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I just want to kindly suggest you: be nice. Please do not judge the other person by your sallow experience and superficial knowledge of his life.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In one post (#2714793) you said this: “I think among the regulars in this forum you are the few ones who do have most right points in love matters. But I also found some regulars have wrong image about themselves!!! The writing and activity do not reflect their qualities that they think are very excellent. I guess this is one of the reasons they are always yelling for love and caring. Writing and some other talents are only the icing on the cake, do not necessarily prove you have right quality and attitude( software ). “

In another post(#2715654) you said this: “Of course my writing reflect my personal style and quality. That is something after I digest of real life”

So according to your logic, when you write down something, that is what you digested of your real life. When others write down something, it does not reflect their qualities that they think they have. What a conflict and what a Bxxxshit!

And may I ask you, when you say “But I also found some regulars have wrong image about themselves!!!”. What is your point? Do you know these people, do you know their lives. If you do not, how can you judge the other persons’ lives based on your limited imagination?

Lady, I do not want to expose more details as we are adults, we know what we should do, what we should not.

Let me stop here.

You take care and once you got your coffee, please do not drink too much. Otherwise you will burn yourself out all night.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 加拿大谈恋爱这么世俗?连老狼这种有点艺术细胞的人也搞人口买卖(男的年薪,女的美貌)我看年薪有啥用,不如定个最低净资产70万,在多伦多刚小康!
    • 确实有种关系, 女的不在乎男的钱少, 男的不在乎女的相貌的
      • 真正的爱情是一种感觉,要是买卖,那样的爱情有意思吗?钱多就娶貌美的,人靓就找大款嫁,这种婚姻要它干吗?
    • 看不懂
      • 你看老狼搞的单身聚会,那个俗!
        • 也不能这样说,世界本来就是雅俗共享,没有农民的俗,能有小资的雅吗?rolia是个雅俗共赏的地方,允许人家俗,才显的你雅
          • 我也不算雅,但我绝不不会把感情抹上铜臭.如果两个人是因为钱结婚的,那还不如直接嫁给钱更划算.当年还有亿万富婆看上我.为啥看上我,就看上我的爱情观.想钱的人该急了吧!
            • 每个人的世界观,价值观不同,并不等于他就俗,爱钱没有什么不好,爱钱才能想办法赚钱,能赚钱会赚钱的人都是有本事的人呢!
              • 如果爱情都是这样,那这样的婚姻和常年包一个小姐有何区别?我认为婚姻是需要一定的物质基础.但绝对不能一切向钱看.不然这个时代太堕落!
                • 你都爱上了太太以外的女人算不算堕落呢?
                  • 只要是真正的爱情,就不算堕落!现在的爱情观不在是一对一了.对任何美好的事物都产生爱的感觉,那是一种人文自然!
                    • 吃饭了吗???
                      • 一起吃吗?
                        • 我还没试过和女士aa制.
                        • 不敢,吃相不好,怕你笑话!
                          • 吃相不好,那是自然美,吃相好,那是矫揉造作!
                            • 通俗!对我胃口!
                              • 吃相不好的女人,面相学说,都是床上尤物!
                                • rolia真好,都是专家。。。
                                  • 又说对了,做害羞状!
                                • 哇, 精辟, 要好好收藏. 那么, 请问吃相不好的男人又怎么讲呢?
                                  • 基本是早泄....
                                    • 胡扯!更厉害!
                                      • 你又自以为是了吧
        • 在哪儿看?
          • 挖个坑:单身的你是愿意在家呆着唰网还是愿意与一群不相识的人聚在一起吃饭聊天?哪样更好
            • 那样都不喜欢,挺无聊的。。。没有意义,还是跟熟悉的朋友聊天好
              • 是,朋友就是老的好
            • 香哥,直接就COPY了嗦?怎么也该加个ZT是吧
        • 大哥,谁没有说重了,说多了,说错了话的时候呢?让我们选择性失忆好了。明天, 又是另外一天啦。
          • 明天和今天能有多大区别?
    • 还是比较市侩。
      • 同意!喜欢你那种凭感觉做事情!
        • 谁凭感觉做事?
          • 发言的女士,短暂的存在
            • 存在是永恒的,出现是短暂的。
              • 这话太经典,希望你的日子和你的话一样经典,
    • 其实漂亮女人蛇蝎心肠的多,不知道这些男人怎么见一个漂亮两字都腿软了.真没用!!我欣赏心灵美丽的女人,当然,外表也得有点心灵美溢出来的所谓气质!
      • 好女人有很多呀,不过都结婚了。不能当第三者呀。
        • 爱情无极限!
          • 错!!应该是爱情有极限,互动无极限!
            • 准确地说色男无极限.人色不错,还是丰富多彩的人生
    • 也许人家只想表明自己找MM的标准, 同时提供一些自己的情况.好像也称不上有多俗.
      • 这样目的的聚会太俗,而且阻挡了一些条件不够却真正有爱心的人!
    • 香哥,你的故事我很感动.你是不是为咱们些个还相信纯洁爱情的善男善女们服点务好不好?比如组织一个活动什么的?你看,幸福家庭那边都有个朋友要为单身父母们组织活动了.你可不能落后哦?大家说好不好?
      • 等哪天我有了闲心,我的爱情聚会就是要有真正的爱心,蛇蝎的想嫁钱的美女谢绝入内!一心只想美女的男人也请便.等我种的蓝莓结果了吧.
        • 你每天都有这么多闲心在这里给发贴,稍微分点心,不就成了?
        • 啥时候结果?
          • 我还没去买苗尼,不过大家真觉得我能给大家办这样的事情?
        • 春节都快到了,你老人家还是要赶快点哦.圣诞节和新年已经错过了,春节一定要看到你老人家才行
