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u know one thing a real MAN not do ? DOES NOT COMPLAIN if he loses control on himself and women. Just swallows his teeth into his stomach, stops whining. People get what they deserve.

they were wrong no matter what the reason was. It might be greediness, cheapness, carelessness, or stupidity. In this case, the reason is his stupidity plus weak judgement and not enough control on himself (going to bed with a woman he is not that fond of????).

If I were the guy, I would slap myself on my face and feel ashamed about what I did.

If a guy keeps acting like this, he would end up whining like this all along his life.

Human being are human being, there are all kinds of people out there, what if the woman now stands out and says:" yes, I am a prositute."

So, what would everybody say? u r an adult, use ur own power of judgement, and overcome ur own weekness first. Otherwise, do not complain, It is not us who slept with her while feeling she was much older than she said..............

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 一个受过良好教育的女人,来加拿大后,找不到工作,竟然会和妓女一样无耻。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛移民到加国2年,目前有一份不错的专业工作,收入稳定。无聊的时候,经常上网找人聊天。顺便说一下,本人单身,未婚。
    我roommate的弟弟,也在西安大略读PHD。很巧,和“丽”的老公是同一个专业。通过roommate的弟弟,大概知道了:“丽”和老公出来多年,她老公一直没找到专业工作,不想打工,只好一直读书。“丽”一直想找个鬼佬,有房有车的,过安逸生活。可是,和一老外混了一阵子后,人家不打算和她结婚,自然也就没戏了。她老公看在孩子还小的份上,一直忍着,但是两人战争一直不断。最近的一次吵架,“丽”打了911, 她老公被警察带走了,几个月不能回家。考虑到孩子太小,她老公不愿意离婚,原谅了她。为了表示诚意,并把“丽”的父母接来加拿大探亲。
    有的时候也感叹。一个受过良好教育的女人,来加拿大后,找不到工作,竟然会和妓女一样无耻。顺便提醒一下和她有关系的另两位哥们,多长点心眼。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 都是虚荣和贪婪若得祸
    • 现在的时代,能诚恳待人的真的不多了,不过我自己可算一个。
    • 你自己也够呛,招惹有夫之妇。
    • 学历 不等于 良好的教育. 这种女人怎么可能受过良好的教育?
    • 临死还忘不了提醒另两位连桥,真了不起
    • 受过良好教育并不意味着有良好的教养,两回事!
    • 此女在大陆情况如何啊。家庭,哪里人?
    • 不要这样地职责别人,都是生活所迫。我想,不是每一个妓女生下来就想当妓女的。就像你,生下来不想当鸭子,但是还是当了鸭子,被别人利用了,这是身不由己。。人不是完全可以控制自己的。
      • 未必。每个人的道德观不一样的
        • 那就是说,你生下来就是一个大富翁,她生下来就是一个妓女,这都是前生注定了。是不是?
          • 我说精神层面,道德层面。没听说过英国大富翁抢银行么?
          • 可以这么说,她干的那些事就是妓女干的啊。受过教育的妓女更可怕。近到这个摊子上的,远到上海杨维佳
            • 两个案例没有可比性,杨维佳CASE中,人家的前——老公是个好人;本CASE中,如果让一个嫖客欺负上一个无知少女的话,你于心能忍吗?让他碰上个“鸡”也就是各得其所了。这就叫恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。
    • 這能全怪她嗎?楼主以白領單身的身份同一個有夫之婦有染难道不該自責嘛?放着單身的女孩不理,专門同一位身处困境中的已婚女性交往,你不覺得你的心態不太正常嗎?對此事你不以為耻,反以為榮,是不是説明你媚力四射啊
    • 其实,这种事作者也不好过分谴责那位女士。每个人追求不同,正如前面几个朋友说的,作者本身去和有夫之妇有染本身就不对。他之所以生气,可能吃醋的成分也有一点吧,随便说说。不要介意
      • “嫖客”对“婊子”,一个巴掌拍不响。
    • 男人到这里怎么都变成了这样?
    • 嗯,说的好,提上裤子就是正义男.
      • 没办法,就是喜欢你:-)
      • 不一定,俺提上裤子也不是好男。
    • 如果她是妓女的话,她很惨,因为收不到钱;而那些嫖客,嫖了不给钱,连妓女的便宜都沾,却是更加无耻。
      • 前些日子有个IBM男,也就AA以后有小动作,大家就攻击他长达一个月之久. 这位嫖完了不给钱也就罢了,居然假装纯情上了写这么长的贴来控诉那女人无耻,也不知道谁更无耻.
        • 同意
    • LZ根本就不是个好东西,纯属那种“即想当婊子,又要立牌坊”的人;又想得到女人的身,又不想出钱的混蛋。如果你自己不愿意,再厉害的妓女又如何?她做“鸡”固然是不对,你当嫖客就很光荣嘛?还在这儿振振有词,SHAME ON YOU !
    • 陌生人交往撒谎很正常,妓女说大哥你温柔点,人家才刚下海,嫖客说我也是第一次没经验,小费就算了。
    • 女人也不容易,本来就这么点资本,谁不想过好日子呢?
      • This is not the excuse. I feel ashamed of this type of women.
        • asker我知道你道德感强,可是这个世界的多样性才造就了它的五彩斑斓
          • 严重同意,没有“嫖客”,哪来的“妓女”?
        • agree.
        • 我也觉得丢人。在加拿大,只要肯做事情,总是可以自食其力的。
    • I wonder how many well-educated women will behave like Li. I also wonder how many well-educated men will not under the same circumstances.
      • 男人女人都一样。cheap不cheap跟家庭背景很有关系。跟什么地方人也有关系。
        • 跟什么地方人也有关系? I may not agree with you on this point, though.
          • 没听说一方水土养一方人么?
            • 有道理,穷山恶水出刁民
            • 你们这个观点可以给那些种族或者歧视中国人的人一个很好的支持了. 我记得好象日本人曾经就这样说过中国人.
              • Good point.
    • 先去查查HIV。在正常1:1碰撞几率为零;在大于3:1的时候,几率成指数上升。good luck!
      • 你懂的真多啊~
    • 一个巴掌拍不响!
    • 环境使然。加拿大这种地方就能让正常人变成猪狗不如。 那些在大公司混饭吃的混 混其实也是如此, 为了往上爬,让老板干都行
