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Aha, surprise. Call me sister now, I thought you hate me to death. Kidding.

If my words were too harsh to you, I apologize for it. You are still a cute young lady. I can smell the youth accompanied with your courage, your independence and your innocent mistakes from your words. Just suggest you, in the real life, sometimes you need to let other people feel good about themself, need a little bit compromise ( except your principal, and value), you won't lose anything, on the contrary, you will gain a lot. Sometimes talking or lanuage are powerless. People are not stupit, don't underestimate them, they can tell what kind of people you are, even from only one word.
We learn from each other, don't we?

Should send your pm, but i want to say sorry to you in frond of public. I think i can make you feel happy in this way. Come on, little sister, give me a big hug.Nice to meet you here and best wish to you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / A lady who dare to show her pic on this YY Garden is looking for a guy who would like to pay the bill on the first date
    I wish this guy could compose some nobody-understood poems and correct my poor English.
    Guys like Mr.wolf or Mr. Polo are not welcome.
    Because one of them showed off his slim fingers clawing clumsily on the piano and the other just made my blood pressure high.
    I also don't date those guys who dated girls like Ms. asker
    • 看来真有小伙子们date girls不付费,把这位大姐吓成这样。坚决声讨这样的兄弟, 太给男人丢脸了,
      • 嘿嘿,姐姐。。。坚决做你粉丝!
        • Add me.
          • 马甲?
            • Cann't get you.
        • am I so old? :(
      • 以前我也不信,自从认识那个老头。。。
        • 杨振宁?
          • 不姓杨,姓一个很奇怪的姓
            • 姓姓?
          • Come on. :))))))))))))
            • .....
    • 支持你一把,追求幸福是需要勇气,智慧,汗水和热情的。
    • I gonna pay all thei bill for our first date if you can give me a chance. :)
      • 就是就是,最好give her some retainer for the next time
      • Just PM me your contact
    • "I also don't date those guys who dated girls like Ms. asker ". :)))))))))))))) I would date you if I were you for your sense of humour. Good luck, sister. :) Those guys are not my dates, but friends.
      • ..if I were a man..
      • Those guys are not my dates, but friends. ......)))))
        • Really? :)
          • Really.
    • "his slim fingers clawing clumsily on the piano .." :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    • You look kind of like Ms. Olivia Chow (NDP MP) in the second photo. :)
      • thank you for your compliments
        • Who is she? Can give a pic.?
          • She is asker:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
          • Sister Hotmoon, here is the photo of Olivia Chow and her husband Jack Layton who is the chairman of NDP, and both of them are now in Ottawa, though Oliva used to be the Toronto City Councillor.
            • Olivia was born in Hong Kong and then moved to Toronto at a very young age, and then graduated from the University of Western Ontario.
            • Aha, surprise. Call me sister now, I thought you hate me to death. Kidding.
              If my words were too harsh to you, I apologize for it. You are still a cute young lady. I can smell the youth accompanied with your courage, your independence and your innocent mistakes from your words. Just suggest you, in the real life, sometimes you need to let other people feel good about themself, need a little bit compromise ( except your principal, and value), you won't lose anything, on the contrary, you will gain a lot. Sometimes talking or lanuage are powerless. People are not stupit, don't underestimate them, they can tell what kind of people you are, even from only one word.
              We learn from each other, don't we?

              Should send your pm, but i want to say sorry to you in frond of public. I think i can make you feel happy in this way. Come on, little sister, give me a big hug.Nice to meet you here and best wish to you.
              • I still feel you are different from that "very sharp" and "very mature" one. That is why I reply to you, as long as you do not discuss with me about that one. :) Sorry but I still cannot help bursting into laughters
                while thinking about the terms, that is, "very deep" and "very sharp".

