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Separation of powers

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The separation of powers (or trias politica, a term coined by French political thinker Montesquieu) is a model for the governance of the state. This same principle is applied in non-political realms under the term separation of duties.

Montesquieu proposed division of political power between an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. Under this model, each branch has separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility; however, each branch is also able to place limits on the power exerted by the other branches.


Checks and balances

The phrase "checks and balances" was additionally coined by Montesquieu. As such, when employing a system of checks and balances for governmental action to be processed, it must pass through a so-called Montesquieuian gauntlet. In a system of government with competing sovereigns (such as a multi-branch government or a federal system), "checks" refers to the ability, right, and responsibility of each power to monitor the activities of the other(s); "balances" refers to the ability of each entity to use its authority to limit the powers of the others, whether in general scope or in particular cases.

Keeping each independent entity within its prescribed powers can be a delicate process. Public support, tradition, and well-balanced tactical positions do help maintain such systems. Checks and balances makes sure not one branch is too powerful.

The essential difference between the separation of powers as developed in common law theory and in France was that in the former, the checks and balances inherent in the mixed constitution and in Montesquieu's analysis were incorporated into the doctrine. In France, on the other hand, the judges were regarded as sources themselves of tyranny and not liberty as in England, and the hostility of Jean-Jacques Rousseau to any check or limit on the popular will, combined to establish the 'non-interference' model of the separation of powers.

The three-branch system

The United States

Main article: Separation of powers under the United States Constitution

In drafting the United States Constitution, the framers are believed to have included the best features of many concepts including the then-new concept of the separation of powers. The concept is also prominent in the state governments of the United States; as colonies of Britain, the founding fathers felt that the American states had suffered an abuse of the broad power of the monarchy. As a remedy, the American Constitution limits the powers of the federal government through several means, but in particular by dividing up the power of the government among three competing branches of government. Each branch checks the actions of the others and balances their powers in some way. The following table describes the various "checks and balances" in details.

Branch Constitutional Powers Executive counterbalance Legislative counterbalance Judicial counterbalance
  • Operational command of government services and contracts
  • Sole power to wage war (operational command of the military)
  • Responsibility for negotiating treaties
  • Power to appoint judges, diplomats, cabinet, and department heads
  • Police powers of arrest, detainment, and search
  • Prosecutes crimes
  • Collects taxes
  • Civilian and military chains of command constrain low-level executive officials to obey the policies of high-level non-executive officials.
  • Extensive bureaucracy limits ability of executive to make extensive changes in operational practices.
  • Power to determine what laws exist
  • Power to write laws to constrain the internal operation of government
  • Power to write laws limiting searches, arrests, and detentions
  • Power to make laws concerning what regulations may be declared by the executive
  • Power to declare war
  • Responsibility for ratifying treaties (Senate)
  • Responsibility for confirming executive appointments (Senate)
  • Power to set the budget of the executive
  • Power to impeach and remove executive officers (two-thirds majority)
  • Power to set limits
  • Acts as a neutral mediator when the executive brings criminal or civil enforcement actions, and has the power to stop inappropriate enforcement
  • Issues warrants for searches and arrests
  • May declare actions of the executive to be illegal and/or unconstitutional
  • Determines which laws apply to any given case
  • Power to write laws
  • Power to enact taxes, authorize borrowing, and set the budget
  • Sole power to declare war
  • Various other powers of the federal government
  • Subpoena (investigative) power
  • Power to confirm Supreme Court judges and Executive cabinet officials
  • May veto laws (but this may be overridden by a two-thirds majority in both houses)
  • May refuse to enforce certain laws
  • May refuse to spend money allocated for certain purposes
  • Sole power to wage war (operational command of the military)
  • Responsibility for making declarations (for example, declaring a state of emergency) and promulgating lawful regulations and executive orders
  • Executive privilege (refusal to submit to legislative subpoena)
  • Use of the bully pulpit to propose and advocate for laws
  • Each house is responsible for policing its own members.
  • Powers internal to the legislature are split between its two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Only the House may originate spending bills. Only the House may impeach the President, but only the Senate may remove him or her from office. Only the Senate approves treaties and nominees.
  • Each house can prevent the other from passing any law.
  • May declare laws unconstitutional and unenforceable
  • Determines which laws apply to any given case
(Supreme Court)
  • Sole power to interpret the law and apply it to particular disputes
  • Power to determine the disposition of prisoners
  • Appointed for life
  • Power to compel testimony and the production of documents
  • Responsibility to appoint judges
  • Power to grant pardons to federal offenders
  • Sole Federal Agency with the power to pass Constitutional amendments (by two-thirds majority and with the consent of three-quarters of the states)
  • Power to determine the size and structure of the courts
  • Power to determine the budgets of the courts
  • Responsibility for confirming judicial nominees
  • Power to impeach and remove judges
  • Power to determine courts' jurisdiction (except Supreme Court's original jurisdiction)
  • The appeals process enforces uniform policies in a top-down fashion, but gives discretion in individual cases to low-level judges (The amount of discretion depends upon the standard of review, determined by the type of case being reviewed.)
  • May only rule in cases of an actual dispute brought between actual petitioners
  • Polices its own members