    • 那你不就是嫖客了? 既然有一段情, 留点口德好不好, 没地让人连你一起看轻
      • 同意,这人比AA男更没人格!
      • 很同意,毕竟有过那么深的交往。何必这样那。没品
    • 说明一个问题, 只要女人肯投怀送抱, 总是有人上当地.
    • 不得不同意,lz跟ibm aa 领口男是同样猥琐的人物。从概率上讲,他跟xxx学校肯定有直接或间接的关系。
    • 其实你出买你的"专业" to make a living, 而妓女出买"肉体" to make a living. 况且妓女出买的是自几的东西, 你只不过在倒买别人的"专业". 不要老觉的自几是个"Dong Dong".
    • 你也不是好东西。
    • 一对狗男女,两个王八蛋.
    • 你比她还要垃圾
    • 极端鄙视搂主这样的所谓白领单身男, 象他 这类的, 也就只配找这样的女人了。
      • 他们那叫单纯。
    • OK. what I can say is : business is business, no right and no wrong!! Hope everybody develop their business well. Life is business.
    • There are many more such people
    • 人都会本能的隐藏自己的缺点的。人都会伪装,好坏难辨,总是有人会上当。还是眼睛放亮点好!
    • 真没想到还有这种人!说的是你,得了便宜还卖乖, BS...
    • 你也不是个好东西,见了面说失望但是还是和她上床了,而且在明明知道她是个有夫之妇的情况下。无耻!
    • 一个受过良好教育当今罕见的“专业工”+一个受过良好教育的妓女=????-----俺数学学得最差
    • I realy don't understand why so many people don't like this guy. He seems he is ready to make commitment to this relationship. If i am a man, i don't mind being used, but I do mind being cheated on.
      • 説話聴聲,鑼鼓聴音。你看不出來樓主先是亮出白領身份,暗示女方可帮其找工騙人在先嗎?
        • 大概是觉得这种行为比妓女这个行当毕竟高尚多了的缘故,嫖客永远比妓女高尚这是很多人讲话的隐性前提。---注:本人觉得这两个称呼很不恰当,但是既然楼主坚持妓女一说,也必须得有嫖客了
          • I ignored he mentioned ' prostitute' this word in his title. But I personaly think she is worse than a prostitute.At least, prostitutes sell themself in a honest way.
            And this gentleman is not a good customer either. If he thought she is a prostitute and didn't pay her. Ok, according to this logic, I got a clue.
            • I got to call them " Dog Couple" this time after I studied the topic and the content of this article for a few minutes. Ha.......
              • what do u really want to say? confused
                • 帮你翻译成中文吧:一对狗男女,地上斜两双 :)
                  • but he understood the gentlement a lot from the previous post, how come they became dog couple all of sudden
                    • there is 5 minutes difference.....
                      • 10 minutes
                        • Ok, Ok. I am confused by myself too. This is after more than 10 hours thinking.
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have to go back to read other people's comments carefully this time. I still cann't be convined by most of the people. He is not a bad guy. He is just weak. Having a relathioship with a married woman is not that wrong. ( against mainsteam value again, I always say nothing wrong with true love). They already dicussed to buy house togather. That is the reason I say this guy started to think their relationship seriously and is ready to make commitment. But I think there is something wrong with his topic. He judges all the prostitutes are bad. I disagree with that. I think they are better than the people who sell their souls and their money is cleaner than the politicians money. Nothing wrong with customers. If they follow the business rules.( against mainstream value again and again ) It is not taking advantage to having sex with ladies. ( If she wants, and she enjoys) In his artical, it looks like she started everything. He is completly losing his control and his principles and put himself in a awkward situation by his topic.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                          • u know one thing a real MAN not do ? DOES NOT COMPLAIN if he loses control on himself and women. Just swallows his teeth into his stomach, stops whining. People get what they deserve.
                            they were wrong no matter what the reason was. It might be greediness, cheapness, carelessness, or stupidity. In this case, the reason is his stupidity plus weak judgement and not enough control on himself (going to bed with a woman he is not that fond of????).

