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希望明白人还是多的.要骂的人你不说他也会骂. 这钱可不是白得的. 在支票上是”Thank you for helping build this province”. 你说的也有理, 本想交换增值兑现的Tip, 还是去亚省论坛交流的好.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 今天收到400块,这钱来之不易. Klein1992年上台时, 亚省欠了220亿债.Klein自减5%的工资, 取消了了省议员的PENSION.砍了三分之一的部长.亚省人才能同心协力勒紧腰带.艰苦奋斗才有今天的繁荣.
    • Things granted will never last long. All Canadians have made their share for your 400 bucks.
      • Tell me how you helped with my 400 dollars check
        • Learn more about how much Torontonians and Ontarions have been contributed to the country then you may have some say.
          • It was Ontarian who suffer from the Government(Libral) they chose! Look at how many Libral MP from Ontario and what they have done to the province!
            • Liberal has made AB so rich over the last 12 yrs by giving them lots of preferential policies and grants. As the economic engine of Canada, Toronto and Ontario have done enough for you guys.
              • well, what one can say about it? in one word, you like it, so you deserve it too! Think about why you guys keep supporting those who make you have done enough for others. he he.
                • Well, we don't live only on oil. We are the ones that make Canada today.
                • If PC were in power in the last 12 yrs, you would have still been in where you are from.
          • 你的英文写错了。have been contributed 是别人给你上供,不是你给别人。
            • I dont wanna be rude, but s/he might be right. To use "contributing" may be better, I dont know, leave some spaces to discuss it.
              • "Somebody has been contributed to..." is a big issue, I guess, like Dr Norman Bethune, or... a hooker? lol...
                • 对也许有“鞠躬尽瘁”的意思:)
            • Not necessarily.
    • 你们省长和省衙役工资pension得多高啊,只需稍稍减1/3,就够全省每人(家?)发400块?腐败如此啊。
      • Either I have problem in writing Chinese, or you have one in reading it.
    • 卖贱地(QUEUE'SPARK) should start to cut their salary and pension
      • 就是那个叫“捣腾.卖贱地"的?
        • Do you know who is Mike Harris? PC. Did lots of bad things to Ontarions and left huge debts to the current government. Learn more about history. Don't claim something that is groundless.
          • 只有在Alberta的居民拿到了400块的繁荣金。
            我承认其他省的人民一样为加拿大做了很大贡献,可是只听到税收越来越高等负面消息, 只能说是省政府管理不善吧。欢迎大家移民Alberta, 特别是Calgary&Edmonton, 真是欣欣向荣。我认为我当时从多伦多搬来Calgary的选择真是正确.
            • OK. Rely on the bucks you got . When the oil is totally grabed by BUSHIT, what will you guys live on? Begging your beloved BUSHIT?
              • 能用中文上贴吗? 你的英文不好理解.
              • 觉得您年纪也不小了,怎么说话这么刻薄?你可以不支持保守党,讨厌美国,但也不用一口一个BUSHIT吧,这个词好像不应该在一个文明的网站出现这么高的频率
                • You certainly can think BUSHIT is a beautiful flower. But I do not bear the same view. He is, in my eyes, always and will be BUSHIT.
                  • Your master is a loser. So are you!
                    • Write something meaningful rather than making groundless judgement. A loser has made Canada the best in G8 countries. A lose has given you the chance coming to Canada and possibly having a job.
                    • Are you a winner? Can you write and speak proper English? Or do you have a fabulous career making you well-off or have you been picked as one of Harper's inner-circle memebers? If not, shut up.
          • when you blame someone for bad doing, you should prove it instead of claiming it! when you ask others to learn more about history, you should go and learn first!
            I may not agree with all Harris' Gov did and their policies, but at least they did what they campaigned for, bottom line, one knows what they would do.

            You just have no idea about what the current Libral government would do. You will see how they will be booted out 2 years later.
            • History has proven what Harris did and this bad guy has been in court and still under accusation and criminal investigation.
            • Bottom line, Harris is a cheater so are other PCs.
    • 最近怎么这么多钱派呀?! 我们那两百还是两百五都还没收到呢.
      • 还惦记着二百五呐?多干事业少唰网吧。
        • 嗯, 多看书, 考证书.
          • 诶,你不都manager了吗?还考证书?
            • 别听他们瞎说.
      • 你说的是取暖补贴吧? 我也在等着.
    • 算了吧,兄弟,你们那是乘着石油贵大发横财,大家在加油站里都做了贡献了,你还是感谢大家吧
    • 别描了,要不是energy...
    • 你白拿了钱还XB, 不是讨骂吗?
      • 希望明白人还是多的.要骂的人你不说他也会骂. 这钱可不是白得的. 在支票上是”Thank you for helping build this province”. 你说的也有理, 本想交换增值兑现的Tip, 还是去亚省论坛交流的好.
    • 看看外面翻了一倍的油价,看看因石油货币升值而失去竞争力不得不关闭的一个个工厂,老生常谈咋说来着,"no pain, no gain" ?; or maybe no pay no gain? I beg you, please,please,stop gassing!
      • 加币升值不仅仅是石油上涨的原因. 央行不该一直升息.
        • 央行涨利息不是根本原因,根本原因就是石油和其他矿产。1998年前后加元从75c跌到2002年的62c,当时利息并不低,但是黄金低价导致了加元下跌
    • 别得了便宜还卖乖。记住:阿尔伯塔的石油属于全加拿大人!
      • 联邦已经从阿省石油中拿了大部分税收.
      • Welcome to Alberta!
      • 加拿大属于地球,所以记住:阿尔伯塔的石油属于全地球人,同理可使用于李嘉诚,比尔盖茨的财产,只要保持住我们吃大户的思维,我们可以分享每一个人的财富,阿尔伯塔的石油算什么。
        • Just curious what can you get from Bill Gates and Li Jiacheng?
    • 行了行了,您就别再煽情搞笑了。你那片地怎么来的那点钱谁还不清楚?撑死了也就是加拿大的“阿拉伯的”人。没有身边那些石油你们就再勒紧裤腰带20年奋斗着吧。