Maintaining balance

The independence of the executive and legislative branches is partly maintained by the fact that they are separately elected, and are held directly accountable to the public. There are also judicial prohibitions against certain types of interference in each others' affairs. (See "separation of powers" cases in the List of United States Supreme Court cases.) Judicial independence is maintained by life appointments, with voluntary retirement, and a high threshold for removal by the legislature. Recently the accusation of judicial activism has been levelled at some judges, and that the power of interpretation of law is misused.

The legal mechanisms constraining the powers of the three branches depend a great deal on the popular sentiment of the people of the United States. Popular support establishes legitimacy, and makes possible the physical implementation of legal authority. National crises (such as the Civil War, the Great Depression, pre-Pearl Harbor World War II, the Vietnam War) have been the times at which the principle of separation of powers has been most endangered, through official "misbehavior" or through the willingness of the public to sacrifice such principles if more pressing problems are solved. In the present day, the American state is remarkably stable, and all three branches have largely enjoyed their sovereign powers continuously since the founding of the republic.

The system of checks and balancing is also self-reinforcing. Potential abuse of power is deterred and the legitimacy and sustainability of any power grab is undermined by the ability of the other two branches to take corrective action. This is intended to reduce opportunities for tyranny and to increase the general stability of the government.

However, as James Madison wrote in Federalist 51 regarding the ability of each branch to defend itself from actions by the others, "But it is not possible to give to each department an equal power of self-defense. In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates." Bicameralism was, in part, intended to reduce the relative power of the legislature, by turning it against itself, by having "different modes of election and different principles of action." (This is one of the arguments against the popular election of Senators, which was instituted by the Seventeenth Amendment.) But when the legislature is unified, it wields dominant, unbalanced, power over the other branches.

The words "checks" and "balances" never actually appear together in the Constitution or the Federalist Papers, except once, in Federalist 9, where Alexander Hamilton was referring to the balancing features of the proposed bicameral system.

Fourth branch: Independent executive agencies

The federal executive is a very large bureaucracy, and due to civil service rules, most mid- and low-level employees do not change when a new person becomes President. (New high-level officials are usually appointed and must be confirmed by the Senate.) Moreover, semi-independent agencies (such as the Federal Reserve or the Federal Communications Commission) may be created by the legislature within the executive, which exercise legally defined regulatory powers. High-level regulators are appointed by the President and confirmed by the legislature, and must follow the law and perhaps certain lawful executive orders. But they often sit for long, fixed terms and enjoy reasonable independence from other policy makers. Because of its importance to modern governance, the regulatory bureaucracy of the executive is sometimes referred to as a "fourth" branch of government.

Fourth branch: The press

The press has also been described as a "fourth power" because of its considerable influence over public opinion (which it wields by widely distributing facts and opinions about the various branches of government). Public opinion in turn affects the outcome of elections, as well as indirectly influencing the branches of government by, for example, expressing public sentiment with respect to pending legislation. The press is also sometimes referred to as the Fourth Estate, a term of historical French origin, which is not related to the modern three-branch system of government. Originally, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution explicitly guaranteed freedom of the press only against interference by the federal government. Later this right was extended by the United States Supreme Court in the Incorporation Cases to cover state and local governments...

Fourth branch: Direct Democracy

Direct Democracy




Politics as a check

Modern day politics may now be seen as a form of check and balance. The leader of the opposition has the ability to scrutinize the work of the government thus ensuring a further safeguard against any abuse of power by the executive. As a consequence, a leader may fall from power at the following election.

