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老王卖瓜,这么真金白银的东西,没几个人赞同? 唉。有时也许是这样,15w 工作的大路不走,偏转牛角。同学们,我很奇怪?我有必要再参与吗?对了,最后两条成就是我从自己的简历上摘的。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Share some suggestions on how to build up an IT resume in Finance Industry

Context Assumption:

Job: Senior/Intermediate level Application Programmer/Consultant position in a Top Investment Bank MBS Analytics Department.
Location: NYC
Salary: Full-time $100K to $150K (base + bonus)

1. Recruiters scan resume in less than 10 secs. So, I believe the following items are important.

a. Key words, such as Bell lab, Lucent Technology, J.P.Morgan, C++, Java, Java Architect Certificate, Distinguised Award, (at least you have one or two key words that can be immediately highlighted by recruiters)
Of course even more better if you know break-even oas, dv01, and so on.

b. Degree, of course better if you got Master degree
c. Certificates

2. Some problems.

a. Previous job history is not stable. If we have worked for five companies for the last five years, then it is a big problem. I understand we have to survive when we come to Canada. But I have to say that we must build up very stable work history in our resumes.

b. Previous job history is not solid and aggressive. Solid does not mean that we have to work for big companies. Solid means you have to demonstrate that you did make impressive progress every year. E.g. you got some certificates every year. Java programmer --> java developer --> java architect

c. Lack of a list of major achievements or accomplishments.
E.g. "Major Accomplishments I managed a team to successfully deliver XXX product. This product generates over $10 Million revenue per year for the company."
Second example: “Major Accomplishments: We successfully deliver risk data to all major trading desks with over $15 billion dollars as portfolio current market value”
See, I use two achievements and I believe better than two-pages decription of what you did before.

Hopefully the above suggs would be helpful for our resume built up.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 对新来移民找电脑程序员工作的一点小建议
    • Too much misleading, Sir.
      • sorry if anything misleading. let us talk...
        • Only one, I can agree with you -- -- "明白终极目标,我们所作的,只是养家糊口的行为。"
    • 是有点misleading。
      • 俺觉得楼主的话实在, 不过如同实现共产主义和人人必有一死一样, 谁也不知道终极是早晚.
        • 如果对于程序员的定义是coder而不是programmer的话,楼主的话还有点道理。随便抓个中学生用那些Visual Studio动动鼠标也能写程序的。对于真正的programmer,就绝对是另外一个样子了。
    • The best strategy is HONEST.
      • 说这话很有水平!点出最重要的一点:西方是信用社会,work ethnics and integrity are most important characteristics for professionals. 事实上,我所说的,都间接跟信用有关。
        • 扯的更远一些,信用是建立在宗教信仰 (基督,天主,犹太,孔子儒家,等)的基础上。没有信仰的人生,怎么有信用?试想,用网络匿名骂人或贬低别人,谁会相信他在实际生活中是有信用的人?如果他有信仰,他敢随便贬低别人吗?
          • 这个话题跟中国和印度Developer的区别也有关。表面上,是英语差异,本质上,跟信仰有关。
    • 自相矛盾
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛你后面的依据说得很好,可是结论不对:终极目标要明确:美加是发达国家,电脑程序员 (无论低,中,高)工作最终要流向中国印度等发展国家。因为世界已经联网。


      Top Ten Tech Jobs, Wages Released
      ExtremeTech Staff - ExtremeTechMon Feb 6, 7:54 AM ET
      Hourly wages for tech professionals hit a record high during the fourth quarter of 2005, according to a report released Monday.

      According to the Yoh Index of Technology Wages, hourly pay increased by 3.1 percent to an average of $30.27 per hour between October 10, 2005 and November 6, 2005. Since the fourth quarter of 2001, wages for "high-impact technology professionals" have rise nearly 11 percent, the frm found.

      The positions in the most demand include SAP functional consultants, who commanded an average of $75.09 pr hour. Data warehouse architects, CRM managers, hardware/firmware engineers and a generic project manager classification rounded out the top five.

      "Ending 2005 with the highest wages for skilled technology professionals recorded in five years is a high water mark for the industry," said Jim Lanzalotto, vice president of strategy and marketing for Yoh, in a statement. "Despite major economic setbacks during the year, the technology industry has demonstrated its strength and confirmed its power to propel the employment market in a positive direction."

      The Yoh data is culled from actual employment activity of over 5,000 technology professionals outsourced on short- and long-term projects by over 1,000 of the nation's top employers in aviation, engineering, information technology, manufacturing, scientific, telecommunications, and utility industries, according to the company. It is used to determine salaries in Fortune 500 companies.

