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Quite a few good Chinese restaurants, And you will find huge Asian super markets. Lots of Chinese. A city that is much cleaner than NYC.

The huge HK City Mall Super Market occupies the whole floor of the HK City Mall.

Chinese restaurants here in Houston are not as good as those in Toronto or Vancouver. But much better than those in lots of US cities. I would say they are good enough. Basically friends from Denver, Georgia, NC.. were shocked and "touched to tears" (that was what they said) when I took them to the Chinese restaurants in Houston. Friends said after visiting Houston, they realized that lives in Denver are not ren guo de ri zi (not human beings' life) in terms of foods.

Houston's hot and humid summer really sucks, though. But if you are from Shanghai, Guangdong, Wuhan, Chongqing... you won't feel it's a big issue.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / Texas 到底咋样啊. 对做IT的来说? 前几天和一加州朋友说起, 一付好生羡慕的样子, 其实只是道听途说. 有没有住那里的DX灌灌水? 从加州搬过去的最好, 有个比较.. :)
    • 只知道两点:1。房子特别便宜;2。天气特别热。其它可能就跟别的地儿差不多了。
      • 不会比Arizona 还热吧? 加州好多往凤凰城搬的, 也说是房子便宜.
        • 对,40多万买一大mansion
    • 如果在中国不是久居南方,现在在加拿大,德州、凤凰城的热你是受不了的。而且和加州比起来,台风季节也可能令人很不适应。
      • 你去过吗?有点怕怕说。
        • 去年飓风rita不到了texas吗,huston人民都向北部撤离。texas面临墨西哥湾,石油多但是飓风也多呀!
        • 从多伦多、芝加哥到凤凰城拉一条曲线,以东的州省几乎都去过,以西的州省都没有去过,今年本来准备应约再串朋友,不过有事去不成了。地上去的,要么去看朋友要么自己找地方呆。以东的州省的所有高速公路几乎都走过。
        • Not that bad. It's hot in summer but it's tolerable.
      • If you are not living in Houston, 台风季节 won't have much impact on you.
        Even you are living in Houston, 台风季节 is not that bad. By the way, Houston is really good for Chinese to live in. High income, strikingly cheap living cost, good Asian restaurants (can't compare to those in Toronto though. But there are a number of good choices, good enough in US.), vivid night life. The summer in Houston is hot and humid. But if you are from Shanghai, Guangzhou, Sichuan, Wuhan, the warm weather here is not bad at all.
    • The weather here is pretty hot. I orginially come from Shanghai...it's OK for me...
    • How about income tax? I heard it is high in California. How about Texas?
      • 德州的入息税低,但地税比多伦多高。德州的税前收入一般比不上加州纽约,但和芝加哥还是相当的,税后就比芝加哥有优势。芝加哥的地税也算高。所以德州和芝加哥的房子不容易炒起来。
        • 是啊,听说德州的地税高。到底有多高呢?举例来说,一个2000sqft的房子,大约每年多少?谢谢。
          • 具体数字记不清了,最后有人指正。大概是一个30w的房子,在大达拉斯大概是3000多尺,在大芝加哥是2000多尺。达拉斯的地税接近1w,芝加哥的地税8k。
        • 德州没有州税,只有联邦税。地税高也是要看地方的。
      • no income tax...but real estate tax is very high
        • 没州税,真好。地税可真够高的。还有气候,真的热得透不过气来,不用空调不行吗?从国内北方来的是不是受不了?
          • 夏天有2个月可以每天达到100度以上(摄氏38度以上)。没空调肯定是不行的。从商店走到车都热的不了。不过4月和10月很好
          • 跟你个计算器拉

            • Thanks!
    • everything is big in texas:big house, big car. big hair....i hated it but now i start to like it
      • 什么是big hair?
        • 美国南方洲过去的女人(现在也是,程度差点)都喜欢那种蓬蓬涨涨的发型,很大,很醒目:)
          • 记好了, 你只是一个大陆女人,
        • here...
          • he he he... It's cool :-)
      • 我瞎猜, 也许是潮湿的缘故,她们的头发都蓬起来, 所以她们习惯也喜欢那种发型了,
        • 哈哈,有意思的解释:)
      • hahha
    • 在DALLAS一年, 成为我以后移民加拿大的精神动力. 房子很便宜, 收入也不低. 租房子很便宜, 到处都是游泳池. 到了多伦多之后, 觉得和DALLAS差太远了.
      • 没看明白, 什么意思? 是说多伦多好还是DALLAS好?
        • Sorry to make you confused. I mean Dallas is much better than Toronto. When I immigrated to Toronto, I am kind of disappointed.
          The people around me couldn't find professional job for couple years, house in very expensive in Toronto, too. The winter is long and cold, similar like Dallas(summer hot and long)

          By the way, how do you find your job? by agency? only telephone interview?
          • but, why don't you go back to Dallas?
            • common sense: 做移民监呗
      • I second you. Income in Texas is not much lower than the rate in California. Sometimes it's higher.
        One of my friends just moved from California to Texas. Salary jumped from $95K (in California) to $150K (in Dallas).