                We have different views on this point, and shall we reserve our difference?
                Good day. :)
                • I do NOT hate you at all. I actually LIKE you a lot. :) But that day I just felt so stunned that you and I had such a different taste in perceiving people. To me, manners are most important, and then thoughts.
                  Without manners in the first place, thoughts mean nothing to me. I just cannot read a person who has no manners.
                  • Very very good point. See, i learn from you. I do feel good manners and decent sense of humour are very important in our daily life. They can almost cure everything.
              • 搞什么搞你们?整的这么复杂,累不累啊
                • I feel that sister Hotmoon is a very sincere and genuine person. :) I myself am much more careless, which means I normally just ignore whatever or whomever I have no interest in. :)
                • So that I do not feel 累 at all. This is the last time for me to talk with Hotmoon about this. I won't reply to her in this regard, while I will reply to her regarding other interesting things and people. :)
                  • Realy resent somebody? I respect your choice. People have rights to like or dislike something or somebody. I have no problem with that.
                    • 跟着二位学了不少英语。可千万别有错误啊,不要辜负了俺的信任误俺
                      • Gee, I am gone. :)
                    • I just have no interest in some people here, but no, not "resent". :) Online communication is one of the recreations for my brain, so that I choose what is amusing for my brain. :)
    • Me...Me...I've never dated asker, and I always pay the bills in dating. And the following is my poem...
      To see the world in a grain of sand,
      And a heaven in a wild flower;
      Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
      And eternity in an hour...

      Misses someone whom you never meets
      Calls a number which will never get through
      Dates someone who never appears
      Plants a flower which will never wither...
      • 我又check了一遍,发现你不仅符合她的所有条件而且有些over qualified了
        • Over-qulaified is NOT qualified. :)
          • honey, do you want to date me?
            • Only if you did NOT call me Honey in the first place. Too late for you take that Honey stuff back, boy. :)
        • 看样子我的诗真的是没有人看得懂,哈哈
          • I understand your poem. But this old MM immidiately draw your attention from me to her. What kind of quality guy you are. You let me down.
            • 姐姐,you're always on my mind...
              I phoned you, but line was busy:(
              • Oh, really? Start to getting busy? I am wondering why. Probably i did not pay the bill.
                • hehe, or maybe it was a wrong number
                  • You tried too? I have to go to bank to pay the bill.
      • 哈哈哈哈. Very interesting.
        • Why?
      • Your poem seems profound, check your PM
        • 谢谢!收到了,加你了
          • 你没写诗咋就加你了呢?不公平嘛
            • He did. An english oil poem. Sorry , my poor english. I am wondering where my two english teachers are.
    • 哈哈,早啊!开心啊,看来不见网友的原则还是要坚持的啦。
      • 是啊,不然的话她这招生广告中可能就会多一句:I also don't date those guys who dated girls like Ms. Somewhere ".
        • JJ,我躲你后面提个建议: Mr.wolf & Mr. Polo 出来表白一下。。。。。。Ms. asker 嘛,就坦白告诉我们都date过谁了。。。
          • 这3人一坦白,恐怕楼主就招不到人了。嘿嘿
            • I know Mr. Wolf and myself, but who is Mr. Polo anyway? :)
              • 不知道,我也刚来不久
                • I guess she want to say Mr.bolo.
                  • yeah I mean 情深海岸
            • 哦,偶杀伤力不够呢......
      • 真的一个网友都没见过?
        • en,真的一个网友都没见过! 哦,正在等 Mr.wolf & Mr. Bolo 抽空接见我.
          • 真纯洁啊, hehe...
            • 哦,志不在date,志不在date.......
              • 姐姐是不是已经结婚了啊
                • 偶尔?不够不够,是经常啦,只不过不是网友.........
                  • 我还是很有冲动见网友的,因为我的第一个真正的女朋友就是我的ICQ网友
                    • Somewhere is a real lady. You'd better treat her well.
                      • thanks!!!!!!
                        • Don't worry. I always watch for you.
                          • Good Good Good la........
          • 怎么那么不矜持....应该真么说....
            等我抽空接见Mr.wolf & Mr. Bolo......:)))) 而不是..."正在等 Mr.wolf & Mr. Bolo 抽空接见我. "
            • 错啦错啦.是我在等^_^........
          • My God. :)
    • She looks like a nice lady. But I don't know she can write poems like other ladies here or not. Still not sure the inside beaty of her.
      • 好观点,强烈要求楼主写几个poems先摆上擂台以表面她也understood poems,不然太不公平
        • fair
          • It looks like she cann't write anything except stirring the shit. I feel sorry for her.
    • 坚决拒绝Date with Ms. Asker, 哈哈, 罢Date with Asker.
      • My pleasure. :))))
      • Try her. You don't try, you never know.
    • 刚才下去练了会儿功,打擂台来了,如梦令:寂寞凤楼几载,昔日箫声不在。云去月孤单,洒落几多感慨。无奈,无奈,镜里红颜又改。 想看看楼主un不understood poem,能不能和一首。
      • 我跟首黄的: 如梦令: 昨夜红颜共帏, 云飞雨狂不寐. 醒来日黄昏, 又为美人添醉,回味,回味,竟如仙境不归
        • 不黄也不错。再来一个打油的:楼主招亲比武, 玉照高悬媚妩。 郎婿会弹钢琴, 还得精通歌赋。 呜呼, 呜呼, 蛤蟆蟀蝈叫苦。
          • YOu are not nice. You just want to embarass the LZ. She said she want to meet the guys who can write poems becouse she cann't. Simple like that. No beauty inside.
            • 不能这么贬低楼主奥,小心过会儿她来一首把你的门牙扇掉
          • I like this poem. Sorry about my taste. LZ maybe has better taste than me.
            • 难得一伯乐:P
        • 我赞赞楼主: 楼主身材很好,玉手轻扶纤腰, 青丝肩上舞, 颜面微挂浅笑, 可爱, 可爱, 几多少年折腰
          • Oh. Lord. What a taste. There are a bunch of ladies here not only can write poems but also good-looking. You see too less.
            • hoho,醋缸翻了?
            • 我想找个MM做我的诗模, 那样我的诗就如滔滔江水一样...
              • 好主意啊,有没有勇于献身的MM?把玉照高悬上来,从此诗人如过河之鲫
            • 我咋没看见呢?
              • But you can read and you can feel, right? EQ, EQ
      • 壶中茶:世道如今古怪,不是真神少拜。水过叶依然,只是清香不再。W-HY?W-HY?DATING犹如卖买!
        • Who knows who she is. Do not be too serious.
          • 应该向LZ致敬
    • 率性!
      • Up.
    • Please PM your contact info to me for those who are interested in dating me
      or just add MSN pingqing1974@hotmail.com ;-)
      • 最好让他把诗贴这儿让俺们大家评评,过了这关才能和你联系
    • 这贴是强贴...得顶....但偶也8挂一下....
      "One of them showed off his slim fingers clawing clumsily on the piano and the other just made my blood pressure high."


