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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

(2) 申请准备

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛通过这次办理的体会是:需要一个“故事”。






体会:资金足够即可。重要的是资金历史和来源解释。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 留学申请过程分享(1)DIY还是找中介



    给他们汇款:rmb 11800+860申请费,办理过程就开始了。


    • mark
    • (2) 申请准备
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛通过这次办理的体会是:需要一个“故事”。






      体会:资金足够即可。重要的是资金历史和来源解释。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这才是核心部分。看来是要蓄谋已久才行。18月历史就足够了吗?如果两年后来,现在是不是就应该找中介谋划‘存钱’的事了?
      • 我们提供的文件清单
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛资助声明(我和我丈夫签字)



        To Whom It May Concern:

        The xxx deposit account has been open with

        (bank name) since 2002. The deposit account has always been handled in

        a satisfactory manner and is currently in good standing with the Bank.

        The account keeps average deposits with the Bank in excess of

        $xxx. If you have any additional questions please give me a call

        at the phone number listed below or send me an email.



        To Whom It May Concern:

        Please be advised that our firm has prepared the personal and

        business U.S. Federal Income Tax Returns for xxx's family

        since 1999. Their income is earned from salary, investments and xxx. The adjusted gross income reflected on their return has been

        in excess of $xxx (US) for each year that we have prepared their

        return. The xxx family currently consists of xxx, his wife, xxx, and their son, xxx.



        To whom it may concern;

        We are Mr. and Mrs. xxx. 简单介绍了一下我和我丈夫的职业和经历,还有平均年收入及收入组成。

        QZ is a highly motivated, ambitious and hard working young man. QZ grew up in an entrepreneurial family and has a strong desire to develop his own business in China.

        JZ received her Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of XX of China and her MBA from University of xxx. Her educational experience in the West has led her to strongly encourage her nephew to consider the advantages of a Business oriented degree from a Western College. Technical and Programming skills are almost a commodity item in China where as Accounting skills combined with a working knowledge of English and Western Management principles truly gives an individual a competitive advantage in China’s job market today.

        In discussions with my brother xxx, xx(my husband) and I have expressed our willingness to provide whatever support is necessary to help QZ successfully complete his education in Canada. His parents will provide the major part of QZ’s financial support and we will take care of the rest of it.

        We have already wired US$20,000 to his account and we will provide more when he needs it. Our commitment goes beyond providing the necessary financial support; we will actively be involved in mentoring him through his studies and will be grooming him to manage our family business investments in China after he completes his program.

        Your consideration of his application is greatly appreciated. If you

        need any additional supporting documents please let us know.

        Yours truly,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 国内准备的文件清单
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. 护照一本。
        2. 照片4张。
        3. 出生公证,无犯罪记录公证,毕业证书公证。
        4. 高中成绩证明。
        5. 现读技术学院成绩证明。
        6. 亲属关系公证书(和jz关系公证)
        7. 企业法人营业执照复印件公司宣传单(父母工作单位)
        8. 大专学生证明复印件
        9. 资金证明(存款复印件)
        10. 父亲收入证明














        母亲:更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 学习计划(样本)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在留学申请中学习计划是最重要的一部分。我起草,中介提供了一些修改意见。

        Study Plan

        Dear Officer;

        I grew up in an entreprenerial environment where my extended family members lived nearby and engaged in new business activities and ventures that began to emerge as the Chinese economy first adopted a more free market approach.

        In 1980s, my father and grandfather started and ran xx business in my hometown of xx. In the 1990s, the whole family consisting of eight people (my family of three, xxx) moved to xxx, where they started a xx company. My father and aunt ran the company together for 7 years. In 1998 my aunt immigrated to the West and my father took responsibility for managing all aspects of the business until 2004 when it was bought out and merged with a larger company where he is working for as their xx.

        I was only eight years old when our family moved to xx in1993 to take advantage of business opportunities in this newly declared “Special Development Zone”. It was a big challenge for me. Perhaps like someone in Canada moving from the Northwest Territories to the heart of Toronto. In my case there was also a new language to learn as well, Cantonese instead of my native Mandarin. But I caught on quickly and it didn't take long for me to become fluent in Cantonese and be able to participate in my classes. As in many other things, I find myself a very adaptable person and a quick learner.