                            If I were the guy, I would slap myself on my face and feel ashamed about what I did.

                            If a guy keeps acting like this, he would end up whining like this all along his life.

                            Human being are human being, there are all kinds of people out there, what if the woman now stands out and says:" yes, I am a prositute."

                            So, what would everybody say? u r an adult, use ur own power of judgement, and overcome ur own weekness first. Otherwise, do not complain, It is not us who slept with her while feeling she was much older than she said..............
                            • Ok, ok. No complain for a real man. He deserved a slap on his right side of face. Comes wrong, goes wrong. LZ, I mean the writer, did you hear all discussion here? Did you learn something?
                              I guess he will learn life in a hard way. BTW,I want to give a slap on the left side of that lady' face or both side. Do you agree with me? She even could not sell herself properly and honestly like real prostitutes do. She is a thief. I personally prefer robbery to thief.
                              • none of ur business ba????
                                • Then stop bla, bla, bla. It is really not our business to give any comments to this couple. You show up here for what?
            • you call him "gentleman"? hahaha.....
              • Ok, He is not a gentleman. He is a piece of shit. Ha if i did not call him like that. I am sure I will be attacked.
    • 品质不好,比妓女还不如的男人,不要去找良家妇女把人家玷污了。
    • 这个“丽” 挺可怜的, 碰上个嫖客不好意思要钱, 那家伙还真就不给钱了, 还一本正经地说没想到。。。。