State and local governments

The American states mirror the executive/legislative/judicial split of the federal government. Major cities tend to do so as well, but in general, the arrangements for local and regional governments vary widely. Because the judicial branch is often a part of a state or county government, the geographic jurisdiction of local judges is often not coterminous with municipal boundaries.

In many American states and local governments, executive authority and law enforcement authority are separated by allowing citizens to directly elect public prosecutors (district attorneys and state attorneys-general). In some states, judges are also directly elected.

Many localities also separate special powers from their executive and legislative branches, through the direct election of police chiefs, school boards, transit agency boards, park commissioners, insurance commissioners, and the like.

Juries (groups of randomly selected citizens) also have an important role in the check-and-balance system. They have the sole authority to determine the facts in most criminal and civil cases, acting as a powerful buffer against arbitrary enforcement by the executive and judicial branches. In many jurisdictions they are also used to determine whether or not a trial is warranted, and in some places Grand Juries have independent investigative powers with regard to government operations.

Two-Branch systems

When the Gaza Strip went under Palestinian control in 2005, it only had executive and legislative branches. Plans, if any, for a judicial branch have not yet been described.

Parliamentary systems

The United States uses a presidential system of government, but around the world, a more common system is the parliamentary system. In parliamentary democracies, the executive branch is dependent or is in some sense part of the legislature.

Case study: United Kingdom

See also: Constitution of the United Kingdom

Separation of powers has not been a prominent part of the political thought of the United Kingdom since the eighteenth century. The Executive is drawn from the Legislature, and is subordinate to it. Since the Executive is drawn from the leadership of the dominant party in parliament, party discipline often results in a de facto situation of Executive control of the Legislature, although in reality MPs can reject their leadership and vote against them. The House of Lords is the highest court of appeal for civil matters in the United Kingdom and for criminal matters for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These appeals are heard by Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (Law Lords) who, in effect, are a committee of the House of Lords. This means that the highest court of appeal is part of the House of Lords and thus part of the legislature. At times, various Home Secretaries have taken decisions which in other countries are judicial, such as the release, or continued detention, of prisoners. Thus it can be seen that in the United Kingdom the three "powers" are not separated, but are entwined. However, this has never threatened British civil government. In contrast, many countries which have adopted separation of powers (especially in Latin America) have suffered from instability (coups d'etat, military dictatorships etc.). Some observers believe that no obvious case exists in which such instability was prevented by the separation of powers.

Parliamentary sovereignty is the concept in British constitutional law that a parliament has ultimate authority over all affairs of government, including the monarch and the courts. In theory, this seems to be in direct opposition to the concept of separation of powers. In the British system, however, there is a considerable amount of de facto independence among agents exercising various functions, and Parliament is limited by various legal instruments, international treaties and constitutional conventions.

The Crown has distinct functions in its different spheres. Curiosities - such as the Lord Chancellor having an executive, legislative, and judicial role; and the House of Lords being a legislative chamber, but including some senior judges - are in the process of reform. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 seeks to bring stronger separation of powers to the British system. Some have defended the current system on the grounds that it discourages judges from making law by judicial rather than legislative means.

In recent years there has been talk of the creation of a supreme court, although it wont be soveriegn as in America it will help to cement the separartion of powers as there will no longer have to be a Lord Chancellor who is a member of the executive, legislative and Judicial parts of Government, thus Lord Falconer is said to be the last Lord Chancellor.

See also the Criticisms section of the Constitution of India

Taiwan (Republic of China) : Five branches

Some countries take the doctrine further than the three-branch system. The government of the Republic of China, for example, has five branches: the Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan, Judicial Yuan, Control Yuan, and Examination Yuan. (Some European countries have rough analogues to the Control Yuan in the forms of ombudsmen, separate from the executive and the legislature.)

However, as Taiwan is a young democracy, the relationship between the executive branch and the legislative branch is often poorly defined. In practice, there are a number of problems with the current system in Taiwan. The president has neither the power to veto nor the ability to dissolve the legislature and call new elections. Therefore if there are no negotiations between the legislature and the president, and the president's party does not have a majority in the legislature, there is almost complete political paralysis. [1]

The press around the world

Main articles: Freedom of the press, public broadcasting

Media freedom is generally considered to be a core supporting mechanism for democratic governments, and it is found in all strong democracies, regardless of the organizational principle of the "branches" of government.

Many governments financially support public broadcasting in one way or another, but in strong democracies, even these media outlets enjoy strong editorial independence from the government.