      According to Yoh, the top ten jobs with the highest demand by employers in the fourth quarter of 2005, together with their average hourly wages, were:

      Clinical Research Associate - $38.52
      Data Manager - $45.06
      CRM Project Manager - $62.01
      Data Warehouse Architect - $69.03
      Hardware/Firmware engineer - $59.34
      .NET Developer - $45.77
      Oracle Database Administrator - $55.82
      Project Manager - $57.07
      SAP Functional Consultant - $75.09
      Senior Scientist - $43.76更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • LZ 似乎有坐井观天之嫌。要知道,programming 在IT中的份量只有1/3。
      • 请教另2/3是啥?
        • BA, PM
        • Pls see ==>
          Directly Related
          01) Feasibility study
          02) Requirement gathering
          03) Analysis
          04) Design
          05) Modeling
          06) (!!! programming !!!)
          07) QA / User Acceptance Testing / Beta program
          08) Change management
          09) Deployment / publishing
          10) Documentation / User Manual / User Training
          11) Translation
          12) H/W / S/W installation & configuration
          13) Project management (schedule / budget / hiring / client/vendor relationship )

          Indirectly Related
          14) Network infrastrure & service
          15) Security infrastructure & service
          16) Data infrastructure & service
          17) Middleware infrastructure & service
          18) Disaster Recovery
    • 7. 很简单:什么时候,缺了你,老板怕怕: In small company, might be true. In big company, you will get fired soon.
      • 也对。大公司,缺了谁,都转。尽力而为吧。
    • 很感谢大家参与。我想我写错了题目。这些建议应是探讨问题板。千万不要认真。不过,我想多说几句。欢迎砸砖。希望砸出真知。
      1.no matter of programmer, developer or coder, the trend is loosing jobs in USA/Canada, a lot of jobs will be re-conducted to India or China.
      2. It does not matter of which industry we are talking about. sooner or later, we will see that we do not have much competition capacity anymore. Only one reason: much lower costs in India. Even we are talking about Wall Street Quant jobs which are ranked among at highest level of professionals, they are still facing this problem. Again, got all data, hire three Ph.Ds in Physics in India, they cannot beat one guy at Wall Street? no need to mention about whatever programmers or consultants at all.
      3. Of course, we are talking in a generic way. Of course, we gonna have some developers or project managers here. But we are talking about today's international factories are re-allocated to China, then the same thing, today or tomorrow's IT jobs would flow into China/India. It is just a matter of how much percentage, or how fast it is gonna move.
      • tom是个好心人,讲的也有道理,就是一点,单纯丛技术角度讲你对技术的理解还不到位.其他的都是实话.
    • 如果你会比较偏门的东西,比如 Macintosh, Cobol, Mainframe...虽然工作机会少, 但是面试成功的可能行很大,而且稳定的多。比较通用的东西,你会他也会。本人的切身体会。
    • 众口难调,实在是一百个人有一百个意见。我希望没人骂我就不错了。朋友们,提建议难阿。百忙之中,写点话。说我技术不行。我以后准备当看客了,多学习 :-)
      • 我赞一个. 论坛嘛, 仁者见仁,智者见智. 没有谁是100%正确的,也没有一棒子打死的.. 给程序员们带来思考就够了.
      • I like your post and I agree on what we disagree.
      • 可别有别的想法呀,这同学们还是很欣赏你的:)
    • 老王卖瓜,这么真金白银的东西,没几个人赞同? 唉。有时也许是这样,15w 工作的大路不走,偏转牛角。同学们,我很奇怪?我有必要再参与吗?对了,最后两条成就是我从自己的简历上摘的。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Share some suggestions on how to build up an IT resume in Finance Industry

      Context Assumption:

      Job: Senior/Intermediate level Application Programmer/Consultant position in a Top Investment Bank MBS Analytics Department.
      Location: NYC
      Salary: Full-time $100K to $150K (base + bonus)

      1. Recruiters scan resume in less than 10 secs. So, I believe the following items are important.

      a. Key words, such as Bell lab, Lucent Technology, J.P.Morgan, C++, Java, Java Architect Certificate, Distinguised Award, (at least you have one or two key words that can be immediately highlighted by recruiters)
      Of course even more better if you know break-even oas, dv01, and so on.

      b. Degree, of course better if you got Master degree
      c. Certificates

      2. Some problems.

      a. Previous job history is not stable. If we have worked for five companies for the last five years, then it is a big problem. I understand we have to survive when we come to Canada. But I have to say that we must build up very stable work history in our resumes.

      b. Previous job history is not solid and aggressive. Solid does not mean that we have to work for big companies. Solid means you have to demonstrate that you did make impressive progress every year. E.g. you got some certificates every year. Java programmer --> java developer --> java architect

      c. Lack of a list of major achievements or accomplishments.
      E.g. "Major Accomplishments I managed a team to successfully deliver XXX product. This product generates over $10 Million revenue per year for the company."
      Second example: “Major Accomplishments: We successfully deliver risk data to all major trading desks with over $15 billion dollars as portfolio current market value”
      See, I use two achievements and I believe better than two-pages decription of what you did before.