      • Because I'm Ms. asker. Those 2 guys let me wait for a long time and didn't accept my request for dating them. I'm not satisfied with those guys who I dated.
        Is this answer creative?
        • No....
          • what do you expect to hear?
            what do you think behind that?
      • Once upon a time............ I guess you are an old ID here, right? Should understand what kind of show we are watching now.
        • 我还真不知道, 不如你再简单概括一下?
          • You are lazy. You just review the english posts here from first page to third page or forth. You will get some clue.
            • 不好意思, 我天生愚笨, 所以理解不是很透彻, 还请高人指点
              • She means that Ms. asker is my another id:)))))))))))))))))))
          • I can. We need meet each other in somewhere.
            But i am the lady who definitly require the guys pay the bills, especially the first blind date. I am not worse than this old mm. Why not? Other ladies often are treated by guys. Why I cann't be.
            • when you feel bored, I'm the first one jump into your mind. when you're hungry, I am there waiting to treat you a big meal.
              when you're sad, I'm by your side ready to wipe off the tears on your cheek. when you're tired, my arms and chest will be your cozy bed.
              • Do you have a fuzzy belly?
            • 呵呵, 有句话特别想说, 不过, 处于对你的尊重,还是不说了。 只想说一点, 不是什么都可以比的。
              • Nod, nod. I am just a little bit jealous about other ladies. They got what they want, and i have nothing........What a sham!
                • 嘿嘿嘿嘿,就像你的名字一样不可信
                  • What are you thinking now? This concerns me deeply.
                    • 啥也没想,上下眼皮打架呢
                      • Ok, bear got to go to bed now. Me too. Have nice dream. Ciao.
        • 大错特错了...我就这一个ID...
    • 为什么第一次约会一定要男方买单? 别忘了一句俗语:“拿别人的手软, 吃别人的嘴软”
      • why you always like to go dutch on the first date? Don't forget Mr. AA is under piled up bricks
        • 转sign.off 的砖 ”1. 男的对女的有感觉, 想发展关系, 男的会付 2. 如果男的没感觉, AA 3. 一夜情, AA. 4.女的如果想发展, 让男的付, 5. 女的如果不想发展, 要求AA, 6. 都没感觉, AA. 7. 只想找男人吃饭的, 女的不动声色.”
          你觉得你是会1-第一次见面就会被看中呢还是4 - 第一次约会你就一定能看中对方? 如果都不是, 可不可以认为你是第7类 ?
    • 大姐身材不错!!!气质也不错!!就是------
      • 就是------为什么第一次约会一定要男方买单?
        • You will never, ever understand. Wast your time.
          • 姐姐说得对,石头是想不明白的
            • 谢谢理解, 最懂我的人是你
      • Just pass her. Not worth your guys a dime to treat her. There are bunch of young, pretty, independent mm here. Your guys are blind.
        • You are right! One night stand is ok! But never get married with such women!
          • You do not how much i respect you. Stick to your principle, be a real man.
            • Thank you! It is so late. sleeping!
          • dear, sorry to hurt you by saying you're not my style, but I don't like your second-hand car both in made and model.
            You're not even qualified for one night stand. Sorry to tell you no lady feel comfortable sleeping over at a shared house--no privacy at all. Thinking about you have to refrain yourself from making noise when you can't help doing that...
            • 哈哈哈哈,如今的淑女们真够爽快的,嘀嘀滴
              • She is indeed bold. It is not bad to look at your photo, but when you open your mouth........Sounds like a man.
                • 就是就是,这话男的说出来还凑合,女的这么说有点吓人。。。。人都是虚伪的。。
                  • You mean mini-dust is a faker? I got funny feeling too.
    • 我新来的,发表点看法。这种没见面就让买单的,玩玩行,千万别当真。