An independent press acts as a powerful check against all forms of government, because it provides information about its activities to the public.


In parliamentary systems such as the United Kingdom the three "powers" are not officially separated. However, this has not threatened British stability, because the strong traditions of that system serve a similar purpose. In contrast, many countries which have adopted separation of powers (especially in Latin America) have suffered from instability (coups d'etat, military dictatorships etc.). Some observers believe that no obvious case exists in which such instability was prevented by the separation of powers. The existence of a strong independent executive may well encourage instability, because it is less consensus-orientated than a parliamentary system, and because it accustoms the population & political elite to an excessively dominant individual leader. In times of instability, competing political groups can become obssessed with controlling the executive office and it is often the loss of a presidential election which triggers greater instability. In a presidential system, there can only be one winning party, and all others fail entirely to gain power. In contrast, a parliamentary system can allow all political groups to have some share in control of the executive, at least in theory.

The categories of the functions and corresponding powers of government are inclined to become blurred when it is attempted to apply them to the details of a particular constitution. Some hold that the true distinction lies not in the nature of the powers themselves, but rather in the procedure by which they are exercised.

There is no current constitutional system which adopts a complete separation of powers, in the sense of a distribution of the three functions among three independent sets of organs with no overlapping or coordination. Some of the early American States and the French Constitution of 1791 tried strictly to give effect to this doctrine but failed. Instead, most constitutions give slightly overlapping powers to each branch, such as the US president's legislative ability to veto, or judicial power of appointment.

Sometimes systems with strong separation of powers are pointed out as difficult to understand for the average person, when the political process is often somewhat fuzzy. Then a parlamentarian system often provides a clearer view and it is easier to understand how "politics are made". This is sometimes important when it comes to engaging the people in the political debate and increase the citizen parcipatory.

Related restraint-of-power concepts

  • Federalism - (also known as vertical separation of powers) Preventing abuse by dividing governing powers, the separation is usually between municipal, provincial and national governments. See also subsidiarity.
  • Rule of law - Prevents arbitrary exercise of the executive power, preserves general and minority rights, and promotes stability and predictability.
  • Democracy and civil society - Attempts to constrain elected branches of government to act in the public interest, not in self-interest.
  • Separation of church and state or Laïcité - Ensures freedom of religion by preventing government interference in its practice. Also constrains the power of government by maintaining freedom of conscience and belief.

See also

External links


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 请教住在Ottawa的朋友:总理府(Office of the Prime Minister)在国会(Parliament of Canada)里吗?
    • up
      • what do you want to do?
        • 放心,不是准备搞动乱。了解一下加国政治而已。
          • 总理府residence of the PM 在总毒府 residence of GG隔壁。国会山parliament hill上有一间总理办公室office of PM吧。国会parliament of canada包括惨议院senate和众议院house of commons,这两间屋子都有一把总理的椅子chair of PM吧
            • 哦。那内阁(包括总理)-The Ministry 与议会-Parliament是在一起办公的了?同时内阁在议会中有着强大的话语权?这是否意味着加拿大这样的议会制国家的三权分立是不完整的?
              • 这么深?我不懂ye。在君主立宪制度下,女王/总督是不是权力的一极,虽然不常用?三权分立的基本教义,来自共和的理想吧,不是完整的三权分立,也不能说不民主吧?瞎说瞎说啊~
              • 所谓“三权“指的是行政、立法、司法。内阁是行政机构,通常由执政党当选议员构成;议会是立法机构,包括所有当选议员;法院是司法机构,法官是由执政的政府首脑指定的,未经过选举,不应有政治倾向性,且不受政府换届影响。
                • 我想4土的问题是,议会民主制下,总理和内阁成员同时是议会会员MP,既参与立法又有行政权力,哈伯政府只有一个部长不是议员,还引起轩然大波。另外象加拿大这样的国家,国王总督不能说全无权力。这好象与你经典3权分立不一样。
                  • 错了,是6土,晕
                  • RMB说得对,我是这个意思。我的理解是“赢家通吃”,当选的政党不但把握行政,而且几乎可以操纵立法,甚至一定程度上干预司法。
                    • “三权分立”是separation of powers的误译。(zhuan)
                      在中国,通常将 separation of powers译为“三权分立”。我认为这是一个误译。一是将“多种国家权力”(powers)限为“三权”,无疑将权力的范围大大缩小了,如联邦与州、政与军的分权等就无法加以概括。二是“三权分立”这一译名无法将其核心原理“牵制与平衡”(check and balance)表现出来,误以为只有“分立”而没有“平衡”。因此,应该将这一原理称之为“分权制衡”。
                      • 按你的Separation of powers搜索一下WIKI,说英国议会制(加拿大学英国,一样的制度)不是3quan分立or分权制衡的Thus it can be seen that in the United Kingdom the three "powers" are not separated, but are entwined.
                        看来民主制度不是只有一种模式,three-branch system 也不是唯一的民主制度。
                        • 是这样。我也是仔细看了之后才发的贴。大多数民主是议会制,美国式的总统制是少数。各有各的缺点。单看三权,司法权的独立是最重要的,总统却可以用行政权去干预。而如果行政权过弱,则政令不行,朝令夕改,也很麻烦。
                          • 理论上说,加拿大的司法是相当独立的