      Hopefully the above suggs would be helpful for our resume built up.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • you work in NYC?
        • yep
          • hehe, big money:), from Bloomberg?
            • bloomberg is just a data feed supplier to banks and it is not a top investment bank company at all. But we do use bloomberg server API to get some BM anaytics numbers for real closed trades...
              • you are not working in investment banking industry, aren't u?
                • no, I had several interview with bloomberg so far, I want to 削尖脑袋钻进这个行业:)
                  • bloomberg? again, it is a data gathering company. We are using BM, Intex and so on as data feeds and it is a not a Wall Street company.
                    • I did not say I want to join the baning industry, coz I do not know the business.
                      • 柳五随风, for investment banking history, please allow me to share something with you.
                        1. Two categories, when we are talking about Wall Street, we are talking about GS, Merrill, Morgan, Citigroup, CSFB, Deutsche Bank, UBS, J.P.Morgan and Bank Of America.
                        2. When we talking about commercial banks, we refer to Citi, Chase, Deutsche bank, Bank of America, HSBC, and so on.
                        3. please "削尖脑袋钻进这个行业" --> this means investment banking business which makes huge money.
                        4. do not go to bloomberg which is not a top investment bank
                        • thanks tom, but you know I do not know the business, so I need a ladder first.
                          actually it doe not matter it is BM or whatever, I just want to wade into this industry not because the pay is hig(true), but it is more stable.
                          thanks for shining the lights on me,
                          to 单纯丛技术角度讲你对技术的理解还不到位, I thought you misunderstood it:) I point was you never thought from a pure developer's perspective, actually not muany people have the chanc to work in a gloden industry, let it be financial or big IT lab.
                          • never mind. But I have to point it out that your thought is wrong.
                            The investment banking industry (Wall Street big firms) is the most volatile one. I do not know where you grep the stable idea? 100% wrong. but it is true that it is a small world. Once you in, then you in. If you are not in, you are always outside of the wall.
                            • the industry is stable, that is my point.
                              even the bank goes down, you still have bunches of chance, right:), in that case, I use stable instaed of volatile. also becausue it need time to be competent in this industry, so you are safer when there is shffufle:)

                              Is this right?
                              • I think I better take some time to write another piece of arguable suggestion on some thoughs like you have.
                                you just do not know the truth and you do not know how to sharp your sword. we always are prepared to get away from the office to be laid off. I AM serious, I am talking about EVERYDAY! Yes, we may get 200K this year but we may not find a job for the following year when stock market crashes.
                                • oh, tell us more, please.
                                  • There are a lot to talk. If you have some questions, then I would like to provide some suggs.
                                    Well, if you really want to make big money, my notes within this thread are perfect for you. Serious. And each person path is diff. So, we may talk in PM if you send me your background and questions. Again, I learn Tech from you and I may provide some business domain and entry tricks...
                                    • I would be pleased to talk to you later, good night
                                      • do you know autosys, computer engine farms? :-)
                                        • engine farms? you mean grid? or whatelse? autosys is a big concept, so I do not know exactly what you were talking.
                          • my friend, Bloomberg is a data provider, a highly competitive industry
                            it's not as stable (financially) as you thought. (see Reuters)
                            If you got chance, go for front office of an investment bank,
                            1) adapt to new tech
                            2) stable if you are capable (almost impossible for outsourcing)
                            3) big $$ reward

