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General rules; Your choice

NYC is a city that you either like it or hate it. I had offers from NYC but hesitate to go. Generally speaking, if you are single (no kids) and yonge, you should probablly go because of potencial career developement opportunities; however, if you are mid-30 and have (or will) start a family soon, then definitely not. The housing cost is so expensive in NYC. A two-bedroom apartment (not even condo!) which built pre-second-world war in Mahattan can easily cost you over 1M USD. If you are used to the housing price/rental price in Toronto, it is going to be a huge adjustment.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / In TORONTO, earning 85K annually, got 90K offer in NY, shall go for this offer? Please advise, very appriciate of any comments.
    • No. the living cost there is way higher than in Toronto
    • No way. If it's in NTC, you should ask for at least 110k with relocation bonus
      • Sorry I meant NYC, as suppose to NY state
    • y
    • Very appreciate, we get to reject the offer.
      • Think it over. NYC is one-and-only city. At least you should go there and live for a few months.
    • It depends on you. If you think you still have much potential to promote yourself in the future. Choose NYC, otherwise, stay in Canada
    • Is it true that sometimes, opportunities are more important than money?
    • Well if you really like the big apple, go ahead and take the pay cut...
      • Why not. 90K USD in NYC is not bad. I don't think living expense in NYC is much higher than that in Toronto.
        NYC is much more exciting.. And tax rate is lower there. But above all, career is much more important than money at this level.
        • Anyone lived in NYC knows the cost of living is a lot higher. Accorind to to THE INTERNATIONAL SALARY CALCULATOR: 85k in Toronto is about 138k in NYC. Check it out...
        • 纽约的东西很贵的,中餐的东西按票面算都比多伦多贵1.5到2倍。而且纽约市的市税很高。90K在纽约基本上不能住曼哈顿了,新泽西、皇后区、布鲁克林区什么的还凑合。其实如果想去的,多少钱都去,为了钱,美国没有什么地方比多伦多好的。
          • Could you pls post any good chinese website for NYC. Thx.
          • "为了钱,美国没有什么地方比多伦多好的" I don't think so.
            • 美国的税费和加拿大不相上下,“高收入”的边际税率比加拿大高得多。而且作为外国人的加拿大人可供避税的途径不多(要考虑居留的问题)。在加拿大,至少10几w一年不用交税是很平常的事情。
              • are you out of your mind? or just entertain us
              • I want to know how, especially the tax season is comming.. Seriously, I want to save some tax.
                • 避税是一个很长的题目,没法三言两语说清楚,而且好像不该放在这个坛子里面,有心的朋友可以帮忙转一下。(长文)
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛首先要明确避税是有成本的。首先的成本是得学习如何避税,其次是执行,还有如果避得狠被audit或打官司等等,如果本身要交的税不多就算了。其次,教人具体如何避税是犯法的,犯法的事情俺从来不干(至少不会让人知道有证据是吧),因此这里只有原则性的描述。


                  要少交税无非就是1)如何减少应税收入(taxable income);2)如何在不增加成本的情况下增加credit。注意,我不讨论RRSP,因为它只是延税。

                  3)拆分自己的收入(split income):收入就是那么多了,怎么拆分,如何拆分才能最优化呢?是一门科学。光提供此咨询服务的人每年都赚很多钱(5w10w以上)。