                            • 由于人的本质是自私的,人们总是有滥用自己权力的倾向,所以,监督和制衡在“三权分立”中十分关键,也十分困难。

                              在加拿大这样健康的社会,舆论和议会基本上可以起到监督作用。法官一旦上任,就不再受政府换届影响;法院开支和 CBC 开支一样,受特别法律保障,在政府预算中变化不大,不容易受政府左右。
                        • 我在中国(本来想说“国内”,又一想不对)为什么连不上WIKI? 有的链接偶然可以
                          • 我试一下
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                            Separation of powers

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                            The separation of powers (or trias politica, a term coined by French political thinker Montesquieu) is a model for the governance of the state. This same principle is applied in non-political realms under the term separation of duties.

                            Montesquieu proposed division of political power between an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. Under this model, each branch has separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility; however, each branch is also able to place limits on the power exerted by the other branches.


                            Checks and balances

                            The phrase "checks and balances" was additionally coined by Montesquieu. As such, when employing a system of checks and balances for governmental action to be processed, it must pass through a so-called Montesquieuian gauntlet. In a system of government with competing sovereigns (such as a multi-branch government or a federal system), "checks" refers to the ability, right, and responsibility of each power to monitor the activities of the other(s); "balances" refers to the ability of each entity to use its authority to limit the powers of the others, whether in general scope or in particular cases.

                            Keeping each independent entity within its prescribed powers can be a delicate process. Public support, tradition, and well-balanced tactical positions do help maintain such systems. Checks and balances makes sure not one branch is too powerful.

                            The essential difference between the separation of powers as developed in common law theory and in France was that in the former, the checks and balances inherent in the mixed constitution and in Montesquieu's analysis were incorporated into the doctrine. In France, on the other hand, the judges were regarded as sources themselves of tyranny and not liberty as in England, and the hostility of Jean-Jacques Rousseau to any check or limit on the popular will, combined to establish the 'non-interference' model of the separation of powers.

                            The three-branch system

                            The United States

                            Main article: Separation of powers under the United States Constitution

                            In drafting the United States Constitution, the framers are believed to have included the best features of many concepts including the then-new concept of the separation of powers. The concept is also prominent in the state governments of the United States; as colonies of Britain, the founding fathers felt that the American states had suffered an abuse of the broad power of the monarchy. As a remedy, the American Constitution limits the powers of the federal government through several means, but in particular by dividing up the power of the government among three competing branches of government. Each branch checks the actions of the others and balances their powers in some way. The following table describes the various "checks and balances" in details.

