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A child's own cord blood would rarely be useful for that child. It couldn't be used to treat a genetic disease, since it has exactly the same genes, and if the child got leukemia, the doctors would worry that these were the same cells that turned into leukemia in the first place, and would prefer other treatment alternatives.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 想问一下,这里有多少父母给孩子保存了脐带血?
    • 好像没人对这个话题感兴趣? :(
    • thought about it, but didnt do it. it's kind of expensive and no guarantee at all. do some research on the internet and you will see how others say.
    • i will do it, as it doesn't cost more than your life insurance, neither a good TV set, but it could save a life...
    • too expensive, and no use, rather breastfeeding so bebe will have a good body foundation. cost you about $650 to start and each year $150, it is definately more expensive than life insurance
    • 关键是那些条款没有一条是保证我们的. 他们不保证以后一定能用,那不能用还有什么意义?
      • yes, it's the same reason I did not do it
    • 我用了,坛里的一姐妹也用里,我们还是在一家公司。我们做了一点research,保存脐带血是有用的,这家公司的服务也不错。
      • 请问你用了哪一家?我选了一家,打算下星期去交钱.如果不想公开,可以PM我吗? 谢谢.
      • Can you please PM me as well, thanks a lot.
    • me
    • 有一个说法是:如果孩子的了白血病,估计打娘胎里就有这个癌细胞了,脐带血储存也没什么大用。真有情况,还不如现生一个。 我认识一鬼佬妈妈为了救2岁的大儿子,上个月刚又生了一个。
      • don't know where you got this idea...my parents are doctors, they strongly recommend me to do so for my kid, i did some study too, the R&D shows
        lots of progress made since 15years ago when the cord blood was first introduced to cure some kinds of blood cancer,the technology of amplifying of cells and types of disease have been improved a lot, i hope it could be more useful in the future...although i still hope that i dont have to use it and my kid will be healthy...the only thing concerns me is that the private bank in canada doesn't provide any guarantee in the agreement, but that's not only canada...so no choice, i just dont want to regret i didn't do it in case one day i might need it....as the example you said about another kid, it really depends, the match of stem cells among siblings is only 20% unless you do a test tube to make sure it's matched before planting it into your uterus...also your body condition for pregancy and have to wait for 9 months, etc....of course, it's all personal choice.
      • 看来你对白血病和脐带血都不太了解,google一下,好好学习一下吧。
        • 严重同意。最害怕不懂还信口开河的人。
          • 你们这样说就不厚道了! 我只不过是个通俗的说法, 我觉得 你们也该好好google一下,看看全世界现在"自体遗植"成功率有多高?! 请多给几个自体遗植成功的例子!
            医生水平也有高有低, 水平高超的医生也不一定是全才,样样精通. 对于讲不出所以然的医生,我从来不 give a sh*t. 所以要以理服人,别拿医生的大帽子压人,何况如果碰到了庸医呢.

            虽然不是医务工作者,我说的也不全不make sense 吧? 我前面说的哪个例子, 患儿刚刚一岁就发现了白血病,猜猜他妈妈是做什么的?他妈妈是化学教授,我不知道这个病和他妈妈长期接触化学品有多少关系, 但长期接触某些化学品是可以诱发白血病的! 估计就是他们保存了脐带血,也治不了他的病.
            • 这个好比买保险,你一定要问:我暴病而死的概率到底有多少?保险公司倒闭在我死之前这么办? 这样的问题。。没有人可以答你。医学研究表明保存的脐带血可能在你急需时起到作用。相信的人就买,不信的人不买。分到一个月也就10多块钱。
              • 看来你是没有领会到问题实质: 自体遗植成功好象还没有! 我只不过提出跟你们不同的观点罢了,你们想买就买,没人拦着.至于"这种暴病而死的概率"的问题,请不要乱扣给我, 我忌讳这种话,也问不出这种弱智问题!
              • 现在脐带血移植成功的好象都是异体的.目前是经济意义大于实际意义.否则你花了钱,怎么还得不到质量保证呢?
        • 不爱吃苹果等同学:凡事就怕较真,我还真找到了支持我的观点的证据,顺带给各位爸爸妈妈扫盲,请看连接:
          A child's own cord blood would rarely be useful for that child. It couldn't be used to treat a genetic disease, since it has exactly the same genes, and if the child got leukemia, the doctors would worry that these were the same cells that turned into leukemia in the first place, and would prefer other treatment alternatives.
          • I don't want to give a sh*t to the "expert "quoted in your post either. you sound 弱智 when you said 真有情况,还不如现生一个. The idea is that the cord blood could
            The idea is that the cord blood could help close relatives as well- brother or sister of kid - incase of genetic disease. The blood bank will screen the blood and us for genetic disease . What you mentioned is somewhat right in that if the kid has a problem (genetic disease) very early in life, then the cord blood may not be of help .But it's later that really matters more . . . The thing is though, that it is very likelyk that there will be more and more uses for cord blood - things that we don't know as of yet -
            • You do give a sh*t to what the cord blood bank said , that's fine, go ahead, no problem. What I did is used to prove what I siad. But you did offend me first, as*hole.
            • Don't confuse the topic, "父母给孩子保存了脐带血" was the topic here. If one does wanna contribute and make the cord blood useful, one should donate the cord blood to others or siblings.
      • 开什么玩笑,现生也得要生得出来才行阿!再说就算能生也要等10个月才能出得来,那个时候时间可就是生命阿!
    • 考虑了很久,最后还是没保存
    • 如果打算生第二个孩子,还有必要保存脐带血吗?或者,是不是可以在生第二个的时候考虑保存? 是不是要给每个小孩分别保存? 对不起,问题太多,每个都想知道答案。
      • 同父母的兄弟姐妹有50%的干细胞匹配几率,即第二个孩子的干细胞有50%的可能性同第一个孩子的相同。如果这50%不存在,第二个孩子的干细胞对第一个孩子毫无用处。你说是不是每个孩子的都要存呢。
    • 价格方面,没觉得贵得让人怯步,
      每年才100刀左右,想想每次去shopping或出去吃饭都要几十刀,在哪省不下100块钱呢。再说,这跟breast feeding 完全是两回事。有报道,在国内,每年白血病患者达4-5万,其中50%是青少年和儿童。加拿大当然没这么严重,但多一项保险总没坏处。说实在的,这笔钱我都希望是白扔,孩子一辈子用不上这脐带血才好。但是,万一要用,没有就坏了。
    • 生个双胞胎不就得了.
    • I am going to.
    • 各位不存了的,是不是都捐掉了。如果每个人都捐,大概就不用存了。
    • 我用了,买个安心