          • 他多老?一口一个老人家!
            • 真想为大家组织,犹豫中,这辈子做回活雷锋?把好女人亲手送到别的男人手中?送进围城让他们吃苦头?
              • 你都有了,就不要一心多用了.给大家减点压力好不好?活雷锋是做好事,积德.要做的.
                • 还是祝你们聚会成功!
        • 我在这里这么些时间了,你哥们也没看着闲了,就知道灌水,没见你组织活动什么的,想必也还是一光说不练的主儿。
          • 等春暖花开,给你们单身人士弄一个,我还得倒贴烧烤经费,(已经申请批准),谁让我多嘴.我实际上应该去弄交换舞伴的聚会.
    • w = wife?
      • 我也希望我只爱一个,哎,生活总是比自己想象得还要复杂!
        • 爱过了就不要遗憾,毕竟是付出真心和真诚。。。
          • 那是,只要是真爱就不遗憾,不后悔.
    • 人各有志, 你这样拆台不太好吧? 你不是也在卖弄吗, 只是卖点不一样吧. : )
      • 我喜欢批评我看不惯的东西,我是无聊而已,上网发泄
        • 刚在老狼那儿报了名,就被你给搅了。郁闷:)
        • 看出来你也无聊. 但挡人财路这种事,不是你的作风吧?
          • 庸俗的恋爱,永远要批判,不然,人类不是越来越堕落?以后哪还有美好的爱情可言?
            • 俺马上辞工到鱼塘咖啡馆见习打杂,具体在哪?
              • 也许你人生的爱情驿站就在你家门口的小杂店.
    • 其实尽管我和w其实都比当地白人富裕!....... 什么标准?
      • 高于他们的平均水平.
    • 你不用写文激我了,我自此潜水,再不出头了.
      至于人口贩卖一说, 我们都是结过婚的人. 世界上哪里有没有条件的爱情?能有一个稳定的年薪是能力的表示. 如果你和W是真爱, 你为何不放弃你那个70万,跟W走?我一个俗人都可以放弃没有真爱家庭[和财产], 你为何不能从头再来?
      • Sounds reasonable
      • 你何必和他认真,他YY还没醒呢。天塌了不怕,就怕楼主YY。
      • 婚姻和爱情有很大不同,爱情可以不食人间烟火,婚姻可不能没有经济基础
      • 我也说婚姻需要物质基础.但完全金钱化就不好了.我要是办单身聚会,就会把物质条件放低,另外你也是过来人,一味的追求女人外表这不好.美女蛇蝎心肠的多
      • 在金钱面前,我也动摇过.包括当年那亿万富婆的求婚.如果和w结合,我们会更富有.我在加拿大也不再用辛苦打工.但最后,我还是在做我人生应该做的事,负应该负的责.晚年我会照顾w的.
    • 你我都是凡人, 说能无杂念? 不要以为W这两年没有别人. 一个优秀女人的感情怎么 可能是空白的. 如果你认为她得不到你还苦苦等你, 你是意淫或者你是电影明星.
      • 她当然可以有人,这年头爱情不再是一对一,一生最爱是我就可以.
    • 1)Not all Chinese girls are hunting for gold! 2)看了你的东东,觉得你是因为她富有才那么感动......呵呵,不忽视的,还 是.......大奔哦。
      • 你不应该断章取义,人家先前不是说了吗?那个女孩子开始开破车,后来有钱了,才开大奔。
        • 我的理解是:她钓鱼的时候,开得是破车,其实她是有钱的,开大奔的。才有感动哦。
          • 理解够深刻!extra miles!佩服!
          • 是,这年头,开大奔的不嫌弃一个咖啡馆打工的还足以令人感动吗?再说,我又不貌比潘安.(虽然我其实也不比那家咖啡馆老板穷.)
            • 这年头, 有钱人的到咖啡厅打工稀奇. 没钱人开大奔不稀奇(比如我去年就开个奔驰 320越野). 还是俗人啊. 买个COFFEETIME得啦. 干点啥不比打工好
              • 还是你狠,小心越难枪手,不然又要被国内人仇富!
    • Actually, I think you are "su" too.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You do not need to let other people down in order to show you off. You do not choose that rich lady, probably 'couse she is too old to you, or too tough, too ugly., Since you are not poor, such kind of lady should not occupy your memory at all. You still remember her even write her down, that shows you feel flatted by a rich lady's purposed. Yor are not deep either. I agree with your most points except this time. I think if you really have some good quality and right attitude, it is not difficult to find a partner in your life. But it is not easy to find a soul mate. Nothing wrong with sallow or deep, just be real you. sometimes sallow, simple people is real fun. Just try not to be pretentious. If you do not understand what kind of person you are. You will also be confused by your choice.Love money, go for it. Love beaty, go for it. Be a adult, you should have the capabillity to estimat the benefit and harms.Sometimes, people's image of themself is different from the image in other people. You think you are something,other people think you are nothing.If you keep to youself, it is ok. But if you still want to coordinate with life or other people, you have to adjust youself. If you have right hardware, probably you have not right attitude couse you could not find a partner. If you have right attitude, probably you have not right hardware. Understand youself , don't fool youself first. And be real you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 写得很好,深有感触.不过如何做自己,这个问题说得容易做起来很难,人生难免迷茫,难免失落,难免被回忆击伤,太自我的人生并不是好的人生,好的人生是顺其自然,关怀细微
        • I am glad you can take my words positively.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I think among the regulars in this forum you are the fews who do have most right points in love matters. But I also found some regulars have wrong image about themself!!! The writing and activity do not reflect their qualities which they think are very excellent. I guess this is one of the reasons they are always yelling for love and caring. Writing and some other talents are only the icing on the cake, do not nessessaryly prove you have right quality and attitude( sofeware). I just want to say to people who own such kind of trait, " you are fired, 'couse you are overqualified"!