      • You're so silly. If the second time the lady doesn't pay the bill or split the expense, you should have realized something...does she take it for granted or she is taking use of you at all?
        • 可能俺天生长的Big Head
          • 头大有宝, 呵呵
          • it seems that I should date you, :)))))))))))))))))))))
            • No thanks. I am poor in English and know nothing about poems.
              • Right attitude. I am watching.
      • 好同情你呀
        • 我想大部分男同胞有类似的经历。只是我极端点,每次到卖单的时候都会挺身而出,然后发誓下次决不了
          • 看来我是没有机会了, : (
      • 呵呵,更逗得是,还有一次,约一个女孩出去,是我主动提出来的,她提出来个更让我惊讶的要求,说没钱了,dating的前提是让我给她买两张$10的pay as you go card。什么人都有呀,要求买单的应该是正常要求了。
        • Oh, shit! She was selling her! So funny!
        • 哈哈,搞笑。你应该对她说,买10张都可以啊,可是你要答应我一个条件。。。
        • 牛啊. 老有就聊过几句的MM, 在MSN上管我要电话卡PIN# . 每次都说刚好没卡了. 我实在没办法, 只能说我用直拨电话. :-)
          • 因为你太有吸引力了
      • There are a lot of such girls. They just want to get somrthing free!
        • So true. Ton of cheap guys and cheap ladies. Stay with yourself and watch tightly your wallet. Nobody like be taken advantage of. All kinds of birds in one big forest.
      • “打电话让我过去卖单”,你去给她们买了?
        • Good ? I do not think you have chance to meet such kind of ladies here ( except the picture mm). Read the posts carefully. You can find very independent young ladies here, at least 5 or more.
          • don't be so serious
            • JJ,我是认真D。@_@
              • 你认真了啥?
                • 做你粉丝。。^_^
                  • 作我的粉丝太苦了,I can&t even buy you a coffee
                    • ow,I buy you a coffee la.......
                      • 俺感动啊,泪水顿做倾盆雨。。,
            • I am totally lost. I don't know which thread i am following now. I am talking to the new ID here.
              • 我看你是左右开弓遍地开花
                • It is not easy. My head is spinning now.
        • JJ,有的男人会说,你们去吃饭,我等一下来埋单。。。有的有的,真的是有D。。。 高兴就好啦。
          • 为啥要靠买单来表现呢。这种人看起来不在乎钱,其实是很看中钱,以为钱可以买来一切
    • 其实这种很微妙的东西, 你明说出来就已经棋差一着了. 给人不可交往的感觉.
      其实, 你怕啥啊, Date 男人, 对方要求AA , 你大不了付自己的.
      • Another new ID.
      • 同意. AA怕啥, 找个人陪吃. 哈. 郁闷时就找他. 容易交往.