                            Branch Constitutional Powers Executive counterbalance Legislative counterbalance Judicial counterbalance
                            • Operational command of government services and contracts
                            • Sole power to wage war (operational command of the military)
                            • Responsibility for negotiating treaties
                            • Power to appoint judges, diplomats, cabinet, and department heads
                            • Police powers of arrest, detainment, and search
                            • Prosecutes crimes
                            • Collects taxes
                            • Civilian and military chains of command constrain low-level executive officials to obey the policies of high-level non-executive officials.
                            • Extensive bureaucracy limits ability of executive to make extensive changes in operational practices.
                            • Power to determine what laws exist
                            • Power to write laws to constrain the internal operation of government
                            • Power to write laws limiting searches, arrests, and detentions
                            • Power to make laws concerning what regulations may be declared by the executive
                            • Power to declare war
                            • Responsibility for ratifying treaties (Senate)
                            • Responsibility for confirming executive appointments (Senate)
                            • Power to set the budget of the executive
                            • Power to impeach and remove executive officers (two-thirds majority)
                            • Power to set limits
                            • Acts as a neutral mediator when the executive brings criminal or civil enforcement actions, and has the power to stop inappropriate enforcement
                            • Issues warrants for searches and arrests
                            • May declare actions of the executive to be illegal and/or unconstitutional
                            • Determines which laws apply to any given case
                            • Power to write laws
                            • Power to enact taxes, authorize borrowing, and set the budget
                            • Sole power to declare war
                            • Various other powers of the federal government
                            • Subpoena (investigative) power
                            • Power to confirm Supreme Court judges and Executive cabinet officials
                            • May veto laws (but this may be overridden by a two-thirds majority in both houses)
                            • May refuse to enforce certain laws
                            • May refuse to spend money allocated for certain purposes
                            • Sole power to wage war (operational command of the military)
                            • Responsibility for making declarations (for example, declaring a state of emergency) and promulgating lawful regulations and executive orders
                            • Executive privilege (refusal to submit to legislative subpoena)
                            • Use of the bully pulpit to propose and advocate for laws
                            • Each house is responsible for policing its own members.
                            • Powers internal to the legislature are split between its two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Only the House may originate spending bills. Only the House may impeach the President, but only the Senate may remove him or her from office. Only the Senate approves treaties and nominees.
                            • Each house can prevent the other from passing any law.
                            • May declare laws unconstitutional and unenforceable
                            • Determines which laws apply to any given case
                            (Supreme Court)
                            • Sole power to interpret the law and apply it to particular disputes
                            • Power to determine the disposition of prisoners
                            • Appointed for life
                            • Power to compel testimony and the production of documents
                            • Responsibility to appoint judges
                            • Power to grant pardons to federal offenders
                            • Sole Federal Agency with the power to pass Constitutional amendments (by two-thirds majority and with the consent of three-quarters of the states)
                            • Power to determine the size and structure of the courts
                            • Power to determine the budgets of the courts
                            • Responsibility for confirming judicial nominees
                            • Power to impeach and remove judges
                            • Power to determine courts' jurisdiction (except Supreme Court's original jurisdiction)
                            • The appeals process enforces uniform policies in a top-down fashion, but gives discretion in individual cases to low-level judges (The amount of discretion depends upon the standard of review, determined by the type of case being reviewed.)
                            • May only rule in cases of an actual dispute brought between actual petitioners
                            • Polices its own members

                            Maintaining balance

                            The independence of the executive and legislative branches is partly maintained by the fact that they are separately elected, and are held directly accountable to the public. There are also judicial prohibitions against certain types of interference in each others' affairs. (See "separation of powers" cases in the List of United States Supreme Court cases.) Judicial independence is maintained by life appointments, with voluntary retirement, and a high threshold for removal by the legislature. Recently the accusation of judicial activism has been levelled at some judges, and that the power of interpretation of law is misused.

                            The legal mechanisms constraining the powers of the three branches depend a great deal on the popular sentiment of the people of the United States. Popular support establishes legitimacy, and makes possible the physical implementation of legal authority. National crises (such as the Civil War, the Great Depression, pre-Pearl Harbor World War II, the Vietnam War) have been the times at which the principle of separation of powers has been most endangered, through official "misbehavior" or through the willingness of the public to sacrifice such principles if more pressing problems are solved. In the present day, the American state is remarkably stable, and all three branches have largely enjoyed their sovereign powers continuously since the founding of the republic.

                            The system of checks and balancing is also self-reinforcing. Potential abuse of power is deterred and the legitimacy and sustainability of any power grab is undermined by the ability of the other two branches to take corrective action. This is intended to reduce opportunities for tyranny and to increase the general stability of the government.

                            However, as James Madison wrote in Federalist 51 regarding the ability of each branch to defend itself from actions by the others, "But it is not possible to give to each department an equal power of self-defense. In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates." Bicameralism was, in part, intended to reduce the relative power of the legislature, by turning it against itself, by having "different modes of election and different principles of action." (This is one of the arguments against the popular election of Senators, which was instituted by the Seventeenth Amendment.) But when the legislature is unified, it wields dominant, unbalanced, power over the other branches.

                            The words "checks" and "balances" never actually appear together in the Constitution or the Federalist Papers, except once, in Federalist 9, where Alexander Hamilton was referring to the balancing features of the proposed bicameral system.