          Male peacock ' s fancy feather is always atractive the female peacocks. The tigar or eagle even the wolf will not be interested in them. Unfortunatly, when you criticise other peacocks, you showed a little bit of your own peacock feather. Ha, ha.
          It is not easy to find Mr.right or Ms. right. Hope everybody has good luck in this new year.
          Be honest to youself. Nobody put a gun behind your head forcing you to make any decisions.If you have some specific needs you always can't satisfy them. Don't blam other people or envirment . Wondering youself first. Gradualy you will get relatively objective image about youself. Then you will feel less and less frustrated when you try to socialize with people and build any kind of relationship.
          Telling the truth is always hurting. I hope people would like read my words as constructive advice not nagitive opinion.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 写得不错,只恨自己英语不好,读了个一知半解.不过感觉你是一个理论大于实践的女人.写起来流畅,说不定生活里更是一团糟.不过,你很有才华,才华可以掩盖一切无知!
            • Ha, ha, ha. You made me laught. Maybe you are right. Right now I am think about your name.Still can't help laughting........
              • 你傻笑个啥?我名字?一部电影,难道我说对你了,给你看看面相就知!
                • Partialy right. I can write something down , becouse i understand something well already.
                  Something I cann't write down, becouse I don't have clear clue yet. And there are still a lot waiting for me to figure out.
                  • 你可以写出故事,写出结尾,但你能写出你的心吗?
                    • No, I can't. It is a little bit against people's tranditional value judgement. Don't want offend majority people here. I keep to myself.
                      • 所以,自己的心不在里面,写的东西再华丽,再流畅,都不是真正的感悟,所以我说你书卷气浓.
                        • oh, my lord. Why I am not mat at you? 'couse you always make me laught.
                          Ofcouse my writing reflect my personale style and quality. That is something after I digest of real life. People show part of them here and there, then and now. If you realy feel comfortable and ready to show somebody the whole picture of you. You have to feel comfortable first and trust the person . He, he, he, Stop it. My dear gentleman. Talk something simple and sallow. I got to buy coffee. See you later.
                          • 咖啡女人,月亮上没有咖啡喝,你将如何生存.
                            • How? don't worry, there should be a coffee tree or sent the rabbit to deliver the coffee for me.
                              • 咖啡是一种神经!
          • If you think I cannot figure out who you are by your English wording, you are wrong.
            Please do not take me wrong. What I am doing, is what I need to do. If I was born as cock, then I would and would only look for a chicken. Peacock or eagle or whatever other animals is not my choice. Please understand that people are different. We will only appreciate the ones who can touch our souls. And also, please do not be annoyed that someone thinks you are not his type. Because in the same time, he is your type either.
            • Wow, this is another gentleman made me laught today. I got to get coffee. Talk you later.
              • I just want to kindly suggest you: be nice. Please do not judge the other person by your sallow experience and superficial knowledge of his life.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In one post (#2714793) you said this: “I think among the regulars in this forum you are the few ones who do have most right points in love matters. But I also found some regulars have wrong image about themselves!!! The writing and activity do not reflect their qualities that they think are very excellent. I guess this is one of the reasons they are always yelling for love and caring. Writing and some other talents are only the icing on the cake, do not necessarily prove you have right quality and attitude( software ). “