        Growing up in a family business environment, I have been working part time since I was ten years old, from assembling computers to assisting with graphic design. With an entrepreneurial spirit instilled in me, I look forward to developing the business skills necessary to both manage our family investments here in China and seek out new business opportunities of my own.

        After I graduated from the xx School in xx in 2002, I began working for a computer company in Shenzhen. I was fortunate that I had some interaction with the top managers of the company and have come to realize that enthusiasm and hard work are only part of the story. One must equip oneself with the best educational tools available to be successful in an increasingly complex and inter-related world. So I decided to go back to school. I enrolled in xx Science and Technology Institute to study computer programming. It helps me to develop strong technical skills and also great training in Science and Technology. But in the current Chinese labor market, I could land a job offer with my new acquired technical skills, but it is hard for me to really stand out. I realize that English language skills, Western Management techniques and strong Accounting and Finance skills are necessary to give me credibility and a competitive advantage and take me to a higher ground in the more and more competitive Chinese labor market.

        China holds great opportunities for workers with strong academic credentials. In discussions with both my parents here in China and Aunt in the USA, we all agree that the opportunity to study abroad for several years would help me to obtain the important skills and experience necessary to be successful in a more globally oriented China.

        After extensive research, I decided to enroll in xxx College's Bachelor program of Business Administration with an Accounting major. Among the schools, xxx College stood out for its relatively small size, quality programs, excellent location and their expertise in working with International students.

        An Accounting major will help me to understand business operations inside out. Principles of Accounting and Finance as taught in the West are far more sophisticated than what is taught in China. After I complete my program, I would return to xx and join my father in managing our family business interests. Perhaps at some point seeking out a new business opportunity of my own.

        My parents and family members are very supportive and will provide 100% of all my tuition and living expenses in Canada. In their mind, education is the best investment and the best gift they can give to their only child. My aunt jz who received her MBA from the University of xx is a strong proponent of the advantages of Western educational institutions. And both her and her husband have also offered to provide financial support.

        I am very excited about the prospect of studying at xx College. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

        Sincerely yours

        QZ更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 申请进程
      5月4日变7 (等待体检结果)


      • 你申请的是college还是 university,要不要托福?
        • college,不要托福
          • 请问Toronto Polytechnic Institute您有了解吗?我朋友的孩子高中毕业要来留学,要我帮助打听这个学校的大专文凭的学分可不可以转为其它大学Degree的学分. 我不太懂这些,请指教!
            • 不知道. 4 public colleges in Toronto: Seneca, Centennial, Humber, George Brown.
              • Thank you very much!
                • No problem. Greater Toronto Area 的大学, 大专, 我不是很请楚. 反正TORONTO就这四个公立的COLLEGE. 我觉得还是上公立的比较好. 转学分, 我不是很清楚. 三年的大专, 转YORK UNIV,能转一年半的学分. 具体你要到大学的网上查.
            • 我不熟悉那边的学校
            • 你所询问的这个学校是不是在duffrin&finch?如果是的话,建议你不要去。
              • 谢谢,不是。是bc省的
              • 正是这个学校,请告知一下您了解到的情况。
                • 我在这个学校上了不到一个月,据我所知,学分不会被承认的。奉劝一句,慎重。 能上公立还是上公立。
                  • 多谢你了!我这就告诉我的朋友。那你怎么办?可以转学吗?
    • 谢谢分享. 我正帮亲戚打听这些事情呢. 请问国内中学的成绩学校给的就是英文吗?这些成绩不用公证么?你们请的这间中介是在中国的吗?如果不靠托福, 来了后是否得是上语言班呢? 谢谢. 
      • 学校给的是中文,自己翻译后,到学校盖章。这间中介在北京。来了后先读语言再学专业课。成绩单是否公证了见上面的清单,好像没有
    • 你说中介只帮申请签证,没有帮申请学校,请问学校是不是你们自己申请的?谢谢!
    • 非常感谢饺子的奉献。如果学习计划和学校申请都是你自己做的,那这个钱是花冤枉了。饺子写的非常详细,大家完全可以DIY。另想问一下,你哥哥写的那封信只提供中文件就行了吗?是否要翻译并公证?谢谢
    • rmb11800+860申请费只办个签证,真是暴利阿,你也真是好宰,14倍正常申请费的价钱你也肯放血,你提供的文件完全可以自己申请,加拿大使馆网站上清清楚楚列明了所有必须的文件和程序,傻瓜都知道怎么做。