                            Fourth branch: Independent executive agencies

                            The federal executive is a very large bureaucracy, and due to civil service rules, most mid- and low-level employees do not change when a new person becomes President. (New high-level officials are usually appointed and must be confirmed by the Senate.) Moreover, semi-independent agencies (such as the Federal Reserve or the Federal Communications Commission) may be created by the legislature within the executive, which exercise legally defined regulatory powers. High-level regulators are appointed by the President and confirmed by the legislature, and must follow the law and perhaps certain lawful executive orders. But they often sit for long, fixed terms and enjoy reasonable independence from other policy makers. Because of its importance to modern governance, the regulatory bureaucracy of the executive is sometimes referred to as a "fourth" branch of government.

                            Fourth branch: The press

                            The press has also been described as a "fourth power" because of its considerable influence over public opinion (which it wields by widely distributing facts and opinions about the various branches of government). Public opinion in turn affects the outcome of elections, as well as indirectly influencing the branches of government by, for example, expressing public sentiment with respect to pending legislation. The press is also sometimes referred to as the Fourth Estate, a term of historical French origin, which is not related to the modern three-branch system of government. Originally, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution explicitly guaranteed freedom of the press only against interference by the federal government. Later this right was extended by the United States Supreme Court in the Incorporation Cases to cover state and local governments...

                            Fourth branch: Direct Democracy

                            Direct Democracy




                            Politics as a check

                            Modern day politics may now be seen as a form of check and balance. The leader of the opposition has the ability to scrutinize the work of the government thus ensuring a further safeguard against any abuse of power by the executive. As a consequence, a leader may fall from power at the following election.

                            State and local governments

                            The American states mirror the executive/legislative/judicial split of the federal government. Major cities tend to do so as well, but in general, the arrangements for local and regional governments vary widely. Because the judicial branch is often a part of a state or county government, the geographic jurisdiction of local judges is often not coterminous with municipal boundaries.

                            In many American states and local governments, executive authority and law enforcement authority are separated by allowing citizens to directly elect public prosecutors (district attorneys and state attorneys-general). In some states, judges are also directly elected.

                            Many localities also separate special powers from their executive and legislative branches, through the direct election of police chiefs, school boards, transit agency boards, park commissioners, insurance commissioners, and the like.

                            Juries (groups of randomly selected citizens) also have an important role in the check-and-balance system. They have the sole authority to determine the facts in most criminal and civil cases, acting as a powerful buffer against arbitrary enforcement by the executive and judicial branches. In many jurisdictions they are also used to determine whether or not a trial is warranted, and in some places Grand Juries have independent investigative powers with regard to government operations.

                            Two-Branch systems

                            When the Gaza Strip went under Palestinian control in 2005, it only had executive and legislative branches. Plans, if any, for a judicial branch have not yet been described.

                            Parliamentary systems

                            The United States uses a presidential system of government, but around the world, a more common system is the parliamentary system. In parliamentary democracies, the executive branch is dependent or is in some sense part of the legislature.

                            Case study: United Kingdom

                            See also: Constitution of the United Kingdom

                            Separation of powers has not been a prominent part of the political thought of the United Kingdom since the eighteenth century. The Executive is drawn from the Legislature, and is subordinate to it. Since the Executive is drawn from the leadership of the dominant party in parliament, party discipline often results in a de facto situation of Executive control of the Legislature, although in reality MPs can reject their leadership and vote against them. The House of Lords is the highest court of appeal for civil matters in the United Kingdom and for criminal matters for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These appeals are heard by Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (Law Lords) who, in effect, are a committee of the House of Lords. This means that the highest court of appeal is part of the House of Lords and thus part of the legislature. At times, various Home Secretaries have taken decisions which in other countries are judicial, such as the release, or continued detention, of prisoners. Thus it can be seen that in the United Kingdom the three "powers" are not separated, but are entwined. However, this has never threatened British civil government. In contrast, many countries which have adopted separation of powers (especially in Latin America) have suffered from instability (coups d'etat, military dictatorships etc.). Some observers believe that no obvious case exists in which such instability was prevented by the separation of powers.

                            Parliamentary sovereignty is the concept in British constitutional law that a parliament has ultimate authority over all affairs of government, including the monarch and the courts. In theory, this seems to be in direct opposition to the concept of separation of powers. In the British system, however, there is a considerable amount of de facto independence among agents exercising various functions, and Parliament is limited by various legal instruments, international treaties and constitutional conventions.

