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自由党 是 爰国爰移民的好榜样! 管你安全部说老虎是恐怖组织! 为了表示亲民的好形像!它的筹虎大会就是要参加! 老虎头头们就是要接见, 他们不远万里来到加拿大。 总理怎可不见他,还要不辞劳苦组团去回访他!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛因为谁选我党 ,我党就要保护他!

[转帖]Liberals and deadly Tigers

National Post

January 15, 2005

Your editorial (Don't Play With Tigers, Jan. 13) rightly criticizes MP Jim Karygiannis for pandering to the Tamil Tigers and their front organizations. It is puzzling why some Liberals turn a blind eye to a group that is noted for its suicide bombings, forcible recruitment of children as soldiers, arms trafficking and the assassination of Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

When I was a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, I dealt with hundreds of refugee claims by Sri Lankan Tamils. Most had been victimized by the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The fast-track asylum process allowed innumerable Tigers to obtain Canadian citizenship and to use Canada as a safe base for their operations, including drug trafficking and credit-card fraud.

They also extort money from Canadian Tamils, as they do in Sri Lanka, to support the Tiger cause.

If Mr. Karygiannis believes the Tigers in Canada are representative of the more than 200,000 Canadians of Tamil origin, he is guilty of unforgivable ignorance.

William Bauer, Hensall, Ont.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 保守党再是甜言蜜语也改变不了它反多元文化,反移民的面目。大家看看哈巴和戴卫国的言行即可。有些少数族裔的人还要拼命把它推上台让它有机会去把他们的言论变为现实。
    • 保守党的财政政策非常低级简单:减税加花钱。只最求短期效益。根本不管收支平衡和加强国际贸易的重要性。美国的保守党还有另外刺激经济的一招:打仗。不过美国打仗有人埋单,哈伯估计只有替别人埋单的份。
      • One of the reasons we should never vote for Harper. He would be going to make fundamental changes in Canada that for sure leading to social tumors/disasters.
    • What Paul Martin can do is attack and attack. I vote Conservative. I vote Harper.
      • Bravo! one more independent soul!
        • 这种做法很低级好不好!不管是投保守党还是自由党,都是equally independent。
          • 问题是除了他们害怕保守党外,没人正经给出了一个投自油党的理由,说的全是套话.不能独立思考,怎有独立人格.说出事实有何低级?
            • 了解你的水准了。谢谢
            • 保馊党歇了12年了,的确没有什么“政绩”可以讨论,他们的政纲也都是“套话”,所以,我们的分析里你看见套话也不足为奇了。
    • #2729419@0
      • 虽然此人的言论无知,却不是种族主义。他明说“如果医疗不紧张,新移民平等医疗权利不是个问题”。在一个single payer的体制下,确实有人多付了钱(交税),而无法得到服务。此人是想谈钱,找错了对象,成了谈移民。


        • 话都说那么明显了。意思是说大家有饭吃的时候,你们移民吃点也无所谓。万一饭不够吃,对不住,移民得让我先吃饱。经济好的时候,你们移民找工作机会均等,万一经济滑坡,移民就是保守派的替罪羊。
        • 没错.在一个谈体制的事情里他无意中流露出来的对移民的厌恶与歧视其实比在谈移民问题时做好包装的话来得更真实.
    • 多元文化未必是好事,作为少数民族,我们要的是平等而不是照顾。#2724389
      • 顶。举双手赞成 #2715908
      • Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers,two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转帖]A blind eye to Tamil terrorism

        In Australia, Britain and the United States, belonging to or attempting to raise funds for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) -- better known as the Tamil Tigers -- can lead to arrest or imprisonment. Given the track record of this vicious terrorist group, that makes sense. But while other countries have banned the LTTE outright, Ottawa turns a blind eye. Our government bars known Tigers from entering Canada and freezes the group's assets when officials stumble on them. But more than three years after the passage of the federal Anti-Terrorism Act, the governing Liberals still refuse to place the LTTE on Canada's official list of banned terrorist groups.

        Ottawa's failure to act cannot stem from ignorance. Until a recent shaky ceasefire took effect, the Tigers' two-decade long war with the Sri Lankan government had led to 60,000 deaths, many from LTTE terror bombings and ambushes. World leaders in suicide bombings, the Tigers are known for targetting civilians -- particularly women and children. And they press-gang children into doing much of their fiercest fighting: The LTTE's "Leopard Brigade" contains as many as 3,000 seven- to 14-year-olds who were taken from their parents as toddlers and fed a steady diet of anti-government propaganda and nihilism.