                In another post(#2715654) you said this: “Of course my writing reflect my personal style and quality. That is something after I digest of real life”

                So according to your logic, when you write down something, that is what you digested of your real life. When others write down something, it does not reflect their qualities that they think they have. What a conflict and what a Bxxxshit!

                And may I ask you, when you say “But I also found some regulars have wrong image about themselves!!!”. What is your point? Do you know these people, do you know their lives. If you do not, how can you judge the other persons’ lives based on your limited imagination?

                Lady, I do not want to expose more details as we are adults, we know what we should do, what we should not.

                Let me stop here.

                You take care and once you got your coffee, please do not drink too much. Otherwise you will burn yourself out all night.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • I am back. Just read your new message, It looks like you are furious. I wonder why?
                  Calm down. I am nobody in your life. You just consider my writing too seriously. If my comments is totally wrong. Just ignore them. You no need down your level to argue with me. At begining, I thought you are brave and frank man. After i read more and more your messages. Give me a different feeling about you. So many people here say the same thing about you. Why you only jump on me? I gave you message in here publicly. Becouse I do not think there is any thing need to be hide.It is you to ask me to cancel them. I consider it is good manner try to protect other people's privacy. I do not think we have right fundation to conmmunicate with each other.
                  Anyway, how about your exclusive party? I probably is one among them. Have nice evering.
      • seriously agreed!
        • 她写得很好,你也有可能比她写得更好,反正是我这个自以为能写的人没面子!