                  还有的成本是时间成本,这样经典的税表打印出来象一本书而不是几页纸。准备税表得一到两个月的业余时间(要平衡全家的考虑既往将来),可能还要自己写一些简单的Excel表格辅助计算。考虑一下如果这段时间如果都象今年这样风和日丽,如果只是多退一两千还不如去打高尔夫球算了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 多伦多的地税很低,公共服务发达。房价适中。公有医疗体系。在美国即使有医疗保险,付deductible也很容易有上千元的情况,特别是有小孩(不是什么都保的)。而且看病每次自付几十元诊金是平常的事情。
            • 美联储的政策核心是刺激经济,加拿大央行则是控制通货膨胀,因此美国的通胀率和加拿大比居高不下,每格两三年过去看一次就会发现美国的物价牌在不断的变,加拿大通常变化都很小。美国人工资涨得快,也是通货膨胀的一个反映。
              • Why I feel most items in US is cheaper?
                For example: grocery, car, gas, computer related and electritions, even house in most place (compared with the price in Toronto).
                • 我承认美国的物价比加拿大便宜而且服务好。但我说的是通胀,意思是这几年美国的东西没有前几年便宜了。
              • LOL.. now, I think you are joking here
            • 美国人的“高收入”和加拿大(安大略)比,很大程度上是因为工作时间长。像很多公司的公司文化就是13小时乘7的,还要算加班工资(1.5),可怜俺一周才工作35小时。单位生产率两国之间的差距不大。
              • I never worked that long in US.
                You are right, some people can earn 100k easily in Canada, but can't get that much in US, due to the lack of citizenship. But for most people, the average salary in US is still better, even taking the live expense into consideration. NYC is another special case too, but to claim no any place in US is better than Toronto is just funny.
              • yes, cadlic is funny guy!
                yes, cadlic is funny guy! I am working in US, much higher salary, much lower expense. for exp: 2 bedroom aprtment in nicest community is $600, and $60.00 for 2 car insurance. And by tthe way, I never work any overtime in US so far
                • two beds for only $600? Where do you live?? Mississippi?? In my city (MN), it will cost about $800 to $1000
                  • I am in Texas. MN is too cold
                    • Not really. It's 45F today, feels like a day in April. TX is too hot, though...:)) Plus, I don't like southern accent.
              • 俺鼓励朋友去美国,也鼓励朋友在加拿大,也鼓励朋友回流。在这个问题上俺没有既定的立场。把好坏都列出来,每个人面对机会都可以自己判断了。
    • I am living in NYC now and lived in Toronto before, compared with the salaries , there is no too much difference,maybe 90k<85k However there is a lot of difference in living style between these two cities.
      • Could you mind detailing the difference? Thanks in advance.
      • Could you pls post any good chinese website in NYC? Thank you .
      • Hi Channel, any debate on . #2746480? thanks
      • 我打字比较慢,所以就大概写写了,是我个人感受

        我感觉nyc可能是美国比较特殊的一个城市。城市文化生活非常丰富,但前提是你得舍得花钱在这些文化生活上,我的一个很好的同事喜欢去的一些地方,我们还是不舍得去的。尽管我们常在外面吃中国馆,但伙食费只占我们的生活费(房租除外)中的一小部分。中国餐馆一般都便宜,但好的西餐会很贵。在nyc房租会比较贵,特别是如果住在manhattan,房价会double/triple的. 还有shopping, 有人讲nyc是购物天堂,我想那可能是真的,这也是为什莫每月的账单会居高不下的原因吧。经管nyc有很多缺点,比如嘈杂,涌乱,节奏快,但确实让你大开眼界,一般来了nyc居住的人,很少有人会不喜欢她的。

        至于有人说高收入是应为加班的原应,我不知道他是不是专指investment banker, 我认识些associated analyst,他们确实需要很经常加班,但他们的bonus 比他们的salary 会高很多倍,那0。5-1 million 都算正常,但必须说他们是特殊人群,也是我在nyc见到的唯一需要经常加班的人群.

        • 非常有帮助,也非常感谢!
    • If I were you , I will chose come to US. Money is not issue, you will get much better one shortly.
    • 在纽约自己买医疗保险,每月的费用大约是多少美元?
    • I don't understand why people ask will apple taste better than banana or the other way around. For career development, come to NY. For family life, stay in Canada
      • I think you shoud go to The States, not only for your career development but also for your life.Good luck.
    • General rules; Your choice
      NYC is a city that you either like it or hate it. I had offers from NYC but hesitate to go. Generally speaking, if you are single (no kids) and yonge, you should probablly go because of potencial career developement opportunities; however, if you are mid-30 and have (or will) start a family soon, then definitely not. The housing cost is so expensive in NYC. A two-bedroom apartment (not even condo!) which built pre-second-world war in Mahattan can easily cost you over 1M USD. If you are used to the housing price/rental price in Toronto, it is going to be a huge adjustment.