                            very high pressure
                            • thanks, but I do not have any business background, I think that matters a lot, right?
                              I am pretty comfortable with the tech, but not the business stuff.
          • work for MS?
            you once used perl...I know perl is heavily used in MS.
            • we are competitors
              • gs, mer,csfb, leh, bsc?
                you must be from one of them
                • what is bsc?
                  • bears stearns
                    you are working in NYC but not in a wall-st company. I have to scratch my head... fidelity or some other fund companies from Boston or Chicago?
                    • you should include ubs where I may come from ...
                      • and you forget J.P.Morgan which is very strong in fixed-income...
                      • I see
                        my last try :) - you are working in investment bank of a "financial warehouse" like CITI or JP Morgan?
          • 什么是NYC
            • New York City, I guess
      • 2.b 是我以前没有意识到的,这样写可以让简历从逻辑上看上去就很强.谢谢分享
    • 别的不敢说, "很简单:什么时候,缺了你,老板怕怕" 的时候就离走人不远了. 这个道理最蠢的manager都知道, 他要不让你走他就得走了.
      • tom的意思应该是老板离开你就赚不了那么多钱了的时候:)
        • or boss is very confortable when you are takeing control of work.
          • this may not be true:), tom sometimes that is even very dangerous .
        • 这种念头本身就很不成熟,任何时候,任何地方,都不缺干活的人;CEO,CFO,CIO甚至 老板,随时都可以被开,任何活,只要给钱,就能找到人干,尤其是大公司,每个人,就是 一个可以被替代的螺丝钉,这应该也是职业素养了吧。
          • 任何事情都不能绝对化嘛,你不觉得CEO/President走人的可能性要比一个staff worker的几率小很多?:)
            • 你仔细看看,基本上CEO换人的机率比普通员工大得多。
          • 如果你掌握最核心的技术,你是公司盈利的引擎,无论是大公司还是小公司,话就不是这么说了。要知道,很多东西即使写出来这个世界上也不会有多少人看得懂的。
            • 如果楼主还是停留在养家糊口的低级阶段,是很难奢望稳定的工作的。反之,因为长期有了稳定的工作,人的需求就能上升到更高的境界。当钱是脑海中最后的考虑的时候,好东西(金钱、名誉、地位、男人/女人?)就会不可理喻涌向你。
              • 因为钱已经不足以吸引你继续为公司为个人为社会创造更大的贡献。这种吸引必须大于悠闲和享乐的诱惑,使你仍然不知疲倦地继续工作。使你感觉到工作是你的第一需要!
                • 在过去的几年移民生活,经历外间多少所谓的低潮。自己何尝不是几个网站一杯茶,一年写不了几百行程序地过了几年呢?每天看着天花板在纸上面涂涂画画。无他,只是因为做了一个几年后UT叫兽们认为在可见的将来仍不会可行的几十K的小东西。
                  • 如果千百人因为你的发明有了饭碗,千百人的饭碗直接与你相关的时候,你觉得你的地位会怎么样呢?我的老板就不担心我跳槽(也许别人出多少他们铁定出更多),最担心俺撞车,每次旅行都叮嘱俺注意(驾驶)安全。
                    • 此等例子还有很多很多。君不见那些公司历次裁员,总有些人是幸免的。哪怕整个分支裁掉,他们也能在之前或之后转到另一个分支的呢?如果你是下一任雇主,你是不是也会喜欢那些(总裁不掉)因而“长寿”的员工呢?
                      • 这个长城无他,只是觉得有些人的经历和看法是不一样的。如果我给一些建议,那么就是努力工作,珍惜机会。你的credit(口碑)和你的network一样重要。这是俺感受尊夫人的经历。
                        • 当什么人缺人的时候就想到你,那么钱又是什么东西呢?夫人同志这几年就没正经面试过(所谓的多少强大公司啊)身边的人变来变去,最少的时候只剩下自己一个人,xxw的工作还在不断地拍门。
                          • 最后,我觉得楼主是好心人。但也许人生并不如此灰暗。谁又没有经历当初那半年到一年的过渡期的“苦”日子呢?但是如果你哪怕只浪费了一个机会,就不要怪命运了。
                            • 写的好,真心适宜。谢谢你鼓励我们大家。
              • LZ 养家糊口的低级阶段? I thought this is my advanced summary of work :-)
    • Tom,每个人有每个人的活法。你的活法以及任何人的活法,都只有极少数人是和他相同的。加了这个前提,你的建议就100分了。
      • 38, 我是极少数赞同你这话的人中的一个
        • why you guys always call him "38"?:), cz "38" refers to womem who like spread rumors (in Cantonese).
          • 在这里不用太认真。你叫了,他不生气,就接着叫^_^何况这是他自己起的名啊
        • 我这话是真理,全部人都会赞同的,你是千千万万个人中的一员呐!