        To fund all this, the LTTE extorts money from the Tamil diaspora in over 50 countries, including Canada, threatening to torture or kill loved ones back home if Tamil immigrants don't pay up. They are also notorious for drug-running and people-smuggling.

        The LTTE is particularly active within the Tamil communities in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Just this week, the National Post revealed that Canadian and U.S. authorities had broken up a major Tiger-run smuggling ring that had sought to sneak Tiger agents and fundraisers into Canada via Bangkok, Mexico City and the United States.

        Pierre Pettigrew, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, explained Monday that to outlaw the Tigers now would derail a heretofore-unknown Canadian-Norwegian initiative to broker peace between the Tamils and Sri Lanka's majority Sinhalese. But the Liberals' ambivalence toward the Tigers predates any secret Ottawa-Oslo treaty negotiations.
        In 2000, against the strong objections of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, then-finance minister Paul Martin, then-international co-operation minister Maria Minna and several other government MPs attended a Toronto fundraising event for the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT) -- an organization identified by the U.S. government as a front for the LTTE. The reason was obvious: Courting the support of a vote-rich ethnic community was more important than worrying about which elements of it the Liberals were rubbing shoulders with.
        To his credit, And before he left the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo yesterday, Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers, two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year. Until 2002, the Liberals clung to the notion that the Islamic extremists of Hezbollah were not terrorists, either. It took nearly six months of public and parliamentary pressure to convince the government to do what would have come naturally to anyone not trawling for votes in ethnic communities. Given that the Liberals seem even more entrenched in their sentiments toward the Tigers, convincing them to outlaw the LTTE could prove an even tougher battle. But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.

        National Post January 18, 2005更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 嗯,前面半句是你们保守党的心声。后面半句是偷换概念,你们保守党的绝招之一。我们只讨论平等,没有要求照顾。移民只有在资源不紧张的时候可以和当地人平等,那如果紧张了呢?保守党就要照顾移民了?
        • 不明白,资源紧张时为什么要照顾移民?
    • 自由党 是 爰国爰移民的好榜样! 管你安全部说老虎是恐怖组织! 为了表示亲民的好形像!它的筹虎大会就是要参加! 老虎头头们就是要接见, 他们不远万里来到加拿大。 总理怎可不见他,还要不辞劳苦组团去回访他!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛因为谁选我党 ,我党就要保护他!

      [转帖]Liberals and deadly Tigers

      National Post

      January 15, 2005

      Your editorial (Don't Play With Tigers, Jan. 13) rightly criticizes MP Jim Karygiannis for pandering to the Tamil Tigers and their front organizations. It is puzzling why some Liberals turn a blind eye to a group that is noted for its suicide bombings, forcible recruitment of children as soldiers, arms trafficking and the assassination of Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

      When I was a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, I dealt with hundreds of refugee claims by Sri Lankan Tamils. Most had been victimized by the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The fast-track asylum process allowed innumerable Tigers to obtain Canadian citizenship and to use Canada as a safe base for their operations, including drug trafficking and credit-card fraud.

      They also extort money from Canadian Tamils, as they do in Sri Lanka, to support the Tiger cause.

      If Mr. Karygiannis believes the Tigers in Canada are representative of the more than 200,000 Canadians of Tamil origin, he is guilty of unforgivable ignorance.

      William Bauer, Hensall, Ont.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 马丁就是个说大话的人,前12年华人80%都选自由党,但马丁保护过华人么?人头税问题,连说声sorry都很难.
    • 成天听你们喊,其实中心意思也就是:如果不投自由党,一旦哈伯上台,太阳将残疾,月亮会没腿,地球要顺流星转,加拿大会成人间地狱,移民从此生不如死..blarblar
      • fight for the loser 是他的权利, 让他忙吧
        • 那也比人家要吃你的肉, 你还自愿给人磨刀好!
    • this might be a way out: "After 12 years in power, the Liberal Party stands to be swept out by the Conservatives, led by a man many have called the Canadian twin of George W. Bush.........
      • there's a good chance the Conservatives will not win enough seats to control Parliament outright and will have to form a minority government — and minority governments.. don't tend to last too long. (zt)