拿大的专业工作,我现在已经在美国了。建议:争取一切机会去美国工作。
      • 请问老家你怎么就知道美国有那么好?说不定你去了之后美国有被你骂成另一个加拿大
        • 他想找人帮忙收拾美国佬。 #3010423@0
        • 你们留学美国的而且来加拿大移民的不会说美国好的,否则你们也不会移民加拿大了。。
          • 从美国来加拿大的多是为解决身份.没有几个会真认为加拿大好过美国而来的吧.
            • 我仅仅是知道,加拿大没有我对口的专业工作,但是美国有,而且很多。所以加拿大是一个发展不完全的发达国家。。
              • 你说的是事实.
              • 这加拿大也真是,就一份专业工作老人妨碍您老人家去美国.加拿大就是值得骂
                • 其实我很后悔接受加拿大这份专业工作,如果再耐心的等待几天,形势就会不一样地了。。
                  • 有了加拿大工作和去美国不矛盾啊.
                  • 你这种人到哪里都一样。真替加拿大政府觉得冤,发给你护照还不如发给一条狗。
                    • 但是加拿大确实没有给我的狗发护照,加拿大政府把护照发给了我。。
                      • 那只能说明你装狗还装的挺像的
              • 加拿大工业不完备。
            • 对了,我们就是. 而且我现在所在的城市就有很多人在对岸的美国读书, 每天来回美加保持身份, 等到这边身份解决, 那边也毕业了就往美国去.
              • 有机会还是回去吧.
              • Experts, please help!
                As a student commute between U.S. and Canada on a daily base (i.e. taking classes in a U.S. School daytime and go back to Canada at night), does this student need to apply a F-1 Student Visa in order to do the commute? Please advice - any experts know about this issue on the board? Please?
                • Yes, as far as I know, you do need the visa for that.
          • 老家你怎么这么思维定势.为爱情就不可以来加拿大了么
            • Sorry for that. 因为我认识几个人都是为了身份而来,而且大部分都是为了身份而来。。
      • Hi, 111111
        Nice to read your posting. I'm glad people are sharing the experience regarding U.S and Canada - as how we live and work. Are you a Canadian Citizen already? I haven't got Canadian Citizenship yet so I still have to wait....
        • Not only am I canadian citizen but also I already got the Canadian Passport
      • 你都拿到身份了怎马还不去?你一个中年男国移,现在不去,等将来成了老年男国一时,只怕你那也去不了了。
        • not 男国移,111111 is a housewife.
    • 我想去火星,地球实在呆不下去了,我快疯了
      • 快点疯
      • 我想去地球,火星实在是呆不下去了,我已经疯了。
    • up
      • Message For All of You who has the Similar Experience - Please come in. Many Thanks!
        I have the following questions would like to consult all of you who has the similar experience -: Please help!

        (A) How would you Fill Out the Gap on your Resume? if you were not lucky enough finding an IT jobs in a period of time, let's say 1-2 years due to the bad Economic Environment in Canada?

        (B) Then, after 18 months or so, you eventually find an IT job in your profession, how would you explain the BLANK spot on your resume?


        2000 - 2004
        ABC Company
        Networking Engineer

        2004 - 2006
        -Here is BLANK - since you wasn't able to find IT professional jobs during this time period and you did other survival jobs instead.

        Question: What would you fill out this 2 years' spot on your resume? and how would you explain to your potential employer about the GAP? Many thanks to your advices!

        • Don't lie. Very easy to find a contract job in US to fill up this gap
          • Hi, Goodlord, Thank you for your reply. More here:
            I haven't got my Citizenship yet (two more years from getting Canadian Citizenship). Therefore, I cannot apply for TN Visa right now. I'm worry about this - how should I do with the Time Gap on my resume if I'm working in Non-Tech Sector ..... Could you please give me some ideas? Your advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks again.
          • For IT Professionals: Pls come in!
            For an IT professional, if you are working in Non-Tech Sector, how would you FILL OUT the RESUME GAP? I think this is the question in many people's mind.....
            • Can we discuss how to fix this RESUME GAP? Any commends? Willing to share with you
              • It is very easy to find a Contract job in USA. USA experience not important, look at so many H1 indian. And US company always conduct background check for your experience. It's better not lie
    • 我的国家加拿大就一个字:烂!
    • 加拿大的生活讲究随遇而安,与世无争。在美国,压力太大,因为周围的人都太努力。