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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 刚才谁看新闻了,又有一人因为医疗资源不足,手术等候时间过长,死亡。怎么老有这种新闻听见,看来这里的医疗还不如国内。还是国内不报道的原因?这里有没有大虾有看过稍微大些的病或手术的经历?看来以后看病还要回去。
    • 国内一般不会有等死人的情况,但把手术刀口开大点为了方便是常事......
    • Have you ever been to a hospital emergency room? Do you know how advance the equipments are compared to China? Man, you should see it.
      • I have no opportunities to see emergency care by now yet. What did you mean?
        • You'd better not have the opportunity...
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You'd better not have the opportunity... I've been there once for fever overnight (38~39C, no matter what medicine I took it just didn't heal). Me and my wife waited 3 hours to see a resident doctor who spent less than 3 minutes telling me I got a cold and writing me a prescription I gotta get the medcine at any drug store. No medicine, no injection, no what so ever.

          You'd bet there are more advanced medical devices in Canada than those back home in China. On the other hand, you gotta bear this in your mind, doctors, nurses or the whole medical system back in China are more caring and merciful. While medical practioners here in Canada are among the richest group of people, whom the government has to restrict / count their lenghth of practice time, it's these group of guys and gals that have been participating different protests or even strike to urge the raise on their pay-checks from the government. Sometime, they just gotta spend more time on vacation than wandering in the hospital corridors. To clarify, I'm not trying to point at this tiny group as the cause of the less efficiency of Canadian medical system, they're part of the problems themselves. The system has been so well developed that they're not rewarded / compensated in accordance with their effort, their contribution or their delivery, but all determined at the moment s/he stepped into the gate of medical schools.

          So do lawyers; so do our politicians. This is a developed system, within a developed society, in a developed country. Welcome to Canada! To me personally this is no more than another piffall of capitalism. I bet our generation has all read thru such tales like pouring milk into the sink.

          Unfortunately, the reality is our counterpart back in China has been resembling into sort of a similarity. Let's just wish / pray things won't turn so robotic. Otherwise, sooner or later, you gonna learn news alike of patients dying due to unendurable long hour waiting, no matter if it's released by the communist government. That'd be another risk people gotta take to capitalize in China.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • No offence. 你所经历的没错, 但因为你并没有真正很严重的地步,所以受了如此对待. 也许北美对于发烧这类症状有不同的标准(尤其是对年轻人),
            也许因为很多人因为是医疗免费而动不动就去Emergency而搞的资源紧张. 如果你做一个哪怕最小的手术, 你就会体会到这里的严谨和细致(当然还是最好别).
            因为我过世的婆婆的原因, 我们在医院度过了八天,从打911开始, 到急救, 转道最好的脑神经医院,深夜医生赶来做脑部手术, 特护,... 没有一刻耽误 (尽管医院知道她没有健康卡),真正体会到了加拿大医院的先进和尽可能的人道精神, 尽管没能挽救回她的生命, 但所得到的服务使我们理解为什么这里医疗费用的昂贵.
            • 关键是如果遇到EMERGENCY老是等3小时,就算没生命危险,也太难受了。有没有解决办法,比如上个什么额外保险?
              • this should not be allowed. Since it will give some rich people 特权. Only solution is more hospitals.
              • they have priorities.... You may thing it's emergency. But the doctor knows better what is emergency and what's not.
                • they指谁?你的意思是说一般这里的医生护士不太会看着你死在楼道里不管,而是觉得有更危急的病人?之所以这么说,是因为在国内好象听过有这种情况。还引起大讨论。总体感觉这的本地人脑筋不太会转弯。
                  • don't be confused. If you are going to die, you have the priority. But if you only feel pain and it's not life-threaten, you may have to wait.
                    • 谢谢!放心了!答案是:看来这里还是有人道主义精神的。只要人道主义精神能和国内持平就可以了。没有奢望这里会更好。
                      • Here is better. If you are really in emergency, they won't delay your treatment because you have no money to pay ( I mean to visitor without OHIP card).
                        • 举个亲身例子,看看这种情况,加拿大会如何处理?
                          • 是不要钱的。
                  • Trust me, the doctor here is highly qualified. 7 years before they can become a family doctor!! don't need to mention professional doctor in the hospitals.
                • you are right. It is same as the service of 911.
                  If you are really in Emergency, they will come more quicker than your expectation. Once my friend's kid swallowed something, the emergency people came before she hang up the phone. Another couple quarrelled and the wife was so angry to call 911 because her hubby pushed her once, then emergency people came 2 hours later.
                  • Yeah, medical emergency should be arrived in less than 5min if you are living in the city. The emergency vehicle station is like fire hall that spread out through the city. They are not located in hospital.
            • Penetrating the surface...
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Putting in my shoes, you or anyone else would probably be more anxious to see the doctor first when suffering to a certain extent. Agree that fever is not that serious; however, once you got a chance as I did to wait along with other patients with broken arms or the aged dying-looking ones lying in cart helplessly, you'd have had changed your tone already.