      • 人的努力其实只占50%。另一半靠运气。住大家好运气。
        • 有些东西拔苗助长不行。还是一步一个脚印吧。先找一份工作,再走弯路,耗青春年华,折腾,回炉读书,毕业,失业,在折腾。生活是自己走出来得。
          • 对。时候没到,你让他走你的路也不行。时候到了,你想不让他走你这条路也不行。时候过了,如果还在你这条路上挤着,就挤破头了,总得有几个被挤到别的可能是更好的路上去。凭现在你的认识,你该是走下一步的时候了。别说我没提醒你。
            • 谢谢您老提醒。我也思考如何走一步棋。
        • 我到认为: 人的努力其实只占30%不到,可能还低。其它都靠。。。。
    • 我们一贯思维是如何持续性赠钱,培养工作能力。我刚开始工作也是想不了这么多。我想跟大家探讨问题是一个培养工作能力和赠钱能力的系统性工程。这需要天时地利 和人和,时间。
      1。天时 --》 job market is pretty good or hot and you can find a job
      2. 地利 --> NYC or Toronto finance hubs
      3. 人和 --> we have to be lucky to know some really senior professional people or pretigious giant companies to show us some instructions or directions, or systematical trainings.
      4. 时间 --》take five to ten years to build up considerable professional work experience in a specific industry.
      • 但按照你自己的话,这些其实 “只占50%。另一半靠运气。“, 对吗? 那麽,可以告诉我们你的另一半吗?
        • 这么多年经历告诉我:多少人身怀绝技,就是不顺。什么北大科大,就是美国的博士也不顺。为什么?两点:赶的点儿不好;路子没走对。
          电脑景气,匆匆忙忙转行,光忙着钱,没有长线打算 (也不知怎么打算 或是因种种原因不能打算),转眼facing outsourcing or other problems. So, cannot continue to build up a good career path. 一定不要忘了:your family members are looking forward a stable cashflow-in in 20 years. Not only in certain discrete years. 我说的也包括我自己。
          • 对不起,我怎麽越看越糊涂了。那你到底是靠运气呢? 还是你在这里显示你真的不是靠运气,完全是比我们一般人聪明、“厉害“、能干,。。。。 ?????
            • 对不起,您既然不懂, 以后再说吧。
              • please be careful if you wanna a judgement :-)
      • 明白。系统工程是靠天时地利人和的,而且需要5到10年的时间来完成一个“电脑程序” 加上 一个“什么”。
        • 难度不小吧
          • 对刚毕业的是比较难。过了5到10年,你说难不难?!
            • 如果不难一点,大家都轻松增20年,每年10万快钱,咱们也不需探讨了。
              • "人的努力其实只占50%。另一半靠运气。住大家好运气。" ---- 前后自相矛盾!看不懂!
                • 那你说说,有什么高见?
                  • 不懂!
                    • 生气是一时,别往心里去。有什么问题,咱们一块合计一项,偏差就小.
                      • 您要是真找工作,我愿效犬吗之劳。
                        • How can you do for me please? Thanks!
                          • 量身定作。决无虚言。:前提: 你正在找工作。
                            • 我不找工作,天天在家研究open source, 加刷网啊?
                              • looking for a job or not?
                                • my LG 在找工, don't know if there is any position you can offer/refer to us?
                                • yes, I am looking for a job.
                                  • send me a pm about your basic info, then I may provide some ideas please.
                              • 研究什么OPEN SOURCE PROJECT
                              • which project?
                • “一个人的才智比不上它的运气”-好像(不知道是不是幻觉)俺从幼儿园到大学到工作都被所有认识的人(博士?叫兽?)视为天才。但俺的国内百万年薪的(最穷是)教授的父亲对我如是说-
                  • 你可真逗.真是发散思维呀:)
      • 补充几点:1)如果天时不好,碰到大萧条,怎么办?难道不活了吗?有志者为什么不可以自己创业呢。困难永远是有的,此点只和有志者探讨。
        • 2)如果我们不幸生在“苦难”的中国,怎么办?当然已经不是问题了。在座不是千山万水地跑到加拿大来了吗?再向前一步到帝国主义的心脏又有多远呢?
          • 3)华尔街不招手怎么办?俺觉得聪明人有本事的干什么都能干出一番事业的。真正的聪明不是别人告诉你走那一条路,而是自己发现一条路。
        • 我的观点是: 人一生中没有几次机会,大部分人都会错失那几次良机。
          • 而且很多事都是阴差阳错。
    • totally agree.
    • ”什么时候,缺了你,老板怕怕“ 这句话争议太大。我把它改成:”在一个公司干几年,什么时候,当你辞职后,老板很惋惜,因为他要找一个或几个人代替你干的,还是没有你在的时候让老板省心。“
      这说明你还是干出点明堂。你也学了一些经验,建立了点自己的小声誉和一点人脉。如果是在大型跨国公司,在有前途的部门,这经验,声誉和人脉 就更值钱一些。