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yes, students, esp those who major in engr. or CS, are EXTREMELY busy and tired when dealing with assignments and projects, which are rare in guoNei, they all have

deadline, you miss it, you lose the respective marks, the due time is firm---either the receiving box will be locked for acceptance of assignments/projects, or the prof shust off (programm-controlled) the email box for electronic submission. plagiarism is severely punished if found.

engineering projects are amazing, each year a mechanical group will MAKE a mini-F1 car for north america univ contest.

master student life is no easy, esp for those course-oriented ones, thesis-oriented students schedule is relatively flexible, but TA/RA work is heavy-loaded too (if you have a pushy boss)---getting paid is the only fun thing. usa/euro/aussie masters are all easier.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 心情不好...... 今天在学校听到一个噩耗, 一个Carleton学Business的女生投运河自杀了, 死了....... 我不知道该说什么...... 不知道为了什么...... 多么希望只是一个玩笑
    • Take it easy ba.
    • 真惨……为什么呀?学业太重?失恋?不会是前者吧,我还要申请上学呢。:(
      • 上学可真是件苦差事,有时也真想。。。
        • 我也想........
        • 啊!不要这样!再坚持一下就好了,总会拨开云雾见晴天的呀。大家多在这里互相鼓励鼓励吧!
        • 我可不觉得,我挺Enjoy那份Pressure的,觉得自己在进步,不像现在coop无所事事,整天给mama骂。
    • Christmas回来吗?
      • beibei好, 打算放假后去一趟New York. 其实好想回Toronto的, 看你们不停地FB, 羡慕死乐.
    • 别说了,这边full time的学生压力太大。我这里是最后一周,要交5个assignment。从上周6开始就没什么好好睡觉,弄的周一上火流鼻血。认识几个学commerce的女孩,天天从中午就在图书馆


      门门作业都要求独立完成,但是向这样的量和难度,对于full time学生来说太可怕,这学期的5门课已经把我折腾够了。累啊。。。
      • 作业做了,能拿到比较公平的成绩还好,要是遇到丢作业,TA不负责任的乱改一气,那时候的感觉真的是心灰意冷。上学期丢了一次作业,遇到prof.置之不理,真不想再学了。。。
        其实很多VISA学生很辛苦,学费是移民和公民的3倍以上。如果读full time。。。
        • 你是读的名校么? 和国内的名校比如何?
          • McMaster是名校?不知道,好像最好的时候排第3,有时候排第7。
            • it is
              • 名不名我都不管了,先熬到毕业吧。。。写作业去了,各位晚安
                • 你是CS? 我也是,不过在UW, 你是Undergrad 还是 Grad?
        • 我的时间表是,从早上图书馆开门到晚上图书馆关门。
          • final test期间图书馆不关门。。。这个。。。
      • 有那么痛苦?你说的是master?
        • undergraduate。不是拿second degree的。
          • 请问:你做的那些assignments都是什么?在实战中能用上么?
            • 没用,像我在UW第一年学Programming Principle,但是Coop确是Online Banking Developer, 根本学的东西就没用,有用的全部是自学的。接触课外东西不好好学的反而容易找Coop,学的很高分的反而找不到!
      • 别吓唬我了,明年5月就要重回学校了。怎么感觉要上刀山下火海是的。:((
        • 同感同感,我比你还早,一月就要去上了,只选了三门课,希望别象天使形容的那么辛苦
          • 你选导师了么?办贷款了么?
            • 我上的是undergraduate,不用选导师.查网上,贷款已经出来,正在想怎么弄到手呢
              • 开课了就拿到了。
                • 象是位前辈,赶快请教一下:好象是等到开学才能拿到贷款,但学校的学费单已经到了,是等贷款到了后它会直接付学费呢,还是我先交学费,到时候再给我贷款?但是学费单又注明不能拖延,,我下一步应该怎么做,谢谢先
                  • 你去student accounts问问,学费可以defer交的。拿了贷款再交,但是你得先通知student accounts office你有贷款的.
                    • 谢谢啦
              • 定居超过1年了?
                • 问题就在这里,不到一年,只拿到联邦贷款,但我可不想为了贷款而呆够一年再申请学校,太浪费时间
                  • 联邦贷款是怎么申请的?
                    • 啊?你都为贷款消得人憔悴了,还不知道怎么申请联邦贷款?网址在这,我是在网上申请的
                      • 这个不是申请俺省贷款么?
                        • 现在在一起啦
      • yes, students, esp those who major in engr. or CS, are EXTREMELY busy and tired when dealing with assignments and projects, which are rare in guoNei, they all have
        deadline, you miss it, you lose the respective marks, the due time is firm---either the receiving box will be locked for acceptance of assignments/projects, or the prof shust off (programm-controlled) the email box for electronic submission. plagiarism is severely punished if found.

        engineering projects are amazing, each year a mechanical group will MAKE a mini-F1 car for north america univ contest.

        master student life is no easy, esp for those course-oriented ones, thesis-oriented students schedule is relatively flexible, but TA/RA work is heavy-loaded too (if you have a pushy boss)---getting paid is the only fun thing. usa/euro/aussie masters are all easier.
        • Faint ! Faint ! 不敢去了。:((
        • Tell me about it!! All our CS projects can only be submit electronically. Then they have internal software that can scan your project for similarity and copying
        • . The software is so advanced, my friend got caught once. Got an zero and warning.
    • 什么时候回这边?还欠你一吨饭呢。
      • 那我呢?
        • you are very welcome!!! 唉,自从吃了你家的四喜丸子,下得我对自己的厨艺都不敢大声夸口了。
          • 别,别,我都快晕了,不禁夸! 圣诞party, 你来吗?
            • 我惨了,12/19-1/7回家,本来想馋馋你们,结果有这么大的事都漏了,郁闷啊!!!风筝JJ,什么时候再来个春节party啊?
              • 好啊,看看到时候有多少人“起哄”啦,如果大家都愿意的话就再来一次。不过,真可惜,今年见不到你了,明年吧!
                • 别急别急,先把x'mas party搞好再说。:))
                  • 这么憔悴了,还帮着操心哪?可敬,可敬!
      • 一吨饭?//faint. 好,有空一定去骚扰,顺便看看你那些心爱宝贝漂亮餐具!
    • 又是不堪重负?哎,大家一定都要挺住,不管有何困难
      • 留得青山在
        • 是啊,对
    • Holly, holly, come back toronto when you have time,,, with W/S. ^_^
      • 呵呵, lumlum回到多伦多啦? 好啊, 有空一定去! 你也可以来我这里玩啊! ^_^
        • Good, good, will visit you some time,,,,,, good night ^_^