        There is no income tax in Texas. $250K you can get a brand new 2500 sq ft 2-story single house in a good area.

        It's hot in summer but compared to the humid and hot summer weather in China, it's tolerable.
        • "There is no income tax in Texas. $250K you can get a brand new 2500 sq ft 2-story single house in a good area" Day dream. Use your brain. Who could believe it?
          • Are you living in Texas? I am. So I can tell you the truth.
            • I was for a period of time. No income TAX? GOD BLESS AMERICA.
              • No state income tax.
                • Thank you for clarifying.
            • You may say Mr. Dell's mansion costed him only 500k.
              • Come to Austin, Dallas, and Houston and take a look. You will believe what I said.
                One of my friends in California didn't believe how good and affordable the housing market in Texas would be. One day when he traveled to Texas and I gave him a tour in the real estate market, he decided to move to Texas without hesitation.

                He moved and he's so happy now. Salary jupmed and bought a brand new 3000 sq ft single house under $300K immediately.

                By the way, are you living in Texas?
                • not now. The heat killed me. Housing is cheaper there but you have to pay income tax. Plus there are only two cities in the U.S which employ more IT professionals than T.O -NYC and SF.
          • 楼主说的没错。德州是没有state income tax。房子是很便宜(比起同规模的城市),确实很多加州人移居德州。这边中国人的人口也在增长,各种餐馆购物都新开张了不少
            • Texas的中小学教育怎么样?Thanks.
              • 和住的区有关。平均房价最高的区的中学全美排名第14。plano,中国人聚居的郊区,学校也非常好。那边的房子30万左右3800尺。我一个同学住在那个区。去年那里出了个中国女孩统考满分的(sat?)
                • 错了,排名第12不是14
                  • 谢谢饺子。还一个问题:治安怎么样?黑人多不多?Thanks.
                    • 治安也分地区。总的来说相对其他同等大城市,还是安全的。但是美国的大城市总的来说治安不好的说。黑人也不少,好像。墨西哥人很多
                      • 谢谢!
            • 饺子搬到德州去了?也在考虑搬过去了,现在所在的卡尔加里,房子贵的不得了,城市也很差。再加上考虑到孩子将来的教育,很想搬过去。
              • 暂居这里。有空来考察一下。我还是喜欢海滨城市,希望不久这里的事情料理几年后,搬回温哥华:)
                • Professional traveller.
                • 好的,想先去考察一下。德州有什么好玩的地方吗?也在考虑Denver, 了解吗?谢谢。
                  • I have friends working at Denver. They just viisted Houston last week and they wanted to move here immediately.
                    Following are what they said during their Texas tour: "Oh, my God, (foods) so authentic, so delicious, and so cheap!". "Gosh, houses are unbelievably cheap!" "Damn, the salary here is really high! And no state income tax!". "Shou bu liao le, I want to get a job here!"
                    • Denver is not a small town.
                      • Nobody said Denver is a small town. Actually it's the wonderland for Chinese living in the mountains.
                        • "AT Denver" may imply Denver is a very small place or "AT" is misused.
                    • 呵呵,看起来Houston比Denver有很多优势啊。考虑这两个城市,主要是由于工作关系,搞工程的这两个机会比较多。Denver气候比houston好一些。你的这个朋友是工程师吗?H的工资比D高很多吗?
                      • They are IT guys.
                        Houston's pros: Living costs in Denver are higher than Austin, Dallas, and Houston. House prices in Denver are much higher than Houston. You need to pay state income tax in Denver while no such a tax in Texas. The long winter in Denver really sucks. The Chinese restaurants in Denver can't compare with those in Houston.

                        Denver's pros: Lots of fun outdoors. Summer is gorgeous. Beautiful view.
                        • 谢谢。真的动心了,Houston看起来除了太热,其他都很好。人口有两百万,华人比例多少?中餐馆多吗?
                          • Quite a few good Chinese restaurants, And you will find huge Asian super markets. Lots of Chinese. A city that is much cleaner than NYC.
                            The huge HK City Mall Super Market occupies the whole floor of the HK City Mall.

                            Chinese restaurants here in Houston are not as good as those in Toronto or Vancouver. But much better than those in lots of US cities. I would say they are good enough. Basically friends from Denver, Georgia, NC.. were shocked and "touched to tears" (that was what they said) when I took them to the Chinese restaurants in Houston. Friends said after visiting Houston, they realized that lives in Denver are not ren guo de ri zi (not human beings' life) in terms of foods.

                            Houston's hot and humid summer really sucks, though. But if you are from Shanghai, Guangdong, Wuhan, Chongqing... you won't feel it's a big issue.
                      • A couple moved to Houston and they stopped cooking at home because they found they have so much more left in their pockets compared to what they got in the previous city.
        • Could you tell me which area your friend is doing with? it's an amazing jump, does he move to a higher position? Thx,
          • ERP Consulting
          • Yes, a much higher position. But not so many people available in this specific area.
            • I see. Thx a lot, good night.
    • Texas is a good place.
      • For BUSHIT and his family.
      • Texas的中小学教育怎么样?Thanks.
    • 我不喜欢,太热受不了。