                            The Crown has distinct functions in its different spheres. Curiosities - such as the Lord Chancellor having an executive, legislative, and judicial role; and the House of Lords being a legislative chamber, but including some senior judges - are in the process of reform. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 seeks to bring stronger separation of powers to the British system. Some have defended the current system on the grounds that it discourages judges from making law by judicial rather than legislative means.

                            In recent years there has been talk of the creation of a supreme court, although it wont be soveriegn as in America it will help to cement the separartion of powers as there will no longer have to be a Lord Chancellor who is a member of the executive, legislative and Judicial parts of Government, thus Lord Falconer is said to be the last Lord Chancellor.

                            See also the Criticisms section of the Constitution of India

                            Taiwan (Republic of China) : Five branches

                            Some countries take the doctrine further than the three-branch system. The government of the Republic of China, for example, has five branches: the Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan, Judicial Yuan, Control Yuan, and Examination Yuan. (Some European countries have rough analogues to the Control Yuan in the forms of ombudsmen, separate from the executive and the legislature.)

                            However, as Taiwan is a young democracy, the relationship between the executive branch and the legislative branch is often poorly defined. In practice, there are a number of problems with the current system in Taiwan. The president has neither the power to veto nor the ability to dissolve the legislature and call new elections. Therefore if there are no negotiations between the legislature and the president, and the president's party does not have a majority in the legislature, there is almost complete political paralysis. [1]

                            The press around the world

                            Main articles: Freedom of the press, public broadcasting

                            Media freedom is generally considered to be a core supporting mechanism for democratic governments, and it is found in all strong democracies, regardless of the organizational principle of the "branches" of government.

                            Many governments financially support public broadcasting in one way or another, but in strong democracies, even these media outlets enjoy strong editorial independence from the government.

                            An independent press acts as a powerful check against all forms of government, because it provides information about its activities to the public.


                            In parliamentary systems such as the United Kingdom the three "powers" are not officially separated. However, this has not threatened British stability, because the strong traditions of that system serve a similar purpose. In contrast, many countries which have adopted separation of powers (especially in Latin America) have suffered from instability (coups d'etat, military dictatorships etc.). Some observers believe that no obvious case exists in which such instability was prevented by the separation of powers. The existence of a strong independent executive may well encourage instability, because it is less consensus-orientated than a parliamentary system, and because it accustoms the population & political elite to an excessively dominant individual leader. In times of instability, competing political groups can become obssessed with controlling the executive office and it is often the loss of a presidential election which triggers greater instability. In a presidential system, there can only be one winning party, and all others fail entirely to gain power. In contrast, a parliamentary system can allow all political groups to have some share in control of the executive, at least in theory.

                            The categories of the functions and corresponding powers of government are inclined to become blurred when it is attempted to apply them to the details of a particular constitution. Some hold that the true distinction lies not in the nature of the powers themselves, but rather in the procedure by which they are exercised.

                            There is no current constitutional system which adopts a complete separation of powers, in the sense of a distribution of the three functions among three independent sets of organs with no overlapping or coordination. Some of the early American States and the French Constitution of 1791 tried strictly to give effect to this doctrine but failed. Instead, most constitutions give slightly overlapping powers to each branch, such as the US president's legislative ability to veto, or judicial power of appointment.

                            Sometimes systems with strong separation of powers are pointed out as difficult to understand for the average person, when the political process is often somewhat fuzzy. Then a parlamentarian system often provides a clearer view and it is easier to understand how "politics are made". This is sometimes important when it comes to engaging the people in the political debate and increase the citizen parcipatory.

                            Related restraint-of-power concepts

                            • Federalism - (also known as vertical separation of powers) Preventing abuse by dividing governing powers, the separation is usually between municipal, provincial and national governments. See also subsidiarity.
                            • Rule of law - Prevents arbitrary exercise of the executive power, preserves general and minority rights, and promotes stability and predictability.
                            • Democracy and civil society - Attempts to constrain elected branches of government to act in the public interest, not in self-interest.
                            • Separation of church and state or Laïcité - Ensures freedom of religion by preventing government interference in its practice. Also constrains the power of government by maintaining freedom of conscience and belief.

                            See also

                            External links

              • 说得对,加拿大没有三权分立,甚至没有有效制衡.加拿大的权力在总理办公室(PMO)中.总得来讲加拿大的民主在工业化的国家中相当落后,只比新加坡稍好.