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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

我是8年多没回去过了,现在国内真的这马糟糕吗? 现在还是共产党领导吗?

上次回去,买了从北京到成都的车票,北京的同学劝我坐飞机,说火车不安全,他八八说了"年轻人还是应该锻炼锻炼,火车会不安全?现在中国还是共产党领导的吧?" 好, 我就坐火车.一天两夜,我们车厢被洗劫了三次, 天亮快到成都的时候连厕所都不干上,看这满车厢每个人都象盗匪. 那个时候看只觉得是社会现象,治安不好,全世界或多或少都有这问题. 现在听你们说"没有讲理的地方", 感觉有点惊心.这可是制度性的问题. 还有,生病住院得自己掏钱了吗? 如果没有了公费医疗,医疗保险中可以买吧? 很穷的人生了病怎莫办? 中国对我来说是一个梦, 每天看CCTV4, 觉得比以前好太多了.我本来打算回国驻一段时间, 能不能谈谈现在中国到底怎马样? (抱歉的很,刚学会大平英,有些自实在大不出来,希望大家能看懂)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / IT的同行们请关注! 在加拿大年薪100K$以上的国内去的程序员能有多少?别的移民论坛称:在国内的家庭年收入超过200KRMB,去加拿大挣钱就没有意义了。您怎么看这个问题?(渴望直言真言)
    • If you are a senior software engineer, and had several years north america experience, you can get over 100k also.
      I think the main difference to stay outside than in China is something also than money. If you only think about money and how to use the money, 200KRMB is the reason to stay inside the China.

      Good luck.
    • This depends on your goal.
      This depends on what do you really want. If you want money, Canada is not a good place, because the salary is not so high and got such a high tax. But what money can not buy is the fresh air and water, the peaceful life and so on. From my personal experience, my wife and I can earn more than 400k RMB in China. Finally we decide to move here. Although my wife got a job of Can$65k, our family income goes down sharply (especially the post-tax income). But we never regret our decision.
      • it is too late to regret.
    • if you only want the money now, do not go to Canada, if you want money of the future( not far away) and add some clolors to your life, come. If you are good and you believe that you are good, you can make good money anywhere, sooner or later.
    • 尽管钱是一个问题,但不要把目光紧盯在钱上。





      • 我发现Rollor大哥讲的话总是很有道理.
        • 同意
        • 他要改名叫Reasonable了
          • No. My official name is No Problem.
      • 我是8年多没回去过了,现在国内真的这马糟糕吗? 现在还是共产党领导吗?
        上次回去,买了从北京到成都的车票,北京的同学劝我坐飞机,说火车不安全,他八八说了"年轻人还是应该锻炼锻炼,火车会不安全?现在中国还是共产党领导的吧?" 好, 我就坐火车.一天两夜,我们车厢被洗劫了三次, 天亮快到成都的时候连厕所都不干上,看这满车厢每个人都象盗匪. 那个时候看只觉得是社会现象,治安不好,全世界或多或少都有这问题. 现在听你们说"没有讲理的地方", 感觉有点惊心.这可是制度性的问题. 还有,生病住院得自己掏钱了吗? 如果没有了公费医疗,医疗保险中可以买吧? 很穷的人生了病怎莫办? 中国对我来说是一个梦, 每天看CCTV4, 觉得比以前好太多了.我本来打算回国驻一段时间, 能不能谈谈现在中国到底怎马样? (抱歉的很,刚学会大平英,有些自实在大不出来,希望大家能看懂)
      • hehe, Rollor 的生活现状只有四个字可以概括: 繁荣昌盛!
        • 夸奖了。上面的帖子是按写简历的技巧写的,虽然没有撒谎,但虚张声势的成分还是有的。其实我的生活也很艰辛,在深圳时我雇人给我做饭,现在享受不了了,每天必须亲自下厨。前些日子还把手指头尖儿削掉一些,至今未愈(日本产的切削器,真好用)。
    • 要挣钱就不去加拿大,去加拿大是为了享受生活。
      • 别让生活把你给享受了..
        • 放心吧你呢!我会在任何生活水平上享受生活。
          • good point! 心态最重要。所谓桃花源,只有从心里归去来矣!
      • 在加拿大能吃上羊肉泡才是真正的享受生活.
    • I make 120K a year now, three years experience, computer science M.Sc from a US top 25 university.
      However, my classmates who stayed in US are making 120K in US dollars, less tax...
    • sorry guys, I don't think it is a good point of talking. Who care the guys make much inChina.
      But I got to tell you that this is the 9th month of mine in Canada, took me 2 month job hunting, first job 60K, as RF engineer, now I work with Nortel Networks and Bell mobility, 75K as design Eng.

      There are so many guys powerful and feel satisfied in China, and making money in China, but now they landed here, altrough it is hard for them even for watching TV, hard with English. it is suck!

      Don't mention any more excuse for staying or leaving Canada, it is your own business.

      Before be here, be sincerely to yourself, how about your English.

      I do believe that every body is as same to each other, and also different from each other, you make our own life, You can not good at everything, but you must make fun of something.

      just enjoy your life in Canada, since you are here now. and don't bother yourself with leaving or some other silly ideas!
    • 在我身边许多人能有月薪6000的水平 去加拿大不一定是为赚钱呀?在那儿可以转道美国,申请顶好的大学 而现在顶好的大学即使给你offer,也会因为奖学金非全奖而被拒,好可怜!