              Once again, I'm not against the professional attitude or spirit of any Canadian physicians or the system itself. I was against the less efficiency and the cause behind the scene. My point was that the long hour waiting could have been wiped out if more medical practitioners were there offering their services to patients instead of on the off-Havana beaches enjoying their vacations; even if some of the on-duties could have just step at a faster pace along the hospital corridors. To some extent, the intensity and less efficiency of this system have been intentionally developed into such a kind of pattern, in favor of a tiny group of population: a leverage between higher pay rate and less working hours.

              So thoroughly different points. Be alert, fellow new immigants from China. Do your ultimate best to encourage and help your children / grandchidren, our next generation, to merge as a cell of this tiny community and benefit from this developed social pattern. Or be attorney / lawyer (not the one specilized in immigration), be Commissioner, be Minister, be Premier - be THEM.

              Back to the originarity of this issue, go to the ER's as few times as possible. Bring along some medicine from China when coming back and forth. And, if possible, stay healthy.

              Good luck, GG/DD/JJ/MM'men.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Why did you need to wait for 3 hours? Too long line? So you agree that we'd better see a doctor back in China?
            • Normally, for fever, it's not considered as emergency in Canada. So they always advise you to go to your family doctor instead of hospital. Canadian hospital mostly deal with emergency, unlike chinese hospital.
            • then go back china then. don't need to stay in a place where education and health care that both you consider them as bad.
              • sorry让你有这种感觉,只是在国内朋友多,总归好办事,这里就一个人没事时多想想问问,有事就不会措手不及了。
                • 这里对大家是同等对待, 据我所知安省省长前年冬天流感看急诊业等了五小时. 我们来到这里不就是为了这些吗,
                  不会当你真危急时, 因为的感冒的人有朋友加三, 有权势有钱的人有优先权而使你耽误. 还是先改变一下自己的观念吧. 如果向往托人办事的生活, 还是回国吧.
                  • 这么感人!真的假的?不会是象台湾选举作秀吧?真要有这样的领导同志,真是死在这儿都干了。
                    • It was not because Harris wanted to wait for 5 hours. Just because he had to wait because his priority of symptom is not high even if he is our primer.
                    • No offence. But I think you really need to change your mind about life. Why do you think Primer is high than others? they just Gong(1) Wu(4) Yuan(2).
                      We pay tax to raise them. They are same as us. There are also a lot of problem here, but you can't criticize them without knowing them . Also if you can't treat people equally and fairly, how can you criticize this and that? How much did you know Canada or China? Sorry to say it, but from your message, I really can't see .
                      • Sorry! you think just like that. I just like to hear some suggestions about some news. I have never liked to criticize anyone or anything. Because it's useless. At least in China.
            • Be realistic. Not every time you got an issue would you be able to hide behind the idea of going back to China. Try to be possitive to prepare your own Red Cross Box or so.
          • How can we get medical service sooner? spend more money? Buy a medical insurance?
            • Some of the rich Canadians just head south to the States for more instant treatment. Some American hospitals close to us are advertising to appeal these patients.
      • did you really see what are equiped in the hospitals in China? If you are not working in the medical field, stop talking like this.
        • I'm not.. However, I visited a friend who was under care in August in china in a Province Jia2 Ji2 hospital. And the equipment is so poor.....nothing compared to here.
          • Well, there are also qutie a lot of hospitals I visited in US in chich the equipments they have are even worse than some of the metro level hospitals in China.
            • did you been in hospital or clinic?
              • that's my work, my brother. 8-)
                • hi, Dr. sq1. what kind of doctor are you?
                  • I am not a doctor, my brother. 8-)
                    • nurse??
                      • does nurse surf on internet as often as I do?
                        • you said you work in the hospital. care taker?
    • I went to intensive care onece, 5 computer monitor in the room the monitor the state of the patient!!!!!! And the patient is all wire up. amazing...
      • Why did so many people die because of the lack of necessary care? Compared with China, more or less (percentage)?
        • Definately less. Because in china, they don't report this thing. In here, they can use it to attach health system so the media love to deal with it.
          • I agree. China has more than 1 billion population. How many medical accidnet have you heard?
            • None really, in my memory..
            • But I know that a nurse almost got my mom killed when my mom gave birth to me because she wants my mom's tai1 pan2 so badly.
    • I think you should go back China to enjoy your life. Or you would worry to death.